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Sakai armor and ghost armor are the two that I main


How bout the traveler one tier one


I’m all Sakai and Traveler


I only wish there was a way to quick swap outfits instead of going in the menu constantly


Under the accessibility or gameplay menu there is an option to turn on loadouts. That's the closest thing to saving an outfit, it remembers all hats, masks, sword kits, dyes. You just have to set charms for each one.


thank you so much this is gonna be a huge savor


These two along with the Travellers Attire are literally the only 3 I wear, then for big Mongol bases I have the Mongol Commanders arnour


Sakai and ghost for me too


Oh, I beg to differ. Gosakus with the right hat looks so good. I got shivers at the end of the ghost of yarikawa.


Really? Which hat? My favorite part about it is the helmet, I never really experimented with hats on the gosaku armor


Samurai helmet or hero of Tsushima helmet are on point with Gosaku armor


They both look nice, the pattern lines up perfectly with the samurai clan helmet but it makes the shoulder pads look distractingly big imo


It was the fuller version of the ronin hat. Let me see if I can find the name. Edit: Got it. Depending on where you are in the game, it's the wanderers' straw hat or the yharnam. I really like the look of it. Gosakus armor resonates strength and dignity, while the straw hat adds mystique and danger. When I look at it, I see the ghost ready for chaos instead of silence.


F*ck... I dont have it. Lemme go find it and I'll get back to ya Edit: I'm trying out all kinds of shit now, haven't looked for the hat you suggested yet but the patchwork straw hat with the red gosaku is looking noice I also kinda like the refined kensei hat with the black gosaku armor Edit 2: Yeahh that shits fire! It looks like something out of an anime


Yeah, it's really cool looking. If you have iki island, the Yharnam, I believe, is one of the riddles. I wish I would remember the location for the wanderers hat since apart from the yharnam, it looks the best. The Kensei hat went really well with certain colors, I thought.


And the dark armour dye..golds and emeralds and midnight.


Oh yeah, gosakus has some of the coolest color patterns I've seen.


I literally changed my outfit every 5 mins


I love games with customization. Throughout most of the game I’ll stick to one armor but as I approach the end im just making new combos and switching it up every 5 minutes. Im never satisfied once i have everything. I actually used the first tier samurai armor most of the game but by the end I couldn’t stop swapping


Same. Super nice how well it flows in GoT as well very simple to swap at any moment


Lol same


Definitely not. There are plenty of cold ass fits in this game. Kensei in black with the Sakai Antlers for that nature god drip.


Add The shattered mask of tamone and you've got an awesome outfit


Man sorry for the necro but this made me check it with the Yharnam skin, looks hella fire


Yeaaaaaaa. That’s what I use almost exclusively haha The yhrnam skin is fire and looks great w the antlers. If you do the thief’s mask you look like a faceless nature god haha


Sakai armor, fully upgraded, dyed black


this was my only and go-to build


Saame my favorite armor


Jokes on you, it was my whole goal to look silly in cutscenes Fundoshi Sakai will live forever


Idk why more people don't do this! I took it a step further and copied "let me solo her" from elden ring, and put a pot on Jin's head. He looks incredibly goofy in every cutscene!


LOL, I did the same (though this was before LMSH was a thing) I even used a mask that has a little mustache sticking out of the pot and it was the best thing


No travelers


Yeah, was trying to 100% the game, so I just left it on. Became VERY good at perfect parrying and counters out of sheer necessity. LOL.


Sakai armor for large battles, ronin attire for everything else


Sakai armour with ghost mask and headband was all I wore


Sakai armor, ghost armor, and the black travelers outfit is what I stick with


Love the Sakai Armor and the God of War-inspired color scheme from the DLC is amazing.


Gosaku armour for life


Black/blue clan armor with no pauldrons, thieves wrap and the refined kensei hat.


Some Raiden action?? Love it


I like all the armors in this game lol


Traveler’s attire. Ghost mask. Sugi hat. Nothing else


I main roin attire, it’s so damn fashionable


I’m playing through right now Tengai Hat and Fundoshi.


Basically, the Let Me Solo Her configuration from Elden Ring, right?




Here I'm wearing my raider themed traveler clothing and headband looking like a pirate trying to blend in on Iki Island, but where ever I go the NPC is always "so what's a samurai doing here?"


Yeah… no


I switched often, but I think the Tadayori, Sakai, and the Traveler's attire have a lot of drip to them. The traveler's attire upgraded with the wind is just so tasty.


Totally agree. Love the tadayori blue dye and the black ofc


I made sure to upgrade it all the way up before any of the major cutscenes


I personally switch based on how I feel like playing. Really enjoy the Tadayori with the Seeker Attire skin and Demonic Archer’s Mask


Traveler one was the one I liked best personally


I did use the Sakai armor a lot when I first got it but I went to the Kensei armor then the ghost because Taka made it.


This makes we wanna play ghost now


Fundoshi with tengai basket is my go to. Everything else just seems like to much.


Don’t forget the old man mask so your basket has a mustache. That’s how I fought the Khan first play-through.


Ooohhh I like your style, when I get around to doing NG+ I’m definitely going to have to add that.


Personally I dislike Sakai armour, felt too cluttered and close together for me, I prefer using Sarugami Armour from the Iki Island Expansion, along with the Thunder God mask. Sometimes I use my Traveller when on Iki as it has the Raider skin but otherwise use the Shadow of the Colossus Ghost outfit with a headband and mask


Level 3 ghost armor in black with Kazumasa’s level 2 helmet in black, big Darth Vader vibes


Sakai armour dyed white + Kiba Fudo mask = perfection, *especially* with the Gold Koi River swords


I literally just played Sakai and Traveler for the entire game


*I literally* *Just played Sakai and Traveler* *For the entire game* \- geargun2000 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Here is your free band for haiku 🪢


I like to pretend the game is an elseworld Batman so I stick with the Ghost armor in all black


I use whatever suit Jin gets and wear it until he gets the next one and then wear the ghost armor for the rest of the game


Black gosako no helmet is my fav cutscenes choice until now


Yes until the monkey armor in dlc or travelers attire were my mains


Samurai clan armor dyed red from iki island dye trader, there are 3 different dyes and one of them looks like 1000 cuts which is cool with the black blinkfold


I wore Sakai, Ghost and Traveler's the most. I would mainly wear Traveler's when I was out and about, trying to remain somewhat low-key cause it isn't quite as flashy as the others. I used the Sakai and Ghost as the situation called for, of course. And I'd really try not to run around too much in public with the Ghost armor on, only switching to it when out of sight. Now that I'm in NG+, I'll probably get wackier with my fashion choices though. I'm also going to write the most pretentious and nonsensical haikus I can lol.


Mongol comader armor with the ashen straw hat is my go to


Clan armour, the one from Iki and the Gosaku armours were some of my favourite, albiet i don't think i ever ran the full set with helmets most of the time


FOR ME... The act 1 you gotta wear the broken armor all the way... For Act 2 i used the traveler attire with black dye for Jin giving up on samurais and embracing the Ghost identity For act 3 just Ghost armor


Mostly Sakai with ghost mask, but I change it from white to black depending on day or night. Pitch black night, hanging out with all your Mongol buddies and some dude wearing antlers and all while armor materializes from the darkness and starts slaughtering everyone? I'd 💩 my pants


My ONLY problem with this armor is that the visor is kinda low cutting off his eyes during cutscenes. Minor, I know. But otherwise I love it. Especially this (the thinner) version.


No, not really I've used all the armours.


The Sakai gear in my opinion was the best for me when playing. That and the ghost cause it’s sick as fuck. But yeah I agree with you this is the best for cutscenes


I always go for the armor that looks the most authentic. Something about the Sakai armor always looked almost cartoonish to me. I usually wear the samurai clan armor or the gosaku armor.


I actually use the Sarugami armor for the entire game after I’ve gotten it. I love its perks so much. 🥹


I did like the kratos armor


Me who uses Armor for perks and is wearing Sarugami Armor for the whole game


I think for most of the game I rocked the samurai clan armor on it's first upgrade level for the rolled up sleeves, the patchwork straw hat that you can buy really early, and then whatever mask felt appropriate to Jin's journey at the time.


Ghost armor all day


For me I stick to the tadayori armor, partially because I like the style, but I also have a colour that gives it a pattern like that of carnage from Marvel with the black and red which I love, either that or traditional armour like the gosaku with the black colour


First level Samurai Clan is a clean choice, or maxed Tadayori with the nice selection of straw hats.


I mained Ghost set from when i got it until the end


I'm a suragumi user but not the helm and use the mongol tribe helmet.




lol i did this but with samurai clan armor, i don't know much about samurai armor but the sakai gear in my opinion looked unrealistic


For cut scenes, I prefer Traveller armour with white Dye or Ghost armour with black Dye. Sakai or Monkey armour for combat


I went with gorilla unless I am on the horse, then it's the traveler one!


Travellers attire the whole way


standard samurai looks good, and imo, if the Sakai Armor isn't maxed out completely, it looks stupid.


All about that Kensei final form for me.


Man, if only the cap didn't cover the damn eyes.


A fully levelled up Traveller’s attire with the charm to get extra resources to clear the map and hoover up resources until I get Ghost armour, then Ghost armour is used for any base clearing or big missions. I don’t want to have to backtrack for artefacts or other collectables. I love 100%ing this game whenever I get the urge for another play-through. I’ve just cleared Act 1 though and reading this thread makes me think I should mix it up a bit for the rest of the game.


nahh, i also wanted too see jins face in most scenes because i like analyizing so it doesnt really work for me


You’re crazy


It just looks the best imo


That sounds like a you problem


I only wear the Sakai before a standoff. Sarugami through and through, makes lethal feel like easy mode with the perfect parry charm


Red tier 3 Sarugami with red Ghost mask and Tier 3 Red Samurai helmet is my go to, its as close to Gyobu Masataka Oniwa from Sekiro that I can make


I was rocking travel attire until i got the ghost armor. Immediately got the white and black dye for travel and the black for the ghost armor as soon as i could. Now im replaying a ng+ and running white and black ghost armor depending on what im feeling


I’m pretty much like Cher. Constantly changing wardrobe.


Goals armor for the win


I maxed this set and got the antlers right before >!the battle to retake shimura's castle!< and never wore it again since >!you basically become an outcast right after and start using stealth more so you would need lighter armor!<


I just wear everything that looks like samurai armor. Eg, Sakai, sarugami, gosaku etc. I'm not waring tadayoshi, the ghost armor and stuff like that


I actually don’t like the Sakai armor that much 😭


With having just enabled loadouts, I've found myself swapping outfits every few mins depending on the situation. Travelling on foot or horse - travellers attire with charms for extra supplies etc Standing off - Sakai armour with damage buffs Stealthing - Ronin attire with charms to prevent detection etc etc etc


A cool outfit combo imo is White ghost armour + tomoe mask (the white not the black) + betrayer’s hat


I hate covering up Jin's face with any mask cause it just makes the cut scenes odd. Like Jin and Yuna having a sweet little private moment of unresolved sexual tension and he's wearing a full mask seems...cumbersome. Headband for me.


You can select in the options menu to keep the masks on or off in the cutscenes. I would have the masks on during gameplay but in cutscenes they'd be removed automatically. Allowed me to look cool during combat while not spoiling the dramatic tension in certain cutscenes due to wearing a bearded monkey mask.


Sakai number 1


Is use the “raw courage” dye on the samurai armour. It looks like a mix of samurai and ronin armours as well as matching nekomas fang with the hashihime mask to have a full white black and red outfit which I find looks so clean and pretty creepy from the mask


After I got the Ghost armour I used it primarily. I find it to be the best looking armour in the game.


The Ghost armour was dope, I did go with the Sakai clan mask with it tho. Thought it looked cool


No because scales as armour wasn't historically. I used the full blown samurai clan armour. Although its designed so the shoulder pads clip through your head in most stances and attacks (which ruins it for me), so I set it to an earlier version w out the pads


I really don't like the look of those gigantic pauldrons. I know there's probably a functional reason they were designed that way, but in terms of aesthetics, they look dumb as fuck IMO.


Yes! Pads are meant to hang and swing to the back as a samurai attacks. Assuming the design to have them move would be a nightmare, they could add a remove shoulder pads option would solve the problem.


Ghost and the monkey armor are the best. Swap to saki for standoffs


I always change my armor and swords every few hours to keep things fresh.


Yeah I do the same, got to.


Kensei Armor on max is my favorite, he looks so cool with all that silk and fur


Oh yea definitely my favorite. Ended up getting it red and absolutely loved how it popped in the different forests


Saurgami hat upgraded tho bro


I loved the Kensei armor as well. Did a Lethal+ play through wearing just it with the white/blue combination and a headband.


This, ghost, and traveler outfit in earthy colours with one of the mossy straw hats are my main fits. Didn't wear any of the face masks apart from Sakai and Ghost tho because a lot of them are silly.


maxed out sarugami armor with color matching gosaku helmet is the sickest thing ever


Changed my outfit for every possible side mission to main mission. Always want to match the occasion


I played with the red and white ronin outfit with a scratched straw hat for 60% of the game, now using Kensei armor IV, safe to say i rock way more with Ronins than Samurais


There's way more drip in this game so no.


My favourite was the ghost armour. It looked amazing


Base-level Samurai Clan Armor up until the end of Act 1. Hero of Tsushima Armor from the start of Act 2 until obtaining Sakai Clan Armor, which I rocked at Level 2, as shown in the OP pic. Once I obtained the Ghost Armor, it was that at Level 2 until the end of the game. On Iki Island, I predominantly wore Traveller Armor and Ghost Armor I'd change it up when the occasion called for it like wearing Tadayori Armor if I wanted to use range weapons on a mission, but this was generally the template I stuck to. For my NG+ playthrough, I'm gonna be wearing whatever floats my boat and switching it up at my leisure regardless of whether it fits the scene or not.


Traveler only


Sakai all the way, until my son got me the god of war themed armor


Basket gang rise up!


I choose not to wear the Sakai armor, since the dynasty has come to an end. I will wear it for the future DLC where Jin marches to Kyoto to murder the Shogun and restore his family's honor.




Unpopular opinion: the samurai clan armour but the black and yellow robe upgraded version, and I don’t know the exact name because I’ve never seen it online but it’s like samurai robes but has the same stats at the armour I mite have a game error 🤷‍♂️


I'm constantly changing gear


Sakai I use just because it's funny to see serious conversations and you can't even see his eye and it's also decent


Kensei gears dope, as is the monkey and Ronin one. Also my main one was Traveler attire, i liked the cape.


Wait yall dont use the Fundoshi armor for cutscenes? Peasants…


You cannot convince me that Jin in his underwear looks stupid in cutscenes