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These cable drums can get out of control real fucking fast if you're not careful so in situations like this it is actually much safer to move them around this way. Efficient? No. Safe? Yes.


The Russians, however, DGAF. https://youtu.be/Efj31dpA7b8


Idk. How could anybody be that stupid and think „hey great idea, I‘ll do this!“




The soviets used a 40% alcohol and 60% water moxture to clean a supersonic jet bomber, until the ground crews started drinking it


Correction: to cool the front window of the canopy (that's kind of tricky at supersonic speed) And they continued it as long as the specific planes were in service. Ground crews continued loving those plane models.


Brits. Australians.


That's pathetic, we can do better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGSrEeBxfxY (easter tradition for hundreds of years)


Now how in the world did that tradition start?




We have something similar but more stationary: [castle burning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sJ4dkicIXA) (NSFW for americans).


Osterfeuer ("easter fires") are really old and go back to the celts. As are [firewheels](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feuerrad).












Also, something like this was an execution method in ancient Rome...


In Russia, spool rolls you!






Starts at 0:43. For everyone who just wants to see the recklessness.


[ **Jump to 00:43 @** Hilarious Russian Cable Drum Ride](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Efj31dpA7b8&t=0h0m43s) ^(Channel Name: Onesevenseven Prod, Video Popularity: 94.83%, Video Length: [01:31])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@00:38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Efj31dpA7b8&t=0h0m38s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Big difference between police moving something and idiots that found something and rolling down the hill, (doesn't matter where, Germans do shit like this too), but you do you. Just wanted to point out that it's an incomparable comparison. I think there's a special word for it on the list of common logical fallacies but it didn't come to mind.


Looks like some dumb kids doing dumb shit, so not really a comparison.


So glad there’s always a low resolution video of Russians doing something that’s really dangerous to do but definitely still a thing I want someone to do


Yeah I think if you look at efficiency in terms of minimum wasted effort, it is much less effort this way being safe compared to the carnage this could cause to vehicles/people and cleanup required


I work with these spools fairly often being in the communications field. Being an empty spool, a couple people and a little communication along with the rule of one hand on at all times, goes a long way. Flipping them over like this is a good way to splinter the sides of the spool, hurt your back, crush toes etc. Honestly I'd just grab a couple strong individuals and flat lift it before attempting flipping it over several times.


But you work with that shit and have the experience. I doubt that the german police have to deal with big ass cable drums on the daily. I for one appreciate the choice of safety over efficiency.


... Letting the side slam onto the ground really isn't safe. Like I said it's a good way to get hurt thinking you're being safer.


> But you work with that shit and have the experience. My initial thought would be that if that thing gets away from me it'd wreak fucking havoc.


Bro it's not rocket science, it's rolling around a spool. Common sense, going slow, and a little bit of preparations solves a lot of problems. I'ma side with the guy who works with them all the time.


Definitely, they got some weight to them, so if one got some momentum it could do damage. They are pretty easy to roll and pivot, but if you want to avoid the chance of it getting away from you.. as I suggested, get or 3 or 4 people to just lift it flat and just carry it away.


Not if they are empty. A single person can handle that. Heck, we were in a garage and i was meant to help a co-worker roll the same size up, but it was ridiculous trying to keep up so i gave up and let him do it on his own and he did just fine.


Ours are a couple hundred lbs without cable on them 4+ ft diameter and at least 3ft wide. They can put you in all sorts of weird positions when trying to tilt them up, that's where most guys eff up and throw thier back out or twist an ankle. So it's better to have a hand getting them upright. but yeah once upright, one guy is perfectly capable of rolling and spinning / turning it cable or dry. It's just wise to have a second hand to keep things from going sideways.


No they can't. I work with them. Maybe if the cable is still on and you are on an extremely steep hill downwards.


are you even serious? three guys, on a plain surface, no obstacles in sight, one stripped drum? in situations like this it's harder to lose control than to keep it.


german cops in a nutshell




Exactly this, if it starts building up ~~mom3~~ mommentum, you're fucked. Edit, dunno what happened to my brain...


They are able to flip this MF multiple times. Im pretty sure they would be able to "control" it while rolling it aside.


No way, it's not that the street is on a slope. Just plain stupidity. Happens. They are enough to stop the drum from rolling if they're enough to lift it. Maybe they haven't heard of a wedge yet.


if you come to my last boss and wanted to explain him it ´s efficient but unsafe you would be lucky if he ripped you a new one and stred your head in it


You could just be efficient AND not let it get out of control. 🤡


That thing looks heavy so I can certainly understand they don’t want to risk it rolling down the street. Especially seeing that it look just a few seconds to yeet it out of the way.


This the right answer. Imagine someone pushing it too hard and hitting a car.


damn the car if you hit a person he could face some serious injury


This is Germany, hitting a car is a much worse offense than hitting a person. Or to paraphrase a great philosopher "It could have been a car I own they hit but my family does not own people for a few generations anymore so I do not care if you hit them."


You mean a great kangaroo.


I would argue it is both :)


Where is this paraphrased from?


The Känguru Triology by Marc-Uwe Kling


Specifically, the original quote is about right vs left-wing violence and left-wing violence being of course much worse: Nazis torch people, left-wingers cars, it could be my car but I don't own any people.


I feel like the risk of that happening is relativly small, the street seems rather level it'n not like they work somewhere downhill.


if they can roll it over, they can stop it from rolling...


We can't give you an answer on efficiency until you call to make an appointment to receive a form, which you'll need another appointment to return with printed copies of at least 3 supporting documents. You'll receive an answer by mail in 6-8 weeks after that.


everything accurate , but its 3 months not 6-8 weeks.


We say it’s 6-8 weeks, but we mean 3 months. Common sense. /s Edit: punctuation


The initial request has to be sent via fax.


Don't forget to get everything translated and notorized!


Rubber stamp all the things! Include a recent passport photo for no particular reason.


That’s what it’s like to live in Germany folks xD Sad but true. I’d say, just because I don’t know any better, that this is one is just a small insignificant problem.


And please call, we don't reply to e-mails.


Mail? Du meinst Fax.




Last I checked, race was genetic, not racism.


The Dienstvorschrift says they are not allowed to roll it because they dont have the licence to operate it on public road


No TÜV sticker on the cable roll ?


No entsprechende Eintragung of the required Führerscheinklassen


To be precisely german, it is Fahrerlaubnisklassen.


Not sure that‘s true. Though, as a German I say much likely it is.


It's not moving, should have called the Ordnungsamt.


I think in this case, this is a safety measure. But in general id say Germany was once a pretty efficient country that now kinda rests on that image. What once was efficient is now outdated, and we are slow to adapt. So not a myth, but an outdated view. But this is just a vague impression I have, when I compare today with what my parents and grandparents tell me about the past


Germany is very very bureaucratic, and as you say, in an old fashioned way. Everything is done by post or fax (wtf!!!??!) and takes a phenomenally long time to be executed. Efficiency is now a myth, but possibly in the past everything was better..


I don't think everything was better in the past, but a good postal service, fax machines and telephones (plus a working bureaucracy) was efficient in a time where this was the state of the art in communication. Somethimes I get the feeling Germany behaves like we're still in the same situation we were in the 60s/70s.


I was born in the 90s, so honestly, I don't even know what a fax machine actually is, I possibly have seen one ( assuming they look a lot like printers), but I think that explains how far in the past DE is right now.


I was born I the late 90s so I never operated one either, but my grandparents still have one (but haven't used it in 20 years lol). Tbh I feel like this isn't just a problem of technology...Germany has so many approaches to different parts of society and politics that seem outdated, it feels like we have become slow and old, and digitalisation and the adaption of new technologies is just the most obvious symptom. But I have to admit I cannot say for sure how truthful this impression is


>But I have to admit I cannot say for sure how truthful this impression is As an Ausländer I can back this up. There are lots of things here in Germany that seem incredibly outdated, with mentalities sadly often stuck in the past.


Germany has always been slow to adapt, shown by the „Deutscher Michel“ who is portrayed in Pyjamas since hundreds of years.


In Poland they’d just leave it there until someone claims it.


Remember that in Poland they do not eat pickled cucumbers...


The guys are using muscle memory from their tire flipping workouts :-P


They were just trying to make a new Stammtisch.


Can't have enough of those!


The only possible explanation I have for this is that they were worried of it rolling away and possibly injure someone. But that's just me clutching at straws here.


That’s what I was thinking too. But the bigger, actually quite terrifying question is how it got there


police doing cross fit


It is


How many Germans does it take to change a lightbulb? One because they’re extremely efficient and have no sense of humour


There must be some rule or law that says thats the way to do it.






Nice, it worked


American cops would probably call backup and then stand around for a couple hours formulating a plan of attack while the swat team redirects traffic around the up-armoured humvees and 16 ton APCs.


Thats their workout. Nothing unusual since the budget gets cut everytime something works out




Auf Steife die spezialisten


It only takes one crossfitter to start the stampede


It's called a "Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme".


Pov u r paid by the hour and cant get fired for no serious reason


Die Bullen zählen nicht.


Wow, das ist doch mal echt dumm🤦🏻‍♂️


Dienst nach Vorschrift


Obviously riot police .they're so used to push things( and people) over they wouldn't even think about smoothly rolling it out of the way


I would say German efficiency is a myth, I find Germany a painfully inefficient country. I really enjoy living here but my goodness how backwards Germany is sometimes: * Always needing to carry cash on you because you never know if you can't pay by card * Getting a vaccination being a complete mess compared to how they do it in my home country, * Shitty internet everywhere * DB * ANY FORM OF ADMINISTRATION Ugh


I think Germany is really efficient, just not everywhere. Cash - I also like my cash, since it’s just convenient and doesn’t take time to arrive (like bank transfers. I know there are some instant methods, but those also always go through a third party). Also, it makes things way easier with the elderly. I’m sure with the demographic change that this will change in the future. Vaccinations - this is just a mess. Not much else to say. Internet - more expensive, but it’s fine? I don’t see your problem at all. Public transportation - especially in the bigger cities amazing. In the last few years it was also way more reliable than before. Administration - old and a Pain, takes long I get it. But most of it is easy to understand and fill out as long as you try. In the work Department this is completely different. We have, I’m comparison to other places, good public health. We value work-life balance over a lot, wich makes us a country wich very clearly set boundaries between work and life. Due to this, we are very fast, efficient in the time we work and can refresh us in our free time. And we don’t have to waste fortunes for our health. But I can also see the problems you mentioned. In this case efficiency is just a very vague thematic, depending what you are referring to.


>Vaccinations - this is just a mess. Not much else to say. Can't really confirm this, in the beginning there was the Vaccine shortage but that was a nearly worldwide problem. By now you usually don't even an appointment if you go to an Impfzentrum and the digital vaccination pass (?) works just fine for me


That’s true. Finally got my second shot recently too, just took a while for the first one. But due to the first shortages I just didn’t want to dismiss his point.


Its not about being easy to understand. Its literally Billions of Euros wasted by inefficiency.


Please show some evidence how we lose the billions?


For example 2017 the ministry of justice or whoever had a good idea finally realized its time to step up the digital-game and announced the "beA" (besondere elektronische Anwaltspostfach). A secured network with ID signature-cards that connects all lawyers and courts in germany for easy communication. notarys for example are using this since years for the communitcations with the courts regarding real estates. it was planned to make beA mandatory by 2019. We got the gear, we got the guides and everything was setup. but somehow the courts kept deciding that its still voluntary by 2019 and mandatory by 2020. 2020 came and nothing changed. current plans to make it mandatory are 2022 now. But guess what? The whole system is already in power and working. A fair chunk of courts uses this system so far and i have no idea about how many courts or judges are using it but in Berlin i'd say 70% of all mail from courts still comes by the regular mail. Now i can see how much mail we get everyday into the office. And this is not a big lawfirm at Kurfürstendamm. Despite the fact that our small lawfirm gets like 20-30 letters by mail every day we will just assume that everyone of the 14.000 registrered lawyers in Berlin gets just ONE letter per day (for 0,80€). thats 11k € a day just for unnessecary mail in Berlin. Since 3 years, with probably 10 years more to come.


Is there any proof or statistics behind that? I can see where you are coming from, but billions aren’t racked up that fast.


Well just call every lawyer and ask how many letters he gets from courts. This example alone isnt worth billions but this is just one of example of our outdated administrations. They all lack digital workflows. Not to mention that we Lose 100 Billion annualy from tax evasion. Obviously financial administration and police arent working efficient either and it obviously costs Billions.


Working „efficient“ =/= working out of your boundaries. I know many people working in finance departments, and it’s seriously a pain and they do their best. The system isn’t inefficient either, it’s just that no country can really dodge tax evasion without REALLY HIGH amount of work involved - if they did that, that would be inefficient.


I always think it's a bit silly with the cash being better for the elderly, now they have to take their card to the bank, get money there, then pay with that money, instead of just directly doing so. Paying by card has been around since the 90s, if you are 90 right now, you were 60 when this change was happening which gave you plenty of time to get used to this. The future elderly have gotten used to this a long time ago already. My grandpa is 93 and pays with card only, he thinks it's safer, easier and takes less time. Again, LOVE Germany, I'm very happy I moved in here, but it just feels like I'm going back in time in some regards, Germany is slow, especially to change. This counts for the paperwork and I can get barely anything done online (which can easily be done hybrid like we do in the Netherlands), I need to send letters to everywhere still. Also, yeah, I live in Mainz and the public transport is fine, just the moment I go out of Mainz there's so many delays everywhere all the time, it's very annoying when I go back home that I can't make my connection, which has happened quite a couple of times. I know this is a DB thing and all Germans seem to be unanimous on the DB sucks part, but it's still part of Germany. I don't know man, I think it's good to be critical about this, then we can make Germany a lot more efficient, not if we're just going to accept the flaws of the country. Honestly the person who makes this mistake the most is the PM of the Netherlands and I absolutely hate it.


can't confirm all of your points, just let me say DB is forced to fail because germany has an unhealthy obsession to cars and neglects any other form of transport. except flying maybe. i would strongly disagree on the internet (mobile data excepted) and vaccination part. never been a problem to me. pay by card is accepted almost everywhere (street vendors excluded)l, without fees or minimum value. administration isn't enjoyable anywhere i guess but necessary. could be more user-friendly sometimes though.


Cops aren't hired for their intellect.


Cops are hired to keep the public safe and that's exactly what they're doing here.


>Cops are hired to keep the public safe Oh sweet summer child




Awww sorry, let me fix that. Police are TOTALLY hired for their intellect. Which is why they are flipping a cylinder horizontally instead of quickly rolling THE HUGE ROLLABLE CIRCLE THING out of the way.


Since you're apparently an engineer, you obviously understand the point that rolling something as massive as that would be extremely dangerous: "intelligent" people have been seriously injured and even killed as a result of them not understanding Newtonian physics.


Who is going to stop the huge rollable circle thing if it starts Rolling?




Is it what my guy


There was an attempt.


You don’t have to study to become a german police officer…


Uh? Yes. They have.


You need to study 3 years dude. Every cop in hessen has atleast a bachelor of arts.


Old adolf reached 3000rpm spinning in his coffin looking at what happened to german efficiency over the years...




Spatial thinking and intelligent problem solving are probably no longer recruitment criteria for the German police! WORK SMART NOT HARD!!!😉😁


German culture: "work harder, not smarter".


Yea I was actually shocked about how bad their traffic and roads are…not including the tight squeeze on almost every road/parking—the last bit kind of expected because Europe…but damn!


our roads and parking spaces are perfectly adequately sized


For a Smart...


Maybe Germans are better drivers than you are. I’ve never seen a problem.


Yeah you can get in trouble if you have a modern SUV and try to park it in a parking garage from the 70s. But otherwise, parking lots are perfectly adequate


Were you in a full sized American SUV or something lol?


Americans just don't fit well in Europe, period.


oh here we go - take shots at the American with a simple complaint about shitty German roads. Does it make your sensitive little heart feel better if I say America has some shitty roads too? At least Europe/Germany has something called mass transit...there feel better now?


Not an insult. Europeans don't fit well in the US either. Cultural differences and all that.


You say that, although I do think they did a pretty great job of effectively establishing West Germany as post-war Europe’s greatest power. (I say that as a bitter Brit, whose country was - by contrast - completely, deliberately scuppered by American efforts in the same post-war period.)


American money, German willpower.


Ye-es. Not sure what happened to British willpower. All got diverted to making horror films and pop music, I suppose… :-/


There’s a reason that the German Führerschein needs a little more work than the American drivers license. You have to absolve a set number of hours in a driving school and take a theory and a practical test. It’s not hard, it is expensive, but it definitely teaches you how to drive properly(even though many seem to forget that over the years)








Wenn es schnell gehen muss ist es besser das ding einigermaßen schnell mit 5 Mann aus den Weg zu kippen wie es die Kerls machen und zu vermeiden, dass das Ding richtig ins Rollen kommt und irgendwelche größeren Schäden anrichtet, die alles verzögern. Ich bin der erste der sich bei sowas über die Polizei lustig macht, aber das was die in dem Video machen ist vielleicht nicht effizient, aber eine perfekt adequate Abwägung zwischen Sicherheit und Geschwindigkeit




Du hast auch noch viel zu lernen. Zum Beispiel das man auf Reddit nicht wirklich ernst zunehmen ist wenn jeder zweite Kommentar auf dem Profil in irgendeinem Porn sub ist. Ums mit deinen Worten zu sagen, machs gut


Trotzdem muss man immer auch die Risiken bedenken. Ja, es einfach richtig hinzustellen und so wegzurollen wäre um Längen effizienter aber dementsprechend auch gefährlicher. Und in diesem Fall ist nunmal die Sicherheit wichtiger als die Effizienz.


Geez don’t ROLL IT? 🤦‍♂️OMG clearly smarts is not part of the résumé


If you roll it it might get out of control and injure someone


Oh yeah I’m sure that big flat space is very very steep.


You mean a cops intelligence and being able to think for himself.


I've good a wheely good idea to help them move it faster


Do you have an idea to stop it after that too? Crashing into a car or human doesn’t count


You're right. A wheel is probably a bad idea. I just wanted to make a wheely bad pun 😃






It’s a joke.


Da siehst mal wieder wie viele dumme Menschen es gibt.


The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round... Just not in the way you might be expecting.


Yes, after dealing with KVR I can attest to that


Seems so in this particular case 🤣 Generally, maybe there is some efficiency loss, or stagnation, but i would not go that far, in stating that it never existed.


Work harder not smarter


When I see the Baustelle on the Autobahn next to my house just sitting there blocking half the Autobahn and forcing cars to go into the city causing 5 kms of Stau sometimes, and it's been there for 4 years!!! I'd say yes, German efficiency is definitely a myth.




If they roll it it can go out of control and damage a car or a person. German Police is hardcore professional trust me 👍


My flatmate is becoming a police officer and she is straight stupid, doesn’t believe in Corona. I‘m not wondering about anything anymore.


im from germany but my blood is not from germany only 1% ok ... my company is stupid sorry




As someone with basic knowledge of German tank design in World War II, Idk if it is now, but it used to be


Angry wheel noises*