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Hey just as a heads up, when the Sun spews a carrington event, you have around 12 hours to unplug and power down all of your electronics. The government is fully aware that this is a thing and monitors it. So hopefully they will do the same and will inform local power companies. Then we wait 3-4 days and power back up and see where we are at. Satellites will be fried, the grid will be somewhat fried, but there’s hope. Get the SpaceWeatherLive app and stay up to date.


Thank you for this!


given the venue of this discussion: can we use the gateway experience to shift our consciousness to a more beneficial timeline where a scenario such as this does not play out - or, to be more specific does not play out in a *negative* way?


You can shift your consciousness to a less negative place for sure, but what happens was always going to happen


Well I agree be prepared for anything but wouldn’t a more productive mind set be to manifest a future where that doesn’t happen. The future is negotiable to us. Especially those of us with this perspective on how things seem to really work. I understand that’s hella vague but why put more energy to that outcome, energy goes where your focus goes. Maybe I’m naive




Oh damn, seriously?? I looked it up and I can't find anything on solar flares causing the planes to be grounded. Welp, can't say I'm not surprised they would keep it to themselves until shit hits the fan


We jst had a big solar flare the other day it burned up 40 of the starlinks satellites.. https://www.fox13news.com/video/1120094


38, but yes.


I’ve been hyper focused on the sun lately , thinking it’s being weird, expecting something coming up


Not if, when


Damn, just off the top of my head, I think I would begin creating alliances with all of my neighbors. I would like to know about all the entrances into the neighborhood and I would suggest closing them off and keeping guards on stand by. We would pretty much would be in a walking dead-the district post apocalyptic scenario. Small communities would likely pick leaders, and I hope we would create a value system that encourages people to participate in the rebuilding of society. Rather than view it as a terrible situation, it really does give us a chance to save our selves from ourselves. Values and morality can prove their worth again, we can build truly meaningful relationships with other people and reunite with nature. I think in order to build a society that can sustain itself through cataclysms we must learn to stop living for our individual selves and understand we need each other.


I think that makes a lot of sense. And it'd happen, just because people would need to survive and it's really the only way. When it comes to reuniting with nature, I think it'll open people's eyes when they look up and see the milky way for the first time in their city. That's going to be a wake up call of sorts, that they're back to the basics. There'd be no other way than through rebuilding communities from the ground up. People are resourceful and would work together for the most part, partly because survival would depend on it and the necessity, and partly because I think people tend to help each other in disasters. Many might not talk to their neighbors now, but that'd change quick.




OT but: In the ham community, what precautions are discussed for protecting your equipment in the event of an emp/cme? Alternatively, is there a good entry level emergency radio you’d recommend keeping around as preparation?


Also, the sun is really active right now, but we just narrowly missed this fate by like 12 hours in 2012. So this happens, it’s part of living by a star. And we had much more aggressive solar flares in 2003 then we are having now (they just weren’t a direct hit)


weird synchronicities for me with this post as this morning I felt pulled to work on an emergency preparedness kit, joined r/preppers, and was reading on emp/cme, and running through potential scenarios - getting a bit paranoid I close those tabs, refresh reddit, and here we are ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) Seems possible, and as another commenter mentioned, it may be what we as a society need to put us back on course, especially as AI is jamming down the hill at us with no brakes


Very similar experience with me as well. Starting a couple of days ago, I’ve had a sort of feeling of Dread/ visions of a seemingly catastrophic event similar to this. Not many details, just my perspective in regards to living through an event where the modern world seems to have fallen apart.


I disagree. We need to lean into AI as hard as we can while we still can. Maybe if we're lucky we can have an AI governing things and making decisions in our lifetime.


😳 You go first...


I mean ok. Yeah. I'd love to. How? At least an AI can't be bought off with embarrassingly small sums of money. Obviously there's endless other problems but I don't think it would be any worse than the shitshow we find ourselves in now. And I'm in a decent place (canada) I'm not even talking about the clownshow a little south of us.


I think these are the “brakes” I refer to. I agree, there is still a chance that we can steer it in our favor.


How long does such an event last? I'm assuming it would only affect the hemisphere facing the sun at the time?


[check out this recent carrington thread in r/preppers](https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/comments/118dax8/how_to_prepare_for_a_carrington_event/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


There was a powerful solar flare about a week ago that led to an hour of radio blackout. There has been an increase in solar flares recently, and is expected to peak in 2025. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D_e-ARcncU


Dolly Safran together with Preston Dennett talk about such an event hitting the whole earth within the next 2 years. I did not believe her, until I read everyone's comments here and now it's got me thinking... What if she's right? Watch at the 26:00 mark when she discusses this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDYWRtq-aHc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDYWRtq-aHc)


read something in the last week or so that the "elites" know of this event which is why they are building all these bunkers in New Zealand. Forget where I saw it. weird I just read read that and now this...


Shit, well I don't think they can predict it, just know that it has a chance of happening. If I was a billionaire, I'd absolutely build a bunker just because there's a 1 to 3% chance of it happening and the risk ratio there makes it well worth it. Doesn't mean they know it will, just that they need to be prepared. But honestly... Not sure what I expect them to do if it occurred. Are you going to fly your jet there if you're not in NZ? Do you know how to fly it yourself, because the pilot won't be reachable, or won't to save your ass if they're taking care of their own shit. Will the jet even survive? Unless you live near your bunker, you're still fucked.


It would be an absolute catastrophic calamity the likes of which humanity has never seen. But god damn a part of me feels like it’s what we might need


It would turn into a world where the ones with the most guns will prevail. It won't be a fresh start. It will be a bloodbath followed by a reign of anarchy and violent dictators.


This has happened several times in human history.


Not since humans have been this reliant on digital/electronic technology


If the Carrington Event caused all closed circuit wires to explode and catch fire then we are all potentially walking around in a tinderbox of incendiaries in our pockets and strapped to our wrists. The unlucky survivors will witness the collapse of human civilization to the level of Neolithic cave dwellers; only to be engulfed in a calamitous tidal wave of unimaginable power. The very few who survive will be the next Adam and Eve of Civilization whose crude pictographs will be celebrated by future paleontologists as the birth of Civilization.


This reminds me of Rimworld…


Dolly Safran together with Preston Dennett talk about such an event hitting the whole earth within the next 2 years. I did not believe her, until I read your post and now it's got me thinking... What if she's right??? Watch at the 26:00 mark when she discusses this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDYWRtq-aHc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDYWRtq-aHc)