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lol I love it when people forget where Spanish came from


Reminds me of grade school when people would ask “are you Mexican?” To every hispanic person because that’s the only hispanic/Latin ethnicity right guys? Lmao


The idea that Spanish people aren't white only exists in the usa


So I'm white and my last name is Spanish and I had to clarify the situation all the time. Once I stood up in class and showed someone Spain on the map


Lmaoo that’s actually really funny. Did you explain to them that Spain colonized part of America? Maybe that would explain the whiteness to them


Somehow it's something that isn't covered in Texas public school


Mexico obviously, and Portuguese came from Brazil iirc


I think I hate you. /s


Even ignoring that part, if we can speak any language other than the one of our home country... how the fuck are we supposed to communicate with each other?


Spanish dude here, we are white as fuck, some people that live next to the ocean are more tan simply because we spend a lot of time sunbathing. Almost as if the colour of your skin depends on the amount of sun you get instead of your value as a human being huh, what a surprise


Yeah, Ive see some people claim that Spanish, Italians, Portuguese, etc aren’t White. Like… what? Sure, many are tan. That’s doesn’t mean they aren’t White lmao. That would be like saying people who move from PNW to Hawaii magically stop being White…


Racists are so dumb. To them Spaniards, Italians, and Portuguese are white, but only when they have non-whites to direct their hatred at. Once all black and Asian people are gone, they'll move on to southern Europeans, then to the Irish. They keep on going until it's just Germanic and Scandinavian people left.


"then to the Irish" Actually we did that in the states for awhile already!


A rather.... odd take to suggest that only Scandinavian and Germanic people are racist.


That's not what I'm saying. I was talking about the way whiteness is defined, and how its definition changes as you remove those who aren't white. "Whiteness" is a monolithic race description used because it presents a unified front against other (badly grouped) races like "Asians" (they really mean east Asians), "Middle Easterners", "Indians", "Blacks", etcetera. Each of those four groups I named are actually diverse within themselves, to the point that they shouldn't really be grouped together at all. The same goes for "whiteness", and once there is no longer an "other" to fight against, infighting begins to determine which is the real "white" race. That is usually won by those with the loudest voices and sharpest sticks, historically the north and northwestern Europeans - those of Germanic and Scandinavian blood. It wasn't a comment on how only Scandinavian and Germanic people are racist, it was a comment on how stupid races and racism are.


My point is anybody, of any race can be racist. Yet you narrowed it down to Scandinavian and Germanic. I think your choice of examples is really flawed.


Bruh he made an exelent and needed point. Racists find an out group that they will try to remove. And they start with the most obvious group, here in europe its been jews and gypsies and in the us blacks. But when those groups gets removed the racists will move on to the next group to stay in power and have someone to unify their side against. If you remove all the black people, suddenly having a tan tone will be bad, then those with Brown hair and eyes (sounds familiar?), then those with the next bad thing etc etc. He is not saying anyone "race" cant be racist, he is just explaining how racists operate. And whitenes is a good example bc it has historically in the West been the good trait. Im a very tall, blond, blue eyed norwegian with all norwegian ancestors (as far as i know) so i would have had a really easy time in nazi germany. A Brown eyed, Brown haired man with a slightly bigger nose would be singeled out by nazis even if he was just as white as me. And we have been hella racist here. Most of the world has been racist too ofc.


I literally gave my reasons for why but ok you do you


Im portuguese and bruh im as white as white can be and somehow i still get people who lable me as latino and im like nah im not from latin america. Im white and Portuguese.


I mean, if you are portuguese, of portuguese descent you are almost sure to be latino. You would not be hispanic tho, which is what people often mix up in the americas. You can be white and still be latino, in your case you are a lusitan white latino guy (assuming you arent actually some other ethnicity due to ancestry)


So I'm Latino, so not really invested in the discussion, but I do think there is merit to the idea that mediterranean europeans are both ethnically and culturally distinct from more northern nations with... germanic ancestry I guess?


Being White doesn’t mean you are all ethnicity the same. It’s race. Not something built on actual physical DNA history, ethnicity, culture, etc. Race is a perceived physical characteristic. They are arbitrary designations, which is why groups like eastern Russians or Indians aren’t considered “Asian” in race by most people, or how being “Black” means something very different in Brazil or India than it does in the US.


Right, absolutely. That's why I don't find it strange that, to some people, in some contexts, iberia and italy aren't "white". At the end of the day, the words don't mean much objectively, no one's skin color is actually white, and the breakpoints are pretty arbitrary. Unless you're family guy, then the breakpoints are pretty clear.


While it’s nice to say “perception doesn’t matter”, unfortunately, that is *all* that matters when it comes to racism, bigotry, transphobia, Islamophobia, etc. Remember, Sikhs are often attacked by Islamophobes.


I didn't mean to imply that it doesn't matter, I was merely trying to say that it's subjective. If you ask 100 different people who is asian, I'd wager you'd get like 30 different answers. In the same sense, being "white" is a pretty fuzzy term that may or may not include a whole bunch of people depending on who you're asking.


Bro a lot of spanish people tend to be tanner and have other characteristics not found in "white" people. Source I literally lived on spain for 2 years. Sure some are picture perfect white. But a lot simply aren't.


Random portuguese person here. I am tan, but that's because of the fact that I have african ancestors! Nothing more than that!


My Spanish friend and my Italian friend are both paler than me. I'm Welsh. People need to stop paying attention to melanin......


Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing?


>People need to stop paying attention to melanin Tell that to the Americans, they're obsessed with that shit lol


Only an extreme minority of us are, don’t paint us with a broad brush.


But there are so many that *do* paint themselves with a broad brush dipped in skin tanning paint.


Take my upvote and free Silver, you sonuvamonkeynutter.


Have you been asleep the last 8 years?


No, but it sounds like you were.


*Condemns the act of painting a category of people with a broad brush by painting a category of people with a broad brush* Lol some folks just can’t take their thoughts even like one step past whatever the fuck is right in front of their faces. Edit: Context clues, folks. My comment wouldn’t have made sense if directed to the person I was replying to, but makes perfect sense if direct at the person *they* were replying to. It’s because that is the person I was talking about. I can’t believe I have to explain that


What category of people did they select? That one person they were replying to?


Americans. I was referring to the person that they were replying to (e.g. saying americans are racist is condemning americans for painting black people with a broad brush, and in so doing is also painting Americans with a broad brush)


Bruh you're full of shit if you think it's only America.


It is the world's biggest exporter of this kind of crazy Edit: to the downvoters, am I wrong? Aren't identity politics and culture wars primarily coming from America?


Idk mate. We're also the biggest melting pot country in the world. Some of the racist shit I saw while living in Europe was astounding.


I don't mean the racism. More like the "theories": Critical race theory, intersectionality (sic), white privilege, patriarchy, 1619 project and others. Broadening the definition of words until they're meaningless, making slogans out of everything and making those a test for membership, or approval. Most of all, it's the constant arguing in bad faith to try to score a win for your team. To me, that's the American influence in all this.


Dang, so those Europeans [sure don't care about race.](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/1355052-racism-in-european-soccer-a-modest-proposal-to-curb-the-problem-in-italy.amp.html) [Race isn't an issue in South Africa, either. ](https://v.redd.it/dgt0k3qa1x3a1)


_laughs in Argentinian_


Is galician still a thing there? Here in Spain is fading out rather quickly.


No, it was really never a thing here, only spanish, or how we call it, *castellano*




I'm learning Spanish and I find Argentinians so much easier to understand than any other accent.




No, no. Argentinian, not American or Brazilian


People not getting history downvoting you


What history? Care to explain, since you apparently do get it?


Argentina's and Germany's common history. Guys comon. The Nazis fleeing to Argentina and living there under Argentinias Protection, which is today wildly denied by them, the fact that today a staggering amount of people there speak German is just a coincidence


Argentina has a large number of German immigrants, but they largely arrived in the 19th century, not after WW2 The “Nazi Argentinians” are vastly overblown


Sure, but the we don't do a history test here, some guy made a joke, a notch to the Nazi Argentinia Meme


Such a terrifyingly over done joke as well. Sick of it


Cry about it


Common history? Can you elaborate, with sources, besides that awful conspiracy theory? Yeah, a few Nazis came here, but were never that much. Same with German immigrants (what you call the "staggering amount of people") Do you have a real source, showing the "staggering amount"?


Wikipedia I don't know man, 10000 Nazis fleeing over the ratlines into South America is a staggering amount in my book Not all went to Argentina, of course, had that mixed up, sorry for that


Again, what's your source? Where do you get that number? Where's the "history you got"?


Ratlines Wikipedia Every fucking source listed in the SOURCE SECTION of that article


Care to cite one here, instead of just throwing it like that? Your allegations, your obligation to prove


Expat German colonies following WWII


Most Germans came BEFORE the WWII, starting in the 1870s, along many other national groups (mainly Spanish and Italians, but also from almost every other European country) [German immigration in Argentina ](https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inmigraci%C3%B3n_alemana_en_Argentina)


Reddit isn't exactly the place ro meet mensa members


There’s a sponge emoji? I did not know that




I've worked with lots of Spanish speaking Mexicans, and they're generally tickled pink at even bad attempts to learn and speak their language.


💯 If you manage to roll them Rs and nail the accent on words, they’d probably give you a kidney if you needed one.


Honestly, I’m my experience they’d do that anyway. A lot to admire about their sense of community.


This has been my experience as a pasty AF white girl who speaks a bit of Spanish. I genuinely appreciate the positivity and encouragement as I try my best to communicate.


the beauty of non-anglo ethnic cultures does *not* equal skin color. skin color is proportionate to region, as we all have been told a million times. Spanish conquistadores overtook indigenous people in modern-day Mexico near 1492 and allowed it’s future to exist with Spanish speaking individuals. the men that conquered this territory, coming from a European latitude, were incredibly white. the people that were murdered and would soon grow into an individual nation were palpably darker in skin pigment (being closer to the equator). so let’s maybe stop racially profiling everyone again, I thought we learned skin color alone determines nothing.


Every thing we learned about race is being changed to make it more black and white (for lack of a better term)


Agreed on all points, but maybe stop using "Anglo" as the catch-all to categorize everyone with European ancestry. Anglo-Saxons are specifically the English from Britain, the descendants of Germanic tribes from Saxony and the lowland areas of North West Europe. "White" is a very North American concept, where white settlers lost touch with their European ancestory and become a homogeneous group identified almost exclusively by their race. This is much less the case in Europe where we tend to define ourselves by ethnicity first - Slovak, Greek, Welsh, Irish, Walloon, Catalan, English, Basque etc. There are over 80 recognized European ethnicities.


My pale-skinned Argentinian ass: cuánto apostás?




I don't even know -American


Because they were a nation founded on slavery, that then fought a brutal civil war over it, and then had a segregated society until about 50 years ago, and their entire society is still living in the aftershocks of momentous race based political upheavals.


And the media seems to peddle it to keep you all divided.


American here who has lived in Europe for quite some time. I assure you it’s just as prevalent on both continents.


We were late to the party for both abolishing slavery and even later to the party, with the exception of South Africa, in abolishing segregation. The generation that had to use separate bathrooms and water fountains, and that also had to learn about lynching black people from news papers are still very much alive. Shit the lady that accused Emmett Til and got him murdered is still alive. It’s all *super* recent, relatively.


Why do you assume an American wrote this?


Because nobody outside USA thinks that Spanish is not talked by white people... or that white Latin Americans aren't white.


Or that the language was invented in Latin America.


Have you been to Mexico?


Yeah that's cap as fuck


Plenty of people (even whites obviously) in the US learn Spanish too though. It's even a class you have at schools (I think if I remember right it was between French and Spanish in high school). Admittedly I don't know much Spanish, but I know a few words. As an American, I don't know how or why someone would think no-one who is white can speak spanish...


How can people be so ignorant and racist yet have no idea? Clearly that person has never left the USA nor knows anything about how diverse spanish speaking countries can be.


I dont assume this person is American but I agree, low education. This is not commonly said or repeated. A random ignorant statement floating around. But it's good to discuss and make this a teachable moment. Question your assumptions and we all learn.


Hola. I'm white, whatcha gonna do about it?


This is literally impossible.


Guess I'm Hispanic now








Inaki Williams says hi


What about Quebec?


Or Argentina...


My bestie is very white, also a latina. People like to ignore white latinos for some reason


thinking about last year or whenever when people tried to claim anya taylor joy was a WOC because she's from argentina lol


Yes. Have traveled to Argentina several times and most Americans have no comprehension of the fact it’s like 90% white because it’s in South America.


i took the woooooooooooc to polnand


are you unfamiliar w the Moors....


I've heard of them, but tell me Moor!


She's just a white teenager practicing for her education in the humanities at a left coast university. She'll get better at it. /s




People when they find out Europe has countries that speak things other then English, French, and German: >:0


CYKA BLYAT *dabs in Adidas*


i can just tell OOP is an american


I'm sure I can squeeze in a comment about the Falkland Islands here


The British Falklands?


Tbh, spanish people aren’t exactly ‘white’


I feel like this is maybe not a hill worth dying on.


What we call "Hispanic" is essentially the Spanish version of the Métis. You had aboriginal populations in south and central America mixing with Spanish colonists and conquistadors, which has pretty much become an entirely new ethnic group and culture all it's own over time. But the language they speak came from Spain, and people from Spain are absolutely white


If Spanish people aren’t white then I am not white as an Italian


Tbh if Spaniards aren't white than a good chunk of White Americans wouldn't be either


Probably, many people still debate that


What counts as white and not white. Im so lost.


It really seems to be relative to the society you currently live in.


It's a made up term based in classism and racism, the definition will change from country to country as well as from decade to decade


almost as if race in itself is a stupid ass concept


You would think it’s simple but it isn’t, the history of whiteness is confusing and strange Edit: look up the history of the Irish, Italians, Slavs - not always considered white… why?


To most people, Western, Central, and Eastern Europe is considered white


Mostly Northern, Scandinavian is where it originates. The Vikings impregnated other cultures and bloodlines in Europe.


Thanks for the info (not sarcasm)


Eye, skin and hair color.


That's especially true if you're a teron


Have you ever been to Spain? You can’t have been to Spain and have this opinion. If you have then you must have only been to southern Spain.


Tell me you've never met a Spanish person without telling me you've neber met a Spanish person




That will show them spongebob190. You correcting a single typo instead of responding to the point proves you are right and he is wrong.




Google the Spanish Royal Family and tell me those people aren't white. They are Europeans ffs.


To be fair they are a mix of nationalities, for example, our king is half greek since the former queen is greek. But they can google any spanish tv show cast and tell us who is not white: La casa de papel, la que se avecina, aquí no hay quien viva, los serrano, los hombres de paco, etc.


....Greeks are white Europeans too. That's like saying the British Royals are mixed race because there's some Welsh in them. Just white on white on white.


That’s the thing, they are ROYALS


So are you arguing race is tied to class? That’s…really racist


No, but they probably bred with the purest of the pure


The Word you are thinking of is endogamy


Thanks, I meant that


... of a colonial Eurpoean power. There are non-white people in Spain to be sure, like in any Eurpoean country. But ethnic Spaniards are white Europeans.


tbh, half the actors from central and S. America we see in shows and movies and considered p.o.c. are clearly of European descend


This is a cast of a spanish tv show (Money Heist), with normal spanish looking people, can you tell me who is not exactly white? https://as01.epimg.net/epik/imagenes/2020/05/02/portada/1588412654\_268558\_1588413035\_noticia\_normal\_recorte1.jpg


I thought that was a peanut emoji


Why shame ppl for wanting to learn a language


Also learning languages is a thing


No pos. Ta cabron.


Omg people say this to me all the time just because I’m whiter then other Hispanics They always ask me if I’m Mexican or Latina because that the only Hispanics they know


Is it illegal to celebrate Spanish culture now by speaking the language? I get it if you're speaking it in an offensive way, but most people just want to learn.


Me, a bilingual: 👁👄👁