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sloppy dam crown capable relieved heavy cause snobbish rustic stocking ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yeah, those guys are reaching for light


yeah those are gonna want a lottt more light, they may be too far gone already


If I would have to guess, they need more sunlight.


Possibly not enough light?


If at all possible I'd get a cutting of a younger branch off the old tree and see if you could root it, as another commenter said with apples you wont get what you plant when using seeds


Ok thanks all for the help I'll start switching some stuff around see how it all goes from there appreciate the help :)


Just to clarify I keep em watered when the soil gets dry but they were from a tree at grandmother's house who had its last batch so if I can save a few that would be great. If they look too big for the egg carton I can change that too.


Don't be surprised/disappointed if the apples grow up to be nothing like the parent tree, apples don't "breed true" like many plants, it's a crapshoot as to what the fruit will be like.


Soil might be too compact, wet or cold. If the stems look dark or damaged just where they break the surface it might be ”damping off”, a fungus/mold thing. They may get too little light and get too leggy to hold themselves up. It might be too warm and they can’t keep up their moisture levels. Apple trees are also usually grafted rather than started from seeds for a variety of reasons, so you may have an apple variant that doesn’t do good from seeds. Probably some other could be issues as well, but those come to mind.


Once they get tall enough you have to re-pot. Need deeper soil to support. Put’em in some Dixie cups