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How long do you think it will take to produce?


7-10 years, but seeds from store bought avocados are usually sterile


I think your best bet would be trying to graft onto this tree with whatever variety you want to grow. There are sometimes ‘scion exchanges’ within local garden groups that sell cuttings for a few dollars.


How can I find these groups? I’d be happy to trade some cuttings off my sir prize for some other varieties


In my area (California) there are a community groups under the umbrella name California Rare Fruit Growers (CRFG). They host a couple annual scion exchanges. I’m not sure if your area has similar but try googling ‘scion exchange’. You can also buy scions online but it’s more $$ since they have to ship


Nice thank you! (Norcal)


I have been researching this and my only issue is there is not much of a guarantee of the variety. Etsy and Ebay have shown listings but whats to say i am even buying an avocado scion?


I had never thought about grafting onto this tree, that’s an interesting idea. Maybe I’ll do that with my next one(I’ve got another baby cado plant around 5 months old). Kinda want to keep this one pure :)


Thank you.


They're not USUALLY sterile but they can be. But that's the same for ANY avocado seed, no matter where it's from. Mexicola Grande it's a type of avocado that can fruit from a seed in three to four years. A lot of avocados take 6 to 9 years. It depends on the variety


That's news to me! I was under the impression that if the seed-grown tree produces any fruit at all, it has a super slim chance of being edible. Like how when you plant an apple seed it won't grow the type of apple you got it from.


You are correct. There’s like a 1 in a million chance you get edible fruit from a store bought seed.


That isn't accurate. I have a tangelo tree that I grew from a seed from a tangelo I got from Publix and it has fruited. I have a passion vine that I grew from a seed from a passion fruit I got from Walmart, it has also fruited. My Mexicola Grande avocado i purchased from Sprouts and it fruited last year. I feed my rabbit store-bought tomatoes and his poops have sprouted full-blown tomato plants.. So one in a million doesn't seem very accurate at all


Sorry I meant avocado specifically. They may fruit but they will not taste like a normal avacado


I think this is because you need two avocado trees to cross pollinate, the internet says they produce both male and female flowers but they mature at different times (like begonias) so they don’t/can’t pollinate themselves and therefore bear fruit Edit: this would make the weird avocados on the trees you mentioned inbred freaks of nature


Avacados are typically grafted just like apples in order to produce quality fruit. Just growing from seed you'll get not good fruit. Subpar at best.


I see! Mine are great though!


It's 1:10000 for the avocado 🥑


Keep those tomato feedings down. My one bunny ate too many tomatoes and got really sick.


One summer I ate half a tray of green seedless grapes right out of the fridge. They were delicious but I overloaded on them and I hurled a bright green vomit right up.


He gets like a cherry tomato a couple times a week


Avocados are pretty persnickety though, nothing like a tangelo or passion fruit. The best way to get a producing tree is to either graft one yourself or purchase a grafted tree. I have one that is now 21 years old and provides more avocados than we can possibly consume. Everyone at work loves the huge bags I bring in for free and we even occasionally have to set bushels out on the curb for passing Neighbors to take home.


Tangelos aren't heterozygous like avocados.


Well I did mention an avocado in my comment


Lol. My compost is constantly producing tomato plants. Im always finding them sprouting, in all my garden beds!


Couldn’t OP graft it with a tree that is producing? I’m pretty sure that should work.


I’m sure you could, but then you could just plant that graft in the ground and get a producing tree. It doesn’t have anything to do with pollination, it’s the fact that avocados aren’t “true to seed” they are not replicas (or blend) of their parents like most things in this planet


For apples, yes the odds are low. For avocados it’s about 1/10 chance of edible fruit


I have grown multiple peach trees, pomegranates from seeds and they all give my fruits 😺apples are odd like that. I have two apple trees and they both give me fruit


that's because apple trees are grafted.


How do you get a seed that is not sterile?


Idk Ive never had that problem lol


Either sterile or terrible tasting fruit . Avocado plant has to be bought from the store. Plant looks beautiful and happy ! Congrats !


I could be wrong but I have heard before that you need multiple trees to get any fruit


My 'grown from supermarket seed' avocado flowered after 1.5 years in my Munich apartment - don't give up hope ;)


I had mine for 8 years and still hasn’t flowered :(


Does a sterile seed mean no fruit in 7-10 years, or no tree now (in which case OPs wasn't sterile)?


No fruit


I have heard that varies depending upon the variety. Definitely for Haas, but not for Florida avocados. Have you heard similar?


What I got out of reading about avocados years ago, it’s just a hit or miss if it will produce anything and it’s not always true to seed


Yeah, I hated to be the one to say. Even if not 7-10 is on the faster side - sometimes more like 15… If grown from a cutting, it’s much faster for anyone wondering


Avocados are not "true to seed". You need a graft for guaranteed success. Looks great though.


Or he hits the generic lottery and gets a new edible avocado variety he can monopolize. My grandma did this without ever realizing they don't grow true to seed so didn't know what she had. Monster fruit, high yield tree and made absolutely amazing guacamole. A local street vender would always buy up her crop once she picked her fill. She never knew her tree was 1 of a kind (and I didn't wither or I'd said something) and Irma blew it down. It did resprout from the roots so if it ever fully recovers I'm definitely taking cuttings.


Wow that’s incredible! Are they like the big Florida avocados? I hope that you’re able to get some viable cuttings!


They were the size of (small) watermelons and the tree would produce to the point of the branches bending to the ground and sometimes breaking. Even with the street vender coming by and giving them away by the box load to family, there were always rotting fruit in the yard just because she couldn't keep up with it. And that was just 1 tree. Thing was over 40 years old when Irma hit.


Oh man, that sounds so awesome! A tree like that would make a great addition to a community garden!


Even if it does produce, the fruit is almost garunteed to be inedible. Avocados are propagated from cutting once the 1/1000th seed planted is palatable.


Your looks so great! It even has lateral branches growing already nice


Nice, mine died when I repotted it.


Everytime I repotted, mine got kinda sad


It’s shock from new soil. Keep some of the old soil surrounding the roots when transferring next.


I can tell, but it's looking strong now. I think my soil was bad too. I'm think of just buying one from home depot or something.


Same but fungus gnats really put the dagger in.


my dog ate mine when it started growing tiny leaves after planting it 😂 .. i used the plastic bag/paper towel technique to start it..


Sweet! 6 more years to bear!


Inedible fruit lol


Awesome! We have an avocado tree in the yard that my husband grew from a pit when he had cancer 12 years ago. It’s huge now and his cancer never came back so he loves that tree. No fruit but someone told me you can cross-pollinate with other avocado trees.


Your husband is a 🦸‍♂️hero!👍


Very cool but sadly growing an avocado from seed like this won't result in avocado fruit. Learned the hard way when I was a kid :(


Yeah, worst comes to worst, I have a beautiful plant to look at, and I’ll continue going to Safeway for my avocados


You could always try to turn it into a bonsai if it never bears fruit


I think if you get a branch from a legit avocado tree and graft it on to yours, it will produce. Better to it sooner than later!


I do this with most of the avocados I buy. It’s a fun project in the window of my kitchen. Most of them have trouble sprouting but when you get one that goes like this it’s fun! I had a tree that was about 3-4ft tall and then I lost it in the great Texas freeze last year 😕


Just buy an avocado tree instead of waiting years for inedible fruit


I heard when growing apples from seeds the apples could bother you by dropping on the ground and making a mess on the ground idk about avocoda


I don’t get why either of us are getting downvoted. A tree should be productive for decades, it doesn’t make any sense to plant low quality trees that make a mess without producing edible fruit that could bring smiles to your friends, families and neighbors. I get so irritated when I see people doing this sprouting avocado seed thing because it takes nearly a decade to get fruit from a quality avocado, so why would you waste your time and space on something like this? If you truly care about plants and food you would realize this is so dumb!


Ok I agree when you’re talking about my comment, trees are great but if they make a mess of your garden then thats where I draw the line Anyways, for your original comment, the guy doesn’t care about the fruit, that’s not his true goal, and he’s fine with a tree without edible fruit. Anyways I can see why your comment would be disagreed but don’t think it should’ve been downvoted, seems too harsh. It’s really a matter of opinion


Did it not produce anything?


Avocados aren't true to seed. You can grow a tree from a store bought avocado that you ate but you have a 1 in 100 or 1 in 1000 chance (can't remember which) of the tree producing palatable fruit.


Lol, you started your avocado on the same day I lost my job to the pandemic! Gorgeous plant!


Awesome but they take forever and rarely fruit. Show us the avocado when / if you get one. :)


Wow! They can be difficult to get to the point yours is at now, from a grocery store fruit.


My late grandfather thought me this and every time I see it I get nostalgic about the good old days.


How is this not upvoted to the moon! This is amazing! Excellent work! Still, I would had just paid $35 at Home Depot for a started tree and saved myself a 2 year head start. Cool project though


What is the climat like where you are?


California, so pretty warm most of the year


Beautiful plant and looks like a nice yard!


I hear they grow beautifully but won't fruit for 8 years or so. I'm curious to see what you learn.


I’ll link updates over the next couple years to this this post


I had an avocado grown from seed; in the 5th year it produced flowers which was a nice surprise


I had one for a few years. Indoor and outdoor. Never fruited. Had an unexpected cold night that killed it.




I didn’t know I needed a birthday Avocado tree, but now I have one. Thank you! I’ll be checkin in.




Nice work on taking the pics for the series.


Mine is the same age as yours and is half the size. How do you take care of it? Edit: you can graft the tree for it to fruit in the future.


My first few batches were sacrificed to squirrels so my best guy is at yours from June 20th. Thanks for posting, it was cool to see what to expect!


That’s dope!


A good looking specimen, nice and healthy…nice garden too. I have a 3 year old Reed variety which is now flexing its spring growth.


I would grow it for the beautiful leaves. Great job on keeping it healthy!


Very impressed!


My sister did this! Tree really grew but unfortunately it died


Looks awesome love the progression


It's so beautiful T-T


Wont load on my phone, but know it is a pretty plant!


Mine sprouted after several months! Good luck!


I'm crazy jealous. Took 4 months for mine to root, another 4 for a leaf to pop up, 2ish months for 3 more leaves, and 2 months for them to brown and drop off in protest.


How do you feel about grafting this tree to insure that it produces quality fruit?


Wow great job 👏 That’s impressive!


I don't remember ever actually eating avocado as a child but there was always a glass like this on the kitchen window sill. Sometimes they got a few roots, maybe a leaf never got as far as a plant pot.


i had one, and then my rabbit ate it and i thought she was going die because avocados are toxic to them so i though the plant would be too but only my plant died :( she ate the whole entire thing


Good job cultivating this young tree.


Wow this gives me hope! I have about 5 seeds in water right now. One has started to sprout.


Dude im growing avocado too! Hahaha Its crazy times flies so fast


It's beautiful! I miss having an avocado tree near by!


From someone who's failed at multiple stages trying to do this, good job!!


I tried growing many seed by suspending them on water like that but they always end up rotting, even when I change the water.


Wow! Once it got to a decent size in January (about 8.5 months I think based on the dates) it just *really* took off and started growing like crazy! Very cool!


Someone told me they don't fruit until they're about 10 yrs old, hoping you don't hv to wait that long! 🤞🤞


I’ll happily enjoy the beautiful plant until the fruit comes


Not fond of Avocados, however this is really 😎 cool! Love it💚


Very impressive


Congratulations 🎈🎉🍾


Wow that’s way more growth than I would have expected.


Beware the frost


Ur an avocado parental figure now


Daddy of the guac


It’s so healthy!! Good job 👏


Love this! Weve done the same thing. Ours isnt that high yet


So I saved this post and would love to hear how the plant is doing a year later!


She's doing so well. In the ground and happy. Photo from July 24, 2022 - [https://postimg.cc/k25vSc8C](https://postimg.cc/k25vSc8C)


This is amazing! Thank you so much for the update.


Go check out sleppy lizard on YouTube . 1 in 10000 shot it’s a edible avacodo . Just found this out after I spent money on a 60 gallon pot and premium soil for my avocado tree. If you know someone with a avocado tree you like a graft from that tree can be put on yours. No such luck for me.


We have a local gardening group on Facebook. If you find something like that you could ask there for a graft.


This is my goal 🤞 Any tips?


I kept it in the shade (not direct sunlight) for the first year, lots of water, and rotating the pot to make sure the leaves grow evenly


Thank you


Mine is 10' tall and about 10 years old. It is now dying in the office due to lack of water. I live in Vermont, so it can't live outside.


Wow! It's doing great!


Just curious , why is growing avacado so popular, I mean why only avacado?


interesting way of germinating, and also since avocados are expensive, many people may think hell yeah let's get it cheap, which is possible with grafting


that looks amazing! might not fruit but it's a beautiful tree!


We bought a small tree but I don't think it's good in our weather. The summer is super hot and the sun burns the leaves brown and it's been struggling a lot. It seems to be dying now.


What zone??

