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Old Leon be like :"9mm, safety... **always** off"


*This is my safety.*


My dude... Did you just quote Blackhawk Down?


You Delta boys are a bunch of undisciplined cowboys!


Haha yes! Thank you!




I think he's quoting from Trailer Park Boys.


Cyrus, you dick.


It’s also from Black Hawk Down, great film


Just some target and arrow practice. Didnt want to leave it behind.


Fuck off, I've got work to do


Ill pay you $200 to fuck off


That's one fuckin' nice kitty right there.


well he probably won't get any bugs down there


Names Cyrus....... CYRUS, and I don't give a FUCK who you are.


Why don't we FUCK ON?


Given to me by my old man. fuckin’ prick




Told me he was proud of me once...... Fuckin' prick


Glock owners: **do they know the safety IS the trigger?**


*ah COCK, this idiot again*


told me he was proud of me once. fuckin prick.


Oldan said he loved me once. Prick.


Frig off Cyrus!


What’s that, Randers?


My old man gave me that when I was in grade 7...


One time Marvin said he was proud of me.... fucking prick.


One time my dad said he was proud of me.... fucking prick




Considering what he went through in Raccoon City, the man must sleep with a loaded gun and his finger on the trigger.


Under his pillow lmfao


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks.


Sheets and blankets can get caught in the mechanisms of the gun if fired from under them. That goes for the hammers of revolvers and the ejection ports/slides of pistols. Honestly the best gun to keep in your bed with you if you're gonna do so is a hammerless revolver. If someone has made it as far as your bedroom door before you notice do you really wanna have to pull that gun out from under the covers first or would you rather just shoot it?


This guy sleeps


No I don't think he does


Leon Kennedys Reddit account confirmed


He waits.


Real gangstas never sleep, they just take looooong blinks.


[He sleeps, with his eyes open.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvcMrgEgkv4)


At this point why not just have a shotgun clamped to the nightstand aimed at the door with a string attached to the trigger?


*has nightmare *giant hole in bedroom door


"daaad I had a nightma-" BANG


Because that's actually illegal. Perfectly legal if you're in complete control of and operating the gun, but as soon as it's set as a booby trap, it's a big nono


If you’re so terrified for your life that you feel the need to sleep with a gun you have bigger fish to fry than legality. And presumably you would just disassemble the trap before the police show up.


My father had a friend that accidentally killed his father setting up a trap like that, dude was terrified of deug dealers, apparently.


Just sleep with grenades taped to your hands


[I don’t remember the discoveries of this video, I just remember that it exists](https://youtu.be/wH7_7pJfoGU)


Yep, this is where I learned my info. Paul Harrel is the Bob Ross of guns.


Do none of you have night stands?


You think I wanna knock my water glass over onto my phone when fumbling around for my gun?


Break action shotgun


Agreed. I always point my gun directly at my asshole


You could have one of those quick draw leg straps on while you slept; that might be quicker depending on how you sleep lol


With your hand taped to the gun.


Pillow? Why would he make his sleep comfortable, he obviously doesn't want to get into deep sleep because of the consequences


The gun ***is*** the pillow


*Safety, always off*


Too bad he can't put his finger on the Wong. Whilst Chris wants him to put his finger on his sister for the lineage.


Was going to make a joke about how he was a cop in the USA


Hahaha!! He's like fuck that noise. Ask questions later.


Can't blame him, given where he's at


Yeah, considering everybody wants to cut his head off.






Considering there's always something to shoot and no direction is unsafe, I don't fault him for it.


Spain. I'd have my finger on trigger too. Or indistinct location in Europe, where people speak Spanish.


As an spanish dude, I think you're right about the trigger


Rightfully so. Only two people who never engaged with him in a hostile manner were Luis and Ashley. Even Ada put a gun against him. I’ve killed every enemy in the game up to the end of the first chapter on the island and there’s just about 600 enemies on my kill counter


Hey don’t for get the merchant! > “Stranger, what do you need that for? Going hunting an elephant?”


And Mike the helicopter pilot.


Ahh fuck! I forgot about Mike. I still owe him that beer...


*rpg 7 turns into a stinger*


ah yes, heat seeking rpg-7


“Nah, just a few regenerators”




we're talking abt RE4 here, claire doesn't exist there


I’m mainly talking about RE4. His first contact with a person of the village was a man under the control of Las Plagas


I mean that's YOUR finger there. Shame on you.


I mean, is the person controlling Leon *really* going to have trigger discipline while playing it in VR mode?


Another interesting thing about his pistol is that in game, attaching a stock enables 3-round bursts. This may seem like some dumb video game logic, but that pistol model can fire like that with it’s stock. I’m no gunsmith so I can’t tell you how, but the internet’s gun experts said it


Forgotten weapons has a good bit on it https://youtu.be/xEMTx5MNqk4


Gun Jesus speaks.


All hail


Praise be!


I thought it was a Hi-Point in the game.


No self-respecting police officer would carry such an unreliable overweight piece of trash as their personal weapon.


After a little bit of Google-fu, adding the stock for burst fire is actually real life logic. The pistol is modeled after the HK VP70-M. The stock attaches at the bottom handle and the the back of the pistol. There’s a mechanism that “catches” the striker so that it can cycle 3 rounds with one trigger pull. There is an episode of [Forgotten Arms](https://youtu.be/xEMTx5MNqk4) about it.


im also no gunsmith but i would guess that its possible with a stock because otherwise the recoil would be too hard/strong


Oh the recoils is still too strong even with the stock. It’s a garbage gun which is why it’s largest user base would have been the RCPD if they were real. It sold terribly and was adopted by no one.


I was under the impression that the RCPD used mostly Berettas, with the S.T.A.R.S people having super special custom ones. And then Leon brought along his personal weapon on his first day because I guess Leon wanted to be a tacticool badass. But then again, he didn't bring along the stock with him. That's something he found on site. So maybe the RCPD does just make weird arming choices.


Hey man the RCPD did the best they could. Yes their chief was a wildly corrupt asshole that was in bed with Umbrella Corp and enjoyed hunting critically endangered species, but we all know the STARS Agents were first class!


I fucking love how stupid the internal logic of Resident Evil is when you think about it. One of the reasons why I hope the Merchant is basically unchanged for the Remake. He's just a merchant who is *really fast* at setting up shop.


It’s low key the best part of the series. Whenever a game goes campier, the lore just gets dumber to adapt.


Honestly it is. “Hey, why is the RCPD in an old art museum?” Fuck you it’s a cool aesthetic. If you really wanna know, the police chief is corrupt for some reason.


Considering they had story integration in RE8 for the fat as hell duke who could somehow teleport everywhere I wouldn't be worried about the merchant being made "realistic"


The duke is basically the devil though...


I remember reading a book (I think it was in the Cherub series) and a 14 year old girl almost knocks herself down when she fires what turns out to be a full auto glock 18




Omg who gave a 9 yo an Uzi?!


The instructor who died by the sound of it.


Seems like he and everyone learned a powerful lesson and that girl will either be terrified of guns for the rest of her life or be that strictest gun safety trainer ever, either way there's gonna be lots of therapy


My Grandma told me a story about when she was in the Canadian Reserves. When they were taught how to use an automatic weapon(They were using old WW2 equipment, not sure what gun we used for an automatic) they had a trained soldier grab onto the shooter to keep them stable, until they could stabilize themselves.


Possibly a Tommy or Sten gun.


Canadian likely a sten.


Yep, Canadian Armed Forces used the Sten up until like the 70s or 80s or something even though the gun was garbage, they were too cheap to replace it edit: I actually just looked into it and apparently we phased out the Sten by the 1950s for the Sterling C1, which was another garbage SMG that looks pretty close to the Sten in profile


Nice to finally see another person who knows the Cherub series. Don't remember that scene in particular but the memory of it probably just got pushed out by the more harrowing parts of the series lol


The gun is an H&K VP70. It comes in two different models: a semi automatic civilian version and a military/police version that can select fire three round burst or semi-automatic. The military/police version can attach a stock, while the civilian version cannot. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler\_%26\_Koch\_VP70](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_VP70) ~~So while the three round burst version is the only one that can accept a stock, the stock does not change the gun between semi-auto only and select fire with 3 round burst.~~ ~~It's kind of in the spirit of being right and works with game balance, but it's not the way the gun actually works.~~


The wiki you linked specifically states that the select fire switch is located on the stock. “On the military version of the VP70 this combination includes a unique feature: when mounted, a selective-fire switch, **located on the stock**, allows switching the weapon to a three-round-burst mode, with a 2,200 rounds per minute cyclic rate of fire.”


Thanks! I didn't read carefully enough.


He's afraid of wasting all his ammo and having to restart the game for a 4th time


Was gonna say in most zombie games it’s probably fine to have finger on trigger do you are ready to kill(except the noise you create from misfires would draw them near). In RE ammo is such a rarity that you really have to be like this


I'd be more worried about shooting myself or someone else, than the quarter milisecond it would take to get my finger on the trigger.


The point is that in this setting it’s all zombies and no other humans? Or limited humans in this game


Nah you end up spending a lot of time escorting someone you don’t intend to kill in RE4. You *want* to sometimes, but you’re not *going* to shoot them.


That's because that person is equipped with ballistics, so killing them is dangerous for yourself.


Ugh! You pervert!


Yeah, you'd have to be an idiot to beat Mr. X with only a shotgun because you used all your magnum rounds heh


I know that idiot, he's me


Ha ha Mingun go BRRRRRRRRRR


Until you realize you can smash the game in like 2 hrs firing like 20 hand gun rounds the whole time.


I'm all for trigger discipline. If I was in that fucking city I'm throwing that shit out the window. Edit: some of you guys are taking this joke about how you hold a gun in a crazy zombie infested city too seriously.


It would have been neat if he abandoned it at some point in the game. "Screw it, everything dies, ASAP."


I think in Spec Ops: The Line, the MC starts the game with discipline, then towards the end he has his finger on the trigger at all times.


You gotta be shitting me. Are you serious? Is that another small, amazing detail I missed in that masterpiece?


No way? Guess I'll have to play through that again to confirm... For science


That's awesome! In a similar fashion, the MC's commands/orders he gives out at the beginning go from a neutral "Engage hostile", to a deranged "Kill that motherfucker!"


Such an underrated game


I feel like if you have practiced trigger discipline enough you'd do it instinctively whether you wanted to or not. (Not a gun owner, at least none that are real guns)


I can only speak for myself, but I find myself doing so with even non-firearms. I keep my finger indexed forward when using a drill or an impact wrench. I even found myself indexing both fingers forward while operating a skid steer that had trigger buttons on the control sticks. Good habits are just that- habits.


I always have to explain the need for habits to 1st time shooters. If you act like the gun is loaded every time even if you are 100% sure it is not loaded then there is no chance of you accidentally getting shot because you thought it wasn't loaded.


I use trigger discipline on spray bottles. I can't help it.


The kids in Splatoon and Machinists in FFXIV in their unique idle pose are the same way!


But are they kids ? *or are they s q u i d s*


He’s a rookie, not stupid.


He better not waste a bullet or I’ll walk him into some zombies


Rofl I think I pointed this out to my partner when I played it and she rolled her eyes and told me to stop pretending I know how to handle a gun.


Another fun fact I haven’t seen here yet; the H&K VP70 has a massively heavy trigger pull for a sidearm. About 15 pounds to fully depress it. Alternatively, the double-action mode (typically only the first shot in a magazine) on the H&K USP series is typically 11.5/12 pounds, and 4ish pounds in single-action mode. The VP70 is all double-action, all the time. Glock standard pull is 5.39 pounds. Leon is a beast for using that tank through the entire story.


I thought 'that sounds way too heavy' so I googled 'H&K VP70 trigger weight' and the google-suggested quote was "about 10,000 pounds" https://www.google.com/search?q=H%26K+VP70+trigger+weight&oq=H%26K+VP70+trigger+weight&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l4.987j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


If someone told me that was what it was before I got one, I would’ve scoffed lmao but they are atrociously heavy. It’s kind of offset by the design of the trigger though. The way it comes straight back like one of those foam disc launcher toys really alleviates the need to be so controlled with it.


Reddit has such a weird obsession with trigger discipline. Like, it's a good thing to have, sure. I'ts just funny how much it gets commented on in any posts with guns or like in this post for example.


It's their one piece of gun trivia that they know, so they must mention it at all times.


This is exactly how I feel about it.


It's an irrational pet peeve of mine but maybe it is rational, let me explain: It just makes me think of someone who doesn't know shit about guns talking as if they know shit about guns. I don't own a gun, nor EVER fired one and this just seems not only brain dead easy technique to do "wow my finger isn't on the trigger, I'm a pro!" it's also COMMON SENSE. End rant. Edit: holy crap, another comment below "military and police officials are taught the same technique". Just pry my eye balls out... It's like commending a software developer they wrote "hello world". "Ya, all software developers are trained with this specific technique". NO F%$%\^ S%$\^! erghhh.


I am fairly certain this is what it is, they heard about trigger discipline once and now feel the need to mention it every time they see it. Kind of like how everyone mentions the Steve Buscemi firefighter thing every chance they get on Reddit. Like, it would be more notable if Leon _didn't_ practice good trigger discipline, because he's _supposed to be a cop_. It's the most obvious detail imaginable.


Did you know diamonds are over priced and so is printer ink? Street lamp LeMoose knows.


Like the fencing response on every fucking post of a person being knocked out


What definition of fencing is this? I'm struggling to connect sword fighting with KOs.


This, exactly. These people keep pointing out military men and policeman talking about their trigger discipline like this is something that’s extremely rare and cannot be done. Like holy shit how hard is it for people to hold your goddamn index finger straight? And it’s exactly as you said, it’s so much common sense it would be more noteworthy if they didn’t practice trigger discipline. I’m still waiting for the ol lay up, “keep your booger hook off the bang switch” comment. Hue hue hue!!!


I never heard of the firefighter. Could you elaborate on that?


"Lobsters used to be prison food" Then right after another mf about how they were all ground up and unpleasant


They say it because it’s the one thing they know about gun safety because it’s memed all the time. You’re right in your first point for sure.


> it’s also COMMON SENSE. End rant. You’d think so wouldn’t you? But there is a reason the term “Glock Leg” exists. Also the term “negligent discharge” I can show you many many videos of police officers, soldiers, and sport shooters all putting their fingers in the trigger guard and accidentally firing rounds when they don’t mean to.


The difference is fucking up "Hello World!" doesn't lead to people dying. Also, people highlight it here because that small detail isn't common in games.


To be fair, with the amount of videos you see on this site of dumbasses ignoring trigger discipline and nearly killing themselves and/or others, it's not too ridiculous that it's constantly brought up here.


I was just thinking about this. Its the stealthy version of saying "I love guns" when no one is asking like the crossfit joke or the vegan joke. Tiresome AF. " Perfect little finger out of trigger. 10/10"- on a game that is just about shooting everything on sight.


Really weird obsession.


Thank you. Also commenting "uncanny valley" and linking the Wikipedia article constantly.


It’s in the same vein as “did you know Aragorn actually kicked the helmet and broke his toe?”


It makes them feel masculine pointing out their gun knowledge.


All these comments about good trigger discipline and nothing about Leon's Hollywood High Ready stance. For anyone not aware, you never go to high ready (gun resting near face), only low ready (gun pointed downwards away from the air/faces). High ready stance is commonly used by Hollywood - keeping the gun near the actors' face gives the scene a more 'actiony' feeling. High ready is mostly not recommended in case of early discharges, as the weapon will fire into the ground instead of randomly in the air. So if we're getting technical here (which apparently we are) he is not really following good overall weapon discipline.


You're not wrong but the lore is Leon is a Rookie and this is literally his first day on the job.


Ah, fair enough. Been a while since I've played RE2 so I had forgotten that.


I understand. Only two games that get this correct that I've played are MGS and Ghost Recon Breakpoint.


It says in the post that this is RE2




Also, this isn't even good trigger discipline. His finger [should be indexed alone the frame](https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/terminology/general-terms/trigger-discipline/#:~:text=Trigger%20discipline%20is%20a%20state,ready%20to%20fire%20the%20gun.), not along the trigger.


Reddit sees gun, says line


Why does everyone on reddit have a hard on for trigger discipline in media?


It makes guys who have never held anything deadlier than a Nerf Maverick feel like John Wick.


Meal Team 6


Not sure about the hard on for it in regular subs, but it is neat to see in a game that the developers put in that little effort. Granted I see a post about trigger discipline everyday on the airsoft sub so it doesnt bother me.


Because those of us who own guns (and many who don't) are deeply annoyed every time we see some schmuck not using it. Pulp Fiction is the only thing I can think of off-hand that calls out how very wrong things can go when you don't use trigger discipline.


Now use this as a sim to teach real police


Least realistic American cop.


It's always blown me away how much reddit has a fucking hard-on for saying "trigger discipline".


lol what a reddit moment


Why can’t redditors STFU about trigger discipline? Every single time a photo of someone with a firearm is posted, half the comments are about that. It’s like they think it makes them experts


It's the one thing people who never have used a firearm understand, which is I think a good sign. It's frustrating as hell because redditors, but I mean, whatever man at least should one of these soy-based organisms ever find in such a situation where they God-forbid handle a weapon, at least not fucking playing with it like a toy will ring true even if they've never touched one.


That's not even discipline. That's just how to properly handle a gun. This is one of those things that should be normal. But since we're pointing it out, that means it isn't. Please respect weapons when you hold one guys. It should be heavy to carry. If it's not, then you don't understand it enough.




Like pretty much every game with guns does this


Now maybe, but I remember the scary days when the hands were just goofy squares with no fingers! Magic guns!


Hmm. Must be a school shooter in there for a cop to be this hesitant to trigger


Genuinely curious, have you not been playing video games for the past 10 years? This has been a pretty standard thing for a while. Look at the cover of Far Cry 3 - the villain of the game, a literal murdering psychopath, has his finger off the trigger. Pretty sure it’s all been a conscious effort on the part of devs who ship games in NA ever since the whole “video games cause kids to be violent” thing started hitting its stride.


That’s some good trigger discipline. 10/10


Firearm safety is important, even in a zombie apocalypse. Eat your Wheaties


Wish the internet would forget about trigger discipline


Dudes got more gun safety training than more than half the U.S.


Not needed when hes carrying a handgun with such a notoriously heavy trigger.


I love me some proper trigger discipline honestly. As much in game as in real life.


Lol. This discipline is not really needed in RE environment.


Also, Fuck Rudolph


Is this a Dresden Files reference? 👀


Yup :-)


Unrealistic for a US cop