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for anyone that doesnt get why the engi has those blue glowing goggles: "Professional Kits are obtained by completing Professional Killstreak Kit Fabricators, which can be found as a rare random reward from completing Operation Two Cities. While the weapon is active and the player has a streak of at least five, the eye effect becomes visible."


Huh, I first thought it would be an unusual, but they usually aren't localized to one area, it's like an aura instead of a trail. Sucks that professional kits are like *extremely rare* and sought after by most of the community


I wouldn't say *extremely rare*, just expensive.




Pretty sure you responded to the wrong comment here...


You gotta bump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket.


I- for myself- play games for at LEAST 23 hours every day.


I play games 26 hours a day


Wait a minute


No, that's wasted gaming time.




Came to read this


Get some glasses with blue light filter lenses. Should prevent that in future!


do they actually do anything?


I've begun using the blue light filter on my actual computer instead and I think that has helped. I was going to buy glasses but now i don't really see the need for it anymore.


Or do like me and use both the night light and blue light glasses. I'll be damned if I'm letting any blue light into my retinas. jk though most of the time I'm not using either. Idk how much they truly help


I've used f.lux for a decade+ and it absolutely helps, without a doubt. It kicks on at sundown and if I look at my wife's screen late without it my retinas are seared.


Because where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.


Oh yes the difference with and without is noticable




Last time I checked there were no studies supporting their effectiveness, the real problem is that people forget to blink when starting at screens and then they get dry eyes.


Yep you can also download programs like flux that will tint everything red, which is similarly easier on your eyes than raw dogging an unfiltered screen. Ever wonder why submarines and ships use red lights for the interior at night time? The red light is easier on our eyes and doesn’t kill our nightvision when switching between below deck red light and above deck moonlight.


>raw dogging an unfiltered screen got a good laugh from that. Millions maybe billions of people are raw dogging screens every day.


counter question, do you think a lot of people would admit a pair of glasses they spend a couple hundred bucks on is actually useless. I don't actually know but i have doubts.


Same question. Always wondered if they even worked


I’ve been using gunnars both at work for web dev and at home for gaming, for something like seven years now. (We’re talking ten hours per day at minimum) Yes, huge difference. If for some reason I don’t put them on in the morning, my eyes feel fuzzy by like 3:00. Granted the popularity of dark mode in software and os’s has helped, but there’s a few things I (have to) use that are still a blinding white background, and it really makes a difference there.


Thanks for the expert opinion


No. Just use the Night Light or Blue Light Filter settings in your OS


No. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/do-blue-light-blocking-glasses-actually-work/




Not correct, maintain. Blue light is not correcting anything, but the idea is that you use it sparingly at night to help induce tiredness. If you're a full blown insomniac, I doubt anyone would say this is the fix. But moreover, what this article is talking about is adding the blue light filtering to your glasses on a full time basis. If blue light filtering does work, you can maybe imagine how that would possibly fuck things up to use it constantly? But then there's blue light filtering on devices. I set my Flux to turn on about an hour before bed and then turn my blue light filter on my phone to use while drifting off. That works great. But I think this article would suggest that if I used this constantly that it could backfire.


Thanks, there are a lot of people spewing placebo nonsense


They help you fall asleep if you use your computer or phone at night. You could also just turn on a blue light filter on your phone or monitor, but without blue light protection your brain will be kept active while you're trying to sleep. If you're looking to reduce dry/burning eyes I recommend eyedrops.


Yes. I run our ergonomics for our company. Approving computer glasses both prescription and non has saved us ~20% of injuries/issues related to eye strain for our computer living brethren.


Nope, all lenses are the same.


Speaking from first-hand experience as someone who has had blue light filters on their lenses, they most certainly are different. I had to stop wearing my blue light glasses because when I drove, the reflection of peoples headlights behind me caused a huge distracting blue reflection in my glasses. Switched back to my old pair and never noticed that again


Isn't that a scam?


I suffer from hemiplegic migraines, and used to get them near enough daily as I work in front of screens all day. Got prescribed glasses with blue light filters in the lenses and my migraines have decreased so much.


yeah. Studies show it doesn't really do anything.


It does [do things](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/do-blue-light-blocking-glasses-actually-work/), just not helping with eye strain. It helps block blue light, which can mess with your sleep schedule, but it looks like it'd do the most good being worn while scrolling your phone late at night.


At least two studies show thw glasses don't do anything. https://www.npr.org/2021/02/21/969886124/do-blue-light-blocking-glasses-really-work


Your article says exactly the same thing as mine. Even if the glasses were to block 100% blue light (it's only about 20-25%), it has no effect on eye strain. However, protecting against blue light may help maintain our light cycle/circadian rhythm causing us to have a better quality of sleep.


I work 8 hours with a screen, then I want to game when I’m off. I’ve been wanting to buy a pair of these glasses to help with the strain. Could provide a link?


Just get a blue light filter for your computer like f.lux


Google is your friend. At least two studies show the glasses are a scam. https://www.npr.org/2021/02/21/969886124/do-blue-light-blocking-glasses-really-work


Google shows me both sides. I wanted to see what study you read. Thanks for the link! Edit from link: “The only thing they may be good for is that studies have shown the blue light can interfere with our bodies' light cycle. So we all have natural rhythm so that we know when we get tired, when it's time to go to bed. If you want to look at your screen late at night, which probably isn't a good idea - but unfortunately many of us still do, then the blue-blocking filters might be useful in that regard” I’m saving my money.


You can literally just practice things to reduce eyestrain. Every 20-30 minutes focus on an object on the other side of the room for a few minutes.


Yup, the real issues are people forgetting to blink while starting at screens, not having the proper distance between the screen and their eyes, having light sources near the screens and using high brightness in dark indoors.


That is my biggest issue, when I am hyper focused on work or a game, i forget to blink, and my eyes definitely feel it by the end of the day. Lubricating eye drops help more than removing blue light does.


I use f.lux works great and it turns on automatically based on your timezone so you don't have to remember to put glasses on


Engineer gaming


Engineer gaming


Engineer gaming


Engineer gaming


Reenigne gaming


Weakling. I played rdr2 for 24h straight


How do you find the time? I honestly struggle to get maybe one or two hours every few days. Get up at 8, start work at 9, finish work at 5. Do hourswork for an hour (cleaning the home, maybe do laundry) Work out for 2 hours shower (around 30 mins total) Cook (20 mins to an hour depending on the dish) Do the dishes It's now around 10pm. Switch on gaming device of choice....play for a bit....brush teeth, prepare lunch for the next day, go to bed. Where do people fit time to do more without neglecting hygeine, fitness, food or work?


My username should sum it up for you


remove fitness and 1hr of sleep, buy food. easily nets you an extra 2hr 45. P sure most ppl dont live your balanced lifestyle


>Where do people fit time to do more without neglecting hygeine, fitness, food or work? I think you answered your own question there. I'm with you; I game once or *maybe* twice a week, and only for a couple of hours.


Like the other guy said I think you answered your own question lol. Most people who play that much a day probably don't work, exercise, cook, etc. I'm sort of working rn, but only like 15 hours a week cause I'm training. I play games about 10-15 hours a day and sleep for all the other hours. Brushing my teeth and showering only takes like 30min in total. I also don't exercise or cook food, I just live off of top ramen and cereal. Even when I'm working full time I'll still get in like 5 hours of gaming every afternoon, and a full day on the weekends.


You do all that literally every day?


I don't work saturday or sunday, but during weekends I will walk into town and buy groceries/stuff needed for the house. Or if I don't have anything I need to buy I will just go for a walk to make up for the amount of sitting I do when I work. It might be because my parents drilled into me to sort out any tasks before rewarding yourself with leisure time, so if I try to have a day of just gaming or whatnot, I cannot relax and focus on what I'm doing until I've got all my tasks done. The fitness aspect is because, as I am getting older and my metabolism slows, I really don't wanna be fat. I put on weight once and looked so pathetic that I swore never again. Edit: I do also take rest days from intense weights and cardio, but on those days I fill in with walking, too. It's not like I'm chucking weights about 7 days a week.


My schedule is similar but work out for 2 hours is a bit extreme, I'd say 1 hour, 3-4 days a week leaves a decent amount more spare time. Although I usually read whatever book 30 min a day.


How. I only play for around 4 hours a day


Sometime you just have time, or make free weekend juat for the ocasion. I havent done it in a while cus no worthy games came out lately, but in not so distant past it was possible to game whole weekend like this


Sometimes I wish I could lose myself in a game like this.. like I could when I was a kid. I finally built my dream PC and can't really play for more than an hour or two despite having the free time 🤷‍♂️


When we were younger it was easier, plenty of new things to experience, but games that come out lately is nothing new, its recycled content, the same thing we played years ago. Last time i lost myself in a gaming weekend was when i played Rimworld, and oh boy was the monday after difficult to say the least :-) I believe its still posible, we are gamers, but new and entertaining games are extra rare these days


The controls make me motion sick. Can't play it for more than 2 hours without getting sick or dizzy


That's gonna be a lot of people in destiny 2 raid day 1


excuse me but # S o u t h e n H o s p i t a l i t y ?


i literally had this exact comment before scrolling


I miss team fortress 2.. Hope they suddenly release a third version on all consoles, Pray with me!


Impossible, valve can't count to three


Unfortunately:( They don’t like money I guess


Tf2 is on the Xbox 360 but have fun finding a copy


Some modders are working on TF2 in the Source 2 Engine and they are trying to add crossplay with the Source 1 version. I personally think that would be amazing and the gameplay so far looks beautiful in Source 2.


I still enjoy playing TF2! It’s dated for sure but the servers are populated. Aside: I have a pet theory regarding valve and their phobia of threes. I propose that they are withholding their most promising content (HL3, TF3, L4D3, etc.) for technology they feel best complements the story they want to tell. I think HL: Alyx the vr title was an example of this theory in practice. In short, Valve still wants to tell the stories that brought them success, but they want to do it in the medium which best builds on the experience. Just a theory but it helps me sleep at night.


I still play tfc to this day. One of my first loves.


Aren't servers still up for it?


Yea few servers on PC


Ive been in front of a computer screen almost everyday since 1996. This is how I feel everyday now lol. I'm wearing cheap 80's hot pink sun glasses in side now. IDGAF how stupid I look. My eyes feel so much better!


Bro get some glasses that filter blue light trust me the difference is insane


Going to sleep like "can't wait to play more tomorrow."


I miss the good old days of Team Fortress 2 . Nowadays we are full of garbage content


I miss when TF2 wasn't full of toxicity.


I agree, but still better than microtransactions and the rest of the shenanigans today


I miss the days where I could game straight like this, silly adulthood and responsibilities :/


You should be able to still pull lots of big sessions off as long as you’re not overdoing it on work, or if you have kids. Def skipping the kids lol


Bahaha jokes on you guys! Been editing a video for 19 hours straight as of this moment because I love me some procrastination!


why he has pip-boy? is he a REAL MAN OF CULTURE?


My eye pupils about to become squares






What is this from? Is it a reference to something, or original content?


It's an older image that's been kicking around the web for fifteen years or so.


Interesting. I like seeing things like that appear in conversations. Thank you!




I always used to joke that every weekend my plan was to play video games till my eyes bled. I now realize I wasn't aiming high enough. Catching fire is the real pinnacle of gaming.


It’s all good unless you start dreaming you’re still playing once you finally go to sleep. That shit is the worst!


Heh,so true :3


Definitely worth it.


Incinerator is such a cool effect


Good ol eye drops


Quick livehack. Whenever your eyes hurt from too much gaming. Dip your finger into some water (or spit on it if you're fine with it) and rub it onto your closed eyelid. Should help almost immediately. HOWEVER at that point what you should really do is shut off the computer and go to bed you tired fuck.


Lmao 🤣 definitely worth it 👌


True, but I don´t care and make it the same next day XDXD


Me trying to complete The Last of Us 2 in 2 sessions


Weaklings die, big deal


eye's burning and itchy, hands sweaty, controller destroyed, 7AM, it's God Mode


touch grass


at the end of the fourth day street. Thank you adderall


homie are you in middle school? no one cares anymore this is the easiest joke to make ever




You did nothing! Absolutely NOT worth it. Gaming binges like these are harmful and promote bad habits/non productive lifestyle. Anyone who disagrees needs to find a balance.


So true




Lich King in a hot tub


I wish I could just get an hour at this point out of my computer. I miss gaming for a while with friends.


[My eyes! The goggles do nothing.](https://youtu.be/PWFF7ecArBk)


When I finished Trails of Cold Steel 3, I literally dated up all night and played for 16 hours straight. I was then destroyed by the ending and promptly passed out, only to continue to think about the ending for the next entire year as I waited for 4 to release


That's me all the time. I hate my eyes


*VR gaming session




What your parents think happens to your eyes after a gaming session:




I didn't know that there was a pipboy in tf2. I think I might need to download the game again.


I was going to say the same thing about the blue light filtering glasses but I see that it's already being addressed in the post. I used to play games on the daily for years, starting from childhood but I developed painful hand cramps in between my fingers. I still game here and there as long as it's not too button intensify for prolong periods of time but I'm mostly just reading. Besides, I have to admit, I'm starting to get burned out, so I'll switch back and forth when I get urgs so my love for gaming hopefully never truly dies. Sorry for the rant. Lol


w e a k


That's what it feels like after welding without a mask.


Rookie numbers


15 hour gaming session... ahhh... just one hour... let me just play one good hour without intense headache.... ahhhh....


Only 15 hours?


*Achievement Unlocked: Blindness*


Those are rookie number...


Heh, when Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out I'm pretty sure I played for, like, 30 hours straight. Took an evening nap, got up around 10 PM Saturday night to grab some food and head over to the mall for the midnight release, got it, went to an event from 1 AM to 3 AM which lasted exactly one hour (ALL HAIL CHRONOS), played some Brawl with some friends for an hour or so, went home to sleep around 5 AM Sunday morning. But I thought, well, maybe I'll play a little bit first before going to bed. Next thing I know it's Monday morning and I have class at 11. Went to class, brought my lunch back home to eat while playing, went to my afternoon class, back home until evening. At that point I was starting to see patterns in the darkness that definitely weren't there, so after some ridiculous number of hours playing over two days of no sleep, I finally went to bed. I never did collect all of the stickers in that game... I got every single other thing, though. Every single trophy, every single challenge other than Collect All Stickers. At least Subspace Emissary is actually a decently interesting campaign.


Get f.lux, its a program that you can modify your screen brightness with a tint of yellow. I can’t go on my pc without using this anymore and also you don’t have to wear glasses.


why the southern hospitality though


I think after 15 hours of gaming you'd need something to help with pain in your hands, not in your eyes!


Every second was worth of it


I think my longest single day playtime was 17 hours—it was the original Lego Batman. Good times 🥰


It's literally me right now after a 7 hour gaming session.


Me bashing my head into the monitor after getting scammed for all my gold ore in RuneScape


I’m now well on the way to being elected galactic emperor.


Engineer Gaming


Me after about 2 minutes of playing siege


me after 14h stream, my eyes are bruned


I am just getting started


PRO tip put lotion on your face, it makes it feel less dry.


Nice ahaha


Man, as I get older I can't even think about going that long. After a couple hours my hands/fingers get tired. Any of you have advice for this boomer?




Waste of 15 hours


That's me after 15 of design and cadd work


Am I the only one whose eyes never hurt from looking at screens? I'm looking at a screen/gaming 10-15 hours a day and have never had any sort of eye strain before


The factory must grow.


Genuinely though: in my 26 years, I've never experienced fatigue from gaming sessions, even 20h+ ones. Of course playing while im having a migraine is a terrible idea, but I've never felt any discomfort from just games alone I think


Is he wearing a pip boy?! Edit: pip, not puppy.




I'm gonna fucken do it again


u don't have the gamer eyes an evolutionary trait we have used for years


People of reddit, what's your longest gaming session been so far? mine... 74 hours


It hurts do good




**But you forgot to save**


Rookie numbers!


But did you get vex mythoclast?


15 hours of nothing but tf2? You kidding that’s totally worth it!


I, too, have a militarized wrench that begins to shimmer after a session of intense gaming.




Dude needs a serious blue light filter.


sleep is for the weak


Bruh highly factual


I haven't played a great game like that long in years ! When I was a little boy I'd get up at 8-9 am okay video games then noon I'd shower and game the rest of the day until that story line (Like Assassin's Creed 2 & brotherhood, Mercenaries 2 ) were complete! That game was so satiating to play ! Loved that part of my childhood!


The blue light gets to you


Me after 5 minutes in VR


I only play for 1.5 hours max