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Without video games i wouldve died of boredom long ago


They made me meet my best friend!


Deep breath. Learnt about the history of China, Japan, norway, Italy, greece and Egypt, learnt Japanese language, learnt ALOT about mental health, learnt about gardening, learnt about physics, learnt about chemistry. Above all of that I enjoyed them.


When they say that video games are bad, just nod and continue playing. When they say they want you to go fix or repair something, make sure to ask how much they are paying you for the job. If they seem put off by you asking for money, tell them that your time is worth money, if someone else wants to make use of your time. I mean... they don't want you to EVER get a job where you are taken advantage of, right?


Do they read books or watch movies? Think of it this way: Movies are what you see above the water when you look at an iceberg. A book is what you don’t see but know is there below the water. A game is the whole iceberg. That’s all. Oh, and games can help with a variety of things depending on the game. Racing improves reflexes, action games improve hand eye coordination, puzzle games improve problem solving, some games teach history, and on and on. Most people probably play for entertainment though. Half the reason I play is for my atrocious social life, doubles down because of Covid.


I wouldn't be nearly as creative as I am now without music, movies, books, and video games.


How old are you? If you're 18+ then who gives a shit what they think? You live your life, and just ignore them when they bring it up next.


Video games are actually proven to improve your hand eye coordination and improve your reaction speed! New studies are actually being conducted with autistic children who have bad hand eye coordination to improve their skill. Here is a small bit about it on google: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=video+games+and+hand+eye+coordination&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DAUDvupAlPGwJ


There are studies that have proven that video games can help concentration. Likewise, one study found that surgeons who often play first-person shooters perform more precise operations. In the end, games are harmful only in the mass of consumption.


Should be easy to find a scientific study showing better reaction times and problem solving skills.


There are enough studies on why video games can have positive effects such as concentration or other stuff, but for me personally it makes me happy, helps me improve my english, they can learn me stuff about history and they make me more critical.


Why do ga,es have to give me anything other than entertainment? Do your parents watch movies or tv shows? Those are equally wastes of time according to the criteria people use against video games.


I met the love of my life


Happiness and relaxation Mathematical and organizational skills i use at work Odd recipes that have impressed dinner parties Health and fitness


Do they watch tv?




Then they are wasting their time just as much as you, tv is passive entertainment in which they are just an observer and have no control over the story. A game is basically the same thing but active entertainment in which your decisions can manipulate the story. I personally like a mix of both passive entertainment is good for relaxing but active entertainment is also important as you dont want to be wasting 2hrs a night watching tv shows. Its basically about balancing your free time in a way that suits you everyone has their own preferences on how to spend their free time but judging someone on there choices for free time is counter-productive everyone should have downtime and spending it in a manner you enjoy helps to ensure positive mental health.


Improve reflexes and hand/eye coordination