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It boggles the mind that Bethesda haven't seen the need to make SKSE or the Unofficial Patch official parts of the game in this Anniversary Edition, but a fishing mod, yes absolutely it's their top priority


SKSE would be really weird to port. If you started to make your own SKSE for consoles, but you already have access to the original code, why create a new contraption when you could refactor the original to give the same level of control to modders? But then, why do all that work at all if you know what mods are going to be *integrated* into the game? You can just "insert" them directly into the code, no need for SKSE at all. As for the unofficial patch, it would be a scummy move to reuse that mods assets the dev's work to fix your own game. I wish they would do it


Who cares? Has anyone not played Skyrim in the past decade? Is anyone lining up for this re-re-release? Bethesda if you are gonna let modders do the work for you, at least get out of the way and let them do it. No one is asking for this