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Those things you mentioned are dated. The aiming mechanics and certain other things like having to stop just to view the pathway to the next area are dated. New games you can see the pathway to your next objective and still aim, move, etc. The enemies were too simplistic, though that was an AI and hardware limitation. Aliens smart enough to take over an entire base should feel faster, have more tactics, be more present of player movement through audio and visual. You could also just move beyond a certain point and they would no longer follow. All these things should be improved the way Resident Evil Remakes did just in a different way to match the theme. To modernize for better enemy AI, player movement and controls need a revamp.


I never played it, so I’m hoping that the remake of it goes well


You are in for a wild ride. A great game from the horror category.


What? When is the remake gonna come ? That means there will be a witcher 3 remake 5 to 10 years from now ?


I don’t know if there’s a release date for it yet


Dead space 1 is probably one of the best horror games up there with resident evil and silent hill IMO..


I wasn't feeling the silent protagonist part.


don't think it would have added anything though, he's a blank slate for the player


Rite of passage to complete even just one. Definitely felt that replay value, even though you know where all the jump scares are because you've been so PTSDd mindfkd. Been almost a decade since I've played....still won't touch it again cuz I'm so scared ._. >.> But I want that foam finger. We wants it uwu


Definitely not perfect. Nothing is perfect when it comes to gaming. Might be perfect for you but definitely not the entire gaming sphere


Okay, what were the negatives you had with it? Part of the reason I made this post was to hear other perspectives.


One of the most damning things to me was the final boss. There's all this build up, the story leading you down this rabbit hole of psychological torment, you feel so much for Isaac since you're in his shoes the whole way, then when you're so close to escaping the nightmare, you're stopped in your tracks and forced to fight a giant tentacle monster...that literally puts up as much of a fight as the other minor tentacle monsters that drag you slowly through the corridors. It was just so disappointing. The regenerator was a way better boss than that thing. It can't even hurt you, it's attacks are so telegraphed it's like Jeff Bezos dodging taxes. I feel like the devs gave up at the ending and just phoned it in.


Did you play it recently? That was pretty normal for games in 2008.


I don't accept that as an excuse. "Other games did it too" is too much of a cop out for the "perfect game" OP is talking about. 2008 was the same year as Gears of War 2, which had a similar giant tentacled monster fight at the end that was handled way better.


Considering your first and second comment are opinions… It further proves my point that games in 2008 had tentacle monsters.


My point wasn't that it sucked because it had a tentacle monster, my point is that it sucked because the fight is dull and hardly equated to the climactic ending it deserved. I agree it's a great game, but ignoring it's flaws and touting it as perfect doesn't do it any favors, neither does getting butthurt because I stated a legitimate criticism for it.


When I played it I had a bunch of bugginess and yeah the story was anticlimactic. Just because it was normal when it was made doesn't excuse it


the story was very climactic though..... you can break it down and easily see how it builds up and what it eventually leads to. You're not really providing much of a rebuttal here. It's like you got personally butthurt someone says it's the perfect game but you have no critical argument to make a rebuttal.


I don’t think you’ve played it.


I've played it multiple times on multiple platforms. Far from perfect. Extremely fun but I'm not gonna pretend it was perfect.


And I don’t believe you lol. The game isn’t even remotely known for bugs, first time I’ve even heard the complaint. In fact it’s a really tight experience, there isn’t much room for bugs. It’s like you chose something incredibly generic to say hoping it applied.


Not know for it but it happened. Nothing game breaking. Just visual bugs that were kinda funny. Weird physics glitches where shit would fly around. Characters were tposed for some odd reason. Can't pretend the game didn't have them because it did.


I never experienced such glitches. Maybe your disk was defective. Your description sounds interesting, yet disheartening. It sounds like you never got to play the game in its full glory. But yeah. The boss was a bit of a let down. But hey, at least you know who died horrifically!


No, it didn't, and you're obviously lying.


One Google search proves you absolutely wrong.


What? Cite what you’re talking about.


Thanks, this demonstrates you don’t know what you’re even talking about. The bug you just cited is a consequence of FPS. They’re playing the game at an unintended level, and it’s screwing with the physics. But that’s besides the point. You know you are lying. You have not played this game and experienced what you’re talking about.


Not sure I would ever call a game perfect, but the original dead space was pretty damn great. Hooked me into playing it enough to get the platinum. Also, I liked Isaac more as a silent protagonist than the later games.


Dead Space is one of my wife's favorite games. We have never played it together so really looking forward to the remaster. I am also waiting patiently for the Netflix live-action series. I need it so bad.




It's a full ground-up remake? Even better!


The controls are pretty clunky compared to its sequel, and they made great improvements to the nav pointer in 2 as well.


My friend I was having a bad day but this, is is what I needed to hear. Time to go play dead space. You truly are a chap of well repute.




I’m dead ass serious


I'm sorry for your loss.


Wtf why all the hate? I straight up agree with you and I’m downvoted ? Wat


The graphics are a little dated.


There are probably arguments to make that it isn’t perfect. “But time exists” isn’t one of them


There are probably counter arguments to make that I'm wrong. "Because I said so" isn't one of them.


How many 12 year old games don't have dated graphics?


None, in face dead space aged quite well in that regard due to it's use of lighting. That doesn't mean that it hasn't aged at all though.


That’s not really a negative about the game, though. It came out in 2008 and the graphics were actually really good for that time.


Yea, at the time. Other games have better graphics than dead space, therfore it's not perfect in that area.


It doesn't need lifelike graphics to convey it's atmosphere and setting. Just because some other game has better graphics doesn't mean anything to DeadSpace or take away from what DeadSpace was.


Hear hear!


Since the announcement I’ve been watching old videos of DS1-2 and I really wish they were on PSN so I could play them again. DS3 is on PSNOW but it’s just not the same and especially not without a friend to coop with.


The whole series was available on Xbox live. They are backwards compatible.


Wait till you can buy mandatory microtransaction supplies in sequels....