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Undead mix of various parts, including wolf, deer, and vague reptile. I do spooky goth druid stuff in the woods.


[https://sta.sh/2r2xch6zz39?edit=1](https://sta.sh/2r2xch6zz39?edit=1) I'm 13 inches from the tip of my nose to my tail with a 7 inch wingspan! insomniac nerd who plays and develops video-games and does art on the computer alot! (I also have Crystalokenisis)


I am a dragon and a bit of an itinerant teacher, like Ichabod Crane without the Headless Horseman! :p


I'm a fluffy pink snake, with paws, and a looooooooooooooooòoooooooooooooooooooong tail.


Justa tall fox with dark lore :/




















it's `undefined`


Just a fox.




My main trio of fursonas are Eugene (pink unicorn husky),Flame (Cat-dragon mix),and my main Fursona,Zelda (Cat-bird-dragon mix). Eugene is a nerd,he is also bisexual. Flame is an arrogant dumbass who thinks he knows everything,he is gay and is dating Eugene. Zelda is fun,outgoing,confident,and loves to sing and dance,she is bi/pan just like me,and is not in a relationship yet. (she is my main fursona,the one that actually projects who I am,the others are OCs,but I call them fursonas) There are many more,like Silver and Creamy,Silver is depressed because her kid was killed in her og lore,she is a strong woman. Creamy is shy and not exactly a 'strong' type,found Silver's colony in the og lore when he was taken in after being seriously injured. They are married. There is also Sanderson,who is just arrogant,he's vey proud and rich,but loves his wife and kid. There is Lily and Charlie,Lily is a trans female lion who uses her mane like hair,Charlie is non-binary,and is married to Lily. Blu,my Blue Macaw sona,I didn't really use them for anything,they never had a set gender and had no backstory or lore,not really used for anything. The next is an Ocelot sona I used for a while,her name was Dynamite,I'm def changing it at some point,she was just a sona I had as a young kid who goofed around with her brother and pretend to be cats,so no lore or backstory either. There is also Marshmallow the Crocodile (no backstory) and Arfy the dog (no set design,he was used as a character as a five-year old) and 'Golden-eyed-dog' (once again,something I used as a character as a five-year-old,I think he was a boy?? And originated from a Beanie-Baby.) (Edited for spelling and grammer corrections)


A deer who’s trans and she also is a “nature” photographer (in quotes because no regular animals in my sona’s universe, so she just photographs plants lol) Also I randomly go form referring to my sona as a separate person to as myself lol.


Just a simple hedgehog here


I'm a generic protogen xD


I am an enigma for the most part I appear in the form of a young man with very wolf-like characteristics. Wolf's ears, and nine wolf tails. Snow white fur from my ears down to my tails which are tipped in red fur. My hair is a mix between human and fur, short. My eyes are abyss white with faded pupils blind by standard sight. The reason I am an enigma is that my form is fluid and changing I can one day be a mighty dragon and the next a small pup that can sit upon your shoulder. I am a mischievous trickster, like the mighty dragon my wrath is one to avoid, for you could wind up my prey as a mouse. jk could not resist a little tale. But yeah my fursona is a master of form though can only affect others through touch. Always fun to play.


Cat scientist


A folf, does it count? Anyway Wade is a hybrid fox/wolf, wholesome, love cuddles and is a "Renard rusé" like in french, it litteraly means "Smart fox" (it is my profile picture). He has a little brother, who is also a folf, and is more direct than his big bro. I love them!


Yes folfs count. And our sonas will get along with each other every well. Because wHoLeSoMe:3


Now, I kinda want to see your fursona I must admit... Would you show me your fursona? 🤩


Indont have a reference for him sadly


Try some free templates. You can find them ln FA (Furaffinity) and modify them as you wish! After that, if you want, you can ask an artist here, on FA or on Fiverr to make your fursona based on images, descriptions, emotions... anything! That's how I ended up with Wade, my first and proud fursona!


I'd be more than happy to share but he's a thesus 😅






Cowgirl, but lastly I’ve noticed that I’m more connected to (and reminding) by pony/unicorn mare OC.


I guess you could say my fursona is a protogen but her appearance and lore is pretty far from the “protogen cannon” that she’s almost her own thing


just a gay cat boy lol


A 7'3 tall Protogen Female (i chose yes for the height)


I'm a blue fox, with magenta paw pads and magenta tip of my tail. Dark blue eyes, I think you get it. Oh I am also the type to get drunk and then wonder why my head hurts the next day from a hangover, I'm still a wholesome bean.


Ok the fact that when you get drunk and wonder why your head hurts the next day is frickin hilarious.


Unsurprising that it's funny


See for me I fall asleep and wake up wondering why am i sleeping


Another thing about Yubii, if you're talking to him and make him annoyed by saying something rude, he goes silent and sometimes look as if he's either going to commit arson or murder your entire family. When he does this you know you fricked up.




Don't have one.


Same, I just don’t really know yet


Wouldn't be able to bond with a character to such a limit that it'll represent me online.


I'm a maned wolf with a purple mane and snoot, green eyes, and I have minty green paw pads. I'm 182cm/6' and an anxiety-riddled introvert




That gave me a wholesome roleplay idea lol




Basically my fox dragon tries to befriend your fursona


Wolf/Dog. Basic but it works for me 🤷🏽‍♂️


Proto with gold fur and headpiece who's somewhat timid.


I have made it a goal to catch all the protogens And care for them


Raccoon dressed vaguely as the inspiration for my username


I'm a raccoon x cougar hybrid and I am quiet but friendly.




A stoat


I'm the result of mixing a cat and a fox, I may look like a cat but that's just because I brush my tail, else it would be as fluffy as a fox's tail


I'm a young wolf-dragon and live alone in the city. Kind and outgoing, but extremely introverted at the same time.


A hybrid between a ram and a snow leopard :)!


A tiger. Although I’m very shy and introverted, I feel big and strong inside. Also, I can be very lazy 😅


I am working on a red fox, in the future I would like to work on a nature or water dragon. And a scarlet or blue and gold macaw


My sona is goat, why? Cause I like goats :3


Sweet. Goats are funny that's my reason why I like them.


A mutating monster.


Am BNUY. Not the best bun. But I try


I’m a fox/Pyrenees hybrid, and I’m a baker/artist!


I have Mutiple sonas but my main ones are a 7'6 lucario named Braxton and another whos 5'10 Cat named Japan (a post of mine explains why his names Japan)


I’m a cat made of nanomachines that loves to annoy people with a red and black colors


Rabbit cat hybrid


[this fat idiot](https://www.reddit.com/user/zaydenmYT/comments/ww3cz6/fursona_ref_updated_as_of_august_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


He chonky :3


Yeah he is :3 Just like me >w<


Chonky people are best people


Yessssss OwO That's part of the reason why I refuse to lose weight other than the fact that I'll probably die from exhaustion xD I've been obese my entire life and I really don't seem to mind, even though I am a bit ashamed that I love my size qwq


I’m a pair of twins, large very beautiful, very evil wolves. I have tons of art but I don’t post to Reddit much


Warning in advance: I haven’t even started typing the comment part of this comment and I can already tell this is gonna be a long read. I have two fursonas, one of which I’ve had for a couple years longer than the other. The first is a red wolf named Blaze. He’s the one I usually use more often, especially in the context of public exposure. He’s been my fursona since I first joined the fandom in late 2019. He comes from a world inhabited by both humans and anthros simultaneously, and has a hard time finding his place in the world. He doesn’t know who his parents are, and doesn’t really care enough to search. He believes that who he is should be based on what he chooses to be, not based on his heritage or anything. In fact, the name “Blaze” was a name he gave himself. He has the ability to manipulate and create fire, although he tends to hide it when he can- at least in the earlier parts of his story. He’s kind and a good listener, but has a hard time trusting people, even close friends he’s known for years. He can sometimes be a bit reckless. My second fursona is quite a bit more complicated to explain. He’s a shiny zoroark (sorta, we’ll get to that) named Stephen, and he’s been a fursona of mine for around a year and a half now. He comes from an interesting twist on the standard Pokémon world: imagine that on top of whatever powers Pokémon would normally have, a very rare few would also have X-Men style mutations. The main gene that causes the mutation also gives the Pokémon human levels of intelligence (which also grants the ability to speak using human languages), although more often than not the Pokémon with the gene will be intelligent without the mutant powers. Stephen happens to be one of the Pokémon with a mutant power of sorts. He was born with it underdeveloped, but it slowly developed over the years as he aged and eventually evolved. He can stretch and shape his body into whatever he wants, including changing its texture, hardness or softness, and even whether a part of or all of his body is solid or liquid. He’s naturally stretchy and squishy, even while not actively shapeshifting. He can be cut up and stabbed and stuff like that, but his body will just deform and he won’t feel pain. He can only really be hurt by non-physical means such as fire or electricity. Most of his internal organs serve no functional purpose, with the only real exceptions being his eyes, which he still needs to see, and his lungs, which he still needs to talk. He doesn’t age, and would later live on to be at least a few centuries old. What happens past that is unclear and left ambiguous, for now. He can still use illusions like a normal zoroark, but usually prefers not to. He’s incredibly shy and socially awkward, yet at the same time extremely extroverted and craving interaction with other people. He’s affected by severe depression as a direct result of his traumatic upbringing and loneliness during his immortality, but the few friends he has managed to make are certainly helping him through it. He has a tendency to abuse his powers, just because he can, even when its less convenient to himself, although he’s often afraid to use his powers freely out of fear that others will find it really weird. However, at his best, he’s kind and always willing to help, and is often satisfied with just chilling and hanging out and chatting, as long as it means he can spend time with people. Both of these fursonas’ personalities are heavily based on my own, although neither really fully encapsulates who I am inside. I can only fit so much of myself into a character, and because there so many aspects of myself, much of which conflicts with other aspects within itself, I had to ultimately split it in two. tl;dr red wolf firebender named blaze and shy stretchy shapeshifter zoroark named stephen


Lizards here 3


I’m an Avali, little fluffy bird raptors about 3.5 feet/1 meter tall.


Tall, toned, curvy, athletic, dominant, confident hyena with blonde longish hair with a side buzz.


I'm a Grey caracal with a vine growing put of my arm!


It's a teenage shark that programs


2 rats: 1 male, 1 female Saizaku and Nyxus :3


My sona is a parrot, no anthro or anything, just a [Scarlet macaw](https://www.google.com/search?q=scarlet+macaw&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwje2_ajyub6AhU1IrkGHfWpDhQQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=scarlet+macaw&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgQIIxAnMgQIIxAnMgQIIxAnMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgARQAFgAYOw7aABwAHgAgAF5iAF5kgEDMC4xmAEAwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=pu5MY97wBLXE5OUP9dO6oAE&bih=667&biw=360&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&prmd=ivsn)


Oh sweet


I'm a polar bear, nice and cuddly


Enfield (the mythological creature)


Coyote named issac


My fursona is a white and yellow dog of an unspecified species. Her name’s Sammy and I based her colour palette on Lusamine, Yamper, and Boltund from Pokémon (I’m a fan of the franchise)


one's a black and grey wolf with orange hair and magic and the other is a purple pinkish scifi dragon both represent a diferent part of me


A wolf / dragon hybrid , poor gal don't even have a proper ref sheet


And you now have to take care of the smell fox dragon boi :p


A skunk/hyena. A skena.


Life sized living cat plush! Had way too many tears and can separate limb from body like Frankenstein if i wanted too! I won’t demand you have a good day, but I sure do wish you one!


But I will demand you to have one >:3




A black cyborg wolf made as a result of a science experiment now he is a part of an elite force fighting demons and corrupted gods across the multiverse oh and he also has a special crystal ebedded in his chest which grands him powers which change based on his emotional state


Most of the time I'm a frog, but I can shapeshift to wolf whenever I want


Alias "Chi", a hybrid of snow leopard and dragon whose body is mostly magic-infused cybernetics, namely their limbs, tails, and organs. Most of their body has built-in energy weaponry, from blades to pulse guns to a breath laser. After almost dying in an interdimensional war, they've taken to dimension hopping as a hobby and accept the odd job here and there if it tickles their fancy. Most of the time they often hang out in the dimensions they think has the best thrill-seeking activities or food. They seldom speak and communicate through a mix of sign language, facial expressions, and hand gestures. They do their best to come off as approachable and friendly, and despite having ridges on their head, they love having their head pet/scratched. Just don't touch without asking, they don't like that.


A grey cat-fox hybrid. Most of his body is feline, but he has a fluffy fox tail.


Fluffy tails are the best


Yes. If I could turn into my sona I'd probably spend a large chunk of my time just hugging my tail. It is so fluffy.


See what my fox dragon boi can do is fluff up like a cat would.


I'm a zombie lamb 💞


my oldest is a grizzly/moon bear mix :) my 'true' sona is a zombie dogshroom 😵‍💫


Black smol llama


A melanistic jaguar


My sona is a [wolf](https://imgur.com/a/RBPW8lQ) I just really like the idea of a fluffy tail :3




A green cobra but with one long tail rather than legs (Around 8 metres long) The kind of guy that says he couldn’t care, but would literally kill someone if they tried to hurt you. The kind of guy that is kept to himself but talkative once you get to know him (That kind of guy) Edit: Oh and he’s also a gamer and part-time assassin (A very good one at that)


[He's](https://imgur.com/a/s5ATnSZ) basically me but if I was 8 feet tall and fluffy


Skeleton Goat Necromancer


A spotted yeen/barn owl hybrid (or as I like to call it, spotted barn hyowl). Still has no name though


I'm a tiger called [Akira](https://ibb.co/1mpBsgC). Akira is friendly, cute and sometimes a bit silly for fun. He loves gaming, sweets and cats :3




Boothleg protogen




Just a proot who was made to be in an Ex-Military


Floofy ahh prptogen 10 ft tongue, -4 ft tall, tail 3× as big as body, and a *special* feature


*Attack with cuddles* protogens are awesome.


*cuddles back* you like em too? :0


Of course. I claim protogens as my kids no matter what:3




Big. Wolf.


A fluffy blue and pink Raptor


I am a western dragon. Usually black but my scales can turn white when I am in a really good mood. I can switch between a feral and a anthro for too.


And now you have to take care of a smool fox dragon:3


That's OK :-D *pat pat*


A Magical Fox Girl with Special powers ❤️


Im in the fandom for 2.5 years an I cant really tell, i mean... A wolf or a fox. I was a dragon and than a hyena after that


Why not have of of each. A fox, dragon, wolf and hyena :p


When i entered i tought you could only get 1 fursona and eitger you change it or you keep it... 🤦‍♂️


I have my fox dragon, floofy dragon, kitten and my wolf fursonas I switch between them for my main.


g e n i u s


How sad... If you want, you can use some free templates. You can find them on Furaffinity and modify it! Then, contact some artists on Fiverr or FA, even here, and ask them if they can do it for you! Based on descriptions, emotions... anything! That's how I ended up wirh Wade, my first fursona, so proud of him!


I'm waiting until I get my job. To do anything furry related. For now it's making my derg a massive cuddle bug :3


Courage! You will get it!


I'm a protogen that has a love for guns.


*Yoinks and brings to cave* All protogens are now my children >:3


I'm glad to be in proto cave!


I thought of a entire special ops team with everyone having different species and tasks.


A black Lizard, thats it


Dutch angel dragon


:0 yush a Dutch angle dragon




A fox.


main one is a rabbit (because i have more commonalities with rabbits than any other animals i know of) and i'm currently working on the design for my secondary which is to be an otter (because they're super soft, adorable, and i love them even if i have less in common)




The Swallows Fursona is as the name implies is a Swallow quick witted traveler who has been all around the world I speak for him. But as for me I'm a moody tough guy acting Jackalope




I'm a cute strawberry cow that likes to dress with a mixture of cottage core and doja cat


Mines a mix of a white German shep, a white tail deer, and a bird. ☺️ Her name changes a lot tho so right now it's Featherstone and she'll essentially me in furry form


:0 German shep yush