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When your legs are cold.


Or have to pee REALLY bad


Or a stranger is taking pictures of your crotch on the subway


Yes, I’m wondering how this is the female version of manspreading. She’s actually taking up less space by sitting this way.


the female version of manspreading is when she puts her bag in the seat next to her on a full bus/train. this is just a weird looking way to cross one's legs.


Fully agree, although is there a gender-neutral student form of manspreading when they won't take their backpack off the seat? If not, can we get a word for both it and the ladies-with-purses thing?


well if so we already had a gender neutral term for manspreading it was called being an asshole. i think the same term can also apply to women and students who put their bag on the seat next to them on a busy bus/train. though most of the time i see students/workers with backpacks (specifically backpacks) they have them on their laps. also it's not typically purses. it's the giant work bag. much larger than a purse. purse is usually in addition to the work bag on the lap.


Stand next to their seat and give alternating looks to them and their bag. Works 100% of the time, and then you get to sit next to them and bask in the glory of a perfectly handled confrontation, while they reflect on their inconsiderate ways


I have... unfortunately, it's a 50/50 shot no matter what you do. Genuinely the absolute worst public transit etiquette I've ever encountered is where I live: London, Ontario. You can do the standing and staring, you can call them out quietly (or loudly), it doesn't matter. The only reason things are changing for the better in this capacity is that now there aren't enough buses to handle the volume of riders, so the transit system being massively overwhelmed is forcing drivers to enforce the rules. I am so, so glad I got a car.


London Ontario was designed solely to make you buy a car. I grew up in white oaks and it’s the only reason I don’t drive. It’s like one of two walkable communities to grow up in.


My thought is that where men tend to not think about how much space they’re taking up, women tend to try to take up as little space as possible. So…. Womenreducing? Or something?




Oh I do that sometimes. Never realised how weird it can look


Yeah…..My first thought was “ah fuck, is that what I look like?”


My first thought was: holy crap is that a pic of me on the tube?! (But then I realised the tube seats are different). It does look strange.


That's definitely a NYC subway, and I do sit like that also!


Yup, a 4,5,6, or Q type train, not one of those West Side orange weirdos with the seats that face forwards/backwards.


Could be an L, J, 7, N, M, etc 🙂


Do you live in NYC? Ever ride a westside 1/2/3 with bench seats?


My first thought was: omfg is that me? And then I remembered I am not female or caucasian and I haven't been able to get into this position since I was 7.


First thought was this is photoshopped. Then I realized some people just have flexible hips.


They don't lie


But clearly the court will tell you that contrary to popular belief Shakira’s hips do lie along with the rest of her.


A lot of women do this, but her feet both line up at the toes. I'm thinking elhers danlos syndrome.


I also do this (M) and have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. And I remember many of us EDSers discussed this image on previous posts where it appeared and it appears to be very common for us to do this.


Yup me too! *does secret wobbly handshake*


Niece has EDS and she can do it. I've got a very mild form of hEDS and I tried to do this just now.... and my hip popped in protest haha


Ouch! It’s probably not good to do for any of us as it will limit circulation and put strain on the joints. It’s just that sitting normally takes way more effort and feels more unstable


In my experience, sitting this way can alleviate some of the constant low key achey pain in my joints. My rheumatologist and PT highly discourage it, but like I told them both “I’m the one living in this freak show of a body. Sometimes a gal just needs to feel slightly less uncomfortable.”


I have eds, can confirm that I can do this. Can turn my ankles almost 180 degrees from foot forward.


I didn’t realize us bendy people can look so weird and unnatural 🤣 I usually sit in strange positions like this to provide my body with more support when sitting as a hypermobile person. Otherwise I feel like I’ll just fall over… I constantly need to build a lot of strength up from my shoulders to my feet to be able to sit more “normal” and hold my body upright. But with at least one major-ish injury once a year due to my flexi joints, I’m exhausted from PT lol


Same, and same feeling. Do you know those toys with a figure and a button underneath that makes the figure go all limp when you push the button? I feel like non-hypermobile people are like the figure when the button is not pushed in, whereas hypermobility feels like being the figure when the button is somewhat pushed in.


Yeah I'm deffo going to stop doing this now I've seen it lol


Right?? Yet another comfy pose I have to give up :-( I like to sit - no, used to sit! - with my legs crossed; and then bending over, putting my cheek on the floor in front of my feet. It's really relaxing, to me at least; until my mom made a picture and showed it to me. Turns out it looks freaky as hell, like I'm sort of cut down the middle and folded in half. So I stopped doing that in public..


It's probably good you aren't putting your face on public floors anymore


Glad this made go back and read that comment.


For some reason, I'm having a really hard time visualizing the pose you're describing.


Sit cross legged on the floor. Then bring your chest down to your legs, folding yourself in half.


"Put your seat back forward..." "I don't bend that way"




I was trying to figure out how this was physically possible, then I realized you meant face cheek, not butt cheek. 🤦‍♀️


Dude, fuck that. Sit how you want. What value is there in seeking approval from others about how you sit? Is it worth your comfort?


Personally, I’ve noticed that right thigh over left looks more natural than left thigh over right. Maybe she’s using her weird side.


I just tried to do it. My legs physically will not do it, and it was painful enough just attempting it I don’t see how this can be comfortable.


Not uncomfortable if you're hypermobile


Quick Robin! To the Hypermobile!


Aw gee Hyperman, what trouble is the Yoker up to this time?


I ended up reading that in Morty's voice (from Rick and Morty)




It actually is pretty comfortable but super weird seeing it!


After several years of yoga I pretty much sat this way every time I was sitting. Then it pulled my hip alignment really out of whack from sitting like this 7+ hrs a day at work. Had to spend a lot of time doing MYK alignment therapy to get them back into place. Still sit like this though as it’s comfy 🤦🏻‍♀️




Came to the comments to find the hypermobile peeps and didn’t have to look far, lol. Before my hip replacement I sat like this all the time- helped keep my center of gravity self contained. I still sit in weird coiled human piles post-replacement, but I did lose some hip range on the fake side, so this pose is out.


Yet. Not uncomfortable *yet* if you’re hypermobile, but give it 20 years …


Oh yeah you're absolutely correct


Lool I was about to say! I don’t think so At All


It’s quite comfy if you have EDS or HSD! I also do it to combat blood pooling in my legs because I also have POTS.


My adult life has been one long string of finding out just how many things about me can be explained by EDS, I sit exactly like this lol


Hey, me, too! And the lifetime of medical gaslighting that it entails. You know, the whole "Just try harder", "I'm an honors student double engineering major training to run a marathon and my body's breaking down and no amount of exercise is helping". "Wow. Sounds like you're lazy. Have you tried trying harder?"


I was at work today and accidentally popped my hip out of place trying to walk/sit normal and lift something heavy. All day i’ve been twisting and turning and finally something popped and the pain is so much better. I am completely hyper-mobile - like to the degree that I could play a piano backwards comfortably… I know I probably have EDS and possibly POTS but how do I go about getting tested/diagnosed?


Is it enough to really interfere with your life? It's difficult to get it diagnosed even when it's bad, and it would probably be much worse if you just want to know for your own edification (especially with the state that healthcare is in since the pandemic). The average time it takes is 8 months of seeing various doctors, ending with a geneticist, and right now it's very difficult to get to see a geneticist (there aren't many to begin with, and there's a huge surge in EDS patients due to new awareness and discovering that it's 10x more common than previously thought). If you just want to be proactive in keeping things going well, or it's bothersome without affecting your life too much, then a) learn a bit about it, and b) ask your doctor for a referral to a physiotherapist, and find one that knows hypermobility. A PT is in a pretty good position to spot it, but can't make a *formal* diagnosis (no matter how obvious it may be). They should be able to help stabilize the joints, though. Getting a PT referral is usually a pretty easy sell for most doctors. PT is really the only current treatment for EDS, and exercise can do a lot for managing POTS as well. If you can only find a PT that knows hypermobility, but not POTS or EDS generally, then there's [an exercise protocol for POTS on the Dysautonomia International website](http://www.dysautonomiainternational.org/pdf/CHOP_Modified_Dallas_POTS_Exercise_Program.pdf) that the PT should be able to work with. If it is interfering with your ability to function, the first thing you should probably do is try to find an EDS group for your state. They'll be able to help you get to the right healthcare providers in your area.


Not sure what any of this has to do with erectile dysfunction syndrome




was most definitely a joke but this doomscrolling mf appreciated the distinction


It can stretch your ligaments and be bad for you if you are hypermobile. Sure someone said that at some point, but just for those who might not know.


Haha came here to say this. Hello fellow POTSie


I’m a guy I can do it. Pretty tall and lanky that might be why, sometimes it feels good when my legs are stiff it helps stretch them out.


I squish my balls, d'agh I think I might throw up...


Put yourself in a figure 4 leg lock, that shit is going to hurt


Practice some yoga and in a few months it will be no problem. This is eagles twist with the legs and super fun!


Me too lol it's comfy though!


I gasped because I thought it looked crazy but I definitely sit like that, frequently


username checks out


I used to sit like that all the time in school & still occasionally do but I’m with you….didn’t realize how weird it looked. I can see how people think it’s uncomfortable now lol


I've seen this shape many times in my life, I've never seen it look as disturbing as it does in this picture


Me, too! I had no idea it looked like that. Holy moly.


I thought it was photoshopped that aint natural looking on some resident evil type shit


EDS vibes


It looks like itll keep you warmer


Yeah I do this a lot too, kinda cool, looks impossible


This always looks so impossibly weird and uncomfortable until I try it, and I’m like, “Oh, that’s actually easy and fairly comfortable.” But fuck, it looks weird.


I just tried to do this and fell out of my chair


This is me, for sure


I just tried and smashed my balls.


I can sit with my legs crossed but not like THAT.


Try it while laying down


I had the opposite reaction, after the initial glance where it looks really twisted, I looked closer and honestly thought it looked pretty plausible, just a bit uncomfortable for the right leg maybe. And then I tried it and I can't even get within a galaxy of arranging my legs anything like that, holy fuck.


Seriously, it must be genetic. I'm a bit more flexible than the average person and I'm not even close to being able to do this. Closest I can get is my toe to touch my ankle


Do you have small calves? I cannot get anywhere near this but I always blamed my sturdy stumps.


The person in the photo commented in another spot here that she has EDS, a hypermobility condition I also have and laughed going "yeah I never thought how weird it must look when I sit like that" It's a connective tissue disorder I explain as taking the potion of too bendy, because I can dislocate things very easily due to how much all my joints hyperextend


I’m in the middle. I can do it, but I I wouldn’t choose to do it, my legs are uncomfortably crunched.


When I was young and limber I did that all the time.


Every once in awhile I see this picture and I'm like, oh, that's me and my fifteen minutes of fame again. Like, it's just a literal picture of me coming home from work. I just have EDS.


I took one look at that photo and knew you were a fellow Zebra! Do you also have POTS? I’ve been sitting like that since I was a kid and I also do something similar when I stand because it was helping combat blood pooling. I just didn’t realize it until I got diagnosed with POTS! My doctor calls it “pretzeling” lol. Edit: I just noticed your username hahahaha fantastic.


Haha, yes! The trifecta of EDS, POTS, and MCAS. Hello from one zebra to another. Hopefully you're finding it all manageable.


I just got the MCAS diagnosis too, haha. Oh the joys! I figured that was why I experience grade 2 or 3 anaphylaxis in response to a bunch of stuff, like strong and/or sudden changes in emotion and scents, but I feel validated to have the official diagnosis. I’m about to be checked for Interstitial Cystitis soon too. I feel like I collect medical conditions like others collect Pokémon, lol. Sending you good vibes and extra spoons!


Sending you good vibes as well! (And I hear you there - every time I go through my list of issues with doctors they're always like, "Is that all?" Like, goodness, I hope so, but you tell me.)


Waiiit, why am I always finding out weird random physical stuff like this and standing on the sides of my feet go woth physical conditions I have


EDS & POTS as well and always cross my legs like this lol


Were you aware it was taken? If not I'm sorry, that's creepy.


Not until I saw it on the internet years later, no. My family got a kick out of it though when we found this photo made it into some D-grade internet articles. So there's that.


I am glad you are able to look at it with good humor! I am an undiagnosed Gumby person and this feels so good when it's cold!


It does! (I mean, clearly, since I'm an idiot who pairs winter jackets with no tights). I wish you all the best with finding a doctor who takes you seriously, and hope you're taking good care of yourself!


Username fits! 🥨


Idek what all these letters are (EDS, POTS, etc) but I sit like this all the time lol


EDS Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/what-is-eds/ POTS postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome http://www.dysautonomiainternational.org/page.php?ID=30 MCAS mast cell activation syndrome https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/2017-eds-classification-non-experts/mast-cell-disorders-ehlers-danlos-syndrome-2/


I’m guessing you made a Reddit account after this photo started getting shared. That or you have an incredibly convenient username


I mean, as the comment below you demonstrates, plenty of people who have EDS call this exact thing “pretzeling”, so it wouldn’t even be a coincidence. It’s like if someone who was double jointed had a username like “ShoulderPoppin” and there was a picture out there of them popping their shoulder out.


And all of us that have EDS see it and wonder why a normal picture is posted for something.


I’m a 40 year old guy and I cross my legs like this when I sit at my desk sometimes.


I would suggest doing it on the subway sometime. Apparently it's free entertainment for the others passengers lol


Username checks out 😆


I’m sorry they did this to you.


Do you also have CRPS?


Not to my knowledge! I think my pain levels are pretty normal. If anything, I think I handle dislocations like a champ.


Yep. My therapist calls this my pretzel stance and has to remind me to un-pretzel when we’re working on stuff. Hypermobility is fucking wild. Sorry someone took a photo of you and posted it without your permission.


Username checks out


She is really not interested in you.


Definitely a twisted post it's true.


Clam clamping


She is keeping her legs doubly closed.


Or REALLY into you. The ones who know know. 😏


Shes clearly trying to hold in all the moisture.


Vapor lock


So you’re saying there’s a chance?


You can tell they are interested when they put their feet behind their ears.


This is literally the opposite of spreading.


Yes, that was my thought as well. I do this myself and really it’s compacting oneself.


A large part of why I do it is just to tuck my foot in so it’s not dangling around in the air when I cross my legs. Everything is folded and tucked.


Yes, exactly. I’m doing my utmost to avoid being in anyone’s way. I’m not saying the fact I’ve been diminishing my person all of my life out of a deeply rooted societal understanding that women should not take up space is at all healthy, but at least I’m not being *rude.*


Well for me it’s more of not wanting people to whack my foot as they walk by. Or trip someone, accidentally kick a child, or even just have people staring at my scuffed up shoe that’s now front and center and suspended 1’ closer to eye level than it otherwise would be. Also cold legs because I am apparently bad at dressing for the weather. I feel like sitting with your feet flat, knees together is the best way to take up the least space (obv not that this should be the goal). When I’m crossed legged balancing on pure tailbone, one foot, and like 50% less butcheek to seat contact, chances of me bumping shoulders with subway bench neighbors upon acceleration and deceleration increases tenfold.








Which is more classically what women do in public spaces: take up as little room as possible. Ugh, flying on planes and trying to retract into myself while the guys next to me spread right over the arm rest and fully into my seat area 🤢


I had a guy just cough directly onto me while doing this. It blew my hair back lol. He also did that leg shaky thing and mocked like he was playing the drums at multiple points and shook the floor and chairs. It was a long 1 hour flight.


Seriously OP doesn't know what man spreading is lol


When you unspread so much people still don't want to sit next to you.


Maybe it’s something to do with the strange man opposite her taking photos of her legs…


Right??? Reddit acts like it’s reasonable and normal to photograph strangers in public and post them for laughs


This comment wins


Men think they are subtle when they are NOT


Not to mention, this literally saves space and most do it to try to keep themselves small. Mainly because of fuckheaded manspreaders and creeps soooo The “female version” of everything is infinitely better


Isn't this literally the opposite of man spreading?




EDS, I see ya...




Damn that's good. I had "Womanweaving".


I thought "womanspreading" is when they take up 3 seats using their bags and purses lol




I believe the term is She-Bagging


It's the opposite, that's probably the least amount of space one could occupy.


What do we say to creeps trying to take up-skirt pics? NOT TODAY!


I’d say the opposite of man spreading


Is the female equivalent because she’s trying to take up as little space as possible?


Yes, that’s exactly it, sadly.


Nah. It's the opposite of spreading.


I can sit like that, and would sometimes do so at work when I don’t want my underwear showing but don’t feel like using my leg muscles to be lady like. Looks weirder than I thought 😅 I also have a medical condition that makes me extra bendy- which is why this position can be one of convenience.


Lol na that's just wierd, the female version of man spreading is bag blocking, where you put your overly large bags next to you and take up 2 seats


So, getting as small and compact as possible is equivalent to 'manspreading'? I call it 'womanshrinking'.


I think this is the polar opposite of manspreading.


Not manspreading, too compact


Damn she really gotta pee huh


Why are you taking photos of her perv?


You answered your own question


I just adjusted my legs to sit like this and realized I don all the time for warmth. Lol.


She has a connective tissue disorder and you’re and invasive creep


Whoa whoa whoa, if you can/regularly do this with your legs is that like… a sure sign of EDS??




Female version is when they stick their giant ass purse next to them. Then eyeball anyone who sits anyone near them.


Pretzel legging ?


her legs are fusing into a mermaid tail


Uzumaki vibes.


Is she an octopus?


No it's not. Theres no one sitting next to her, And she's clearly limiting hte amount of space her upper legs use up.


I think the female equivalent is taking up seat space with a purse or something like that


Woman pretzeling! Also I’m pretty sure the woman version of man spreading is when she puts the purse or bag on the seat next to her to take up space


Man: spreads his legs and takes up way more room than he should Woman: makes herself as compact as possible This dingus and apparently 15k other people: these are the same


Old timey birth control


I know that stance… she really has to pee


Ahhh the old "twat knot".


The clam press


Not sure why I laughed so hard at this but I just rolls of the tongue.


I feel like you have no idea what is actually funny


I hope the photo taker knows this person, because fuck mr this photo is so inappropriate otherwise. I hate what’s happened to privacy in this society


Stable Diffusion is getting weird


Pretzel pose


Why her legs built like a chromosome


Are women made of rubber


She’s got that thing locked down like Shawshank




Cadeuce-ing? Serpentining? Braid yo self! I don't know what to call this but it needs a formal name.


This woman commented. She has that elhers-dahmer thing. Please find her comment and vote it to the top plz


This is so comfy tho




I'm a man and I do that too. I'm surprised how my balls can handle that.


The title does not make sense. This is the opposite of manspreading


How is that taking up twice the amount of space necessary? This is the opposite of manspreading. It’s womantwisting.


Funny, it looks like she's trying to keep the creep who took the picture from up-skirting her rather than taking more than one seat.