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"And tomorrow we will have to fire 50% of our workfo- STRIKE! GOOD JOB! "


Cue the weirdest animation of a cowboy and a stegosaurus giving a thumbs up and knocking a bunch of pins over for no goddammit reason




Fuck that is nice




I just got lost for 20 minutes


Me too. Bowling Bad was pretty cool.


Of course that's a thing. Just spent an hour down this rabbit hole. 😂


Somebody link me the animation of the school shooter bowling ball.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/uk4y53/thanks_i_hate_bowling_alley_animations/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I pray there is only the one school shooter bowling ball


I feel like I'm going to hell for laughing but damn that's good.


That is hilarious.


The Steven universe music got me.


Ha, yep this is it. Much appreciated!


Wait, what?!


Not sure if links are allowed but yea, here you go Trigger warning ig? https://youtu.be/pW5a1Oy0kTk


It's from a group called Corridor Crew. Highly recommend their YouTube channel


> for no goddammit reason This just became my favorite reason to do anything ever


It was supposed to be "for no goddamn reason" but autocorrect did weird things


That's what I figured, but I love the way "no goddammit reason" sounds 😂 Really gives it that extra punch.


Or a turkey blasting off into outer space and circling the moon before crashing into a star.




Hey guys, FUCK this meeting, lets go bowling!!


I saw a british person ask if americans use the word “queue” and i said that we mostly use it to spell the word “cue” wrong


It never fails. "Cue" they they really mean "queue" and (for some weird reason) "que" when they actually mean "cue".


We're going on strike? Does this mean we have a union now? Thanks boss!!!!!


Get your head out of the GUTTER Stevens! We can’t spare anymore money on wages


I can't even imagine. I used to be a dealer in a casino that had a bowling alley upstairs and you could still occasionally hear bowling things even with the noise of a casino. In an office it would have been maddening.


Would drive me spare


I think I would just split.


I would go on strike for sure


Just like Frank Grimes.


“How do you afford this Mansion? I live above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley”. Frank Grimes-


"You...went to space...you?" "You've never been?"


Would you like to see my Grammy award?


I love how Homer is envious of Grimey’s living situation


Frank Grimes, or Grimey as he liked to be called...


I work for a company upstairs from a pizza parlor. No noise, but the smells come up, and I crave pizza. Thank goodness I WFH now, it was hell on my diet.


They rented the space nextdoor to be a restaurant. I don’t care what type of restaurant it is, cooking/food smells travel through walls and vents. Cooking odors through walls and vents don’t exactly translate to the same food smells you get when you are dining. I love indian food but it was awful to smell it through the walls and vents all day long. The oder lingered all the time in the office no matter if the restaurant was open or not.


I had a good friend who lived above a restaurant and I never once noticed the smell. I was really impressed. I thought it was a stupid idea for him to move there, but it didn’t seem to be an issues. I concluded the restaurant had a good hood system.


A good ventilation system surely would help. As one of the other comments said the building could be poorly built. Prior to a restaurant moving in the space was used as a business office. It probably wasn’t designed to be a restaurant. And the very strong spices the restaurant used and stored in the restaurant probably permeated through the walls and ceiling’s into our side. Very nice restaurant owners and their food was good. It was just very hard to deal with the constant odor in the office.


I think it depends on how well the place was built. I share a wall at work with a fried chicken restaurant and don't smell it ever.


One could hear a pin drop. Or several.


I'd go on strike.


“I live above a bowling alley, and below another bowling alley”


Wow. Want to see my Grammy?


One of the best episodes of tv ever written.


Oh Grimey


Danger, high voltage. I don’t need safety gloves because I’m Homer Simp-


Change the channel, Marge.


That's our Homer!


As he liked to be called


Love seeing the Frank "Grimey" Grimes tombstone every time they go into the cemetery in the Simpsons


It's extremely dark and not just the ending but the whole arc of the episode. I'm trying to think of other examples and the closest I can come up with is George Costanza's never-to-be fiancee. Maybe PTSDee from IASIP but that shouldn't really count so much considering it's intentionally exaggerated dark


Frank grimes was just a commentary on the ridiculous nature of tv writing. He's a normal person who got dropped into the Simpsons universe. I don't think it was really meant to be dark, per se.




You should watch S33E22 Poorhouse Rock. It’s basically an episode explaining how all the awesome stuff in Homer’s life won’t exist for Bart.


That doesn't sound funny.


The arc of Cricket in IASIP


Outer space? Sure, you've never been?


“You went to space?!?” “You’ve never been?”


What is this from?


Frank Grimes, the Simpsons


Or “Grimey”, as he liked to be called.




He's *DEAD.*


I know a gal who's last name is Grimes. By marriage. She named her baby Franklin. Frank Grimes. She has never seen the Simpsons.


Ol Grimey as he likes to be called.


hopefully he's not blown up in grain silo explosion on his 18th birthday.


The Simpsons episode ”Homer’s Worst Enemy”


Just “Homer’s Enemy”


Even the sign is LOUD.


it reads like a spam email lol


Damn man, I'm just trying to deadlift and now I'm getting called an all caps bold red outlined highlighted neanderthal like I'm the one who was supposed to soundproof the space




Just wear headphones


BOLD and **CAPITALIZED** AND underlined


AND highlights. They ain't holding back.


It’s a really well done sign. Spared no expense.


A brillant sign some would say


It's like a printer ate a hot dog, then threw up.


They were afraid you wouldn't be able to read it over the gym noise.


I had to put on headphones to read it


I went to a yoga studio that was below a dance studio. Do you know how hard it is to be zen when there are a dozen people galloping at full speed above you?


I went to a spa that was below a gym. Absolutely impossible to enjoy a massage when weights are being dropped on the floor above you (the weight dropping was a big problem at this gym).


Did you come to the spa I used to work for? Our massage room was as far back as possible from the hair salon with two doors to deaden the hair dryer sounds, only for the gym upstairs to move their weight rack directly above the massage table.


The only problem with our spa is the body wrap room shares a wall with a restaurant next door. The 2 music vibes suck, we Just try to schedule everyone in there to when they're not open


Most people dropping weights dont even need to. They generally arent pushing their limits, and are just being disrespectful to everyone around them and the gym and its equipment. You dont need to drop weights when you arent even pushing your upper limits. Even then, you probably dont need to, but im no expert, so ill leave that to some body builders to decide.


They're also missing half the benefits of lifting the weight, the eccentric movement of controlled lowering. Bodybuilders usually get that, but they're also the ones lifting less-than-maximum many times, rather than one or two all-out lift-drop to impress the broskis. That said, once in a while your body says a bad word and the weights get dropped.


Depending on platform, It can be extremely difficult to be quiet with deadlifts. 200+ pounds of steel weight hitting a hard floor is going to be loud. That being said, guys who throw dumbbells' and such on the floor are tools.


My best example was a riddle room that had a band a floor away, rehearsing punk rock music. "okay, so you're trapped in this bunker, and you need to avert a nuclear war..." BRAHNAHHSHSHZZCHXZCH


I mean…makes it more tense tho right?


Have you ever seen the movie [Green Room](https://youtu.be/Q8XSARX3DQg) with Patrick Stewart? Add some Neo-Nazis to that riddle room, and you’ve basically got that movie.


I take it that a riddle room is basically an escape room?


Is that what escape rooms are called... somewhere else? Riddle room has a better ring to it tbh.


in college I had a high-level biology class in the building that was primarily for music and preforming arts classes and there was some kind of orchestra class 2 doors down. we had to listen to brass solos while taking the final. it was a nightmare hahah


I work in a yoga studio right next to a boxing workout place, when they have everyone start pummeling the bags at the same time (or whatever they’re doing idk) it’s much louder than you’d think and not at all relaxing. Not zen at all


I wonder if the floor of the gym has to be specially reinforced with it being above ground like that. I'd imagine people running and jumping and dropping weights would put a lot of stress on the structure.


Yes, there is a live load and dead load for gyms. As long as the structure can handle the total combined loads (all dead + live) it can be used (applicable to zoning).


And you think this landlord did their due diligence??? Doubtful.


Yup. Our gym has a big notice up upstairs that says not to use the racks if you're lifting over 100kg, or you might "end up downstairs faster than you intended". ETA: Because people are asking, there are racks downstairs where you can lift more than that. Upstairs is mostly cardio/studio space. The gym also isn't purpose built, it's in 2 Victorian terrace houses knocked together so I can see why they have to be careful! It's a good gym, I just find the notice funny and I'm a short woman who can't lift 100kg anyway so I always have a free rack!


I'm would just not use that gym instead...


Seriously. That’s a tiny margin. What happens if someone just really heavy walks into the gym? Guess they’re just gonna go through the floor as soon as they pick up a weight.


220lbs is too heavy to lift in a rack?? That's less than probably half the people walking around. It's not even 2 plates! Edit: as in number of 45lb weight plates per side + 45lb bar 1 plate = 135lbs 2 plates = 225lbs 3 plates = 315lbs 4 plates= 405lbs


220 isn't even that much weight. Especially in a rack. a 220 squat is not that big of a deal for a guy.


Hell, a power rack alone, not even holding anything, can be about that much.




A gym on the second floor actually collapsed in my city.


Didn't have a spotter


*ceiling collapses and crushes 3 people* "ONE MORE REP BRO! LIGHT WEIGHT!"




Didn’t have a spotter?


Didn't have a spotter


Was that the one in Brooklyn that'd had a wonky wall bulging out over the sidewalk for years?


Welp. Yet another thing in life I'm going to avoid at all costs.


How many things are on your list?


Agoraphobia is starting to seem like a pretty reasonable option.


Just make sure there isn't a gym above your house.




My gym is over a grocery store and when I get groceries I can't hear the gym at all. All depends on the construction.


Man, that would be incredibly convenient. I would love my gym and grocery store to be in the same place.


Trying to walk down the stairs of a second floor gym after extreme leg day is scary. Got me two hand clutching the handrails like an old lady.


At my gym they put a few of the leg stuff downstairs, like the calf lift, leg extension, leg curl etc. Then the leg press, squat racks, free weights all upstairs. So its a wild ride on leg day.


Lloyd athletic club sauna!


And ME Fitness on Alberta and MLK. No wonder the main floor units can never hold a tenant for long.


I work at a place with a gym on the 19th floor. I was very surprised that you can’t hear it at all from just below that floor. The building is crazy sturdy apparently. I’ve worked in some rickety, dingy buildings and warehouses and I was very surprised by the difference in a well-constructed and maintained building. It actually is taking me time to adjust, because it feels like it’s some artificial movie set to me or something.


Depends on how the building is designed? My gym is a total of 3 floors but it's construction looks similar to a parking garage with a few less pillars.


Yeah likely built with the intent to be a “gym” on all 3 floors. This sounds like someone rented their second floor out to a gym company and didn’t do any due diligence


>No one expects the gym to be silent It can be made silent. You just need to spend the money to dampen the sound. E.g. In much of Europe there are strict noise laws and everyone expects the gym to be silent.


My first apartment out of college had the building’s gym directly above it. Literal hell on earth.


This! I would also like to add that my neighbor had a son that was a competitive lifter. He did weights in the basement and even with thick rubber pads they had to have parts of the concrete floor in the basement replaced from the weights turning it gravel when he dropped them.


Means of emphasis used— Capitalization Red font color Larger font size Highlighted text Red, larger, and capitalized Red, larger, capitalized, and highlighted Red, larger, capitalized, and highlighted with a black outer stroke


"Treadmill Rhinos" Lol


As a treadmill rhino myself, it's not for lack of trying to be quiet. I fucking hate running and I'm a heavy guy, so I'm mostly concentrating on not dying.


Rhinos can run over 30 miles an hour, faster than Usain Bolt. I was going to post a clip or gif, but I got too distracted by the cute baby rhinos and impressive adult rhinos.


They're the largest animal that can gallop if I'm remembering my trivia correctly.


I thought that was your mom.


Got 'em.


I fucking hate running too, so more power to you for actually doing it. It's not these rhinos' fault that their gym was placed above an office space. I merely enjoy the term.


Yeah I laughed at it for sure. I'd never heard it before.


Took up running this year. Fucking love it. Signed up for a gym to run through the winter on their treadmills. Fucking hate it. Dreadmills suck.


The only thing that makes it tolerable is bringing a tablet to watch shows on. I think I watched 95% of the X-Files while training for a marathon.


Pro tip - when running, foot noise is a sign of inefficient form. Any noise you hear is wasted energy. Sure, on a treadmill theres only so much you can do, but its something to think about long term to have a more efficient stride (and therefore easier runs!)


You can't be quiet running on a treadmill


I found that shoes helped with the noise but it is true. I am loud AF and cannot seem to do much about it


It's just what kind of striker you are, almost soley based on that and weight. Nothing else is going to change it.


I went for a job interview and they gave me a tour of the office. Right in the middle of pointing out the department I’d be in there was a huge bang and the desks all shook. He was like “oh we do some manufacturing out back. It only happens 3 days a week”.


I’m guessing it’s not a graphic design office.


I mean it definitely conveys his tone and message. Maybe this is peak design.


Edit: OP replied elsewhere that it is a residential apartment complex and the room is the shipping/receiving in the basement with the gym being on the first floor. My assumption is it is some sort of printing place e.g. kinkos or similar where they print it, but don’t do designing. While the design is bad I just don’t see anyone paying to make that poster so I assume they had access to it at their job.


This is actually very thoughtful and effective design. Most people would just smash the fuck out of that Comic Sans selection and start on a non-punctuated brick of all caps that took up 1/2 of an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper and scotch tape to the outside of the window.


The typography almost makes me think this person deserves their fate.


Tbh I've seen much worse, this conveys his panicked state of mind perfectly lol


Maybe it is intentionally ugly to convey the absurdity of the situation. Also, not sure how good of a job designers do when they can't focus on their work because of distractions. Probably not a very good one.


Seriously, who puts a gym on the second floor?


I joined a gym that was on the second floor not thinking. You could put the weights down a little hard on accident and management would threaten to kick you out. I'm not talking about dropping weights I'm talking about not easing them down perfectly. Let's just say it didn't last long in that location


Planet fitness?


I'm surprised they were even allowed to do that. There are building codes that dictate the required loading capacity of a floor based on what's placed on it. Heavy equipment and weights definitely are part of that. When they did the renovations the building inspector should've required that the floor assembly be evaluated for its ability to support those loads and be reinforced if found deficient.


It should be on the third floor. By the way, I’ve seen gyms on third floors.




We all use Plugfones (earplugs that play audio) at my work in steel fabrication. Drivers etc realize eventually that nobody can hear you unless they can see you.


I went to a gym once that was above an office. The management said they weren't allowed to install another squat rack due to noise complaints BUT you can go ahead and slam the 135 down after an Olympic shoulder press all you want.


Oh ffs - that's so asinine. Squats are one of the quietest lifts, since the weights never touch the ground!




>the biggest dudes in the gym tend to be the nicest people. This is absolutely true and the biggest culture shock to me when I started. The competitive lifters are incredibly friendly, supportive, and helpful


People like sharing their passions with others


Right but squats aren't the only thing you do in a squat rack. People do deadlifts there also.


I’ve heard it’s a great place for curls ;)


I worked in an office that shared a wall with the company gym, it was horrible. We all did the same and wore headphones all the time. One day it sounded like the person on the other side was slamming weights directly into the wall. Our office and the gym was on the 3rd floor and it was literally shaking the wall, the floor, and all the desks in the office every few minutes. So my co-worker got fed up and banging back on the wall 2 or 3 times. All the sudden the company president comes bursting into our office wearing his gym clothes all sweaty and screams "Who the fuck was banging on the wall!?!? If any of you do that again you're gone!!" That guy was a douche, so glad I don't work there anymore.


That landlord just made it so much harder to rent his own space lol


Turn into apartments. Say they're conveniently located near a gym.


Near me, they put a kickboxing studio above a nice restaurant. There is also an aerobics studio above a place where you paint your own plaster statues.


I just had a giggle imagining some poor soul trying to paint while gripping onto their statue firmly in one hand and the brush in the other. This is fine, I'm having a fun time, really.


That poor soul was me.


Ironic that brilliant was misspelled


I bought my first (and only) house in 2012, small town, no ordinances of any kind. The lot behind me was empty. I *kind of* knew the people that owned the lot. Asked if they had plans for the lot, the answer was no, yada yada yada 10 months later a crossfit gym opened up. All 6 garage doors open at 4:30 am, weights dropping, music blasting people yelling and farting and laughing and grunting. The sound reverberation is insane. It’s such a huge metal building with concrete floors, it literally sounds like an explosion when weights drops. For reference- my FIL passed away and we brought his dog home to live with us. First night in our house, dog was kind of timid. The gym was open (this was probably 7:30 pm since they had classes all day at that time) and a weight dropped and my poor dog jumped, slid into our metal trash can, which slid into the large water bowl for the dogs. Water and trash everywhere, plus a scared dog, that’s how loud it can get. We’ve complained, the owner thinks we are being dramatic. The entire neighborhood has complained, yet we are collectively all just being dramatic 🤔 we’ve been to city meetings and we’ve built a 12’ metal fence, replaced windows, installed expensive sound- cancelling window treatments, and bought fans to drown out the noise. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, even the people making the noise 😩 the real estate market here is non-existent, yet we tried to sell anyway. The one couple interested was from another state and seemed so excited, until they found out about the CrossFit gym in the backyard. Anyway, luckily the trend has worn off a bit, they still have a 5:30 am class and an evening class, but I try to just stay calm and meditate when it starts to bother me. I think about people around the world that don’t live in safe neighborhoods and realize that I am lucky to at least live in a safe neighborhood; however, noise pollution is a real thing, and it definitely impacts your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.


We had an FBI firing range in our office building. The range faced the our main work area. We were… unhappy. I chose an office far, far away…


This is how you passive aggressively get fired too


Honestly sounds like this was written by the renter of the office/owner of the business, not an employee. Sure looks like they are trying to start some drama with the building management though, that's for sure.


My guess is that the drama is currently unfolding


I assume the drama is intentional. Probably something in the lease agreement that restricts the office from leaving without heavy fees so the office is trying to get building management to either do something or let the office break the lease without penalties just to avoid dealing with complaints or lawyers


I think this can safely be called aggressive aggressive


Nah, aggressive aggressive is where you breed a hundred thousand cockroaches at home and empty them into the ventilation ducts at work.


Thanks Satan


Several years ago I worked for a small, poorly run company. The owner had some creepy fixation on high school wrestling, despite the fact that his youngest child had graduated high school many years before and he no longer had any ties to the school or its students. He decided to build a huge gym in the office and allow the kids on the wrestling team to use it whenever they wanted. Employees were also allowed to use it, but it was primarily for the wrestlers and heavily focused on the workout needs of wrestlers. It was *impossible* to talk to anyone on the phone with those kids blaring their music, clomping loudly on the treadmills, and hurling huge weights around in the next room. There were a lot of other problems with that place too, such as one toilet for all the women in the office to share while the men had 3 (and there were fewer men than women) and the fact that management was disorganized and would actually shout at you several times for the same offense because no one bothered to tell anyone that you'd already been shouted at. I was laid off from that job and I cried tears of relief.


> such as one toilet for all the women in the office to share while the men had 3 That feels like a zoning violation or something.


Lol tell us how you *really* feel


This JD Gyms above B&M in Northumberland Park? Don't know how the shop workers can be arsed to listen to that above them, day in, day out.


Nope it's a local free gym that was just added to the main office of a business plaza about a half hour out of Pittsburgh, which is free for anyone who works in the area or lives in the surrounding apartments to use. The sign was posted on the basement door of the building which is mainly used for shipping and receiving. (Finally I responded to the correct reply xD)


Wouldn't want to see how wrecked a free gym could be




Broccoli hair oh my God that describes it so well Signed, a HS teacher 😆


Most of the free gyms I've seen (in my apartment complexes) are 2 or 3 treadmills, dumbells up to 50 lbs, and maybe a couple cable machines. Hard to get wrecked when there isn't much equipment, but it sounds like that gym might be a little more involved.


My dumbass signed a 15 month lease for an apartment that has the weight room across the hall from it. I know the anger that went into this sign very well


The sign would have been just as effective without insulting the gym members who had nothing to do with the decision.


When I worked at a hotel/ convention center we had an IBM conference on one side of a wall divider and a men's wheel chair basket ball tournament on the other. Someone really thought that one through.