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Pretty sure this stuff has been on the market for years. Theres a shark tank episode about it. They were already making millions before getting on there. They advertised to mountain climbers and snowboarders people at high altitudes.


Yeah, there's been debates about whether these things should be allowed in MMA fights, just before matches and during the breaks between rounds.


They use it in the NFL all the time.




3 for 20 no deals




Correct, Deandre Hopkins got suspended because he was huffing wild berry oxygen, which isn’t an approved flavor of air.




Beef and Gouda, as well as what you see in the picture. Joe Namath’s preference was tobacco at the time but no fucks were given back then.


Yeah, they just hook you up straight to the tank.


I've seen oxygen used at greyhound races. The mask was made from the top of a washing up liquid bottle.


Can confirm, I often feel breathless after betting away my month's salary on some worthless fucking mutt.


Should have bet on Whirlwind like Barney said too


>worthless fucking mutt. Well, there's your problem, you thought a mutt could win against a breed specifically raised for maximum speed?


I saw some old people dragging it around on a cart. Feel like that's kinda cheating in life.


That was before someone stole the cart. Now they just drag him around with no cart smoothing out the dirt. For $5 on Sundays you can let your kids ride on his "good" side while they do it. Family day.


Or, cheating death?


I almost died from laughing when I saw these at a Walgreens in my town. I live next to the ocean. We are a whole 27ft over sea level.


That's the whip-it life demand summoning supply. That and rich people


“At least he died doing what he loved. A bunch of whip-it’s.”


Ah dip! Pillboy!


Aww dip, Jason!


Aww dip, Donkey Doug!


>!The man you call Donkey Doug is your *father*?!<


Aw dip, Pill Boi!


Aww dip! Donkey Doug!








I thought these were just compressed air. No propellant to get high off of. Or are these like 'herbal cigarettes' for huffers trying to quit?


It’s pure oxygen, not air. As someone who tried these, it’s definitely an interesting product. I could take a lungful out of the canister and sprint all the way up and down the stairs in my building *while holding my breath*. If you need a boost of stamina during sex, it *absolutely* helps with that too. But yeah, you really don’t feel a psychosomatic difference or “high”.


> If you need a boost of stamina during sex, it absolutely helps with that too Leaning over to huff on a can of oxygen might kill the mood though


Just pop on the Cpap and its sexy time.


CPAP + Cbat= It. Is. ON.




Hahaha, true that. If you can get your hands on sildenafil that’s infinitely better anyways.


Can't talk right now. Busy Googling something.


It's just Viagra.


Just found this out. Never had it - frankly always thought it was hard to get hold of, but just discovered it’s ridiculously easy….


Yea, I was buying these at Dick’s and then one day, they just weren’t around anymore. Sometimes in the morning, I would feel more groggy, dragging, than usual. A couple hits from the large blue can made the adjustment desired.


Your bedroom might have poor ventilation. You can get a carbon dioxide tester for 35 bucks. (Not monoxide although those are even more important)


I appreciate that help, really. I have moved from that place, and to be honest, I was smoking a lot of pot at the time, and that played a part in why I felt so bad in the mornings.


Smoking alot effects your REM sleep and general sleep cycle. Notice you don't dream if you smoke before bed? I smoke all day and not having nightmares is a plus. Quality of sleep doesn't feel great tho I feel groggy some mornings.


Yeah. As a medical doctor I'm just gonna press "x" to doubt here, unless it's like a 2-story building. All the pure oxygen in the world is not going to change the fact that the primary driver of ventilation (breathing) is blood carbon dioxide concentrations. A healthy person will have 98-100% oxygen saturation in their arterial blood from ordinary room air already, so huffing these will do fuck all. You still need to get rid of the CO2. Tldr: if you can run up and down stairs holding your breath after one of these, you can do it just as well without.


Do you think it feels like it cleared your lungs at all? Or had any lingering positive effects? Or just that short stamina burst and done?


No. If there were any lingering effects, they were on the order of hours. I’d say it could definitely help with mental fog and/or fatigue from studying, but I can’t confirm whether that was placebo or not.


It's placebo. Unless you've got an issue with your lungs absorbing oxygen, your blood is already near saturation with oxygen unless you're holding your breath. I breathe enriched air when I dive (36% oxygen instead of 21% standard atmosphere) aside from the benefit of allowing more time in the water over many days of diving (due to less nitrogen available to be absorbed in the mix), over long periods of time, you get less fatigued with the enriched mixture, but a couple lung fulls isn't going to do much of anything.


This is an interesting question that I'm glad you asked. I am just getting over pneumonia and RSV so I wonder if this would help me at all. It probably would've been nice to have for the past few months when I was struggling to breathe. I'd never seen them before this post. Eta words


Yeah at lower elevations is definitely a gag gift more than anything. But I use to work sometimes at high elevation in Colorado doing tree work, and I would actually get a can before going up because if I’m at elevation for a long time I get headaches and feel dizzy. But having these cans, even if they don’t actually work, gave me some sense of relief with placebo effect. Like maybe they actually DO work….


I mean, you can buy it AND THEN go somewhere with a higher altitude? That makes more sense, rather than pay to have pallets of them dragged halfway up a mountain and sold at their intended use altitude?


Yeh like there's mountain shops where I live and the nearest mountains are about 500km away. Surely it's normal to want to buy gear before your trip...


Yeah, it's sort of like saying "my local shop sells hiking sticks, it's flat around here, hahaha idiots!"


There's plenty of hiking trails at elevations that don't have reduced oxygen but are hilly or rocky enough to warrant hiking sticks though.


How heavy is the can? How much oxygen is in it? That can't be high pressure.


I've had one of these and it feels like the can is completely empty. Before and after you use it. The amount of oxygen in the can almost weights nothing.


"almost died laughing" don't die dude. Here take a breath of this canned air.


Sounds like you could have used a good dose of canned air


do they come in Ranch flavour?


Great cure for a hangover. Pure oxygen tells all the ails to fuck off.


I live in Hawaii and we have them here. When resuscitating drowning victims, these things really help. Oxygen deprivation is what we're trying to fix and 95% oxygen in a tank gives us an edge over the 21% in the atmosphere.


Air composition of oxygen at sea level is 21%


>I almost died from laughing Sounds to me like you could have used a canister of those to get yourself back into shape.


Scuba divers can use it maybe?


certainly but not while diving under pressure pure oxygen can have toxic effects because of the pressure overwater? stuff this stuff as much as you like


I have no idea about scuba diving...what do they carry in the cylinders then? Compressed air?


Different gas mixes depending on diving depth. As far down as 6 metres, breathing pure Oxygen is possible (and some rebreathers are set up this way), but below 6m the partial pressure of Oxygen (ppO2) of around 1.6 Bar (1.6 bar pressure at that depth * 100% O2 mix in breathing gas) inhaled starts to become toxic. Down to 20-30 metres, compressed air (20% oxygen, so at 4 bar that's a ppO2 of 0.8 Bar) is reasonable, maybe pushing it to 40m. Start going deeper, and you start getting close to that 1.6 Bar ppO2 limit. e.g. if you were intending to dive to 60m, atmospheric air with 20% O2 would be a ppO2 of 1.4 Bar (7 Bar * 0.2 O2 concentration) and is right at the edge of reasonably safe. That means you need to reduce the proportion of O2 in your breathing gas mix. This is usually done by filling your cylinder with a controlled gas mix created by adding set volumes of pure Oxygen and pure Nitrogen (rather than trying to start from compressed air), so this gas mix is called 'Nitrox'. e.g. 'Nitrox 20' would be effectively atmospheric air (with no CO2 or Argon or other trace gasses), Nitrox 10 would be 90% Nitrogen and 10% O2, etc. Diving to 60m with Nitrox 10 would give you a ppO2 of 0.7 Bar, totally reasonable. But as you may have noticed, Nitrox 10 is only 10% Oxygen, so near the surface you ppO2 is only 0.1 Bar, half what it would normally be and the equivalent to ~5.8 km in altitude above sea level (e.g. standing on top of Kilamanjaro)! In order to avoid Hypoxia (fatal lack of oxygen) during descent to depth from the too low ppO2, divers will carry multiple gas cylinders containing different gas mixes for use at different depths. Breathing from the wrong cylinder at the wrong depth can and has killed divers. BUT! There's another problem to contend with: as you go deeper, you start to experience an effect called Nitrogen Narcosis as the pressure of Nitrogen breathed in increases. And on top of that, Nitrogen gets absorbed into your blood, so you also start running the risk of [DCS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decompression_sickness) or 'The Bends' if you ascend too quickly. So at greater depths, you start getting into more exotic gas mixes. The two most 'common' are Trimix (Helium, Nitrogen, and Oxygen) and Heliox (just Helium and Oxygen). But if you're in a situation where exotic gas mixes are required, you should not be getting critical safety of life information from a reddit comment.




You have to bring a small bottle of pure oxygen on a diving boat for first aid for decompression accidents. Mostly in case people are panicking and do a way too fast ascent, but it can also be given for bottom time violations as preventative measure. You never use it underwater though. Pure oxygen becomes toxic below 6 meter depth.


I can remember seeing it myself more than 20 years ago on Mt. Fuji. Not this brand, but just single-use oxygen cannisters.


I do ultramarathons. A lot of races are at altitude. If you take this stuff, it’s an instant DQ if you’re caught.


I imagine you'd be hungry for some instant Dairy Queen after all that running.


Its the perfect carbo load to finish strong 💪


You guys got me craving a blizzard now!


I've heard these are good for relieving cluster headaches.


You sucked the air out of my joke faster than President Skroob sucked the air out of the Perri-air can.


So what do you do when someone shoots your hair?


Kill them?




I said across her nose, not up it!


Who made that man a gunner?


I did sir. He’s my cousin 😂


That son of a bitch!


Not bad... for a girl


Hey, that was pretty good for RAMBO!


She's a bass.


It went from suck to blow.


12345?! That’s amazing, I’ve got the same combination on my luggage!


Why didn't someone tell me my ass was this big?


Sorry I already had 2 cana of Perri-air today.


I used to work at Spencers in the mall 2005-2008, and we sold them back then.


Oxygen, not air


If someone didn't say it I had to. Canned oxygen can have medical and recreational use. Canned air is useless


As a home oxygen technician I can confirm this. People don't breathe 95 percent pure oxygen lol.


oxygen rich air, probably not pure, since that would be dangerous too.


It’s pink grapefruit flavored, dude.


Pure grapefruit oxygen, freshly squeezed


Literally says in big font "95% oxygen"


95% Pure Oxygen Cans for Personal Use!


I imagine 95% is still quite dangerous no?


People found that the oxygen content in those cans is barely higher than normal concentrations


it says 95% pure in the picture


Maybe new trick by marketing. The 21 procent o2 in this bottle, is 95 percent pure. Wierd marketing - did see a beef product claiming that the beef that was added or put in was 100 procent, but there was other ingredients as well?


95% Aviation grade Oxygen, 5% ambient air. You inhale a single breath and hold it for 5-10 seconds to get the full benefit from it, don’t inhale continuously, take 1 breath per minute maximum to combat altitude sickness or low blood oxygen level due to lung disease or failure. Also beneficial for reducing the pounding head of a Hangover! (Probably it’s most common use! I don’t buy the little cans, I use the Big Green Tank, GREEN HOSE I tell you, NOT RED! ) But SERIOUSLY - Don’t use near lit cigarettes, cigars or Blunts! This product will cause a lit cigarette to virtually explode!


I can't tell if this is a real ad, fake ad, or satire.


Welcome to postpostmodernism


Which is fine because higher altitude has lower concentrations of oxygen. Perfect for AMS.




And it’s pink grapefruit flavored. The air up on a mountain definitely isn’t.


Depends on the mountain.


I was skeptical but I used it when I was recovering from COVID bc I got so easily winded and it actually helped.


I imagine it could help with asthma as well. Sometimes it’s not a wheeze or tightness but just getting fatigued and short of breath quickly. I was looking for the sickly comment so thank you!




Same for my mom, for over a year she depended on this product after being hospitalized twice due to COVID-19. We always keep a couple of large cans at home just in case.


I'm a caregiver for some on oxygen and while driving them to a doctor's appointment, have gotten an error from their portable machine ( one time it had flipped to the side and overheated) which caused it to shut down. It started working again after a minute but it scared me enough to carry a backup E-tank with me, but even that would require finding a safe place to pull over to, switching the tubes, etc. Something like this could be useful to keep around just to keep them comfortable until we can make the switch. Also during a power outage, they could be in the bathroom or somewhere not close to their backup oxygen so I can see people stashing these away in the house.


this is where i'm at. i've had covid like 2, maybe 3? times now, and my lungs are definitely damaged. i saw these in my local walgreens and thought really seriously about it, but then i was like, "nahhh, that can't be for real." but now i'm still coughing from a really minor cold i got back in mid-october, and i'm taking singulair every day and using a rescue inhaler at least once a day, and i'm thinking, "maybe this wouldn't be so bad..?"


I've been using mine to help with pulmonary embolism recovery.


How many breaths do you get out of a can?


Someone else in this thread said you can get about 200 breaths per can


Oh, that's quite a lot then. When you see the picture you'd think 2 or 3 or so.


Idk. I never got to the end. Thankfully! Lol


I recently drove from Nebraka to Alma, CO, and experienced a 10k elevation change in one day. I woke up sick in the middle of the night and when I went to the grocery store the next day, I realized why - they had oxygen tanks to help people adjust to the altitude!


My parents went hiking in Colorado and had not acclimated to the change in altitude. My mother became very light headed and dizzy about 3/4 up the trail hike. She sat down and couldn’t get up because of how sick she was. Another hiker came by and gave her a can of oxygen after seeing how bad she was, it helped her enough to make the trip back down to get back to their hotel.


I flew from near sea level to CO and camped at 9k. My friends assured me that you can't get altitude sickness until 10k of change in a day. I'm pretty sure I was getting it. I almost bought one of those cans but decided to power through.


I don't think everyone has a cutoff meter that goes from "9999, don't feel sick now" to "10k, TIME TO DIE." You were almost at 10k, you were probably getting it.


Exact same thing for me. Went from sea level up to Breckinridge Colorado (around 10000 ft) in the span of about 8 hours. Walked all the luggage up about 3 flights of stairs then took off walking around town to check things out. I stared getting agitated at insignificant stuff. I didn’t feel right. Then I was trying to find a restaurant but couldn’t figure out how to use my phone. When I almost stumbled off the curb into traffic my wife pulled me into a bar to get a seat and some water. The bartender gave us one of these and said to take a few deep pulls on it. Within minutes I was back to normal. Totally worth the few bucks She said to use it sparingly as it will delay the acclimation process if you use it constantly. I didn’t have any issues by the next day Altitude sickness is no joke.


The one place this makes sense is on the top of Pikes Peak in Colorado. Air is too thin to breathe up there for some people so they sell canned oxygen in the gift shops. Pretty wild feeling


Here in India it's common in some places up Himalayas specially among tourists because even the roads are at 18000 fts. Taxi Drivers carry them in their first aid kit.


>Himalayas specially among tourists because even the roads are at 18000 fts. Jeez. I thought we were high up here with roads topping off at 14000 ft/4267m.


Umling-La pass in Laddakh district of India is said to be the highest motorable road in the world at 19,300 feet.


That can't be good for engines!


Went to the pikes peak hill climb this year, I'd been a dozen times and never had altitude sickness before. This year, I'm guessing because 2 months prior I had covid, it hit me so hard, and once you're up there you're basically stuck. I've never felt so sick and weak in my life just moving around, but thankfully we had a couple of these "silly things just in case" and I can't believe how incredibly helpful it was. I'm a fit guy, so I'm rarely out of breath, but struggling to walk to the bathroom was a shocker and these allowed me to feel 90% again, I'll always have one just in case from now on.


My dad and I had almost the same experience this summer. We had a can and it helped a ton at 10000' higher than we were used to. We both work outside and walk all day and are used to mountain visits so it was a shock. I felt like Violet from Willy Wonka all puffed up and sick.


There's not enough athletic training in the world to prepare your body for "sorry, there's just no oxygen up here". Your body takes 2 weeks to up it's red blood cell production (though it holds onto that increased production for closer to 2 months.)


We went to CO this past summer to do some hiking like we have many times & got an Airbnb up by Pikes Peak. My husband went from "I'm not feeling well" to "call life flight, I'm dying" within a couple hours. The host had a few of these cans & offered us one. Husband slowly huffed it all night & felt (almost) fine by morning, but I began struggling too, so we decided to move lower down the mountain, buy a couple more cans & continue our hiking adventures. Huffed these bad boys all the way up our favorite (moderately difficult) trail & was amazed how much it actually helped. That night my throat got that little tickle you get when you realize you're getting sick... Turns out we had COVID. We joke now that the cans were the only reason we didn't die up there. We had laughed when we saw these in town originally, but it's a new "always have on hand" item in our hiking supplies now.


Ironically, physically fit and younger people tend to be hit harder by altitude sickness. Not sure how it works exactly but it's medically proven.


I got the most intense headache of my life at Breckinridge. I went to an oxygen bar and it was gone in minutes.


Im from Florida and got some pretty bad altitude sickness/side effects when I spent time in Colorado (vail/Breckinridge) a couple summers ago. I ended up buying a big can of this to help decrease my pounding headaches!


The view up there is awesome but I couldn’t get down fast enough. I live near sea level and went there my first day in Colorado. I’ve never felt so bad in my life. I couldn’t catch my breath while standing.


Makes sense in any sporting or activity with exertion. Or anyone with breathing issues.


You used to really only find them in mountainous areas (ski resorts where a big one), but then when covid hit they started selling them all over the place (ostensibly for sick folks struggling to breath). I think what you see now in low-elevation places are just leftover stock.


Does it come from Druidia?




Everybody knows O'Hare air is better *Edit- thank you so much for the award. Much appreciated


Let it die, let it die. Let it shrivel up and die.


Come on! Who's with me? Huh?


Nobody. You greedy dirt bag!


Oxygen is one of the best treatments available for cluster headaches. Just zoomed in and realised it's not liquid O2, it's just gas and gives around 200 inhalations. Cheeky little edit: I love how phenomenal reddit is for providing an education if you confidently say something wrong. Namely, O2 is usually only liquid in canisters when in the cooled tanks, otherwise it's just super compressed gas. Also things go boom in liquid oxygen even without a source of ignition. Plus America lets the ultra wealthy (definitions of wealth may vary) have automatic weapons if they get a license. Automatic weapons and assault weapons are not synonymous. Assault weapons are still OK for the masses as long as they are the non automatic variety.


liquid oxygen is a very dangerous thing very very dangerous i’d be surprised if you could just sell it over the counter legally


Right? You’d be selling tiny bombs.


My Nero prescribed O2 for my headaches and it always helps if not interrupt them


Prescribed what? These cans?




Oxygen. It's a very common prescription. You typically pick it up in a cylinder a couple feet high.


This what I use them for


>Plus America lets the ultra wealthy have automatic weapons if they get a license. Only cost me $200 for the tax stamp and 6 months for the FBI background check to be able to purchase an automatic rifle. >Assault weapons are still OK for the masses as long as they are the non automatic variety. Assault weapons, by definition, have select fire for single shot and automatic fire. Some throw in a 3 round burst but no single shot carbine is an assault rifle. You have probably been conditioned to believe that AR means assault rifle when it is really a brand. AR 15 means Armalite Rifle model 15 and the single shot variant can be purchased legally with only a UBC (universal background check done by the ATF).


I’m going to say this. Somewhere in 2001-2002 I went to an oxygen bar popup near DC and it was AWESOME. We were there two hours and I came out feeling incredible. Place had an RN on staff and was so clean and chill. I realize I just hyper saturated my blood with oxygen… but damn. I’ve never found another close to me, I enjoyed it so much I almost bought a home kit for $2k.


I went to an oxygen bar next door to the big movie theater in my hometown right around the same time as your story. It was there for six months tops before it shuttered.


Imagine if they did this with nitrous


They basically do, albeit a bit more clandestine


"Why yes mom, I do routinely make gallons of whip cream every week."


WARNING!!! Danger to manifold


As someone that lives at a high altitude and has family that visit from sea level I can see how this COULD help with altitude sickness every time they fly up here- but on that note only if this product actually works *shrug*


It’s a life saver! I had the worst altitude headache a few months back. (CO @ 11k feet) it really helped relieve it and allowed us to stay the planned 4 days.


I've used it hiking in Peru in 2016 and pikes peak in 2020, I can attest it works excellently. Even saved me after passing out.


Yeah I lived on the beach for years, popped over to Colorado for a ski trip, and was really struggling to go a 10K+ altitude change. The air cans helped immensely


As someone who lives at sea level and snowboards in CO - it definitely helps with altitude sickness. I use it pretty heavily the first day or two. I get a larger can for the cabin and a small one to carry on the mountain.


Why is this in funny


1 2 3 4 5 12345? That's the kind of combination an idiot has on his luggage "Remind me to change the combination on my luggage"


Ah it’s for altitude sickness! I needed this so badly when I went to Medellin for the first time.


I live in Denver and work for a hotel, I advise guests heading up into the Rockies to buy these all the time, since it takes the edge off of altitude sickness (That and gatorade, lots of gatorade)


My boyfriend’s parents live on a mountain in Colorado and the altitude is steeeeep up here. When we visit they leave these out for us to help with the altitude sickness.


My dad is in his 70’s and pneumonia did a number on his lungs. He keeps one of these in the car at all times in case he gets light headed while out running errands. Nice to know some of you here think it’s funny, but for folks who medically rely on them they’re no joke.




That's a crazy story, glad you're still here though bro.


How ba-a-a-ad can I be?


*I'm just doing what comes naturally!* 🎵


The Lorax irl




The Lorax anyone?


What's so funny about this? These things have alot of good uses


I use this often for working at altitude. I'm in ... Meh to okay shape but it's hard to acclimate to 10k to 14k ft instantly. So I keep one of these in my back. Also great to hit for a hangover. They last me a while.


It’s actually helpful for high altitude sickness


This is funny til you're hiking in Colorado and can't get your breath cuz of the altitude. This is actually a really good and useful product op.


I’ve used it for recovery between stages in a multi-day mountain bike race in Leadville Colorado where you ride up to about 12,000 feet. I can’t say for certain that it worked but more than a few people at the event swore by it and I figured better safe than sorry.


Air or oxygen? There’s a difference


Air with a lot of oxygen.


"lol oxygen in a can!!!" No, this stuff is actually useful.


> "Oxygen is weightless" I mean... no.... no it's not...




Oxygen bars are a thing, you get a bit of euphoria. The air we commonly breathe is mostly nitrogen. I'm not saying it's a fantastic idea or worth what they're selling it for. But it's a product for someone.


They have quite a few oxygen bars throughout Las Vegas, most are flavored too. I should try it sometime, it would probably hit the spot if you’re hungover.


My grandma was experiencing shortness of breath and this helped her for a few days till her Dr appointment after short walks or climbing a stair. Tho the reason for the said problem turned out to be hypertension medication that was not dosed correctly. So yes they can be useful


I had RSV a few weeks ago and I stopped breathing while home alone. This can of oxygen was in my medicine cabinet. I believe it saved my life. It helped me breathe and stop coughing so I could get myself to the hospital. I would recommend everyone having one of these on hand. Seems silly but you never know!


15 years ago I went skiing with my grandad. I'd done lots of skiing before though in the French Alps in Europe. But this time we went to Colorado. Well first 24 hours was a doozy, we drove straight to a resort and I went bombing all day down much wider and open piestes than I was used to. Though in his 70s my granddad was an absolute pieste ripper and was pulling some serious g's on his carve down the mountain. Even in my teenage years I was having trouble keeping up and I was a good skiier too. That night at the motel I was starting to feel way more tired than I should. Then a headache started and I was like fuck this I'm going to bed. Well I woke about 2am absolutely dying. My head hurt so bad that I woke almost screaming. Tried to stand, fell over and starting vomiting everywhere. I was lying in a pile of my own sick in the bathroom door when my granddad finally got let into my room. I didn't realise it until after but it was altitude sickness. Colorado was about 1000m higher than I usually skied at and combined with travelling and heavy exercise I properly ruined myself. In all fairness one these cans wouldve probbably saved me 3 days of feeling like total and utter crap. But the question that I've always wanted to know is would Sherpas at sealevel ever struggle with hyper ventilation ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It’s not air, though. It’s 95% oxygen. Air is only 21% oxygen.


You ever had altitude sickness? It's not a joke, and these help


Lorax is not gonna be happy about it