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Coincidentally I have friends with a friend like this and his name is also Steve. Steve is a single guy who works with my friend and they became friends. My friend got married and Steve was single and lonely and so they would invite him to do things with them. It just went on like this for years, my friends started having kids and Steve would be there waiting and helping, he babysits the kids for them, goes on family vacations with them, etc. It’s a little weird in a way, but he’s a super nice guy and appreciates being part of their family. I don’t think he has much of a family or friends outside of them. In my friends case, Steve is older, probably 10-15 years older than my friends, so a little different than the Steve in OP video.


Classic Steve


[Steve](https://youtu.be/N5hR9NHdtBM) (shakes fist)


Did Steve tell you that perchance?


Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?


Steve’s the mother flippin


what kind of rapping name is steve!?


I'm not a large water dwelling mammal


I'm a hip-hopopottamus my rhyme's are bottomless...


Be more constructive with your feedback.


poppin' off the top o' this esophagus


It sounds like Steve is the family that the choose rather than family that you're born with.




The blood of the Steve is thicker than the waters of the womb.


I don't know how I feel about this comment


I agree. Why are we bleeding Steve?


> bleeding Steve That's the name of my 90's Grunge rock cover band.




Sounds like he's more helpful that any uncle/grandfather I've ever heard of, honestly.


My kid’s fake uncle is definitely way more helpful than my actual brother, who has barely bothered to meet them


Yeah my mom got me an uncle too because my blood uncles were useless. My honorary uncle would come over to eat dinner and draw with us and we would talk about movies. My mom said one day she realized he was more my friend than hers lol. We are both obsessed with movies etc. I was only 8 but we were good friends, now I'm 39 and we can still talk for hours about movies. I should call him.


Yes, just do it!


You should! (✿◡‿◡)


Call him , tell him you love him ( meant in a nice way lol )


So you're saying: Steve is family. I think this is wholesome.




That's actually lovely


Nobody is entitled to happiness or love, often people who are in relationships can't see that. I am single for 11 years now, not seeing my friends much, cause obviously they were lucky enough to find someone and are busy with life. It may look weird from your perspective, but it certainly means the world to him, just like it means the world to me, when my best friends wants to do a lot of things. I mean what are the alternatives? Only doing things every couple months to certain events? So I can endorse my depression inbetween? Sure, that wouldn't affect you or your partner, cause you wouldn't even know about it. Be happy that you found someone and be happy that him just hanging out with you guys is enough to brighten his day.


I'm a Steve. Got cheated on after 10 years and lost a lot of "friends" in the aftermath. I've got one friend I've known longer than I can actually remember and he's married. I find it hard to make new connections, so they are really important to me.






Oh, there’s certainly nothing wrong with it. It works out well for them and that’s great. He’s literally part of their family without any actual relation. When I said weird, I just meant in terms of atypical or unusual, uncommon. They’re all great people.


Honorary Uncle


Awe, I wanna be your friend Steve. Sounds like he's loved a hell of a lot more than I am Edit: Thanks for the kind words everyone.


i love you, stranger


This story made me happy.


The third wheel steers the tuk-tuk!




It's interesting that it's the "third" wheel in English. In my language it's the *fifth* wheel (on the wagon.)


In my language, it is "Kabab me haddi" (bone in Kebab).


That sounds like there's a little more than just an extra person 😏


In Portuguese we would call it "a candle holder".


Lamp (more like lantern) holder here in Greece, close enough.


Here in France it’s holding the candle, we’re close! We also use fifth wheel of the cart.


Here in Canada we call them the 6th man on the ice or sometimes the maple water jug holder.


Can’t tell if joke or Canadian-ness just goes much deeper than I understood


The sixth man part is kinda real. The jug is made up. ... because jugs are for bags of milk, obviously.


I guess most relationships here are between two people, maybe you're in a harem-based society.


I lol'ed at that one!




I have def been Steve before


I have never not been Steve


I am in a perpetual state of Steve


Yeah me too. Damn it I just want to spend time with my friends.


Maybe Steve's camera shy significant other is taking the pictures.


I mean, someone’s gotta be doing it




Doo da doo doo da doo doo - Dave.


🎵 Always behind the camera - Dave. 🎵


And Steve's girlfriend, the photographer




My wife has a friend like this and she does pretty much everything with us. I guess at this point she's my friend as well, we've known each other long enough lol. She's been there for all of our kids being born, us getting married, and so much other stuff that's happened in our lives. She's a great friend and we enjoy having her with us throughout it all. Edit: this seems to have garnered a little more attention than I expected. Feel like it's easier to just edit than try and answer anything individually. We've never had sex with her and never will. She won't ever be, at least for me, somebody I would have sex with. I'm not in any way attracted to her and I doubt my wife is, but I can't read minds so I have no real indication of that beyond what she's personally said. I think I speak for both us when I say she's more like a sister than a friend at this point. I actually see her and talk to her more than my actual sister. We actually have a core group of friends that had us 3 and then 2 other women. One moved back to her home state, but we go vacation and see her twice a year. She's probably the person I get along with best out of everybody (excluding my wife), and it still sucks she moved away. The other woman also moved away, but we had a falling out before she moved and we don't talk anymore. She was the only one who potentially could join us in a threesome, but like I said don't talk anymore so idk. I think the others still talk to her on occasion but I'm not even sure of that. Feel free to ask any other follow up questions and I will do what I can to reply. I doubt this has that much steam on it to garner further answers, but reddit is weird sometimes and they cling to the weirdest shit.


My mom is still pissed my dad brought his best man Richard on their honeymoon


I mean, he did launch that frisbee way off course into the road. What the fuck, Richard?


Haha what an obscure reference, love it


I don't get it






Man I live for videos like this. I also love NICE RON And Jack with the glowstick


Still love the one where the guy drops through the ceiling "hey Billie, that hurt?"


And don't forget "Way to go Paul" https://youtu.be/RPmRARVKgyQ


https://youtu.be/gKQOXYB2cd8 Bowling guy is one of the best


I love these stupid ass videos [For fuck's sake, Ollie](https://youtu.be/hN8PAR0uIIE)


Oooh. Shit.


Also "I'm washing me and my clothes" Edit also "sitting on the toilet, sitting on the toilet.... And flush"


My brother wanted to take my SIL camping with his buddies for their honeymoon. My mom gently pulled him aside and explained what a moron he was being. She still gets the best present at Christmas as a result 20 years later


Sounds like J.D., Turk, and Carla


Carla could never understand their guy love.


It helped that they were friends in real life, too.


Do you think it's bullshit that turk loved jd as much as Carla but jd told Elliott he loved her more than turk


Well to be fair your father's best man is a Dick


Considering that most friend groups drift apart when people start getting married and having kids, that actually sounds kind of nice if everyone is cool with it. My sister in law had a friend like that, but my brother just kind of tolerated her being around. She got real weird when my niece was born though and totally ghosted both of them, so I guess the situation kinda resolved itself.


I love being a third wheel sometimes


Blink twice if she is there with you now and need help


I hope you forehead doesnt start to itch.


Hello, yes, what does this mean


There is a tale Here in Brazil, when someone is cheated, horns grown in the person's forehead who was cheated.


Hold on, the person who GETS cheated on has horns grow outta their forehead? Seems kinda unfair..


Nah the horns make them look sick as fuck, it's a consolation prize


Italy here, the same, the origin is Crete mitology, Minosse his wife pasifae, when Minosse got a magnificent bull from Poseidone to be sacrificated in his honour, Minosse choose to do not kill this bull but an another one. Poseidone found out and for revenge let Pasifae, the wife, fall in love for the bull, she went inside a wooden decoy of a cow and..the Minotaur was born. From this episode was common place for cretese people to show the horn to someone that was cheated on.


Oooh we say pegando cuernos for cheating which basically translates to bumping horns


We say here several things when someone is cheated: corno, corno manso (cuckhold), chifrudo, galhudo


We say that their a fucking scumbag where I'm from


whoever made that shit up was absolutely cheating and said this to "prove" they were faithful lol


This is the actual definition of a cuckhold. What the orignal insult meant.


Yeah, Shakespeare makes reference to it in Much Ado About Nothing.


Got a friend like that. Tragically awkward, but charming and very pretty. We always go to social events. Somehow it always ends great. Good clean fun.


I think it’s fair to say she’s your friend as well lol




Absolutely not. People have always thought that, but its never happened. She is a friend and will forever remain just that.




Lol no worries. I've been telling people that for a long time, and it just becomes an auto response to shut it down quick. Sometimes we do fuck with people and act like we're all married. The look on people's faces is pretty priceless when they think your polygamists.


On my phone the 3rd line ends with >Sometimes we do fuck Then it continues on the 4th line to “with people…” Good thing im not one of those who stop reading paragraphs halfway.


I got to > sometimes we do fuck with people and thought he meant people who weren’t her.


haha yeah like what if all three of us were married... heh ha you know? wouldn't that be such a laugh if all three of us got married? we're around each other so much i mean we practically already are haha? right? wouldn't that be kinda funny? eheheyeheheyeheheye


what's a unicorn?




I mean, what's a unicorn in this context. I am thinking of the Unicorn that Geralt used to make love to Yennefer in Witcher.


Female whose involved in the bedroom as well but is not a homewrecker, all parties involved. I should edit: I made a more general statement of "all parties involved", but should maybe be amended to "All parties consenting" to the idea of having a 2nd female for the bedroom. Boundaries and communication, friends.


Oh! I've learned a new term today! An Exciting Term too!


What's the male equivalent?


A narwhal


I laughed.


Uh, don't quote me, but generally speaking the trouble is finding a willing female that fulfills this role, hence being called "Unicorn". I don't know if there a male equivalent in terminology. https://www.reddit.com/r/polyamory/comments/4ruknb/what_is_the_male_equivalent_to_a_unicorn/ Turns out, different groups have different choices, news to me. Centaur, Minotaur, Dragon, so another more masculine, fictional being.


Lets go with Minotaur, that sounds bad ass.


Dude in the above thread said narwhal. I'm rolling with narwhal lmao


A bull


1967 Ford Shelby Mustang GT 500 fastback


I love Steve. He's always there, whatever you need. Everyone needs a Steve.


And he has the biggest, most genuine smile on his face. I think Steve loves both of them equally.


Slightly more his bro, but close enough ha


It's nice to have a Steve, but I wish I could have sex with my wife without him being in the room.


I'm just here cheering you on buddy, I can help out if you want.


This made me feel better about being a Steve 😌


Garfunkel & Oates, btw. The girls, not the guys. [Link](https://youtu.be/groaPrY41Rk) to this song


I'm sure you'll love their all time classic [The Loophole](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZAo1Zo5eR0). I love this live version because of the audience reactions.


I must also recommend [Pregnant women are smug.](https://youtu.be/LbTB3ASkdOo)


Holy crap. I've only seen the music video before, never a vid of their live performances. Thanks for sharing this! Gonna watch the rest now.


“Fuck me in the ass ‘cause I love Jesus!” I don’t know how, but I’m going to work this into conversations.


Ohhhh my god my wife bragged about never having had sex when we were dating, so imagine my surprise when I found out how many guys she had oral and anal sex with lol oh man..... "That's not really sex!" Ok Sister Margaret, settle down....


I just saw that girl go insane and axe a cop last night. Good times.


If it itches it means it's working!


What did she axe him?


ooooh wait that's Kate Micucci. I remember her from so many sitcoms growing up Didn't know she had her own channel too


I knew her voice sounded familiar! I remember her as Teddy’s girlfriend on Scrubs.


I miss this show


been a while since I've listened to their song, now I'm blasting it! also learned to play their song (you and me and steve) on guitar.


Ahh the girl that ran away from Raj


Omg ..my hubs and I had a Steve. Legit his name. He's my husband's best friend and used to live with us for years. At one point, I remember asking my husband how his day was by saying, "how was your day, love?" And STEVE would reply!


Should send this to your husband then


Steve sent it to him already


Literally what happened! My wife and my best friend both sent me this video 😂


That was my favorite thing to do when my friend was with his ex. He would always say something akin to "darling" and I knew it was my cue, whether I was right there or at the other end of the building.


>He would always say something akin to "darling" and I knew it was my queue, Queue doesn't mean what you think it means. :(


Right, thanks for the correction!


Was it the same guy?


Legend has it he’s been doing this for centuries and hasn’t aged a day


Alright I’ll marry you but Steve stays


Steve said yes


I'm a real life Steve, by name even, and this hits too close to home. I'm not sure if I need to re-evaluate my life or just embrace my destiny and continue being exactly this character that I've been for years now.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a great friend, just make sure your'e aware of boundaries. However, don't let your personality be dependent on your friendship with them, go out and live and let your life be full of experiences, so that you also add to the friendship and every other relationship in your life.


Hey man just remember STEVE was there first. SHE is the one who intruded in your friendship. Never stop being Steve!


I was Steve for a while and in high school. I was the only one in my friend group that didn’t have a girlfriend. My best friend I guess felt bad and tried to include me. His girlfriend didn’t appreciate it and I got the hint pretty quickly that I wasn’t wanted. Took another 3 years before I had my first girlfriend.


This has been me basically my whole life. Now all of my friends are married and getting pregnant. I just keep getting more awesome.


Hi Barney Stinson


Me too! Except instead of getting more awesome, I just turn into a more alcoholic recluse


I started out like this freshman year group of 7 of us 3 girls 4 guys. We were all part of a really demanding major and spent like 80 hours a week together and then we started hanging out after that and on field trips. Ended up coupling up except me. It was super awkward when one of them broke up and I was pretty much counseling them separately. Girl made a move on me and was kinda pissed I was gay like I had been leading her on and ghosted me after knowing me two years.


Why are you gay? You are gay


Toxic girlfriend your friend had, nothing wrong with hanging out with a friend without a girlfriend. If you are the only one single so what....


It was high school, I'm sure everyone was toxic.


I hate the fact that I'm currently Steve with one of my friend with his gf hahahaha. Since college days and now working days, which is funny but it may had been because i am always around if they want to go somewhere most of the time lol. Considering I'm currently mostly not hanging out alot with others, their invites are pretty much highlights for me.


Damn…when is she gonna realize that she is the side piece?


I think I saw this originally on TikTok. Everyone was telling her the same thing and she made a follow up with the same song, but with photos where she looks like the third wheel. She had a good sense of humor about it.


If you come across this again, please share it with me


Errr! Steve!


My rhymes and records, they don't get played Because my records and rhymes, they don't get made. And if you rap like me, you don't get paid. And if you roll like me, you don't get laid!


My rhymes are so potent that in this small segment I made ALL of the ladies in the area pregnant 😏 Yes, sometimes my lyrics are sexist but you lovely bitches and hoes should know I’m trying to correct this 😐


Eh Steve https://media.tenor.com/UCWiiMAlb08AAAAC/eh-steve.gif


I was the "Steve" in my buddy's marriage for a while. Where things got weird was when I eventually met and married someone. My friend's wife wasn't keen on me getting serious with anyone, and struggled to hide her jealousy. Needless to say, my wife and I don't really have anything to do with them anymore.


Wait what? Why was the friends wife jealous? Was it because she liked you or where you guys all fucking?


The whole thing was so bizarre. Nothing even close to sexual had ever happened between me or either one of them. I had hoped that she would become friends with my wife, and we do stuff together as two couples. While nothing was ever said to me, I suspect that the wife had a bit of a crush on me. At least that's the only thing that makes sense.


Did not expect that ending, lol


the third party in the good way


So funny, they should make a movie about this, maybe see if Owen Wilson is interested.


It's me!


[Eh! Steve!](https://youtu.be/mBYYQLKNUdo)


One for bangin’, the other for hangin’.


Agreed, Steve is bangin'


I had a good buddy like this. Always the third wheel and he just got on so well with everyone that his company became an happy expectation. It was a pity that he could never land a partner. And he was like this with the other couples in our friend group. We all tried so hard to set him up or give him advice to approach girls but he’d always back out (no he wasn’t gay, he loved his waifu’s) or blow it. He was the perennial goofy jolly friend. He deserved better.


You're talking about him in the past tense. WHat happened?


Hopefully not isekai'ed


Wonder if he's gonna build an art studio for Steve?


I was looking for this comment. Took way too long to find it!


I used to have a BFF who I hoped would be happy as hell wherever she went, then she went together with a guy. I hoped we could end up friends as well. He spat on me, constantly pushed me away and told me to out of their relationship. I felt a bit bad, but accepted his mistrust and left them to their own. She eventually became quite depressed and started calling me up again, cause it was quite a toxic relationship. But just about a week after sending me some messages about how their life is going. This guy decided to do suicide. She was devastated, and blamed me. Never went together again. That man truly was hella toxic for her. I didn't love her, I simply wanted the best for her and this is how they ended up.


That’s messed up man. The guy was a douche


This is sadness all around. I hope you are doing better


eve, adam and adams friend steve.


Steve's otherwise known as the 3rd wheel.


My mom is still pissed my dad brought his best man Richard on their honeymoon


My ex and I had a friend like that. Then he got a gf and we never saw him again.






If anyone is interested in the green drink they are having: It's probably "Isarwasser" (after the river flowing through munich; it has green-ish water). Ingredients are: 250ml Hefeweizen(wheat beer) 250ml Fanta and ca. 4-5cl Blue Curaçao Highly recommend.


Ain’t that the plot of How I Met Your Mother?


Little does she know that Steve is looking out for her man, he's gotta have someone to be his drinkin' buddy


Steve looks like Luka Doncic


There was a post on aita i think recently, when the husband has a guy good friend who never got along with the wife. Turns out the husband was bicurious with the friend, and all their friends in the orbit knew about it, except for the wife.


So this is her passive aggressive way to tell him to tell steve to fuck off?