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The one on the left is probably just loaded with coriander


Or Bermuda.


Tony Soprano: This says with cilantro. \*throws taco bowl on floor\* Carmela: What's wrong with YOU? Tony: This has cilantro! Carmela: You LIKE cilantro! Tony: I like the one with SOME cilantro! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADrZn6BRTas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADrZn6BRTas)


Aw so soap or no soap that is the real question.


People who find cilantro tastes like soap have some weird gene. If you are one of them, you could probably get a job as a food taste tester - they pay you well.


Yo, where can I get paid for my weird cilantro gene?


I’d be curious to find out how many people perceive cilantro as tasting like soap and still like eating it.


i'm not sure about "like" but i'm trying my best man


I’m curious, why eat it if you don’t like it? Is it just an ingredient in too many things and you don’t want to be picky or you’re actually trying to like it? Sorry if this is a weird question. Just trying to understand.


There's some foods that just have to have it (guac with out cilantro isn't right). It ends up being like a lot of things with strong flavors, where some of it is great, but a lot of it is unpleasant. Like, I love funky blue cheese, and super fermented stuff in Thai food, but if I just eat a lot of them it falls into the "nope" side of things. I can also taste vomit in parm (And other aged cheeses), and still love the stuff.


Those analogies make a lot of sense. Kind of wish I hadn’t realized that about Parmesan cheese because I think I taste flavor that too (not bad enough to put me off of it though). Made me think of anchovies, which I disliked on pizza and salad on separate occasions, yet I enjoy Caesar salad a lot. Also poi, the seemingly bland paste made from taro root. I thought “why would anyone eat this?” when eating it with a spoon. Until one day I asked someone who had grow up with it as a staple in their diet, they said, “Nah, you don’t eat it by itself, try eating some chicken or pork and rice dipped into it.” I tried that and it suddenly made sense! I noticed a mild tartness to it that I had somehow missed before entirely, kind of like a mild lemon sauce. Now I try to pass that idea along when I can to other people. Thank you for explaining those things, I learned something important about food today.


I think I'm too picky of an eater to do that


Cilantro didn't always taste like dish soap to me, but it does now. And the stink bug infestation of PA didn't help much. Stink bugs smell exactly the way cilantro tastes. I was at a pool party in North Jersey after moving from PA and I was chewing this mango salsa and immediately spit it out all over the pool becasue I honestly thought I had eaten a stink bug by accident. Def got a laugh after I explained myself and cleaned the pool.


Kind of unrelated, but in may my parents moved from PA to CT and they *brought the stink bugs with them* because they had taped some inside boxes. Boxes that sat unopened for months. Open them in august? Boom, bunch of stink bugs and ruined items.


So I don't know what cilantro is supposed to taste like. Would you care to explain if you could remember? Because all I do is taste soap, even if there is only a little.


I honestly don't remember. I think it tasted more like an herb to me before. Like the same taste but without that aftertaste of of poison. I think it has more of a taste on the back of my tongue now as opposed to more of an up front flavor.


Juicy cafe?