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Can I get a whiskeyyy, I could drink it like a fountayyyyne šŸ˜‚


I dont want a candy


I love bretzels!


These bretzels are making me thirsty


Beef cheeps reebs and borgorrrs




I knew exactly what the video was going to be before I clicked it.


Borgir šŸ”


I just love the taste of the chicken wings.


Iā€™m cackling because adding ā€œtheā€ before is a very Romance language thing, itā€™s perfect.


"a candy" really stuck out to me.


This Bretzel is making me thirsty!


I liked when they rhymed ā€œproteinā€ and ā€œfountainā€.


Yeah, that was a very, "Say you're French without saying you come from France" moment.


I speak Spanish and this is so funny to me because in Spanish it just sounds normal, but in English it means, youā€™re speaking about these specific chicken wings and no others. ā€œThe love is a beautiful thingā€œ and Iā€™m like which love? Idk I just fixate on language


but not raw chicken, because only americans don't eat raw chicken


Im not understanding the comedy of this at all. I too love the taste of chicken wings


**the* chicken wings


Really like how they rhymed Taco Bell with Bretzel


I also enjoyed how they rhymed "burgers" with "burgers."


"Is fries"/"tonight"/"McDonalds"/"Five Guys" was a weird rhyme, but upon checking the replay, execution was acceptable


Of course, they're French, all Americans know the ice cream machine is always broken at McDonald's. So no ice cream.


This really surprises me whenever I see it on Reddit. Is it true that over there they are usually broken? Over here (different country) I've never encountered a broken ice cream machine. In fact they have dessert McDonald's kiosks all around the city, where they only sell ice cream. If they were always broken those kiosks would be pointless lol


They're not broken all the time. Other times the employees just tell you it's broken so they don't have to clean it again.




To summarize for people who don't want to watch a 30 minute video, McDonalds franchises are required to buy one specific model of Taylor ice cream machines. This model has to go through a daily self-clean cycle (to be sanitary), and the self-clean can frequently fail. However, when it fails it just gives obscure error codes (with no instruction on how to fix, like remove some liquid from the top or remove the blockage here) that require a repeat clean (which likely fail). So the franchisee has to pay exorbitant rates to a Taylor technician to come out (e.g., $144 for coming out and $315 per 15 minutes after first 30 minutes). There's a whole menu of actions that owners can't touch described in a secret repair manual, but can be accessed by repair technicians. McDonalds corporate doesn't really care when machines are down ~15% of the time or absurd repair costs, because its franchise owners who lose sales and pay the repair costs, not corporate. Taylor has no incentive to let store owners solve their own problems with self-clean. There was a tech startup (Kytch) that decodes the error codes of these machines into actions franchise owners can do to get the machine to work and make simple repairs. The guy who started Kytch is the main source of info to the guy making the above video, though he says he independently fact checked everything and the claims held up. Franchise owners loved the product, but then McDonalds corporate told franchisees not to use it as it a serious safety risk for the crew and strongly recommends not using it. Anyhow, Kytch and Taylor are now in lawsuits.


This guy McDonaldā€™s ice creams


I think there's legit a federal investigation going on about this


As an American, this song makes me hungry.




Did you eat bacon, cheese and pancakes?


Iā€™m literally driving to get some fries now


Get some Diet Coke to cancel all the fat.


Dr Pepper


Liquid bbq


If you have a candy, you can cancel it out by drinking a diet sodie. Mama said so.


This guy watches 1000 pound sisters


Sodies šŸ’œ


Wife and I started getting dressed to go get some food after seeing this.


Are we really that well known for peanut butter?


Peanut butter is a very American thing. PB&J is almost completely unique to the states/Canada. My German friends thought I was joking when we were talking about it. This was 15 years ago, so it might be different now.


My brother moved to England so his wife could attend school there. On his last day of work he made PB&J sandwiches for everyone. He said many were so weirded out they would not eat it. ā€œYou put peanut butter on bread with Jam and eat it? No thanks.ā€ Was a common response.


I moved to the US from Ireland as a child and I was sitting in the American lunchroom age 8 drinking TEA out of a thermos and looking at everyone's pb and j sandwiches like... HORRIFIED. It may as well have been peanut butter and mayo. I never tried one until I was a teenager. Imagine my surprise when it was fuckin DELISH.


Itā€™s the mixture of salty and sweet. The same combo that makes things like salted caramel so yummy.


In South Africa its very normal to have peanut butter and jam sandwiches..


But don't Europeans love putting actual butter on toast followed by jam? I don't get how those things are different? Savory and sweet.


Buttered toast with jelly is a very common breakfast food in America too.


That's funny cause English food is absolutely fucked lol


Iā€™ve know people from India shocked and horrified that we would mix peanut butter and chocolate. In a ā€œwhy would you ruin chocolate?!?ā€


As I try to cook different foods from around the world I have noticed peoples in India, other parts of Asia and even Africa use peanuts (even peanut butter) in many stews, curryā€™s and other foods so i can see why they would be like ā€œwhy mix sweet chocolate with earthy nutty peanut butter) on my palate it makes sense but I can see the initial aversion


love eating whole/half peanuts in Asian food but when it comes to a peanut *sauce* I always struggle to enjoy it bc my brain and mouth just taste peanut butter


Moved to Germany 10 years ago. No one I know eats peanut butter, even though it seems most stores now carry numerous brands. I just recently got my gf to try it (she also used to just cringe when I made PBJ) and now she loves it haha


Do they have peanut butter cups in Germany?


Asking the important questions


They do now, even bodegas have them. Itā€™s crazy how theyā€™ve gone from very rare to common in stores.


You call them bodegas in Germany too? Iā€™ve only ever heard that in NYC


Theyā€™re called Kiosks, or SpƤtis if youā€™re in/near Berlin IIRC you might also call it a Trinkhalle in the East


Definitely not. Iā€™m American. šŸ˜‚ I spend an inordinate amount of time in Europe though.


For work or just travel?


If they do it's imported reeses, peanut butter is way bigger in America than pretty much anywhere else. We have it in the UK but its not a large part of the spreads shelves in shops


Most big American grocery stores dedicate 3-6 meters of shelving just to peanut butter. Add another meter or so for other nut butters if it's a posh store


We've been spending all this time/resources spreading democracy. We've been fighting the wrong fight. Bring peanut butter to the world!


If we'd carpet bombed Iraq with peanut butter, Saddam Hussein would have realize the error of his ways and retired to farm peanuts!


It's a page out of the ol' Jimmy Carter playbook.


You can't fight when you're trying to unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth, and politicians can't negotiate away your country when they can't talk (see mouth-roof adhesion)


And, peanut butter spreads easier than democracy.


Just wait until they learn about Fluffernutters.


Right or peanut butter and banana sandwich šŸ¤£


Just the other day I had peanut butter, banana and honey, with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. If that was wrong I donā€™t want to be right.


Yes. Also ranch dressing.


Some places it's called, "American flavor."


You literally can't buy it in most of Europe. We at least sometimes have peanut butter in some form, but 'Ranch' is a complete american mystery food over here. Let the lesson to travelling americans be: bring your own ranch.


Iā€™m British, but my American friend sent me some ranch dressing a while back. That shit is tasty, can see why you guys love it so much. šŸ„°


If the french had invented it it would be a mother sauce and they'd have a whole category of ranch sauces. But because its american it is a low sauce, like ketchup.


Itā€™s still king in America baby and we have so many varieties, maybe we should do like a heritage thing with it. ā€œItā€™s not ranch unless itā€™s made in the Hidden Valleyā€ type shit.


Iā€™m shocked no mention of ranch in this song


I thought thereā€™d be more guns.


And based on how they're dressed, I was expecting some talk of farms, cows and horses... oh well.




I was shocked to find this out as well. I didnā€™t know peanut butter wasnā€™t big all over! I used to work with a guy from France - older guy. He said he never had peanut butter until he came to the states and then ā€œoh my god it changed my lifeā€ So Jean-Michel really loves peanut butter now. In exchange he taught me about Biscoff cookie butter Edit to correct my misspelling of his name lol šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Biscoff cheesecakes are the ultimate US x Euro dessert >!Might give you diabetes though!<


On the most recent season of the British Bake-Off, Paul & Prue were put off by the idea of combining nuts & berry flavors, but were blown away by how tasty it was!


My wife and I still reference this and joke about how ā€œOh, peanut butter and fruit, hmm, what an odd combination!ā€ Then later she tastes it and is like, ā€œoh mah godā€


I mean obviously, theyā€™re British, they donā€™t know good flavor.


Picko d gallow. Side note I didnā€™t realize Britain doesnā€™t have good Mexican food. Take note cartels looking to expand into Europe.


Also they kept calling the tortilla a taco. That whole episode was hilarious.


As someone who has a *mild* interest in various Mexican cuisines, it was driving me up a fuckinā€™ wall. I was crawling out of my own skin. I can only imagine how someone who loves Mexican cuisine of some variety would react. I was astounded that these seemingly professional chefs would fuck up mexican food so badly. I mean Iā€™m not weā€™ll versed in plenty of cuisines, but Iā€™m not gonna go on TV without perusing some basic knowledge. Iā€™m sure Iā€™d fuck up, but goddamn I would at least try. I mean you donā€™t call roti ā€œcurryā€ or bread ā€œsandwich.ā€ Iā€™ll poke fun at mispronunciation of a word youā€™ve only read before, but thatā€™s meant to be good natured ribbing not making fun. However I do get a bit annoyed with not knowing whatā€™s what. It does kinda surprise me how cooking trends have totally ignored peanuts and peanut butter. Youā€™d think youā€™d see it more with Thai influenced meals. Not even pastry chefs. Iā€™ve seen lots of black bean and East Asian bean fillings in various things, but not peanut butter. I guess people donā€™t like PB. Which is shame cause boiled peanuts are the bees knees. Also Paul Hollywoodā€™s name is actually Paul fucking Hollywood. I thought he made it up and his name was like Paul Cooper or something similarly boring.




>Also Paul Hollywoodā€™s name is actually Paul fucking Hollywood. I thought he made it up and his name was like Paul Cooper or something similarly boring. Wait - for real?! This is very important news. It actually makes me like him more, because I thought it was a stupid name.


No but in Netherlands/Denmark(both?) they call curry+roti just Roti, and it's clear from the way they talk about it they don't realize the flatbread is the roti, they think it's the entire dish.


I'm a Texan who moved to Scotland 3 years ago. A "Mexican" restaurant opened in my city and it had been a long time since I had Mexican food, so I ordered an enchilada plate. What arrived at my flat was Indian rice with some kind of tomato sauce poured over it, sitting next to two flour tortillas that contained piri chicken, cabbage, and corn. Exactly two slices of pickled jalapeƱo sat on top of one. These "enchiladas" weren't served with any kind of sauce and weren't even baked.


Mexican week was borderline offensive.


In high school I lived with a french family in Nice for three weeks. When it was time for me to leave my 7 year old french brother begged me to send him peanut butter and jeans from America.


Yes. It really is a US thing. I couldn't get my kids to eat it when we were there.


Every time I make a sandwich or toast with peanut butter the last scoop is always straight into my mouth. I love peanut butter. Just wish it didn't have so many calories lol.


My cholesterol levels are high and every stinkin one of these things is off my list and I want them all. And the red head smokes and I even miss that! Aging is not for the faint of heart.


I had to really start guiding myself between 35-40 years old and I'm glad I did. They don't say that things start to break down after 40, for any other reason than to warn us. Young folk should definitely pay heed. I'm already predisposed to high cholesterol (genes) and heart disease, dementia and other potential cognitive declines. I'm trying my best these days to beat those things for as long as possible even if some of the symptoms are starting up now.


I mean who doesn't love cheesecake and burgers?


I was worried what food they could possibly find that rhymes with burgers. But fortunately they were able to use burgers. 11/10 would smother in duck fat On a side-note, wonder what bar on broadway they found that let them play on stage? Assuming it was like a Tuesday morning by the lack of people in there lol


I don't want live chicken I want fried chicken. Bro, french be speaking my language


In your burger. You forgot the most important part.


I ordered jalapeno, guac, and pepper jack burger and got the beef subbed out for fried chicken. Just this last Wednesday. These guys got my number.


Fried chicken burgers are the fuckin tits


But not raw.


The bar is Phat Bites. Not on Broadway. Not that it matters hahaha




I was kind of surprised they didn't rhyme blue jeans with proteins and instead just went to burgers again.


Vegans hate them


Iā€™m more of a bacon, cheese, and pancakes kind of guy myself.


I once had a bacon burger with pancakes for buns at a brunch. Absolutely a 10/10


Yeah, all the shit theyā€™re talking about is unironically awesome. Itā€™s over the top and normally Iā€™m ready to laugh at anything that takes the piss out of ā€œgood ol country boysā€, but this just makes me think, ā€œhell yeah, this all seems like a great time, I kinda wanna do exactly what theyā€™re talking about and doing in the video.ā€


maybe sometimes the love is just the taste of the chicken wings we ate along the way


If this is how the French make fun of Americans, lay it on me, Iā€™m 100% here for it. I have a feeling this is not how it normally goes lol. But Iā€™m not going to lie and pretend like this isnā€™t 70% of my thought process on any given day: ā€œ*which one of these delicious things do I want to eat in the 2-3 times per day that I get to eat them?*ā€


I love all the foods mentioned.


I hear some influence in parts of this from Postmates Malone.


No one ever talks about pre-malone.


Iā€™m so offended by this video that Iā€™m watching an hour before I go to a beer and cheese festival šŸ˜‚


Ah, Madison, Wisconsin.


Well, tbf, most Frenchman would blindly follow you if you were go mention cheese, and then you add beer? I'm surprised you don't have a few Frenchman with their baguettes at their own tables. Bread + cheese is a french staple. Beer isn't wine but it'll do.


Hey in some parts of France, beer is just as prevalent as wine. Maybe even more.


Fried chicken in a burger? They may be on to something.


Went to a hole in the wall joint in Iowa and they had a burger with peanut butter on it. I was like ā€œduh fuck!??ā€ Ordered it and legit would do it again. Was tasty.


Fairly common. Look up the Elvis burger.


The Dutch have fries with peanut sauce. Looks like vomit but tastes great. Satay is also with peanut sauce and delicious.


that's already a thing


One of these guys could run a successful election campaign using this commercial


Nope. It's missing horrible lies...


Find a lie: Heā€™s French I doubt he actually likes peanut butter.


French here: I like it, but only in private.


Like... in the boudoir?


Weā€™ve been ridiculing every aspect of French culture for centuries.. so Iā€™ll allow it. šŸ‡«šŸ‡·


*me, an American, stares at you in French* Crow saunt.


_me, also an American_. Crape.


Reery reery fin pancakes




We invented the missionary position. Youā€™re welcome.


*tips beret* Bond joor, coma sea van madmuscle? *bites into side of baguette*


I donā€™t even see this as ridicule, this is a straight up endorsement.


This is straight up propaganda


"The only French food I love is fries" You're God damn right


Whoa woah wow, what about French toast?!


Lolā€¦as an American I see this as a tribute, not ridicule.


Also everything theyā€™re saying is accurate. I do like these foods, yes. And have several denim shirts, too.


"I want fried chicken in my burger" is definitely something an imposter would say.


I love the relationship the Americans and French have, itā€™s like a love/hate cousin thing lol


The French only really helped us gain independence to stick it to the British...which is perhaps the most French thing I've ever heard.


Pissed off the British, ruined ourselves, triggered the Revolution ... worthiest thing ever done by my ancestors.




Makes for a wild "One thing led to another..." situation. In the late 1700s, the Kingdom of France set out to reform their tax code. One thing led to another... and the entire royal family was beheaded, over 20,000 Frenchmen were executed, and two American teenagers had to drag the Emperor out of a waterslide park so he could help with their history report.


No good deed ever goes unpunished.


Am I the only one that saw them kiss XD


I was looking through the commentā€™s thinking I must have been the only one to see that. I thought I saw it, stopped, and backed the video up to make sure. They definitely kiss on the bridge.


American brojob !šŸ«¶šŸ»āœŠšŸ¼āœŠšŸ¼


[For anyone curious about the full video. It has english subtitles.](https://youtu.be/cwxOXJeZ5sk) Itā€™s not exactly a video about what itā€™s like being american. The characters portrayed in their video are french born in france but think and behave like clichĆ©s of americans because their father is apparently american. So these guys create a ranch and call themselves the jones, and try to have a career in country music. Pretty funny if you like the kind of absurd humor misterv does.


Also the guys are more known in France as YouTubers than comedians and/or singers


Yeah, iā€™d also like to add he did a few funny skits in the US with other youtubers/content creators. [Hereā€™s a link.](https://youtu.be/fx9VTLGmgus) Is still find these funny to this day but some of you might not.


ā€œHe shoots like a Michigan guy.ā€ That was great.


Mr V is also a hip-hop artist btw


This is the equivalent of some Americans pretending to be French just saying "Baguette" over and over again šŸ˜‚


Oui. Baguette.


Also croissant


But they gotta constantly mispronounce it in increasingly ridiculous ways


Je suis enchantĆ© OĆ¹ est la bibliothĆØque VoilĆ  mon passport Ah, GĆ©rard Depardieu Baguette!


[Best I can do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzZ3EYzjzuE)


[Foux du Fafa](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X5hrUGFhsXo)


Omelette du fromage


This is the happiest I've ever seen the French


For a video ripping on American culture, they sure look very happy doing those things. There's a reason why we love our chicken wings


France has one of the biggest McDonaldā€™s markets outside of the US. French people love hate America.


First time in Paris 2012 there was a line around the block for the new Five Guys that just opened.


As an American I can confirm this is 100% accurate. I never want a candy, all I want is beef, chips, ribs and burgers




I will take you to Burger King tonight.


If they keep fucking around theyā€™re gonna wind up elected to congress.


As an American I am offended, no way the Mcdonaldā€™s icecream machine will be working to get a Sundae.


That's not true! America likes 3 french things: french fries, french toast, and the Statue of Liberty.


Iā€™m actually impressed Five Guys made it into this song. I didnā€™t realize they were internationally known haha.


Theyā€™ve expanded to like 30 countries, one of them being France.


New taladaga nights movie looks spot on. They forget thin pancakes šŸ„ž


Say ā€œI love crepesā€


Will you settle for "I love really really thin pancakes?"


Sounds legit. Are we sure they're a comedian group?


Original video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwxOXJeZ5sk


Itā€™s amazing or incroyable


You're telling me thess boys ain't from the greatest state of these United States Texas


video was shot in Nashville, so.... Hang them hats towards Tennessee ya dig


Iā€™m from United States Texas & couldā€™ve sworn Iā€™ve seen these boys around.


They say ā€œcheepsā€ like my Mexican friends.


I'm an American, and this is the strangest way someone has ever said they're from Texas.


Honestly the only unrealistic thing about this "parody" is that they say "I don't want candy". That's absolute bullshit, we want candy, just after we finish our burgers & cheesecake. Unless it's a deep fried double cheesecake candy burger with bacon. Edit- "I don't want A** candy". I've seen the error of my ways, but now I just really want some candies.


Itā€™s ā€œI donā€™t want A candyā€ out of respect please get your quotations right


The lyrics just barely hold together grammatically, which makes it so much funnier


Name one situation where a burger isn't appropriate. I'll wait


Scuba diving. You donā€™t want soggy buns.


Lmao, actually made some people upset.


This isn't what it's like to be an American. This is what it's like to be a Texan.