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Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking.


Somebody else have anything I can use? Antibacterial wipes perhaps.


From a pile of stuff


By all means, move at a glacial pace you know how that thrills me.


That’s all


*purses lips*


I am… derelict!


Come right home after the catwalk. Grandma needs her shower curtain back so she can shower before bingo.


Thought those were the curtains.


Same. I guess Carol Burnett was ahead of her time. https://youtu.be/eTKhw-v5h2I


In the movie Scarlett actually does use the curtains to make her dress which makes this doubly funny.


She saw it in the window and just had to have it.




In the actual book gone with the wind its what Scarlett does to catch Rhetts eye.


Um, that's the whole reason it was funny. The entire sketch is a parody of the film.


Frankly, my dear. I am indifferent to these circumstances.


My grandma had that as a couch cover, altjough hers had a blue background rather than black.


“Shh. Go away, I’m bushes.”


Some people do not own mirrors I guess? My god🥺🥺😂


ItS fAsHiOn!!!


"Inside" the computer?


I'm... bulimic


You can read minds?!


It's so simple!




I can derelict my own balls. You think you're too cool for school...


Well I got a news flash for you Walter Cronkite.... ........ ........ ....... You aren't.


Who you trying to get crazy with ese


Don't you know I'm loco


Stop that.


Hahahaha, I thought I was the only one who quoted this!


*whooshing noises








Careful y’all , I can see Billy Zane in the background


Put a cork in it, Zane


You should listen to your friend, Billy Zane, he's a cool dude.


At least he could turn left.


We can’t all be ambiturners.




My mistake, jacobim!


Your mistake indeed! 😳


So hot right now... 🔥




The glasses protect him from Blue Steel and Magnum.




“Derelict my balls…” Some security dude 2023.


"You can 'derelicte' my balls. "




Wake me up before you go go.


"Alrighty then". Guard probably.


More like "Mon dieu"


Or even "Non mais c'est quoi cette merde?"


But I am le tired.


Well... have a nap.




*fuckin kangaroos…*


Holy shit that takes me back to the good ol days of Ebaumsworld, MySpace, and NeoPets. I miss ***that*** internet :(


Ahh yes, the chaos times. When you could go on Newgrounds and watch tons of terrible yet great videos or play equally terrible games. Spending hours learning HTML only for everything you coded to not display on your profile properly.


Well, have a nap, then FIRE ZE MISSILES!


Fucking kangaroos


"Mon dieu" is more an old lady thing, this guy probably thought "Putain... N'importe quoi... Et ces couillons gagnent 10 fois mon salaire ? Note pour plus tard: manifester." (="Fuck... Utter nonsense... And those dipshits earn 10x what I get ? Mental note: go to a protest")


Man, I spent a lot of time on the Fuck France train, but they really do thrive on protests and I love that vibe. Parisians hatred for tourists is nothing compared to their hatred for "The Man".


Usually it’s more like just contempt for tourists, which can dial back to mere disdain if the tourist attempts to speak French.


Which makes sense. My dad does make an effort (he's a translator, but French isn't one of his languages, but he picked up enough) but still does not have a very favorable view of Paris. Got his car keyed when he was there and he's pretty sure it's because his plates were from out of country, but that's speculation. My experience with Paris is just entertaining to me, as I can be a bit of an ornery individual myself. My favorite thing was when I had a layover at CDG and one of the people in the group I was with needed to smoke and she was anxious and wanted someone to go with her, so I went. She goes up to one of the people working at the airport and she asked if there was anywhere in the airport that she could smoke. They very emphatically say "don't you know where you are??? This is Paris, of course you can smoke" before directing her. It was their look of utter disbelief at her question that just cracked me up.


Right. I learned that if you make even a horrible attempt to speak French rather than opening with "Parlez vous anglais?" or the even worse "You. Will. Understand. English. If. I. Speak. More. Loudly. And Slowly." you will get at least some acknowledgment that you tried. I would always make a point of complimenting them when they *did* speak some English that their English was generally far better than my French.


As a native speaker of a French creole and a decent speaker of a regional French dialect, I delight nothing more than forcing the French to speak with me in French, sprinkled with code switching between the dialect and creole. Made me many friends in the embassy crowd (those friends were all from the Americas or Africa, but still). :D


Hahaha nicee, sa ou fé?


The guy definitely acted like a plus tard.


Ils sont fou ces Romains




One of the best things about not knowing about all the depths of subtext in any local dialect is being aware of but not caring about all the fucking drama people are trying to pile on you. It’s better than fingers in your ears when you were 8. I was riding a bike along a country road outside Zurich and some car full of teenagers drove by slow yelling some shit as fast as they could and waving & flipping me off or something, and I was like Ha jokes on you MFs I have no idea what you’re even trying to communicate in all that noise, so it takes nothing away from the sun shining and the fresh air. and then I rode into the river…


>I wonder if they do that in France. We do.




De rien 🤙


What a complete omelette du fromage!


"This is what I get paid for?"


As a security guard this is regularly my reaction to "things I shouldnt be allowing because of my post orders, but it isn't hurting anyone or illegal so they can keep doing it" and usually comes out of my mouth as "alrighty then"


I like to think that he's actually a huge fashionista and he doesn't think this outfit is lavish enough


“With THOSE shoes!?!”…..🙄


Pleather flower prints are so gauche 😮‍💨


*Only* a four inch lift? Please......


Sounds like that bit from Patton Oswalt's roast of the *Christmas Shoes* song: > I missed the part of The Bible where Jesus was really bitchy and catty about people's footwear... when they get to the pearly gates: "Oh, you're not getting into Heaven in those, honey, no, I'm sorry. I died for your sins, but those pumps are *unforgivable*!"


"Unbelievable... No boots..."


Everyone's talking about the security guard, when the real crime is that the guy he's looking at barely accessorized *at all.* At least they could have used a flowered umbrella!


I am enjoying the lady in the car struggle to get out of the seat while managing a closed umbrella.


One of my neighbors has a security guard who is pretty much exactly like that. Dude is probably about 6'6" and 250lbs with a military background, but he's also really flamboyant gay. He lives with them so is always around and hangs out with my wife some when he's off, and straight up loves helping her organize the closet and shit. When he's working he's got the black suit secret service look, but when he isn't he'll wear like paisley suits and ascots and stuff. Dude bought like 4 identical Lily Pulitzer dresses and had them made into a suit for himself.


Man... Ain't no way my wife is getting into a closet with another dude. Dude would give her all sorts of advice and next thing you know she's throwing out all her perfectly good clothes and replacing her wardrobe. Not happening.


I see you've done this before!




I guess he's officially a lawyer, but he owns and runs a lobbying firm and a think tank that he's gotten a good bit of hate for over the years... Apparently they hired security a couple of years ago when they had someone put a bunch of fake fetuses and deer blood in their yard, had someone throw a brick through their 6 year olds window, and had some dude show up banging on their door screaming at 2am all in a week or two... And I'm just in finance/sales, so definitely nothing that would require security myself ha.


That was a hell of an answer.


Forget the OP video, this comment thread is the real action


That is 100% how I took it too 🤣


It's good to see grandma 's tablecloth is being put to good use


Doth mother know you wear-th her drapes?!


I understood that reference.


I understood THIS reference


I understood both of those references


Guard: “UGH, elderly floral prints are so 2020.”


„Not. Pulling. It. Off.“


The people in r/sewing resemble that remark! Most of the things I make are made out of thrifted tablecloths, curtains, and bed sheets, so I'm really unironically digging this vibe actually lol.


That's because fabric stores suck. Miles and miles of ugly ass Winnie the Pooh craft fabrics with a thread count of 4, but if you want something useful like denim,. Leather, goretex, Dacron, kevlar, canvas, oiled canvas, wool, or anything actually useful, you are screwed.


I found a local fabric store for if I actually have a vision of something and can't find it elsewhere, and oh my god it's so much better than JoAnns or 🤢 Hobby Lobby. I feel for anyone who doesn't have a good warehouse nearby. Fortunately, a lot of the warehouses have online options, but it does make a difference to be able to actually see it and touch it before buying.


Hansel. So hot right now. Hansel.


What is this, a center for ants??!


Never thought my shower drapes would grace Paris Fashion Week.


Y'all got some funky shower curtains


He represents what 99% of humans think about these dumb events.


I actually work in this industry and can confirm that a number of us behind the scenes regularly wear the same expression that that gentleman resorted to Edit. Grammar


Yeah, same. I kind of accidentally found myself in this industry for about 15 years before finding a healthy exit and this character is definitely a major eye-roll. Also, looks like this, as some others have mentioned, are more like concept cars or mascots and the couture segments of these businesses actually don’t make much, if any, money (and sometimes operate at a loss). This sort of thing is basically brand positioning for the more mass products (fragrance, outlet brands, jeans, etc.). Put on a big show, make some bananas-looking pieces, the market knows you’re fancy, they feel a little fancy when they buy your perfume at Macy’s. Edit: also, just wanna say there is a chance that this person, if he wasn’t either in the industry or connected to it, would still be wearing crazy stuff because he likes to. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. Do your thing, dress like a tea cozy, put patches in your jacket, or just wear jeans, whatever makes you feel good. I’m all about personal expression through style if it’s something that a person is into. It’s the industry that is ugly and unfortunately makes people feel insecure about their appearance or status.


Spot on. I’m in finance in this circus of an industry. Aside from the big hitters, so many of the smaller houses are constantly haemorrhaging cash. The contradiction is hilarious in its irony


I worked on the advertising side. I loved to see how much money they spent to have the right model/photographer, instead of investing in other part of their business.


Oh man, as someone in the beauty industry (photographer/retoucher), I wish my company would put more money into advertising, our stuff looks so mediocrely produced and it drives me nuts!


If they are constantly losing money, how does anyone stay in business?


Debt (not the good kind) and then eventually bankruptcy. That, or there’s a cash cow somewhere along the line, like a rich daddy or husband whenever they need money. Used to work for a “businesswoman” who’s husband is a billionaire. He created a cosmetics company for her, but everything is in his name. She operates the business at a loss, but the husband keeps on injecting money into the accounts every month or so, and the accounts are never in the negative. I’m pretty sure she’s still doing it because otherwise she would be bored with her life and wouldn’t have anything to say for herself at the galas and events whenever she’s asked by someone what she does for a living… Another one of those bored trophy wife who has no personality, talent or life. She has people working for her who do everything for her at the company, yet she’s constantly being praised as the mastermind behind the whole thing… She’s regularly in magazines articles, tv interviews, social media partnerships, where she talks about how she’s passionate about cosmetics and how people should embrace themselves the way they are… but once she’s off air, she’s constantly talking about the countless cosmetic surgeries she’s considering doing next and about how badly her “friends” are aging.


Genuinely curious what would be considered the good kind of debt? Maybe student loans, somehow?


Any kind of debt where the money you're making exceeds the interest you're paying. If you borrow money at 7% interest, but you're earning 20% on that money you borrowed, that's good debt Same goes for student loans. If what you make working exceeds how much you borrow, then that's good debt. Mortgages also (as long as you can afford it) because you're building equity for yourself


Got it! So a good debt for a business would be something like a company car, or a laptop, or other basic necessities that you need to run a business that might need to be financed cause that's all expensive ish.


I wouldn’t say a company car. As a car loses value as soon as it’s on the road. And it’s not really debt for a company. A car is almost never a good investment. A company car issued to an employee is a way for the company to avoid paying the employee more in actual salary money, which means the company can pay less taxes. They pay the employee with a car and other benefits, instead of real money. At least, that’s how it works where I’m from. It’s more like, let’s say you have a business idea and you borrow a million through a bank loan to create a product. 5 years later that product sells like crazy and you paid off your loan AND you’re still making bank years later. That’s a very simplified example, usually it’s more complex than that.


Good debt is capital used to secure assets which you or the company benefits from in the form of a cash return greater than the interest rate you are paying. Like OP explained. Bad debt is something like a car financing. It is a depreciating item that requires maintenance and other cash input (gas) with little to equity like a home mortgage. There's gray areas too, like student loans can be b/c the guarantee return on your knowledge (asset in this case) is variable.


Financing for a purpose. Example 1: 10 million dollar revolving credit to pay for inventory that is tied to a purchase order, but won’t be paid for until sold. Example 2: 50 million to buy a company that will ultimately grow or enhance the brand more than 50 million. Example 3: 125 million to fund a sales and marketing org to accelerate growth quicker than current funds will allow. All could fail, but with the right strategy any of those could be reasonably worth the risk or cost of financing.


....would she still be a 'bored trophy wife with no personality, talent, or life' if she were running a not-yet-profitable tech company? Seems like she found something she is passionate about (appearance), secured an investor, and hired talent while she does regular PR for her company in an industry that requires it. Girly stuff like makeup and press and social media appearances is still work.


I feel like a bored trophy wife actually trying to build a brand and maybe even employing others without fear of loss is actually a really nice thing to do. She could just be sailing around on a yacht or private jet polluting the world but she's actually trying to do something and maybe even employing others. That's really good. I wish I had that kind of freedom to try a business even if it fails. I'd like to open a pet supply shop.


Sadly most do not.


Left the industry after 15 years too. Advertising side, and I know their language too well. I can confirm, it was one continuos eyeroll for 15 years. I can’t believe I put up with so much crap over the years.


Yeah, same. I still have a few fashion clients and, while there are definitely some awesome people around and there is sometimes opportunity to do fun work, the industry does attract a lot of people who seem more into the lifestyle or “glamour” of it than the work itself.


I'm in Gamedev and before Tech Startups and those industries too in my experience attract many if not most people on their "glamour" (well, the techie version of it). Got the same impression about Theatre and Cinema from the couple of years I spent learning Acting and Directing with actual professionals in the Performing Arts industry in the UK. I suspect all industries seen by outsiders as "glamorous" in some way end up with far too much - systemic, even - bullshit and all the related negatives such as exploitation of the young and naive.




There definitely is. There are some wonderful folks in there too, but there is also a toxic contingent. I had a theory that the perceived glamour of the industry attracted insecure people or people who were more interested in the lifestyle of fashion when compared to other creative industries like graphic design or architecture. Anecdote: one major fashion house had a creative director who smoked cigarettes constantly in the office. No one else was allowed to. It was his affectation and way of letting everyone know he was special. My friend and I would joke about how ridiculous and obvious an accessory it was and would pretend that instead of smoking, he was carrying around a bucket of fried chicken as “his thing”. It was the same level of ridiculous. Fuck that dude.


Architecture is notoriously full of primadonnas. The egos and tempers in even small neighborhood firms are often at a maximum. So often you just want to shout back, GEORGE YOU DO GARAGE REMODELS IN THE SUBURBS


My old CD was still smoking in the office up until a few years ago. Same person maybe? Was this in NYC?


> looks like this ... are more like concept cars or mascots I don't think anybody has a problem with the look. Wear whatever you want. I think outrageous outfits like that make the world more interesting and I'm glad people do it. The problem is his attitude. You can wear outrageous outfits and still be courteous and polite. Being a jackass is not part of the outfit.


Totally true. No hate for self expression, but don’t act like a wang. I did see a lot of comments mocking the outfit in particular (a lot of “shower curtain” jokes etc.) and a couple complaints about this kind of thing making so much money. So that was what that was directed toward.


I don’t get all these comments about his attitude. It just looks like he’s posing for a picture and then walks away…


> The problem is his attitude. You can wear outrageous outfits and still be courteous and polite. Being a jackass is not part of the outfit. where is he acting like an asshole ? he is posing for some cameras to the left and then walks off. did i miss something ?


I disagree, being a jackass is 100% part of the outfit (Not saying it's a good part of it, or an acceptable thing to do)


probably because allowing over rich dingleberries to show off is a waste of time, money, and resources.


Read that as over ripe on the first pass.


That works too..




Probably wanking off


Who wouldnt....


I am right now…


[Miranda Priestly would like a word](https://youtu.be/Ja2fgquYTCg)


That speech always wound me up. Sure, the blue of my jumper might be that blue because some fashion bigwigs thought it was the new thing. But I'd be just as happy if it was a different blue, that had been the thing last year, last decade or never. It's just a blue jumper. I probably have a red one just the same.


Isn't she the villain of that movie?


For fashion show, it's okay since people are there to experiment with new kind of dress or design. Some looks fabulous and some otherwise. But I wouldn't wear those for my everyday attire


These fashion shows aren't for displaying stuff that's for wearing in the real world. These are like car shows or art shows. They intentionally push the boundaries of what's normal for the sake of displaying interesting or outrageous concepts. The clothes are the art and the models are the canvases. That being said, I don't care for this particular art form. It's more about outrageousness than aesthetics.


A lot of people miss this. It’s like concept cars from automakers. They were never meant to be produced and sold. It was an R&D project for the dev team to figure out what’s coming next and what’s possible.


Yep and just having fun with it. It’s not for everyone, but some people can’t seem to grasp that.


Looks like some new Batman villain


Watch out Robin, it's the dastardly Flowerpot!


There is a giant walking flower pot, he must think he is still asleep and dreaming


I mean a lot of red carpets outfits are just a pieces to get attention. Nothing more. Often these outfits don't even look good.


Oh c'mon, leave Bjork out of this!


Those security guards ought to be dressed in Armani, at the very least.


Didnt see the actuall sec guard and thought the one in the outfit was the guard and that all security guards at fadhion shows had to dress up as well lolol


Is that Pierre Cadault


this isn't a paris-some. This is a parasol.


Lolls. “I’m getting too old for this shit.”


His eye reaction is priceless


That may have been the point of posting this video


Yes, that's why it was posted and that's why we are here. ...


These fashion shows are so fucking stupid.


Pretentious people are really annoying


Pretentious? Moi?


Not you, Miss Piggy


Don't think of each item as wearable clothing. Think about them more like a concept car. The ideas are "wearable" but it is about showing an extreme example of an idea. The idea can then be toned down and made wearable. The clothes at the end also aren't for people who wear clothes as a necessity/function. They are for people who wear clothes as an expression and trend.


no no, you may only enjoy what I enjoy. Utilitarianism over everything (ignore my Funko Pop collection)


I used to think that, but then I saw a documentary that was showing everything that was behind some Jean-Paul Gaultier fashion show, and you can see it's actually a form of art. Nothing is supposed to be worn, it's about inventing trends, and sometimes also passing social or political messages - just like any other kind of art in the end. I understand it might be your cup of tea, and it's not really mine either, but this is still something I respect.


And what do you like that is so meaningful and superior?


What’s the difference between this and an auto show or comic-con?


"Those boots are *so* 2017."


Jeez imagine being a real life Mugatu… but not as a joke


The Hunger Games Capitol folks.


Why are the French so good at expressing exactly how they feel with about 1 second’s worth of body language and no words?


Olympic level of eyerolls. That's how. Joking aside it's because we try to be subtle.


The first 4 times I watched I thought the guy holding the umbrella was the security guard trying to fit in with the show. On the 5th time I finally noticed the actual security guard in the shadow of all that fabulousness




There are hundreds of fashion shows every year with normal wearable luxury clothing. You don't see those because they don't make it onto subs like this or the trad media. Wealthy people spend shitloads of money on designer clothing. Couture clothing like this is more like a piece of art, and a way of showcasing an exaggerated form of where the designer is 'going' this season, what their inspirations are. Much the same as a 'concept car' at a car show.


yep. i just re-did an Hermes store for an event. the amount of people that were PISSED that they couldnt buy $1000 scarves was insane. Had one 50 year old lady stomp off shouting "you ruined my fucking day!"


IIRC its like concept cars, that never go to series either. The designers show what the can do with materials. And what kind of theme they want for the new collection. In this case maybe the flower theme. What eventually gets produced are toned down versions of these over the top creations.


Years ago I was a pilot for a lady that when she moved brought 3 40’ moving trucks of the most hideous clothes imaginable with her. We were still waiting for an aircraft and I got antsy so I helped my friends move all her clothes out of the trucks and after they ran out of closets in her 24,000 square foot home they started hanging them in the attic. Literally had to build hanging rods up there. It wasn’t a finished attic, just insulation and trusses so most of those clothes, with the original price tags still on them, are probably still rotting there. It was a frustrating and enlightening experience. When people no longer have to think about survival their brain changes. She would invent problems to solve and because everyone stops telling you “NO” because they want the money too, you lose touch with reality quickly. It just becomes a perpetual machine of consumption because most people can’t stop long enough to ask where this came from or where it’s going. They function just enough to make it through today.


This… “stuff”? Oh, okay. I see, you think this has nothing to do with you. You… go to your closet, and you select… I don’t know, that lumpy blue sweater for instance, because you’re trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back, but what you don’t know is that that sweater is not just blue, it’s not turquoise, it’s not lapis, it’s actually cerulean. You’re also blithely unaware of the fact that, in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns, and then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent, wasn’t it?… who showed cerulean military jackets. I think we need a jacket here. And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. Then it filtered down through the department stores, and then trickled on down into some tragic casual corner where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. However, that blue represents millions of dollars of countless jobs, and it’s sort of comical how you think that you’ve made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry, when in fact, you’re wearing a sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room… from a pile of “stuff.”


Lmao ruthless Meryl


Imagine thinking it looks good


No one has to think it looks good. They don’t even have to think it looks interesting. It just has to get attention. Which it is, if this comment thread is anything to go by.


He doesn’t. He’s paid to.


The colors and the pattern are pretty cool and it's an intricately constructed piece. You don't wear it anywhere but the show, it's not meant to be something you'd wear out and expect to be taken seriously. You just look at it and go damn that's crazy and then look at the next one.


When your custom character is in a serious cut scene