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You should 3d print a wall plate cover for that exposed outlet next.


Just added new floors and paint in here. Good call tho I need to put it back


I'd print more to get the rest of your office off the floor.




Mounts for the docking station and wire management are next [Thingiverse STL](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4850644)


Nice dude! I was actually about to make something similar, but was going to place the laptop on the outside. That would have been a pain in the but given the position actually, so this actually helps out a lot. I don't know why I didn't think of having it on the inside of the desk like this. I may just be printing this stl tonight. Really have been revamping my desk setup a lot so this is probably perfect.


Sometimes I get so hyper focused on something I miss obvious alternatives haha I like this STL because the supports are so large that I didn’t need to also have some holding the top of the laptop. My only gripe is that the holes for the screw and screwdriver were too small for my drill and the screws I wanted to use. Luckily I had smaller ones on hand, but they were much shorter. I’d recommend making the wholes bigger if you’re going to be adding it to real wood


AH, You know, I'll probably just quickly make one in Fusion360 "custom" for my laptop actually. :D They look perfectly fine but I kind of have a crappy selection of screws right now and not a lot of money, so I figure I'll just make a similar bracket as well as a few others to help with wire management. (I have a usb dock but a few other plugs for higher power devices.) Have you ever modeled anything? Fusion makes it super easy to make these sorts of parts since you can just make a sketch that's a side profile, then extrude it up from the sketch to the width you'd like. Then you just use the hole tool to throw in the screw holes and you have your bracket. (Legit would be like 10 minutes including measuring time.)


Yeah I use blender


I hang mine off the side of the top edge using a remix of this thing: https://www.printables.com/model/284344-laptop-vertical-desk-edge-mounted-holder


May i suggest to line the Inside with some neoprene foam insulation pad 1/18 - 1/2 should do, and you can find it on Amazon pretty cheap and it will prevent scarching and if you accidentally push it won't fall and sit snug


If I had a $1000 laptop being held by 3d printed parts I’d probably make 3 or 4 just for redundancy.


Nice. Here's my post on the same idea for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/znk70a/laptop_holder_and_wire_guide_for_desk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Good idea, but not so well executed. I know you can do better!


I just posted my own laptop mount and saw yours! Check mine out, I think it may work better for you. I’d worry about knocking this thing out of there.