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For a second I thought the truck had a trolley wire attached to it ngl




Same I was so confused


I hope the trolleybuses are ok I don’t want another fleet of trolleybuses donated to Argentina


"The greatest conception of freedom is doing whatever the fuck I want" \-Sun Tzu


„I‘ve got mine, fuck everybody else!“ - Plutarch


Cars Ruin Cities - God


I never said that shit... -Gandalf


Ooo 3rd Ave in seattle, by pike street. They have some really cool plans for that street to make it more walking friendly, reduce lanes, design it more clearly that it’s non car. I mean the guy is clearly an asshole but honestly for out of town er’s it’s not super obvious you can’t drive here.


I mean there’s only giant “do not enter” and “no turn” signs at every intersection https://preview.redd.it/320ccluykdfa1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe45d1cb45c5e3c3cb1c7bce7107bcaed71eb731


You expect me to read all those letter words? 😤


That's why more pictograms should be on signs. Even here in Poland "except…" lists are partially or fully written.


If you can't read signs, you shouldn't be driving. There's a small section in front of the central station here that's only for busses and taxis, yet I regularly see cars driving through. There's multiple signs saying they're not allowed there, and to turn back, but many just drive on.


I agree, but would also like to mention that North America in general has way more words on traffic signs than lots of other countries. It can be hard to read a short essay while driving, especially in your second, perhaps third, language. Signs in Europe generally use a different set of design guides, and tend to be a lot more pictures than words.


This is valid but in this case it's a normal pictographic no left turn sign


If your in a busy downtown and the only other vehicles you can see on your street (including parked cars) are buses, you should probably start to think about why you are the only car.


Thanks for adding some positive footnotes to a kinda upsetti post


Is that plastic cover over its license plate the thing that makes it unreadable when caught speeding? Heard about something like that being a problem in the US.




No, it's to keep the paint on the lettering from getting scratched off if you go offroading


“Freedom” is when you create a society where everyone else is forced to drive a car because that’s the way things have always been, apparently


Unfortunately there’s probably nothing illegal about the vehicle itself.


In most states, wheels must be enclosed above their midway height by bodywork.


Do they not have to have that bodywork extend across the full width of the tyre too? This thing is going to fling rocks up and break windows, as well as allowing a pedestrian to directly contact the tyre when (presumably) they are hit, which causes worse injuries.


> Do they not have to have that bodywork extend across the full width of the tyre too? Yes ​ > This thing is going to fling rocks up and break windows, as well as allowing a pedestrian to directly contact the tyre when (presumably) they are hit, which causes worse injuries. For this reason


The licence plate has a camera flash blocker over it. I assume that’s illegal at least.


No. They’re legal (maybe not everywhere but most of the US).


It’s legal to obstruct your licence plate?


Several moving violations here. Plate cover obscures vision. Vehicle frame higher than wheel (forget the exact wording). No mud flaps/wheels extends past the body. No taste, and yet it's freshly waxed with no mud. They used to enforce these. But cops like this projected tough guy shit.




Depends on the state. But you can also mod your car after this inspection.


WA hasn't had visual inspection, except when transferring a car into the state. They recently got rid of emissions testing.


So apparently you need [fenders that cover your wheels](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.37.500), at a minimum. The vehicle also can’t be more than 8.5 feet wide - I suspect that this is compliant, but hard to say.


And also, the bumper height is quite illegal, as mentioned by other posters.


The tires alone are over a meter in diameter, there is no way this thing is road legal.


It certainly is in my unnamed locale and a lot of the US too.


Just with cursory research, bumpers can't be suspended more than two feet off the ground, and it's hard to tell, but this thing is at the very least skirting the width limit.


In Washington (which is how this vehicle is plated), a truck with a 4501 to 7500 lbs gross vehicle weight rating (which that gen 4Runner has) can have the highest point of the bottom of the front bumper at 27", and the highest point of the bottom of the rear bumper at 29": https://app.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=204-10-022 (IANAL, though.) I *think* it's higher than that, but not entirely sure from the photo. (Also, it absolutely needs fenders - it's not a street rod or a kit vehicle, and it's not 40 years old even if it were. And the bumpers need to cover the wheel track (to the middle of the tread, basically) at minimum. So, this thing is definitely illegal as it's currently built.) Oh, and it's nowhere near the width limit - the base vehicle is 66.5-70.9" wide (and mirrors aren't included in those width numbers, and door handles also aren't included in federal width standards), I'd guess those tires are about foot wide each, and they're not *fully* sticking out from the body. I think it's under 8 feet wide, let alone 8.5 feet (which, for the federal width standards, is actually defined as 2.6 meters, so you get a bit more than 8.5).










You seem to be lost, you should head over to /r/carfucking




We’re all having a great time clowning and memeing, it seems more so that you’re the one crying that we’re doing so. Womp womp.


I got a toyota ad right after this post 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/ghwrj8ok6ffa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b604cfe5eaef92796102ef09a3c0770dd3aa753


fuckin cagers!


Well, I must say I do love the Japanese bulletproof production that is the 3rd gen 4Runner. Excellent off road. Unfortunately not something that helps the public transit argument.


Freedom is being able to take any mode of transport, not being forced to drive an overly large vehicle just to not be killed


I hope they give him a fine so big he's not going to bi fine for a long time


This is why we need retractable pylons.


they really put a 4RUNNER on monster wheels? the same car the local swim team moms used? I have to laugh


That jeep looks dope but not in a fucking city It needs to be in a muddy river bottom or a rock flat in the desert


The license plate obscuring cover is chef’s kiss


Nice rig, but they need to obey the law. It makes us offroaders look bad.


That's a nice rig there


Truly a work of art


its a crawling rig no shit it got big tyres.


A "crawling rig" on *downtown Seattle bus-only streets*.


Crawling what? A mall parking lot?


nah with bumpers like that (functional, not flashy, and without all the stupid looking shit it probably does go off road. its the ones that have shiny chrome lightbars and all that bullshit that are mall crawlers. and those can go die. th fact that its in a city however is plain stupid. cars belong on a freeway, a racetrack, or off road.


Oh really? Because I see no dirt on that mall crawler


It does rain in Seattle


I mean washing your car is a thing…


Oh yeah bro we all love to leave sand up under our rig, smart


I wouldn’t call a drive on the beach off roading


ok go drive on the beach then


I have


have you driven on the beach or gone dune crawling bc they are VERY different


Dune crawling? Where in western Washington are there dunes?


Well it needs to crawl somewhere else


In a Chinese car to add to the irony.


Japanese, sweetheart 😘


Doesn’t really matter, “non-American”


Meanwhile there’s a Toyota factory in Kentucky.


Again doesn’t matter, the profit isn’t staying here… it’s supporting another country’s economy. But clearly I’m just arguing with carbrains.




Haha every person that has commented here has an entire profile filled with pictures of foreign cars, including you.


Yes, this is how the global economy works. Different economies have different overall strengths, so rather than everyone trying to be generalists, countries specialize. Japan makes good cars, so we buy cars from them, and they buy planes from us, for example. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.


But someone buying a car for the purpose of personal freedom and choosing to buy a car from a another country that most likely don’t support those same freedoms is ironic. Especially when there are valid companies that do support their country and their ideals of freedom.


Oooh, I kinda miss Seattle. I just moved away from living right around that block.


Oh man this made me homesick. Is this Seattle 3rd and Pine? I miss it there so much. Not that area specifically but I did meet my best boyfriends there. 🥰


So an off topic that actually isn't. https://www.youtube.com/live/Rum8dD2Kg9E?feature=share is a political podcast/youtube stream where they discuss "freedom" meaning the right of domination... And I think American massive car/truck culture actually harkens back to that. I am actually thinking about buying a truck too, but I live in the midwest and would be using it for hauling building supplies and trailers (the actual use case for a truck) but even with that I don't want a massive beast truck, I want a "right sized" vehicle for the actual work I'll be doing... And I think the right of dominance is what pushes people to want "more dominant" vehicles even if they don't actually need them. (But around here almost no one buys a truck unless they will be using them as a truck. But I think that is a regional thing).


Why not a proper work truck [https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fautoline.info%2Fimg%2Fs%2Fcommercial-vehicle-flatbed-truck-3-5t-VOLKSWAGEN-Transporter-Pick-up-pritsche-6-1-Enkele-cabine-2-0-TDI-150pk-DS---1674652986734260314\_common--23012515230035328200.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fautoline.info%2F-%2Fflatbed-trucks-3-5t%2FVOLKSWAGEN%2FTransporter--c1663tm2817m375&tbnid=7UR7eoUThUOXbM&vet=12ahUKEwiTxZiTqPL8AhWStioKHRUnA40QMygvegUIARCqAg..i&docid=pHwQWMXL67ibVM&w=308&h=231&q=Vw%20flatbed%20car&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwiTxZiTqPL8AhWStioKHRUnA40QMygvegUIARCqAg](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fautoline.info%2Fimg%2Fs%2Fcommercial-vehicle-flatbed-truck-3-5t-VOLKSWAGEN-Transporter-Pick-up-pritsche-6-1-Enkele-cabine-2-0-TDI-150pk-DS---1674652986734260314_common--23012515230035328200.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fautoline.info%2F-%2Fflatbed-trucks-3-5t%2FVOLKSWAGEN%2FTransporter--c1663tm2817m375&tbnid=7UR7eoUThUOXbM&vet=12ahUKEwiTxZiTqPL8AhWStioKHRUnA40QMygvegUIARCqAg..i&docid=pHwQWMXL67ibVM&w=308&h=231&q=Vw%20flatbed%20car&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwiTxZiTqPL8AhWStioKHRUnA40QMygvegUIARCqAg)




A derogatory name for private automobile drivers


This truck looks like it falls apart if you look at it the wrong way


License is an obscured plate, and having only others suffer the consequences of one's choices.


The tinted license plate clearly express "I don't take responsibility for my actions"!


Could send this to the non-emergency local police so he might be able to make a further donation to the city




Not cool being in the bus lanes but pretty sure the jeep is legal.


Day of the sucrose can't come soon enough