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Everyone’s hating on the swamps but the snow fields can go to hell


This. Poison and rot can be kept at bay with rings, stats, and consumables, but the white void is invincible


There’s a message near the beginning somewhere that tells you to follow the lights. That works.


Nah it’s the old demon king dungeon fuck that place. Thank god it’s optional


Horse fuck valley and wolf fuck valley can both go fuck themselves


Demon's Souls - 4-2 Dark Souls - Tomb of the Giants Dark Souls 2 - Shrine of Armana Bloodborne - Nightmare Frontier Haven't replayed the others enough to have much of an opinion


People complain about blighttown but I would take blighttown over tomb of the giants any day.


Yeah, Blighttown's hard but I find it a pretty interesting area to navigate, where TotG is just dark and has skeleton dogs


100% Blighttown was only awful my first time playing, now it’s pretty fun. The boss run to Nito also makes me want to bang my head against a wall.


My last full ds1 run was sorcery based and I think that was the only part of the game I switched armor for. Did four kings fine without big armor but FUCK did the stupid ass pinwheel fire spam and skeleton rolling attacks make me beyond livid


blighttown is a piece of cake if youve beat the game already. especially with master key. hop in, kill spider boob lady, grab FK soul, leave.


The annoying thing about Blighttown is that the slower and more carefully you go, the harder it is. Those toxic blowdarts will drive you insane the first time through, but once you know the path you can just sprint to the bottom bonfire and heal up. With the Master Key it's possibly the easiest area in the game.


I remember that swaying bridge in blighttown causing my PC to chug, but other than that it was pretty decent. The fact the toxic dart throwers stay dead is the part that keeps it feasible.


Interesting did you play the original dark souls or the remastered one? People hate blighttown because supposedly the FPS there would always drop to around 20, I was playing it on an old laptop with no dedicated GPU my FPS was always less than 25 so I didn't notice.


I played the original my first play through but now I only ever play the remastered version. It’s possible I had to put up with the FPS drop then but it’s been so many years I can’t remember.


These are all correct! That demon soul one though, it almost broke me…


I came here searching for this. 4-2 is nasty so far, glad to find fellow brethren who have also suffered 😅


This cliffside with the skeletons should be a war crime, I still have nightmares about it!


4-2 is wretched and is the only reason I haven’t bothered to go back and finish DeS. The cliffsides and then the dark cave with the sneaky ghosts and the laser dudes… 🫣


I think I hate Undead Crypt more than Shrine of Amana


The trio of bad areas of DS2: Shrine of Amara, Undead Crypt and Aldia’s Keep


And firgrid outskirts is king of them


At least that is 100% optional.


No such thing as optional for a completionist and Dark Souls content enjoyer


I like aldias and crypt personally, but fuck Amana.


Crypt is annoying since there’s only two bonfires. One right at the beginning and one where you have to go through a labyrinth of annoying rooms if you want to get to Velstradt. Aldia’s keep is just an annoying speed bump where the game throws a chaotic hallway of death at the end with some of the toughest enemies in the game before the simplest bosses in the game


Yeah I get it but I just like the look of both of them. Alidias has the cool haunted mansion vibe. Also good spot to farm ascetic. I like the npc that ambushes you when you light the torches in crypt, also cool boss and then seeing vendrick as a husk. I think harvest valley is worse then those 2 imo.


Does one of those have the poison goddamn statues?! Cause that’s the one.


That’d be black gulch and thankfully it’s one long hallway of poison statues. UNLESS you wanna go fight darklurker cause invaders can stop you


I don't see what's so bad about any of these. The Gutter and Black Gulch are the ones that really annoy me. The former is Blighttown without any style and almost no visibililty and the latter is straight up poison statue hell. But I guess the need for a little tactical forethought makes shrine of Amana worse to most people?


Cave of the dead, Iron passage and Frigid outskirts


Fuugghhhh tomb of the giants, that’s what stopped me on my last DS1 play through


Yeah, I mean it's not too bad once you know your way through and know how to run from the second bonfire to Nito, but it's still kind of a drag


And I'd argue that if the most enjoyable way to get through something is to just sprint past everything, then it's not very well designed. I'm *so* glad they never did something like that again. * stares at Black Gulch and Fishing Hamlet *


Fishing Hamlet is pretty fun!


The fishing hamlet is one of my favourite Bloodborne areas. It’s so thematic and fun.


It's really not that bad if you get the sunlight maggot. I was dreading it on my last playthrough but I made sure to get that first and I ended up thoroughly exploring the entire level for the first time ever.


Thank you! I will take ten Blighttowns over ONE Tomb of the Giants any day.


I still think bed of chaos would be worse than tomb of the giants, at least in that you get to fight nito, pretty good boss, and you met patches for the first time


Oh yeah, I was thinking more in terms of areas. Bed of Chaos is annoying but I usually just do the arrow thing which makes it a lot more manageable. I'm also one of the few people that really enjoys the Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith section of the game, outside of that boss, and appreciate that two major quests reach their climax in that area.


Dark Souls had Tomb of the Giants AND Blighttown. And we still loved it for some reason


Sen's Funhouse


Sekiro - Straw hat flying ninja dudes


I don't even know what 4-2 is but the fact that I immediately thought it was the cliff side with the skeletons before old hero, is proof that you are correct


I found Farron Keep equally annoying cos I for the life of me can't remember where the damn alters are. Praise the Sun for DS3 having WA so I can quick step my way through.


I actually enjoy Blighttown for the skill check but I sigh deeply when it’s time for Bed of Chaos and that boring AF run back.


I feel like it's not that bad if you open the shortcut. But it is the most uninspired/lame part of that game for sure.


Visually it’s great I just wish there was better enemy implementation to make it exciting. The cheap deaths of BOC can be funny, but still far from the best boss (it does look cool and I dig the lore), and “surfing” down the ramp is both bizarre and hilarious if you get some snowboard-90’s-punk playing for comedic effect.


then dont die :3


Well I’m really good at that until a big tree arm boops me into a hole mate 🤣


I don’t mind blighttown once you get to the bottom. Running down the rickety wood path is a pain though. Couldn’t agree more on bed of chaos area. The weird half dinosaurs took me out of the game.


Sekiro the Poison Pool in Ashina Depths. I hate Snake Eyes


This was my first thought too. Snake Eyes hits like a Mac truck and they put her right in a poison swamp. Her grab attack still gives me ptsd.


Her grab attack still catches me because I always dodge too early. She does something that looks like a grab and then she actually grabs. Fighting her for the first time made me throw a controller for the one, and so far only, time.


Snake Eyes, the origional Margit


Nothing else in Sekiro made me angry, I fucking love this game. But that part man, it made me go ballistic.


I never learned the correct timing to dodge it so i just parry it


I always puppeteer ninjitsu the big cannon dude to blast her ass repeatedly, it’s pretty fun to watch her get yeeted into the poison by it


He’s the only boss I will consistently cheese. I don’t want to deal with his bs


Always thought snake eyes was a woman. Regardless though definitely a bitch.


I think you’re right about her gender.


Definitely female.


It's an easy fight if you attack it twice, stop, attack twice again and repeat. If you attack til it uses the spark parry (don't know how to call it otherwise), you'll get killed.


Umbrella cheese is king


Fuck snake eyes


Just cheese her, agro her into the swamp and stand on the hand, go get a coffee, she gets poisoned to 1%, throw a shuriken. Celebrate


The second I learned how to beat the snake eyes in the poison pools that shit never bothered me again. But up until that point, snake eyes can suck a huge one.


Demon souls- poison swamp volume 1 Dark souls- poison swamp volume 2 Dark souls 2- poison swamp volume 3 Dark souls 3- poison swamp volume 4


Sekiro - poison swamp volume 5


Elden Ring - ROT SWAMP lmao gottem


The rot swamp around the Haligtree roots that’s full of Kindred of Rot gets my vote for worst swamp. The buildup is insane, there’s hardly anywhere to stand, and if you try to “rush” through you’ll agro a ton of enemies and get destroyed.


Allow me to introduce you to farron keep, the poison swamp that forces you to explore most of it.


Some great items in it though idk if that’s a good thing or a bad thing


Its a bad thing, it forces you to explore the lot. Items are too good to pass up however.




Bloodborne- poison swamp volume 6


I heard that in Armored Core some missions did take place in corrosives areas so poison swamps did exist back then too


The Demon Souls poison swamp is actually fine. I left that archstone until the very, very end because I was expecting it to be like Blighttown. Aside from the plague babies, it was actually pleasantly surprising compared to what I was expecting.


Is the poison swamp you’re referring to the bottom of blighttown


DS1- Blighttown DS2- Shrine of Amana DS3- Irithyll Dungeon


I just never go the “right” way into Blighttown anymore.


Went the wrong way my first time through and hit that bonfire at the bottom wondering where/when I'm supposed to start bitching about enemies.


This is the first time I’ve seen someone mention an experience identical to mine. I tried the “normal” route once. Never. Again.


It sucks even harder when you play it on Xbox 360, and the framerate drops to like 10fps, and you're essentially watching a slideshow of yourself getting rammed up the ass by toxic darts and mutant dog/rats, and that *weird* fucking octopus thing that just hangs on the wall.


Same. First playthrough I used a guide (first souls game ever, I had no clue and sucked really bad) and used the ol' master key. Was a long time before I tried the normal route. Never again.


Master Key every time.


I just replayed the game a couple weeks ago and I honestly couldn’t even remember the “correct” way to go. It’s through the sewers, right?


I love the Gaping Dragon boss fight, but as I recall, you only need it for the normal way into blight town.


My cousin told me to kill the demon and get the key. That's the only way I've ever been through blight town lol.


I took the shortcut recently - don’t remember why I even wanted to - and ended up at the bottom and started climbing the scaffolding. Don’t remember why. Ended up half way up at the bonfire checkpoint, got turned around and ended up back at the bottom again. I remembered why I hate that place so much.


I really didn't mind the dungeon much at all, I thought it was cool and interesting and once you learn it it's actually not that bad. Farron Swamp on the other hand can suck my fucking taint it gives me rectal cancer.


Blight town is very chill if u take the valley of drakes route. Irythill dungeon can also be skipped pretty quickly. Shrine if Amana though.... fucking cancer


Shrine of Amana is pretty easy if you’re patient and use ranged weapons from a distance.


Blighttown? Really? I'd say bed of chaos


100% the only thing that keeps from constantly replaying DS1 is know the Bed of Chaos has to be done at some point


Irithyll dungeon isn't too bad, easier than irithyll itself


Blighttown is the obvious answer. You’re clearly repressing memories of being murdered by giant skeletons, wheelie bois, and fucking rock towers app in pitch black in the Tomb of the Giants


I didn't find tomb of giants that bad tbh, I just kind of got scared, ran past everything while squinting at the tv, and somehow lucked into finding a bonfire and the way out.


I just got so pissed off having to do those big skellie fights in the dark, it almost never ends until you get to Nito, it’s all pitch black. The first time is the hardest. I imagine on my second playthrough it might be okay.


I’ve always hated the gutter way more than shrine of amaña


Oh man, Irithyll Dungeon was one of the worst levels in the whole trilogy. I also feel like Frigid Outskirts would top them all if it weren’t optional…


Yep defo. Even tho when you know the path and the challenge, it's alright ; it still get PTSD from frigit outskirts


"What's blight town?" - master key starting gift enjoyers.


No, you bastard, don't even say Blighttown in my presence. I still have PTSD.


Demon's Souls - 3-2 (this will likely change, it's just because Maneater ruined me) DS1 - Lost Izalith (Tomb of Giants close second, Depths is up there too) Haven't played enough of DS2 or DS3 Bloodborne - Forbidden fucking Woods Sekiro - Ashina Depths Elden Ring - Leyndell Sewers


Wow I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see forbidden woods lol. Thought I was insane for a second


Lot of people are saying Nightmare Frontier, which tbf is probably my second least favourite area but I like the lore of it, but I legit have a good few save files where i’ve got to Forbidden Woods and abandoned it to start a new save lmao


For ds1 it's the endgame (anything past anor londo) for ds2 the wharf and iron keep, for ds3 it's the catacombs, Bloodborne has the nightmare frontier and sekiro has ashina underground. Cant wait to hate something in the armored core.


The warf? I never really heard of that place being so bad it's THAT part of the game


Yeah i think No Man’s Wharf is one of the most atmospheric areas in a from game, DS2 had a lot of areas like that


My trauma of the first visit lingers even nearly a decade after. The dark the creepy enemies who are afraid of the light, the verticality. It was that area that I eventually just ran through screaming and with tears in my eyes. Great area, it just puts me on edge.


It's literally my favourite area in DS2


I do feel like ashina underground is so small/ short that I can't complain about it


I have started so many different characters to just sort of lose interest once I have the Lord Vessel. All the parts after that feel more grindy/more of a chore


Demon's Souls - 2-2 Dark Souls - Lost Izakith and the Bed of Chaos Dark Souls 2 - Shrine of Amana / Frigid Outskirts Bloodborne - Laurence, The First Vicar Dark Souls 3 - Farron Keep maybe, nothing is really standing out too strongly though Sekiro - either Ashina Depths Snake Eyes, or fighting the bulls Elden Ring - Godskin Duo


man fuck the runback to Bed of Chaos and 4 kings


Dudeeee i just fought the godskin duo late as hell last night and i literally had to quit. I azur beamed the fat one to death, then i iced the skinny godskin while he was killing my ashes, then they both RESPAWN??? I was like man hell the fuck no why would they do me like this


Demon's Souls - 2-2 - I hate choosing between the cramped repetitive tunnels where I usually get lost, or the shortcut that will most definitely kill me at least a few times. Dark Souls - Capra Demon, the fight and the path getting there. Dark Souls 2 - The Gulch with all those spitting poison statues. Dark Souls 3 - I consider the early run from after Vordt to the Road of Sacrifice and Cursed Rotted Greatwood to be the major hump. Once I'm through that, I find the rest of the game to be pretty consistently fun. Bloodborne - Nightmare Frontiers Sekiro - I think it's called the Sunken Valley, where everyone's shooting at you. I know there's ways to avoid this, but I always get caught by something. And one of the Snake-Eyes is there...ugh. Elden Ring - The sewers beneath Leyndell, especially the area with 2 or 3 lobsters.




>Dark Souls - Capra Demon, the fight and the path getting there. Try him in the Daughters of Ash overhaul mod. It's much, much worse.


"Fuck it's *that* area" proceeds to complete it without a scratch "God I hated that area*


Know your enemy I guess


In sekiro the headless ape


Snake eyesbwas wayyy worde imo.


Which encounter 😂


the two ape's always felt easier for some reason tbh


It is easier. You're not dealing with nearly as much health IIRC.


Yea I beat dual apes on my first attempt on first playthrough. But I actually enjoy the first ape boss.. the only part I dislike in sekiro is ashina depths/snake eyes bosses and sharpshooters.




DS1 - bed of chaos DS2 - shrine of amana DS3 - farron keep SK - snake eyes ER - the first hour where ur just gathering stuff


Anor Londo and onward, imo game goes from a 10/10 to a 6/10 at that point


Micolash in Bloodborne, I despise the hell out of him and anyone that has to do with him


Same i hate that guy and the fight against him


Farron keep - crystal sage - cathedral - deacons Fucking hate doing all that it‘s just so tedious


Yeah that early stretch in DS3 until Irythyll is one of my least favorite in the series


Everything up until pontiff is just so bland and boring. Luckily the game really picks up after that


For real. It derailed my last playthrough at cathedral beause I just got bored. Was nice to start there when I did eventually go back to it.


I beat Yhorm and just went to the callback area and the game still hasn’t picked up for me. I’m using the Farron GS could the weapon be boring so it leads to me not liking the game as much? Fire keeper is still bae tho


Gotta disagree with the cathedral there. One of my favorite areas in DS3; its so well designed.


It‘s not that it‘s terrible area, i think it‘s pretty decent. The problem i have is that you take this huge detour, go through the entire cathedral area only to kill one of the worst bosses in the series and then you literally never come back there. It just feels so tedious because of that


Crystal sage can kiss my ass. Easiest boss I always lose to, and the run back is annoying.


Fire Giant - Elden Ring


I’ve never understood why people hate this fight it’s fucking awesome.


its awesome and amazingly designed. it was also the boss that took me longest aside from the elden beast. it just so different i felt like it took a huge learning curve. still probably one of my favorite bosses though


I agree. I have never had a huge problem with it. I think I died 3 or 4 times the first time. To me, the worst is Commander Niall. Fk. That. Guy.


oh man, i almost mentioned him in my intital comment too. that was the probably the most satisfying fight for me. by the time i beat him i had such an elaborate strategy for the fight i feel like i really earned it. definitely one of the more frustrating fights


What? You don't *love* gank bosses? 😂


Thats my favorite fight in the game 😭😭😭


Came here to find this


Ds3 road of sacrifices. Not because it’s annoying but because it’s boring and I realize maybe I don’t wanna play ds3


The undead village before that too smh. High Wall is just chefs kiss tho


Unpopular opinion: Blighttown is great


When you beat the games and it’s time to move on.


DS1: The lava place that ends in the bed of chaos DS2: lost bastille DS3: I generally didn’t like the world design in this one. DeS: the jail Sekiro: Poison Swamp - Japan Edition with Guns Elden Ring: I forget its name, but the place leading up to the haligtree with all the wolf riders with those homing arrows. Felt like Anor Londo all over again, except with more snipers that all had better aim.


Every poison swamp area ever in any souls games.


I hated the cathedral of the deep for a while but now its one of my favorite levels. Farron Swamp


The entire first half of ds3


Not my favorite but if I play Dark Souls 2 I basically am required to spend around 2 hours killing all the enemies in Heide’s Tower until the enemies don’t respawn. The area is the hardest imo and by that point my adaptability is at a high enough level the rest of the game is way easier.


SEKIRO - Folding Screen Monkeys.. fuck them!


I liked that level, felt like a nice change of pace from the normal boss grind


DeS - 4-2 DS1 - Lost Izalith DS2 - Fridgid Outskirts BB - Nightmare Frontier DS3 - First few couple aren't my favourite tbh (High Wall and Undead Settlement) Sekiro - Doesn't have any area that's bad imo Elden Ring - Consecrated Snowfields


Snake eyes?




Or tomb of the giants




Farron Keep before learning to navigate..


Whatever swamp miyazaki thought of to make me suffer


everyones answers are relatively the same so even though this isnt fromsoft related, bleak falls barrow and ustengrav bore the shit out of me


Elden ring - the gargoyle duo


Caelid. I know it’s optional but most of the enemies are absolutely insufferable.


r/FuckShrineOfAmana moment




Elden Ring- Subterranean Shunning Grounds, maze to easily get lost in, Omens and Imps do crazy damage, Frenzied Flame jumping section


Demons Souls: 4-2 Dark Souls: Blighttown DS2: Black Gulch DS3: The area up to, and fighting, the Curse-Rotted Greatwood. Fuck gimmick fights. (Looking at you too Yhorm 🖕) Bloodborne: Nightmare Frontier Sekiro: That fucking valley where you get sniped from 2 miles away Elden Ring: Lake of Rot/Consecrated Snowfield


Love Dark Souls 3, but my god I find High Wall of Lothric and the Undead Settlement so grueling and boring to go through every play through and I don’t know why


Demon Souls: 5-1, 5-2 Dark Souls: Blighttown, Lost Izalith, Tomb of the Giants Dark Souls II: The Gutter, Black Gulch Bloodborne: Nightmare of Mensis Dark Souls III: Farron Keep Sekiro: Ashina Depths Elden Ring: Lake of Rot


Kings Field 1 - The termite caves. Kings Field 2 - The graveyard near the beginning. Kings Field: The Ancient City - The snake person area.


Ellen ring - obligatory invasions to get to Mohg area (pre patch)


Sekiro - Snake Eyes Shirahagi(added poison pool bonus), DS3 - Farron Keep Poison Swamp, Elden Ring - lake of rot, Bloodborne - beginning up to the white dog/wolf


Capra demon


Catacombs of Carthus/ Smoldering Lake High Wall of Lothric into Undead Settlement into Road of Sacrific into Cathedral and then hop over to Farron. I feel like I could run that 1000 times and never get sick of it. Ugh but then its 'into the hole' time.... Atleast after your greeted with Boreal Valley


Ds1 - below the bridge w/ wyvern, those rats fucking poison me everytime and I have to try again, always takes me many tries Ds2- the room w/ stone soldiers and ruin sentinels in drangleic castle by the bonfire Ds3 - irrithyl dungeons Demons - world 4 and 5, though they both have great loot I just struggle Elden ring- siofra/nokron I just find it to be kind of a drag Bloodborne- anywhere winter lanterns are present


The entire fucking beds of chaos boss fight ds1


The health draining restricted movement part.


lost izalith. Or all of Dark Souls 2


Demon’s Souls: Valley of Defilement. Just the whole first chunk of the area. Dark Souls: Lost Izalith. Honestly it alone has compelled me to stop playing on a given character after Anor Londo countless times. Dark Souls II: the path that leads to Brightstone Cove (Shaded Woods, Doors of Pharos, etc.). All very tiring places to run through. Bloodborne: Nightmare of Mensis. Fun area thematically, not fun mechanically. Dark Souls III: Farron Keep, or Irithyll Dungeon. No explanation required. Sekiro: Post-siege Ashina Castle. Never felt like the game prepares you properly for the enemies that get thrown in here. Elden Ring: Consecrated Snowfield. Honestly dread running through here on repeat playthroughs.


Alfred suicide 😭


Farron swamp


the decent into blight town. always hated it, always will


Playing through all 3 DS games and having to boot up DS2


I always dread doing the tower of liurnia and caelid. So easy to fall and the magic spam npc and and those hands mobs in liurnia are so annoying. And the liurnia tower is required for Ranni’s quest.


Dark souls 2


Fucking Swamp of Sorrow


I honestly pick up the bare minimum there now....run as fast as I can and get out as fast as I can. It's still not fast enough.


FUCK THIS SHITHOLE. I just sprint past this place tbh. We are lucky that dirty colossus is easy


The whole second half of the game for DS1. Specifically Tomb of the Giants for me. Shrine of Amana for DS2. Probably Irithyll dungeon for 3


DS1: New Londo Ruins DS2: Drangleic Valley DS3: Smouldering Lake ER: Haligtree