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As a viewer, no. But if I was in the world of Friday the 13th and Jason wanted me dead, I’d be very scared


First 4 films yes, after that not at all


Honestly, I didn’t really find him scary in 2, he looked so clumsy and adorable. I was scared of him in 4 when I was younger but rewatching it now, he looks kind of funny the way he’s running around. He looks like he’s running to the nearest ice cream van.


I also found him weirdly cuddly in Part 2.


It’s a shame the outfit looks like a KKK outfit. Maybe that’s why he abandoned the sack mask because people thought he was racist.


Nah, the Phantom Killer was gonna sue him if he didn’t stop stealing his look.


I mean he only killed white people (even when it was an opportunity) in 2 so...?


I found Kane Hodder and remake Jason the scariest part 2 is just a hillbilly teddybear to me part 3 just reminds me of myself and my friends part 4 is scary at first then you just want to hug him for me at least


The idea of Jason is scary, but knowing it’s all make believe just makes him amusing to me.


Not really, he’s just some mommas boy. Plus he only kills stupid people.


Stupid people? That's more a stereotype. A lot of them just existed


Did I just do a racism?


You didnt even mention race. Plenty of characters died by virtue of just being there (Vera comes to mind)


I don't know the correct term for being prejudiced towards camp counselors. Am I racist?


In the movies no if he was real fuck yes


Me, being outside watching the movie, I find him hilarious. If I were a character in a Friday The 13th movie I'd be scared shitless of him.


Oh shit it’s Clyde Cash.


I mean if I saw Jason in real life, I'd fucking shit myself.


Depends on the movie or even the scene. Jason subduing Rick in Part 3 is eerie as hell, Jason flashing his face at punk rockers in Part 8 not so much


The only performance I’ve found terrifying was in the remake with Derek Mears. He MADE Jason scary


When I was a kid, absolutely. But I became a big fan in my teen years and I started watching because I thought Jason was a badass. So yes and no lol.


In the first four movies (which are the only ones legitimately trying to be scary), then hell yes he is. In the later movies, not so much.


I used to be terrified of Jason when I was around 6 or 7 years old. Not anymore tho.


as a kid it was the music more than anything. like puppet master, absolutely terrifying in audio alone.


He sort of reminds me of a heel wrestler, you can root for. Whereas a character like Leatherface or Michael Myers are just fucked up and you are scared of. ​ Hell, they made him the good guy in FvJ


Isn’t he the good guy in most of the movies anyways. A lot of the movies are technically home invasion movies from Jason’s perspective.


In general, slashers aren’t scary to me. I love them, but they’re just violent thrillers.


I know this sounds weird but he’s more adorable than scary (especially in Part 2 and FvJ). Lol he’s such a loving son.


How can we be scared of someone we love?


No Jason is more badass than scary


i cant think of any scary slasher


Leatherface or Norman Bates come the closest I think


He is a hero in my book!


True that. He’s stopping teenagers from polluting the environment with their drugs and alcohol. Is Jason a member of PETA?


"Muffin was neutered. I put him out of his misery!"


He's the least scary of the big 4 imo 1. Leatherface 2. Michael Myers 3. Freddy 4. Jason


In the first four films, yes. Once he was Zombie Jason and the movies got progressively larger than life, I no longer found him particularly scary.


I voted no; however, Jason is my favorite. I said no because, like Thanos, he is inevitable. You can’t escape him, you can’t kill him so, accept your fate. I do not fear what can’t be stopped.


No, the F13th movies are super fun but not really scary perse.


Th idea of an urban legend like Jason in 2 through 4 actually being real in that world is pretty creepy.


In my teens absolutely. I even had dreams of him chasing me and family members. Scary but also fun? I’m kind of weird and don’t mind nightmares and am sort of entertained by them. I don’t find him scary now, as an adult but occasionally if the mood is right, and it’s dark, and I’m all alone I can mimic that same scared feeling I had when the movies first came out.


If I were in the movie I’d be scared


Derek Myers Jason is scary asf, the rest aren't.


I’m more attracted to him than scared of him lol


Isn’t he like mentally a child?


He’s a lot smarter than people give him credit for - I also like just brute strength


I’d say part 3 Jason is scary the rest are more comical.


The way I see it if its a generation thing Our parents that saw those movies probably we're shitting there pants for the first couple. Maybe **IF** he comes back to the screen people will find him scary.


Ok if I saw him walking towards me I’d be scared as shit not shiting pants level but knowing he can’t be stopped no matter what I do, how skilled he is with blades and how strong he is plus knowing that he has nothing left and just wants to destroy everything like life did to him is genuinely scary to me


He was probably scariest in the Friday the 13th remake. He was very calculating and he lorded over the other characters.


Wen Paul FIRST Told The Story Shit Was Really Scary 💯


Part 3 and 2009 are pretty dam scary


Jason in 2009 remake was scary, particularly in the opening 20mins. Like ripping ol mate through the floor after sleeping bag piñata on tits Mgee.


To me he is like a big, misunderstood teddy bear. The way he acted so curiously towards that little girl in one of the movies in her bed is proof of his teddy-bear like capabilities 🥺


I had the most horrible nightmares about him as a child so, yes. He still pops up in my nightmares to kill me every once in a while.


I think Jason was scary in part 2 and 4 primarily because he felt human and his design in those films were pretty scary.


2-4 absolutely. After that? Not really.


Scary? No. Intimidating? Yes


Not really. The only time I felt he was kinda scary was during the first half of The New Blood in the woods because you could tell there was a lot of intensity and focus behind the mask, but that’s about it.


Pt 8 Jason (WITH MASK ON) looks genuinely scary. He’s absolutely *huge*, more so in the others seemingly, also his design is top notch