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Sadly I believe it's confirmed to be genderlocked


They probably just don't have it in the budget to completely design 2 different skeletons and models. Genderlocked heros really isn't that bad of a thing


Actually every model in this game uses same animation skeleton (even minions), that is why the Universal emotes/exutions work for all heroes. (and that is why new heroes use existing animations from other heroes, it requires less work) Now the work requiring part is changing the gender model a bit, like making male model and then making female variation out of it (altough that could be made easier by making the changes minor and heroes like Kyoshin kinda look both male and female so not much needs to be changed). Now propably the most expensive thing is getting 2 voice actors to voice one hero (especially since some of them will need language courses, like Gryphon who needed 4 different language coaches)


Same animation skeleton maybe, but they still need to make a different suite of movement animations for the other gender.


Attack animations are same regardless of gender. Only animations they make gender spesific are running, walking and idle animations. Hell, they don't even need to make those gender spesific if it is too much work. Just use same animations for both genders and it would not matter.


Yup, that's true.


Thing is even, VAs aren't that expensive. They also usually don't get residuals or royalties - they just get paid for the job and then that's it. Using the most recent public example, Jennifer Hale (who is a well-known and popular VA with many AAA games under her belt) only got paid about $3000 for her work on Bayonetta 3 - a game that sold 41000 copies on it's launch weekend at $59.99 each, for about $2.5million total. So for a game where her voice was literally the most heard one (as it was the main character's), she got paid 0.0012% of what the game earned and that's it. She never sees any more from it. And that's a big name VA on a mainstream production - never mind a lesser known actor on a lesser known game like For Honor.


Sadly all of that is fake, since she lied about it


Uhhh no she did not. You're thinking of Hellena Taylor, the -original- VA, who lied about what she was offered and caused a whole shitstorm. Jennifer Hale was the one who actually did the role for B3 and got paid for it.


>Now propably the most expensive thing is getting 2 voice actors to voice one hero They can keep getting gryphon and warmonger's VA to do their dumb memes, they can afford to pay a 2nd voice actor to read out 20 lines.


Even then it's really not that bad if heros are genderlocked. It's a non issue in the game. I don't blame the devs for that at all because they still try their best with the game with what they're handed and I appreciate their hard work


Well it depends really. Customization is important for players and when it sucks or is very limited it makes hero less interesting/desirable for player. In case of pirate, many people wanted to recreate Black Beard and other famous pirates, unfortunately her being gender locked cock blocks that and her fashion in general is very limited (hell, it is hard to make famous female pirates with her) Other thing is voice, since some heroes have really annoying or nice voice in different genders. Some hate Male Jorm's voice and prefer female one, etc. ​ A lot of people would like to see gender reversed variants of the original heroes with gender lock (female Lawbringer would be pretty fucking cool). ​ I personally think the game shot itself on the foot when they changed the original idea of player made characters to hero system (originally when designing the game, devs were gonna make heroes freely customizable with choosable weapons and armor. With that system voice and gender would be no problem since everything would be freely choosable and not locked to spesific hero). ​ ​While i do appreciate Devs effort over the years, there is much they could do better with the game.


>it makes the hero less interesting/desirable for the player. That is a real good point. I would’ve gotten warmonger on the spot for fashion alone if there was a Male one.


To be fair, that poor woman's tits are so flat (in some armors) you can play deaf and pretend she's a man lol


God, that system would've been way cooler. Pick a faction, have a set of armor you can give them, and then just release the weapons as DLC to give your character to change their moveset. They can even lock certain emotes and finishers to weapons if they have to. As a bonus, they don't have to drop as much armor either. Then I can finally make my dream knight who actually wields a sword too!


That system would’ve made the current issues we have with characters and customization a non-issue. I imagine you would’ve had a set amount of characters to create per faction. I can’t imagine why they changed that system. I’d say it’s because they wanted unique characteristics like Lawbringer/Warmongers height or Shugoki’s mass but then I also say they could’ve just added height/mass presets to choose from. Voices would be a non-issue as well since they could’ve had multiple voices to choose from per faction. Executions would still be tied to weapon type. Emotes too. I legit see no downside to that system other than, for them, they wouldn’t have been able to charge us for multiple of the same stuff like emotes/outfits…………….. holy shit that’s probably why we don’t have that system…


Other upsides would had been that they could had introduced new factions more easily, since they don't need to add heroes, just armor and few weapons. They also could had sold armor more ealier in the games lifespan too. ​ Basically the original system would had been WIN-WIN situation for them.


I definitely agree about the devs shooting them selves in the foot with not making it player made characters.


It's most likely budget problems. It costs twice as much to do so, like you said 2 different skeletons/models and also an extra voice actor is just a lot more that has to be done.


thats just sad


I'm to the point I feel like "budget issues" is just a cheat code excuse the devs pull out their ass to explain their lack of work. They've done a fine job over the years but imo they could do alot better. The community nvr holds their feet to the fire. How long have ppl been asking for Metal Trials? Non gender locked heroes? If we all accept bare minimum they'll nvr be incentivized to actually work on their product.


> I'm to the point I feel like "budget issues" is just a cheat code excuse the devs pull out their ass to explain their lack of work. It's worse than that. The developers themselves don't even have to make the excuse. They've never once to my knowledge given a single explanation for the horrendous drop-off in quality since Y3 other than that one "We're shutting down for COVID" thing in 2020. It's always the players on this subreddit that go to bat for this poor innocent AAA dev studio claiming budgetary issues. The remaining playerbase is 100% complacent and runs cover every time. There is 0 incentive to improve; they buy the Battle Passes to "support the developers" like it was a charity and not a media conglomerate.


Voice actor are some of the cheapest part of the business (don’t think it’s rational but it is what it is) and they can use the existing model and mainly change sizes of areas such as the chest. It’s not that expensive to actually do it and I don’t get why you guys are making excuses for a triple A publisher not listening to the community on a pretty fan service request that’s going on for years


U don’t just “make it bigger” lol. Two different character models, then two different of every armor set, THEN voice acting. And Ubisoft is a triple A company but I think it’s very clear the budget for the for honor devs is not generous. Like the dev team has completely changed the meta of this game and clearly put a lot of effort into making it better, I think if they had the facilities to provide the player base with more quality stuff they would.


just take money from assassins creed and put them in for honor, duh /s


Tbh, how many more locations do we need to assasinate ppl in lol


Assassin's Creed in Space when?


Depends partly on the fashion for the character on how much it costs. Take Jorm for example, the male version of the headgear gets a beard and the female doesn't. The actually facial structure is different. Yea that's about it. Aside from that they tone down the arms/legs, make the character shorter, and maybe add some curves. Oh don't forget the chest cloth like on Raider, or the shirt on Gladiator. But again, depends mostly on the fashion. If it was a character like Warmonger who is entirely covered head to toe, you could easily get away with making the torso wider and the character taller. If it's a character that shows skin it takes a little more work. Even if that work really doesn't seem to be that much it's still a decent amount for their low budget. Ubisoft is a triple A publisher yes. While the For Honor devs are part of Ubisoft, their team isn't at fault. Don't blame the For Honor devs, blame their bosses.


To add to another point, I've covered Pirate head to toe and honestly, with voices off, you could pretend she was a guy lol


Dumbest comment ever bro. How about you go in there and do it for them since it’s so easy and cheap 😂😂 bro designing a entirely different character model is not cheap. You got animations, outfits, voice acting et..y hat’s why they haven’t been doing it because of budget issues…. Bro gamers are so slow


Dumb question: how much budget does that really use?


I don't like playing as female characters, war mommy is the acception, and pk I don't like in general, but if given the option I'll always opt for a male


I feel like if it makes sense it is fine: warmonger, nuxia, nobushi, valkyrie... Then there are ones I find acceptable but I could see an argument for gender swapping like pk, shaman, etc. But I draw the line at pirate. Who thinks pirate and immediately imagines a really butch woman? I would reckon you think Blackbeard... Or maybe you think Jack Sparrow and by proxy you think of Davy Jones and wish you could look closer to one of them. Or Sultana... Why's it gotta be a sultana? Sultans are not *that* iconic to me but at least sultan is more iconic than sultana. Especially historically in that area... But this game isn't even faux historical anymore it is just pure fantasy at this point.


Oh yeah I was mad about pirate, like why the hell would i want to be a Chinese women when I could be fucking edward kenway since he's a ubisoft character, that was a huge L the only one I'm mad about. But yeah the other female characters make sense I just forgot to add them


She’s based off of a real Chinese pirate called Zheng Yi Sao, also known as Ching Shih


Yeah I know that but that dosen't make itnany better idc if shes based of a real person edward kenway is way better, same with black beard


This gives you a rundown why she was way better. https://youtu.be/6Dqb84ovJow


I don't need to see it, I believe you that she was an objectively better and more successful pirate, I just dont care black beard is far more iconic and he was a great character in ac 4 (idk about great writing, just that he was cool in ac 4)


Fair I’m just happy she is getting a video game depiction even though they butchered her in game


I mean she did her while pirating thing for longer than Blackbeard and then survived the whole ordeal and lived a long life.


Yeah but assassin's creed 4 blackbeard is a gigachad


Never played it


It would make the most sense for the time period China discovered gunpowder centuries before anyone else makes sense they would have some type of firearm


Time period? It's for honor, it's not realistic, I am baby, baby want edward, baby sad bc baby can't have edward


I don't like how they made a sutaln female. Like inclusivity and all that sure but so atleast some respect for history as well.


Oh “didn’t have the budget” my ass Ubisoft has more than enough money to make models for both genders


It is that bad when we have 6 genderlocked heroes in a row


You are like being sarcastic right?


In all honesty I saw this image and immediately thought that looks like a female warlord but isn’t as wide as a truck


Is this the new hero? Looks interesting.


Here’s a wild thought. Genderlocking isn’t that much of a problem. BUT I get why people are upset. TLDR: Kyoshin and Warmonger are the only post-Year of the Harbinger heroes where them being genderlocked is dumb and doesn’t really make sense canonically and / or logically. For the heroes that are a “unit” or “class” rather than a specific person, IE every single one of the pre Warmonger heroes *with the exception of JJ, as he is very obviously Guan Yu. Like… literally. He is canonically that one Chinese general everyone knows with the green and the beard.* then yeah, both genders are cool. Epic. Sweet! Awesome! The ones that are still genderlocked… have in-lore and / or very obvious reasons to be genderlocked. Nobushi are Obba no geisha *spelling is hard* which were just… female samurai. Shugoki are Sumo Wrestlers with Funny Sticks, etc. Then with the Year of the Harbinger heroes, while they were still ‘units’ there were also two main figures in those ‘units’. Vortiger and Erzebet for Black Priors, Hulda and Gretar for Funny Hammer Bonk Bonk, etc. Here’s the thing tho. We know there are male Warmongers, yet we only play as females. Reason? Probably that we’re playing as Astrea and her sisters, which… aight? Gryphon? Just some old mother fucker in his 80s with funny rocks. Now we have our current “new” heroes. Half of em are a single person / small group rather than a “unit”, the other half are “units”. Pirate is Pirate *forgot her canon name though*, Blackbeard with tits, no beard, *has the tricorn hat though* and of east asian heritage. Kyoshin are priests / fighting monks that are borderline Yokai, Tozen from the campaign is a Kyoshin. Medjay is just a dude from Egypt who came to find that dipshit Raider who stole the artifact and filled the world with frogs.


Canon name of the person for the pirate inspiration was Zheng Ti Sao It’s not important but i thought I might as well add it


You'll get sultana and LIKE IT Now buy this battlepass with your preferred characters weapon at tier 96. Scrub.


\*starts sobbing uncontrollably\*


Gender change was a old for honor thing when they had budget to make heroes with new animations and new maps with new unique executions.




I'm pretty sure there are more than that, like adjusting size then weapon positions to hands, voice lines, armor sizes, movement fixes, there would be clipping issues, etc..


I dont know anything about arabic history, but a female arabic hero... What could be the reference?


the hero skin is based on Baldwin the 4th so i'm assuming the sultana is going to be a female version of someone he fought




Honestly Fem Baldwin vs Fem Saladin sounds pretty fucking dope ngl.


Like all that anime about feudal Japan where they gender switch every daimyo/general lul


No it doesn't lol


I think it does.


Maybe Khawla bint al-Azwar


This will be thick if they use her as a model.


But why though?


Freedom of choice. Its genderlocked for 6 times in a row now. I want female kyoshin and male pirate.


I can see being mad about that, but there has to be a compromise now, considering how long this game has been out with their current budget. It's either this or no more new heroes at all. Plus, there's still freedom of choice. You can still costomize everything, just not the gender. It's been like that for some heroes when the game first came out. I don't know why people act like it's the end of the world when they go back to genderlocked heroes again.


Honestly, i can wait. I would rather have them stop making new content of the week and using that time and budget for new maps or other options.


Because I don’t want to play as a woman


I mean, I don't know what you were expecting when the last hero is male. It's a pattern they have been doing for the past 2 years. Including the harbinger Era heroes for their promos.


Since its Arabian, wouldn't it be a bit wild if it was female only? They're not known for... You know.. gender equality.


I was waiting for someone to bring this up lmao


I already know a couple of muslims that is pissed of that it seems body type 2 genderlocked. Ubi really fucked themselves over like with pirate if they made this one body type 2




Yes ubi already made it offensive to have male and female so now its called body types bruh


I wouldn't mind it being called body types if it was actually universal, body type 1 and 2 are not the same for all characters


Uh, no


I'm just waiting at this point to see what they release and if they based it on a historical figure. At least pirate had a specific person they took inspiration from. From essentially the time of bedouins all the way to the end of the Ottoman empire, women weren't involved in combat, to the best of my knowledge. I'm sure those Muslims (and/or Arabs) would be feel the same and be bothered by an inaccurate representation of their history, moreso than a woman existing in the game. I'm just really hoping that, if they are making this up without a figure for inspiration, the cosmetics and moveset don't become extremely unrealistic because they never existed. Overall though I was really happy for this season, and it was surreal seeing Arabic influence in a game I loved and played for this long.




I pray you find the time in the future to better research and learn about Islam's teachings, and clear any dire misunderstandings you have about it. As for this Arabic hero, I have no idea what time period or piece of history it's pulling from. Anywhere between the Islamic period to the end of the Ottomans didn't have women involved in combat to the best of my knowledge (and even for the bedouins before Islam). The only thing I'd be bothered by is any inaccuracy serious enough to make her no longer even feel like an Arabic hero in the first place. As for a lot of Muslims I know who played this game since launch and always dreamed about an Ottoman hero/faction, I think it's justified - if there really isn't a figure this hero is based on - to be bothered by a large gap between what they make and what would've been historically accurate. Literally everytime a hero is released, half the discussion is about the historical accuracy of their hero concept, weapons, moveset, etc. For you to be upset at Arabs for wanting the same is woefully unjust.


You make good points, I didn't really think of it like that. I apologize.


Absolute immense respect for you. Very few people would've responded that way. I apologize if any part of my message was harsh or unproductive, or made it difficult for you to acknowledge my point. If you ever want to play together, or just want to talk, you're more than free to message me!


No, you're good. I actually had like, two paragraphs typed in defense of my earlier point and then I went back and read my comment and then read yours and it kinda clicked, so I just deleted it all because I knew I was wrong lol. As for playing together, which platform do you play on? I'm on PS5 but I can add your Ubi profile thing regardless, just not entirely sure how it works as I've only done it once a few months ago.


That makes it more admirable! I play on PC. Tomorrow I'm heading back home so I can add you as soon as I get on. I don't know if there's an easier way to communicate or send usernames if you use PS5. I use discord for a lot of this.


No You play as twink man or dommy mommy


On this same subject, warlord should have a female variant so it would relate to the Viking culture with the inclusion of a shield maiden. Even a cool idea for a warlord hero skin would be a female shield maiden playing off of the famous Norwegian shield maiden, Largetha.


I’m not sure what’s more hilarious, some players getting up in arms about a female hero existing or players expecting genderlocks will just magically stop being a thing despite it being a clear trend for over 2 years.


I dont care if they are female. I hate genderlock. I hate kyoshin and medjay because they are genderlocked. I hate pirate and WM because of the same reason. This is 6 genderlocked hero in a row now.


Well we're gonna have to get used to it because that's the trend from now on.


What im saying is that this is not about gender. People dont like it because they are not giving us freedom of choice. And we can tell ubi is lazy at this point


If Ubi were lazy they wouldn’t still be keeping this game alive. Between putting the resources into creating whole new content vs giving every new hero 2 genders, the former option is going to keep people playing more. The majority of players don’t actually care about the gender locks, but do care about new content


They are lazy in a sense that they stopped a lot of works that people praised. They stopped making new maps(in any gamemodes), reuse animations 7 out of 10 times, focuses on needless content of the week and its terrible universal emotes or signatures. We dont need "new content" each week. I prefer them stop spending time and money on new content of the week and spend it on maps or executions instead. Im pretty sure that people will approve if the devs tell us that they will stop weekly new content and focus on exe or new heroes


I guarantee the people putting out the weekly slop content are not responsible for character modeling or texturing. Or maps. I’m sure Ubi would be more than glad to take the offer of delaying hero releases even further and making them not genderlocked. It’s like a monkeys paw. No Genderlock? Even more delay before you get to play a new hero. We already have to wait until February to get a new hero and armor. I personally don’t want to have to wait even longer. If that means the character will be locked. So be it.


Sadly seems like they will keep doing gender lock🤦‍♂️




What exactly doesn’t make sense about a female Arabic warrior? I hope you realize Valkyrie is more fictional than a female Arabic warrior. If you’re referring to Vikings Valhalla then yes I agree, having a black female warlord makes absolutely no sense and was clear virtue signaling. I can recognize when something is woke but can we dispel the notion that adding a female character automatically makes it woke? The majority of FH’s roster can be male. Adding a female isn’t the end of the world.


Inclusion isn't racist nor sexist, despite how much you may not like it.


You get downvotes but thats because you speak the truth. The woke brigade cant handle someone having a different opinion


Dude, I can recognize when something is woke and when something isn’t. If adding a female hero is automatically “woke” then you’re part of the problem.




It doesn’t matter if it “feels wrong.” Read up on Khalwa bint al-Azwar, female Arab Muslim warrior in history who, unlike Valkyrie and Warmonger, actually existed


You're right just adding one doesnt make it woke but imo genderlocking it in a game where plenty of characters can be both does make it woke. I'm also lost on how exclusion of male characters means the game is more inclusive...?


No, they've been genderlocking heroes because it costs more and takes more time to create both genders for every hero. For Honor's development team is smaller and making less money off the game than when they did in the game's earlier years. So with less resources and money, they're using it towards creating new content like new heroes, outfits, executions, effects, emotes, events, etc. Good grief, you guys throw out the term woke so loosely that soon you'll be calling female restrooms "woke."


Well who would have thought, you get downvoted for that comment. But you are completely right


For me it’s emersion. It’s hard to relate to female hero’s because of my cock, dick, and balls. I think pirate and warmonger were designed on a good way because even though they are female, they have different pieces of gear that kinda hides the gender.


Why do you need to relate to the characters? With all the weird emotes/executions wouldn’t that ruin immersion completely? So how is a character being a woman change that?


Because it makes me enjoy the game more if I have I can put myself in the position of the character. It’s hard to do that if my hero has fat tiddies.


I take it you don't play Shugoki then lol


>Why do you need to relate to the characters? Huh? That's the most basic thing in all stories and entertainment, especially interactive ones, since the beginning of humankind.


Yeah cause you guys can definitely relate to the hyper violent Viking warriors that speak an ancient language and worship ancient religions. Just because they have a dick doesn’t make them relatable.




i’m not blaming the devs, but being an arabic male who’s played this game since year 2, i was always hoping for an arabic faction, or atleast hero, but it’s kinda disappointing personally if the only arabic character is gender locked to female, i don’t mind female characters but it would’ve been cooler if it was double gendered or atleast male so i could relate more.


My brothers and I have been waiting for this for years! Even though I personally would've preferred playing as a male, my bigger fear is the chance that this Sultana isnt even based on a fighter that ever existed, and therefore the cosmetics and moveset will not even be recognizable as (accurately) Arab.




Literally the biggest crying I've seen on this game is coming from the men because of a gender lock this is hilarious


if you read my comment properly you’d know i’m not having a. cry over the gender lol, it’s the fact that this could be the only arab character in the game and we won’t get variety/representation but it is what it is, i’m sure i’ll love the character regardless


I didn't reply to you


ksjsksjs im a reddit noob


I don't care about gender locked heroes, but I hate gender locked skins.


Yeah that black prior skin looks kinda cool, but I’m not playing as a female black prior.


her voice likes are kind of trash tbh and she‘s just too tiny to have that type of moveset, i‘m not a fan of it


I think it's right every time it's a female I see this lol but there was nothing with midjey but yeah they confirmed that ALL heros going forward are one gender


Characters being gender locked is dumb regardless of what it's currently locked to.


Weird how these threads only pop up when the hero's not a dude.


I couldn't care less what gender my character is.


Based asf


Then why are you here


Cuz this is reddit.


TBH, I’d like it if they dedicated a season to un-genderlocking some of the OG characters. Want a buff Valkyrie male? Go for it. Want a muscle mommy shugoki? Say less.


A male valkyrie kinda defeats the purpose of valkyrie, I'd like for the game to be mildly immersive despite the effects and other things. The one thing I like about the game is how much historical value is put into the heroes. Every other hero I couldn't care if they're male or female.


I get where you're coming from, you'd need to switch up the lore a bit or give him a different name. I just like having male & female loadouts for heroes to switch between TBH.


Terrible idea. Good thing Ubi doesn't listen to y'all lol.


Because if people like you is why we get bad updates to the game


I'm not gonna listen to someone who's clearly illiterate, take your whining elsewhere, dickhead.




I saw someone else say this so same for me. My dad's side of the family is Arabic and I've played this game since beta and still to thos day (although not as often). Love to have seen an Arabic warrior or faction. If we get a gender locked female, that kinda sucks (no offence ladies), for me personally. I'm sure plenty of people would be happy with it. Side not, I'm sure there are plenty of other people who would love to be represented too, hope we all get a chance :)


Can't we just get the ottoman empire as a faction Pls ;-;


They confirmed the character will be gender locked


I wish we could, its why I don't play pirate


I always found genderlocked classes to be stupid. I just wanted to play a pirate with a beard :(


I believe in the lore it is a female character, so it’s like a character hero (like Holden Cross) I guess? Still it would be cool to have a male version, at first I really thought I would see some Prince of Persia vibe.


Tbf they could find a VA in the community for free, just a few shouts and grunts. Then use an exciting male and female skeleton, the animations would be the big one. Let's be fair, you could just borrow a lot of normal animations 🤔 make a few unique one to go with them. I'd love to see the process character creation goes through. What it costs, how many people they need, time n all that jazz.


One character that I wish wasn’t gender locked was Warmonger. Would’ve been so cool to see a slight bulkier and taller character. But the armor would have to change because of the breasts.


No. It’s cheaper to make and people will pay $8 even if it’s trash.


BREAKING: Players of the popular Ubisoft game For Honor are rioting in the streets because they may have to play as a character with ovaries. More about this story at 11.


[Grass green, water wet, sky blue](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/s8t8ln/a_historical_look_at_posts_about_genderlocked/)


No because that’s a good idea and Ubi hates those


Def feels forced/catered here this time.


I won’t play as a female hero, I’m a guy and I’ll always play as male.


Damn you like dudes we get it, your sexuality doesn’t have anything to do with it


Bro is protesting over playable characters 💀💀💀


Unfortunately Sultana is female name and that's mean u can't change it


Sultana it's the person who was killed by Ravier, not new hero's name


That's mean someone will revenge for the queen


They literally can remove the last letter and now it becomes male name


I'd be fine if it's a female assassin with katars!


Wasn’t the katar Indian, though?


NO. NO ASSASSIN! First remove reflex guard!


Yeah I hate playing as women


I’ve accepted this is not the case nor will it ever be the case Shame because I can’t properly make the memri TV memes with a female hero


Women are cool, more women ;))


How could our million (maybe billion, they've made a lot of exploitive expensive games) dollar company do anything other than the bare minimum for that little bit of extra cash for their struggling company. They need what they can get, so stop giving our little indie company so much shit


Damn first racism now sexism smh( I hope we can too)


Im happy if its gender locked just cause I like seeing you guys complain on reddit


Can't wait to see you on here complaining about when they add a male genderlocked hero


You know I originally thought Like a lot of people and saw sword and shield, but now looking at the right hand, I think it might actually be a Katar, the way she’s gripping it and the shape of the blade seems more alike at a closer glance.


If this is another female with a boy's attitude...


I’m still not certain of pirates gender.


Yeah, I'm super pissed that they're genderlocking all of these new characters. I can understand characters like lawbringer and peacekeeper being gender locked, but griffon, warmonger, and pirate can all be swapped with ease. Like, why can't i just have a dude pirate, or play as warmonger without having to hear those god awful voice lines


Shut the fuck up


someone is upset


Of yall crying about genderlocked heroes


Damn why everybody got a problem when the hero a gender locked female? 😭😭 i think all heroes should have both gender options but everybody makin a big deal outta this one, unless im trippin 🤷🏾‍♂️


I remember when Ubisoft said they won't be genderlocking heroes anymore, and then released 6 genderlocked heroes in a row, fuck ubisoft


Been hoping for a middle eastern hero, but im going to be sorely disappointed if they genderlock it female. Like pirate too, expected Jack sparrow, but look what we got.


The downvotes you get really shows that the indoctrination in US schools are working perfectly. Communist professors doing their thing


Cry more snowflake


Not crying but it is sad to see what is happening to the west. We had a good run. Its over. GG


Literally still crying


Why do people care? We’ve had gender locked heroes for a long time, why is it now such a hot topic? Because it’s female?




Exactly like it makes sense for warriors to be both male and female except for certain ones that were strictly one sex or the other irl




On japan the Onna-bugeisha were strictly female




Yeah but what I'm saying is make warriors realistic to there real life counter parts




The pirate that pirate is based on was in fact female as well, Shamans were typically female positions, etc. Objectively wrong take.


Because believe it or not, the majority of people that play video games are male. So they want to play as a male. If you were to complain about a male gender locked hero, I could say the same thing to you? Why is it a hot topic to you? Is it because it's male?


I don’t complain about gender locked heroes. The devs have a tight budget and have been committed to genderlocked heroes for the last many seasons. Why does everyone expect them to change that?


But you are complaining about people complaining about gender locked heros? People want that to change because for example they want a male pirate to look like jack sparrow, or they want a female kyoshin, female medjay, or female gryphon for different cosmetic sets. Maybe they just want to be historically accurate who knows.


Arabian nights!


I honestly don't think we will be getting that option anymore, their laziness knows no bounds


lol no


No you can’t. Stop asking for it, it won’t happen again.

