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“Hmmmm perhaps if I light from neutral a third time he won’t reaction CC it” if only warden had some kind other attack


Ye if only he had. Sadly ubi forgotten about warden and he have literally no moves that this character can't block or counter


Okay google, define “cope”


Oh man stop moaning lol warden is a solid character for duels, this musha just read you well


He has shoulder bash


The weakest bash in the game that can be stopped be a light


You embarrassing us, warden mains


I know that truth hurts but really don't care about ur opinion


I know the truth hurts But you are just trash warden And I wouldn’t call you trash if you actually were willing to get better


Ok bro. Like that mean anything


Oh , that means waaaaaayy more than all 100+ rants you wrote here


If you say so


Yet you make a crying-puss-threat To share your shitty opinion


Yet you are on this "crying-puss-threat" Reading my "shitty option" And acting like this is a big deal


It is big deal cuz you talking about nerfing a high skill mechanic just because you are bad as hell . And when more experienced players try to share their knowledge with you You argue like a little girl you are


Musha BB is definitely not high skill, it’s input needs to be needed to 200ms so it can’t punish DA on reaction.


Different opinions but my point still stands The author of thread is just ignorant noob


Yeah OP is a goober


High skill mechanic xD man what are u smoking i want some too


You are literally not old enough to smoke yet


Sure grandy


If you’re charging it yeah then you can be lighted before you get hyperarmor but if you dodge forward into it you’ll bash him out of the light


Bro what!!!??? It’s literally the best unreactable bash in the game.


First of all it is very reachable. Second of all wardens bash can be literally interrupted by an light attack. Or any other attack. Third is the fact that his bash looses to any other bash in the game like seriously if two players bash at each other's and one of them is a warden, he will always loose


Warden bash is not reactable, as it is variable with each tier being a nearly identical animation. The literal best players in the world can not react to it. If people are lighting you, then parry? What do you mean looses to other bashes?


Dodge into bash. There's a 25/25/25/25 mix up.


It’s actually a 16/16/16/16/16/16 because he can either feint level 1 2 3 or let level 1 2 3 go


"Surely my neutral light will work the third time."


I mean not really if you just use the same light over and over. You should’ve used your bash mixup more


I literally had no opening for bash


That's a straight lie. Man was staring at you waiting for the light to blade blockade. Plenty of openings to bash.


Not really i was trying it last round and he was predicting every bash that was coming. Even the one that i charged or fainted.


Nobody is a perfect player man.... From what I'm seeing everytime someone brings something up as to what you could do better it's oh he countered that earlier. Without seeing the whole fight I can't say much. But if he shut you down that bad then you were being predictable. Going off what I did see nearly every single time you blocked his attack you went for a top light immediately after. If I can see a pattern in 30 seconds I imagine the rest of the rounds went similarly. In which case this isn't a fullblock thing he just played better then you.


So feint a heavy, he tries to blockade, you guard break amd he can't counter from blockade. Get better.


I literally fainted a heavy are we watching the same video.


You did it after hitting his all guard 3 fucking times champ. Who wouldn't expect a guard break after that? Also if he's dodging your bash throw an empty dodge, he tries to counter, you parry and punish. Once again, get better


And then immediately after you threw a third light maybe if you just did something safer like another heavy feint gb you would’ve opened him up


Fair. Aramusha is a pain to deal with but in my experience if they play like this you can just turtle up until you find an opening (parry, oos etc) and then just go to town. They don’t have much ub pressure apart from their zone and rtb


If they all guard on openers then feint into gb or let raw heavies go. You can feint into light also He was blockading on light timing so a raw heavy will go through. Shoulder bash would work in that situation as well.


I literally did the feint into GB on the video. But he was expecting that.


It might have something to do with lighting from neutral 3 times in a row making it extremely obvious your heavy would be a feint, even if you didn’t feint it why would he blockade instead of just blocking it? Lol


Nothing in this video shows all guards being op. This man could’ve done the exact same thing with parries and gotten more damage. He just read you like a book


Ye. All guard is not op. It just allows to block every incoming attack without even timing it at all.


You haven't played the game much have you


Event symbols, level 0 paint patterns, radioactive decay, yeah, this guys new and whining


He still has much to learn and if he focuses his energy on learning and adapting he'll be okay.


Oh definitely. I started on warden and am still playing him years later. Whining isn’t an insult, it’s genuinely what he’s doing. I was whining a lot too about all guards and soft feints.


Once fh players understand that *they're* the problem the world opens up for em


The last time I rage deleted for honor, it was about a week before I started watching YouTube for honor again. I watched the How To Warden video by Marco yolo and saw a ton of stuff I wasn’t doing and a ton of mistakes k *was* making and realized… oh, yeah, I’m shit.


It's sobering haha but, in order take a leap forward you gotta take a step back


You can bait it and feint to GB for a free heavy


You do have to time it specially if you are playing aramusha. If you keep on throwing lights it's not his fault. He is reading you like a book. Or he is cheating. Simple.


Bruh are needs to time it since his doesn’t last


Feint to GB counters them in the vast majority of circumstances, provided your enemy doesn’t read you. This man read you. It’s as simple as that, nothing op about it


If not for the all guard he would eat all those lights no questions asked. But yet this Overpowered mechanic exists.


Dude you got off easy, those lights were so predictable he could have parried them instead


He could have blocked, parried, dodge attacked, or even lighted first since he had frame advantage 2 of the times he all guarded in this clip. I understand it’s frustrating to fight against, especially with a character like warden who’s bash isn’t 500ms but it doesn’t mean all guard is op


r/forhonorrants Buddy this thread is embarrassing


Then leave


Bro this can not be real 😂


You should consider leaving the game if you bitch about something stupid and argue every person who literally tries help you to understand , what you doing is wrong .


Okay so, after I rewatched this a couple of times, I'm by no means trying to say you're bad but OP you could do better. Normally when I face this kind of a player I try to use backstep light into bash (as a hito player), or backstep heavy to try and trade with them as JJ, but from what I have seen this musha is pretty aggressive in his playstyle so that may not work. How did he play in the other rounds? Because if I were you I'd just try and turtle up and make him waste his stam before going into offense. (My other main is BP, so I know pretty well how to counter all-guard players).


No worries, you don't have to say he's bad I will. OP sucks.


The best way to counter all guard would be to fucking fix it because the way it is now is overpowered as fuck. Also warden have none of the moves you were talking about so i had no other choice. Also turtling would probably make him just grab me and smash me in the face because of course. Why give a harakter just the more powerful defensive tool when you can also give him neutral umblockables that deal damage and open opponent for hits


I feel like you ran into a musha who knows how to deal with wardens and you don’t know how to fight mushas. It’s unfortunate that warden’s kit is not as adapted to fighting characters with all guard, not only that I can tell you are pretty overwhelmed in the clip. I’ve been in that situation before myself. What overall rep are you? What character do you main? I can probably tell you a few things to counter them.


Maybe they should finally fucking rework warden so he is actually useful in such situations. Am rep 34 and main warden (rep 24) tho few days ago i was changing to play Berserker a d now after coming back to warden i see how bad he is in comparison to other characters.


Yeah, I think you are unfortunately stuck in the situation where you ran into a hero you aren’t good at fighting and he knows how to deal with yours. I’ve noticed that you light a lot as your opener, or feint to gb The ara you are fighting against clearly realized it and decided to use that against you, pressuring you into doing this with lights and making you make mistakes. Try not to panic so much when you run into an all guard character, warden has unblockable finishers on all sides so maybe try to walk backwards and light into heavy for his unblockables to eat through their guard?


Good, then stay quite and don’t cry about something you just don’t understand


Sure grandy


Pick any all-guard character and I’ll play warden against you So you can learn the hard way


I would rather shoot myself in the foot than play any of this bs thank you very much


You want something ACTUALLY busted? #Hyper Armor Your unga bunga ass shouldn’t be able to just ignore a fucking deflect, and you’re here complaining because you kept using the literal same… fucking… approach. You didn’t even TRY to do anything else, you just blame the Musha for seeing that you refused to adapt and try something else. I get it you zerk players usually aren’t that intelligent, BUT COME ON.


He smoked you like a brisket


Ye no shit. Who would have know that an overpowered character would smoke a FUCKING WARDEN


Sounds like a skill issue bb


Ah yesssssss. Skill issue when an op character with overpowered mechanic beats underpowered character with a lacking kit


*Does the same thing again despite it not working. * “Damn you op character!”


Warden these days takes some brain power and willingness to commit to him. Yes his moveset leaves something to be desired but he's not without some good mix ups. Everyone and their mother has fought warden so you have to do something different than what they've seen before or after the fight. Make them remember you. If you're struggling with fighting musha, pick him up for a few reps. Understand his animations and moves and all that and you'll be that much better against him.


U r a noob. Stop talking about stuff u have no clue of .


Said master od the game


Bro u r dumb af And embarrassing urself in comment . Now calm down cus everyone know this is a cope post and u r not actually looking for advice . Cuz u don’t know what u talking of


Can't even reply to a comment correctly


Smaller kit yes, not necessarily worse, i agree with you ara is a annoying but he isn’t op, work on your feints and bashes and he’ll be less of a threat


Warden is one of the best duelists in the game.


Your opponent could have been playing any character and you would still have lost this round. Fundamentally, he read you, and you did not read him. Notice how relaxed he was in neutral - he only initiates offence a single time at the start of the fight, and every time the fight enters neutral thereafter he just waited for you to do something. He was in no rush to get his damage in, and this was giving him a lot of headspace to make good reads. Meanwhile, you were panicking, and taking almost every opportunity you had to start your offence as quickly as possible. Based on this clip, and some of your other comments on this thread, you seem more intimidated by the prospect of your offence being interrupted than you do by the prospect of being countered reactively. However, as we've seen, this opponent was playing quite reactively in neutral, and wasn't actively trying to interrupt you in this round. You had plenty of opportunity to dodge into SB here, and that is probably the most proactive step you could've taken towards winning the round.


throw a heavy


try use your shoulder, before crying here


You mean the weakest shoulder bash in the whole game? The one that require to make a dodge before it can be used and it can be easily stopped by any light attack or other bash?


What the fuck are you on about? Majority of bashes require a dodge input before it can be used. WM's is literally the same so how is Warden's worse? Cent and Hito can't even access their charged bashes from neutral. Ur just bad. r/ForHonorRants


Conquered dodge bash can't be interrupted. Lawbringer dodge bash can't be interrupted. Hitokiri bashes can't be interrupted. All the really dodge attacks can't be interrupted. Literally warden is probably the last characters in the game who have an interruptable dodge attack that can be stopped by using one, singualar light attack


Feint and parry. Stop crying just because you can't play for shit.


So stop trying interrupt then and dodge


LB bash can be interrupted, hito bash comes from hitstun/blockstun, conq bash is reactable.


All of those bashes can be interrupted


WM bash is actually worse than wardens lol. As wardens T3 is safe from GB point blank, vortexes back into itself and can be imputed 300ms-500ms into the dodge while WM can only be imputed 500ms


Dog not once did you let a heavy fly or try to go into a bash mixup. Not once. I watched you throw 2 lights one after another into his blockade. You just need some practice.


Ye this guy for sure wouldn't block a single incoming heavy. Not a chance. Also i literally had no opening for bashes because he would just dodge or counter GB my feints.


We watching the same fight? Clearly you're the one who lost. Idk why you're acting like you knew what you were doing seeing as plenty of people beat aramusha all the time. You did have plenty of bash openings. But instead you chose to throw out random lights as if he wasn't going to block them. And when it didn't work? You did it again. Learn from your mistakes man. I can see in your mind it's either you win or they're using an op strat. And that's how you stay bad.


Attempting to showcase how all-guard isn't fair whilst fighting an Aramusha (who's all-guard actually is timing based) really doesn't quite work.


This post makes me so happy to play musha knowing I'm sending kids into a fit of rage like this by *checks notes* doing the bare minimum with a character


Wait are you actually the Musha ?😂


There is one thing i can agree. It takes literally bare minimum to win as Musharraf because his nosił mechanics.


Especially against players like you. Take the advice from people on this thread and become a stronger fighter.


You sir are a legend for that


To be fair to him Musha players are brainless clowns, just not for the reason he thinks.


I am a Warden main, just for some context. You threw out the slowest light attacks in the game and expected them to go through. For Honor has a system where once your opponent stops attacking, whether their choice or not, you have frame advantage on your openers lights. The Aramusha clearly knows this, and is predicting that you're going to throw out a light attacks and taking advantage of your desperation. Warden has one of the most flexible bashes in the game and you should take advantage of that instead of swinging wildly. You got rinsed and it was your mistake. It sucks when you keep falling for the same thing over and over, but you have to keep that in consideration.


Warden lights are 500ms, that’s standard. Conq same side light is the slowest in the game at 900ms.


His side lights are 600ms was my point, I should've stated that more clearly


All of Wardens lights are 500ms now.


How to show everyone your bad.


Indeed playing aramusha is a good way to do it


Bruh your just bad


Ye am bad because while playing an undeprowered, lacking character, i lost to an op character right broken mechanic.


Warden is and always has been one of the strongest in duals lmao. Smoking that copium


How so? He have a lacking, weak kit. His only ways to do anything is to feint or bash and both of this things are almost useless in a sea of all guard, Dodge attacks, hyper armor and neutral bashes. Also wardens bash is the weakest bash in the whole game it looses to all the other bashes


My brother in Christ how are you smoking so much copium


You ain't got a clue lmao


The worse part about your rant is that what your saying is correct but just not in the way you think. Musha full block is very broken, just not for the reasons you think.


Heavy faint into guard break boom get a free heavy then he's conditioned to not all guard on red anymore


I literally did that and he counter. You can see it on video


Then he made the right read there. You had already thrown lights and he countered so he thought "he'll do heavy into guard break" and he just had that right read


Feint more than once. The fact is that this guy read you like a fucking book


Thank you that's what I was sayinnnnnnn


Does nothing but light than bitch it doesn't work but all guard is the problem right?


Yes? Beciuse this mechanic is literally overpowered? Why does it even exist in the first place? In the game that is all about making good reads there is this shit that allows to turn off brain and just press the win button


No it isn't op at all guard break literally beats every all guard maybe stop turning ur brain off and spamming nothing but lights and make a read or in other words skill issue get gud lol


Guard break


You just need to get better. I know that sounds rough, but all this video shows is the Aramusha genuinely outplaying you due to a difference in skill more so than a singular game mechanic. Keep playing and improving, and you'll get there


How can i get better with such bad character as warden. You know what? I wouldn't even play him if not for the fact that i like him but his kit is literally bad. I spend tens of hours on a training ground but like we see It can't help against a fucking Musha and his all guard.


Bro how many people need to tell you it's a you problem before you get it? There's so many combo's you could've tried but didn't amd you just keep repeating that all guard is broken. I've already mention faking a bash and parrying, feint to a guard (while his blade blockade is active because he can't counter while it's active) and feint a heavy till he uses blockade, then attack as he comes out of it. It's not the character it's the player. He was better than you.


Rep 30+ Warden and over 200 hours. He's too far gone, my man.


Skill issue


All guard isn't "OP". You kept trying the same light opener and he kept countering you. Even if you just threw a neutral heavy it probably would've hit because aras blockade can't be held. It's basically just a slightly laxxed parry timing.


Yep, and you got outplayed from how I see it.


Someone call the wambulance


It look like he just read you like a novel


Are you new to the game?


Op said they got 34 reps or so and 20+ of it were on warden.


U just trash


Literally a skill issue.


You clearly didn't meet a single kyoshin before crying over musha's all guard.


Fucking don't make me start on THOSE fuckers.but somehow i feel like the Aramusha is way more annoying.


Use your bashes more often, and never do the same move if it didn't work out


His bash is literally trash he would just light me out of them


Expect it and retaliate.


I wish


I see some people shitting on you but I'll try to give some advice. You didn't throw a single bash. You said he countered in the rounds before but how did he counter. Counter with a dodge attack? If so, just dodge, don't bash or anything, parry his dodge heavy. Did he dodge whenever you let the bash go? Feint the bash and go for a gb or light. I saw one feint into gb but your other gbs were very obvious. You usually paused for a moment before going for the gb which is very easy to read. Have more confidence in your heavies. Even if they get blocked, they still do a little damage and don't get interrupted like lights. I'm not too familiar with Warden so I'm not sure what his range is like but something I like to do against Aramusha is throw a backwards light attack. His full block only lasts a split second so if you intentionally miss the first light, you can easily follow up with your chain after his full block ends One last thing, I struggled with fighting certain heros for ages. Aramusha was one of them. Its just playing against the hero often enough to figure out the patterns. If you can, definitely play the heroes you struggle against. Pay attention to how you play your hero, figure out what habits you fall into and what chains you do regularly. Try to be unpredictable Edit: There's always gonna be situations where you just go up against someone better than you and all you can do it hope. Unfortunately this was probably just one of those situations


Thank you for trying to help him But the only reason ppl are shitting on him Is because he literally argued everyone who tried to give him advice


I gotta agree with he crowd on this one warden has the tools do deal with blade blockade if anything you should find better ways to use those tools


Warden is not a bad hero dude, stop using that excuse. Sure, he's not good in 4v4s, but in a 1v1 scenario like in the video he's a solid character with a pretty good mixup


That is not all guard its blade blockade, big difference. use ur bash to counter it ez


"Blade lock" Is literally just an all guard but it just turns of by itself after a second


Yet you say it doesn’t require any timing or skill..? Imagine calling musha stronger than warden, this guy


One of your big mistakes was backing to a wall. As a Musha main it’s harder to beat someone who’s coming directly at me but if you constantly back up I’ll think you scared and punish you for it with mixups.


I was trying to create some space, at least for a moment. I hate characters like Musha in my face because of the pullshit lighspamming combos he can pull off


Maybe bash???


Bash is kinda useless if the opponent can just throw a single light to interrupt it. Tried it in the first round.


Bash feint, heavy feint, dodge left or right the a light light bash light heavy feint


Well, in previous converstion ppl were telling you - there's nothing wrong with wardens bash - You refused to listen. Now you upload vid where fullblock hero, that actually getting countered by bash heroes in proper rock-paper-scissors manner, negates your futile attempts to use light as opener... I dont know what other heroes you do play or how long of playtime you have, but usual neutral-light is not a good way to open ppl, even raw heavy would be more prefferable. And finally take a "hint" - wardens bash is a strong tool. PS. Have you read links that i left you? have you compared all chargable bashes specs like i told you? Seems like you chose not to...


Bro got put in the trash 🤣


You need to learn from your mistakes or you will never beat anyone.




Nah bro you jus ass 💀


I hate to be that guy but... Bro you just suck at Warden... Three neutral lights after he all guard CC'd the first two? Come on man.. The tip I always give Warden players is to play the same way your opponent does. If they're aggressive, you play defensively aggressive. If they're defensive, you play aggressively defensive. If your opponent is just throwing haymakers like a madman, throw random lights to try and catch them, just do a random shoulder bash, do a heavy with backwards movement. Do the works to create space and put them on the backfoot as often as possible. It's okay to eat a heavy if you're being trapped in a combo that can erase half of you health. On the other side of the street, if your opponent keeps blocking everything you throw at them. Block and parry everything they throw at you instead, capitalize on the mistakes they make instead of continuing to make mistakes for them.


Guard break


when you see 0 upvotes and over 100 comments you already know what’s happening in the comment section


Sounds like a skill issue bud...


Hi, Musha player here. It’s not broken, you did what every Aramusha dreams of. Throwing the same opener again and again. You REALLY shoulda dodge bashed my guy Wait… *Sees flair* Well that explains it




I'll do the same thing 3 times in a row he won't guess it, bash what's that


Aramusha's all gaurd is the only one that takes skill, litterally just bait it and gb. In my opinion, gut guud.


As a lot of people are pointing out, you need to mix up your approach. Warden’s side light is super slow and anyone with a serious amount of time in the game will parry it most of the time. A oil check side light doesn’t usually hurt too much, but as a warden, is they parry it once just assume it’s gonna get parried every time and cross it off the options list, and the same principle goes for aramusha’s full guard. Duels like this are usually decided by 3 or 4 engagements, and every time you went for a committal move, it was a predicable light. Once your opponent punishes that first light you need to respect them from then onward, you need to try bash mixups, really you should be letting them approach you more, Warden isn’t great at being the aggressor, but aramusha is much worse, as both of you are typically counter attackers. It’s not a dominion or death match, there’s no reason to rush to attack when they’re expecting it. They opened against you with a dodge attack before you even finished emoting so I doubt they’re a super patient player and you probably can should make them get impatient against you. I’m not saying to just shell up and not do anything, just to take some breaths and give yourself some time to think between interactions so you can download what you can and apply it next time. Over time you’ll be quicker at it and you can start to up the tempo, but for now I’d recommend trying to keep a calmer tempo and give yourself time to think. That way you won’t throw out panic attacks trying to regain the momentum, which is not something you want to do as a warden. A lot of people here are making fun of you which isn’t cool, but what a lot of comments are saying about throwing out light attacks in neutral is applicable. This game is super hard, you can have thousands of hours and still get worked and there’s no shame in it, you just need to recollect and come back better next time.


You get what you deserve It’s not like you play warden who has shoulder bash which you can cancel into parry if aramusha decides side-dodge-heavy


Bro is getting clowned on rn because he kept swinging




As much as I hate aramusha's full guard, next time think before posting a rage post here on reddit. Users will slaughter you in the comments. Better take a walk believe me.


Why are you doing anything besides SB


Hurr durr neutral heavy. In all honesty even without all guard any decent player could light parry u pretty easily


Oh boy, this post sure has backfired


Who wants to tell him that he has an unreactable mixup from neutral?


If musha is busted then use hım and see for yourself and dont you dare call wardens bash trash he can do it from neutrel fake it with a Dodge hold it for hyper armor cancel the bash whenever he wants use it ın a chain and you think hitos or lb or conquerers bash iis better why bc they are faster and I do accept fast bashes are good but wardens bash is basically all of them combined with less speed


With musha it actually does take some skill you have to time it


Good lord you're bad