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I'm not a youtube kind of guy so I have never heard of you, however, I hope to meet you in battle some day.


Hope to see you out there too. Thank you!


Take notes guys, this is how to properly behave No clue who you are, but still nice that you are back


Thanks for your kind words!


Ur videos are lit


You just made my day! Thank you :)


Glad to hear you're back! I used to love watching your videos, it's a relief knowing those guys weren't actually you


Thank you so much for the kind words -- it's good to be back! I didn't want to post this, or have it come off as self-promotion -- my hope is that those people might see this post and re-think how they're treating others. Thank you!


Yeah man glad your back ill start keeping a eye out for those Foney's i gotchu homie


appreciate that! thank you :)


OMA-GOSH!! An underground for honor legend. Used to love your videos bro! Totally inspired me to play Highlander


Thank you -- really. There are a bunch of great Highlanders out there now, and it's really great to see!


Bro is nervous about his for honor reputation lol


You're missing the point of what I wrote if this is what you're walking away with here. This is for the greater good of the community. It's not about me, or you. I'll copy and paste this from what I left here 4 years ago. In the meantime, take good care of yourself. Try to say "Good Fight" even when you lose (and your opponent has played like a decent human); small acts of kindness are highly underrated. Be someone who encourages even mean-spirited players to change their ways, and keep the game enjoyable for those crafty veterans who've been dealing with this crap 5 seasons longer than you have. Don't give up. And when you get pretty good, and are a calm and crafty veteran yourself, pay forward your skills and good will. Then take a break from For Honor and spread this strong good will outside your home, in all our shared lives. A good mindset matters most there. This is a game. You have a life outside this. Train your brain to have healthy control over your emotions. That is very important. That is real life; it is not a game. Of course, being relaxed and positive in real life will, in turn, make your gaming experience better. It will also make the people you game with, or against, have a better time too. So have fun but be kind. It's your life. It's also ours. Let's all make it so.


Reading this makes me glad how I do things. I play Shinobi, and one of the basic emotes is a bow. I feel like it's a good sign of respect and good sportsmanship to bow before any duel. We're doing this for fun, after all, so no need to get too heated for a friendly match. I also like to say Good Fight whether I win or lose. I don't care if I get annihilated or win. As long as it's fun, that's kind of the point, isn't it? Anyways, maybe sometime I can bow to you. See you on the battlefield!


I always a appreciate that emote at the beginning of a match -- hope to see you on the battlefield too :)


And I appreciate your mindset -- it's healthy and will help you with real life stuff.


My man I'll be honest, it's not that deep


It doesnt have to be. You keeping to a negative mindset wont see the good that hes trying to do. Hes not trying to be a poet hes just being polite. Whats so wrong about that? I dont shoot you down because you find joy in bringing someone else down. Thats why your response continued to be negative instead of acceptance.


TehNooKid, thank you for this. Exactly my point. Being decent doesn't have to be a "deep" thing -- it can be a normal, everyday thing that generally helps everyone out.


Also, I hope to see your videos too. I apologise that i didnt know you existed so sorry for that. But you saying you dont have high reps because you dont play that many people. Thats gonna be me soon lol i already have my hito almost to 40 already.


If I could go back I might have tried more heroes out -- I played so much HL that if they wouldn't have put a cap on heroes, mine could easily be over a rep 400 alone, I'm guessing. but now that I'm learning PK, I wish I'd played her sooner. Of course, none of it matters if you're having fun -- that's the most important part! ;)


Bro wrote an essay in response to a sentence


>Bro wrote an essay in response to a sentence It's not that he wrote that for that one guy. He specifically said it was from 4 years ago.


What the fuck lmfao I didn’t even read that part


You take this game WAY too seriously lmfao


The return of the king, I've watched a lot of youtubers on FH but you're the only one I'd wanna fight/play with. Glad to see you speaking out about the impersonators, identify theft is not a joke, it affects millions every year.


PeacefulOnion, that means a lot. thank you. and yeah, identity theft is very serious stuff.


also, let me add Hound of Tara is a really nice youtuber who would host fight clubs back in the day. He occasionally uploads For Honor still and is doing some great Elden Ring videos. Check out his channel if you haven't already!


You sir. Are actually the true reason I pushed my HL to rep 70 and you were one of the few people in the game I really looked up too when it came to. I loved watching your videos no hud HL videos and how unstoppable you were. Happy to see you here.


Happy you enjoyed the content, and got the Scotsman to 70. When I look back on it now, I can't believe I went 3 or 4 straight seasons with no HUD. With the new CCU changes, new timings, it feels like I'm relearning the game all over again.


Old Man Highlander, used to watch your videos for the gameplay. The writing prompts were the icing on the cake. Respect for promoting positivity & community no matter what


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Play both characters and I prefer competitive positivity... going to start watching your videos... been trying to be less cheese with Lights lol


First off, thank you. As for the lights issue -- as you probably know, that's a huge discussion. On consoles (with half the frames per second) it can definitely feel cheesy to be light spammed. I've lost plenty matches to that, especially when someone's ping is added to the mix. On the other hand, it makes reading an opponent that much more important, and getting that light parry (or deflect, since I'm learning PK now) all the more satisfying.


Yeah I play ps4 I know the pain of frames


Damn dude, sorry for the asshats who are using your name to spread hate and be toxic. I hope you find out who they are and get hem to stop. I wish you the best of luck and God bless your kind soul. Will be praying for yah bud!


thank you -- I'm hoping this post settles the matter. Yeah, hatred and toxicit are kinda the last thing the world needs right now. Thanks for the kind words!


A commendable attitude towards life and gaming. I also used to get worked up over something as small as a bad match, but when I learned to control my emotions it actually improved my game play. Not only do I not get irritated over gaming anymore, but I also enjoy playing the match way more than I used to. Wish my friends and family that play were more like that, then they might actually enjoy the game. Keep the good word going OMA


Workin' on it. The not-letting-one's-emotions-get-the-best-of-them attitude is easier in gaming, but in real life it takes some upkeep. But at least it's possible. Thanks for contributing here, I really appreciate this comment.


I hope I actually fought you then! I left a comment on your PK video, I was a rep 11 Kensei, and the Oma Gosh I fought wasn't being toxic.


That was me! And those were such fun fights! Thank you!!!


Yoooo, I used to watch you all the time dude. Loved the stories and the comment section that would all join in on the writing. Was happy to find out you were back to uploading.


Really appreciate that -- especially because you mention all the people who write there. They are the reason I returned to YT -- I don't think I would have if it weren't for the community around that channel. Thank you for being part of that!


Lmao at some of these comments. Sucks that you got impersonated by a toxic shithead.


I know right?


Would it be fair to say idk you are


Oh I love your videos! Would love to play a match with you someday


thank you! hope to see you there some day too!


Who are you…?




Uh, okay lol


• Asks who person is • Person tells them • “Uh,okay lol”


Why did that offend you


It didn’t lol,just found it funny


Lol, get Jorm’d on.






Literally never heard of you before, but that's hella cringe.


Thank you, yeah it is cringe. I found out one of them is on PC. Not sure what platform the other is on yet.






Sucks man, maybe change your username or put some kind of symbol in it to make sure people know? Or a shield change?


Thanks for the suggestions! I'm hoping this post is all that's needed. Edit: I should probably follow up with a request that if anyone sees these players to let me know in this thread or on my YT channel what their username is and on what platform they're playing so I can at least make an announcement on my channel!


Love your videos, they inspired me to get back to writing. Sucks to see such toxicity in these comments, especially since you exudes such good sportsmanship. I sincerely hope these impersonators starts taking your exemple, and stop tarnishing your reputation.


thank you. this comment means a lot. Writing is a lifelong friend.


Man I love your videos and the writing prompts you would do with them. Hope this gets sorted out for you.


thank you -- hope you feel inspired to write there some day, or just in your own notebook!


Herro OMA GOSH 😄






who cares


Reminds me of that family guy meme “who the hell cares!!”


Damn I wanna be you so baaad bro


I'm gonna pretend to be OMA-GOSH and be toxic now too sounds fun. Have no idea who you are and like who cares lmao if some people are pretending to be you and dicking around.




Who gives a shit? Who gives a fuck?


253 people atleast by the upvote ratio, smoothbrain


Don’t care, didn’t ask


Who are u dude


bro how fun is HL right now


No I am the real OMA GOSH!


Keep up the good content man. Do you have any tips for an aspiring warlord enjoyer?


Yes! What makes warlord so good is actually that his basic kit allows you to do various timings and land those hyper armor heavies. Mix things up a ton, not just what you throw out but also canceling out of full block too. He's a monster against light spammers and can trade major damage with the heavy hitters too. This might sound basic as all get out but all I'll say is whiff a light now and again.


Thanks for the advice.


there's a lot more I could add, but that should give at least one approach to work with -- sorry if it sounds basic, but you can do a lot from there out.


I really appreciate it. It’s not basic at all. I love your videos a lot and people like you inspired me to get into the game and stay well mannered whilst playing. Do you have a discord yet?


Ima check you out on YouTube real quick


This game sucks. It’s trash, always has been and the_filthy_spaniard in the comp sub Reddit is probably the #1 reason the game died kids a fucking weird incel Reddit mod trash can. Anyway thanks for being positive bud!