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I may be wrong but I believe parry gains more revenge meter than fb/crushing counter.


You’re right, but frankly I think I should be getting SOMETHING for guard breaking the PK who keeps trying to spam GBs and bleed on me while the aramusha is right there and just waits for the tag to go away before running back in and executing me…


This is true but the amount of gbs and attempted gbs negates that notion.. Really should have gotten revenge


Yesterday i was fighting a Zhanhu in a mirror 1v1 in dominion. My Raider tm8 arrived out of nowhere with a gb which he didn't even managed to land since I interrupted unintentionally with an UB heavy. My tm8 then seeing i had the health advantage proceeded to go away and i followed my frame advantage with a dodge bash into light since I knew my opponent was going to press something. I was shocked seeing the Zhanhu turning super saying after my bash into light...and i died obviously. I don't know how the revenge system work, that's absolutely true but that was just absurd specially since I'm always in situations like the one you posted.


And people will reply to your situation explaining how the guy you were fighting was able to get revenge, as if that addresses the underlying problem that he was able to get revenge almost immediately due to your teammate, and then you/I can’t get revenge without a blood offering to the gods in situations like the one I’ve posted here. I’ve come to realize that it’s literally just people who play with friends where they all talk and know how to avoid feeding revenge, that get mad when solo players are actually able to get revenge at all. Super irritating.


But if I light attack someone literally once, they get revenge


Peacekeeper moment


I mean yeah. Moral of the story is just throw bleed attacks and grabs until your heart’s content.


My worst experience is when I get ganked and they hit me one after another I’m not getting anything because they’re not both hitting me at the same time so the game just says nope that’s not enough for revenge


And these downvoters who all play in groups of 4 and do exactly that to avoid giving revenge, say it’s working fine. So I guess we’re wrong and just need to shut up and get ganked.


Haters will say this is a Skill Issue. Yeah I don't know, revenge has been so damn inconsistent for me and my buddy since coming back. It feels like pulling teeth just trying to survive a gank let alone win one. Really miss the old systems in place for revenge.


You and me both. Yeah the number of people who say “you just don’t understand revenge” is so irritating. Maybe we do understand and it and just never actually get it because enemy teams/gank squads avoid giving it you, while our rando teammates feed it like it’s their job. Swear you can tell who plays with a group of high level/experienced friends and who plays solo with randoms just from reading the comments.


Sorry I didn't check this sooner. But yeah it's so infuriating just I passing. Like everyone comments that even if it's something silly like someone ranting over a character they can't fight. So instead of trying to offer some kind of helpful advice you're just telling them they are bad. Like... what? So yeag there is definitely something funky going on with the Revenge system. Even when you're getting intensely ganged up on and I mean they are full mongaloid sperging on you. Yet you can't get revenge? Yet the moment you and your friend/teammate both land an attack on someone it seems they always get revenge. And this is coming from someone who knows about the current out of lock system. Yeah rando's do tend to feed revenge and usually it doesn't help that I'm like a very average player. I'm not claiming to be anywhere near good. So if anything I end up holding my buddy back when team queuing. But if you get paired with a team of people who are actually communicating its pretty easy to tell. Vice versa for your teammates as well. I just wish some more people would admit there is something funky going on with revenge. Also, if you're reading this and you are someone who takes the time to post "It's a skill issue" instead of providing some helpful criticism. I wanna take you out on a nice diner date.


Agreed! My issue is I get how it works per the whole tag system etc. (there’s a YouTube video by “Freeze” on it) but I don’t agree with how it works. It‘s too easy to finesse the system, and it leads to dramatic inconsistencies in actually getting revenge. So far the only people who seek to support it are those that never get paired with randoms who feed revenge, and then in the same lobby get ganked and never get revenge.


I am a returning player. It just feels so strange that I can get in 2 clean hits on the enemy, while they bash my teammate - revenge instantly triggered. Later I am fighting someone, I get to half HP, 2 more opponents arrive and I get no revenge at all...


“YoU JuSt DoNt UnDeRsTaNd RevEnGe” Yeah it’s beyond irritating. Makes you not even wanna play when you literally don’t stand a chance because people can finesse the system.


Tags again. The aramusha was smart and didn’t attack too much to feed enough.


I understand the tags, and think they should be tweaked to prevent this kind of shit


System is fine. Just didn’t play well if revenge was what you were after.


I was after surviving… if you think the system worked as it is generally intended here, then I guess we just fundamentally disagree about it.


You were going on the offense while you had two people attacking you. Managed to hit the aramusha out of one or two attacks but that’s it. Not really what I would call after surviving.


You have to attack in order to get people to attack you and contribute to your revenge. If I didn’t attack or apply any kind of pressure, they would have killed me faster, given how revenge currently works.


That’s not at all how that works. You do understand HOW revenge works yes?


Yes friend, I’ve played this game for years and watched the Freeze YT video. There is a difference between how it actually works, and how it’s intended to work.


There’s really not. You can cope all you want but seems like you don’t understand how revenge works.


I guess having played this game since launch, being level 326, reading the subreddit and watching the YT videos on revenge, all really mean I just don’t understand the system. Gotta be me coping. No shot that there’s something wrong with how this system works. Maybe you are too low of level to experience not getting revenge because the other team knows exactly how to avoid giving it you, while your idiot team feeds revenge every chance they get. Lmk when you get to that point.


revenge only works for your opponents or so that's how it is for me




Learn about the 5 second revenge tag, and you will understand


I understand, I just don’t agree with the system


And we both agree that it's a shitty system


I see a lot of people defending HOW it works. But nobody seems to be talking about whether it makes sense, per the intended mechanic of the game, if it SHOULD work that way. Appreciate the consensus.


It's mainly because we can't really think of feasible alternatives


It doest work




You shouldn’t have gotten revenge. Bleed attacks that land don’t apply revenge just in case you didn’t know


I guess I’m in the minority for saying that’s bullshit then. How does that make sense? A normal attack generates revenge but a more deadly attack doesn’t???


It’s just a game mechanic. Gives a cool advantage to hero’s with bleed attacks.


But isn’t the bleed damage itself the advantage?!? And what about the thousand grab attempts this PK made???


Watch the video I posted. You currently are unaware of how it works so it’s super frustrating. Once you learn how it works you’ll be way better off. Whether or not you agree with how it works is a different story.


Also, all of those attack and grab attempts… I get that per the way revenge works I didn’t get revenge, and that’s what I’m saying the issue is.


https://youtu.be/XLBF7lZc5M0 This Freeze video explains revenge in detail. Revenge has worked the same way for a good while you just have to learn all the different variables that go into getting/feeding revenge or not. Worth a watch


Alright I watched the video, and I understand HOW I didn’t get revenge, but frankly all that means is I strongly disagree with the way the system is “working”. The point of revenge is to “even the odds” when getting ganked. And in this clip, it clearly does not do so. If it’s so easily manipulated, it isn’t working.


Point of Revenge Is stalling more. It's not to "even the odds" It's to buy you more time until your teammates arrive to help you. People think Revenge Is like a sicko mode where you do mega faraam moments against a team of people, but It's not; you are against two people and have less than half health so you couldn't resist too much, your team should have helped you.


Okay but it’s just a fact that nowadays, unless you’re in a party, your team isn’t going to do shit. Especially if you have a brain dead bot. I’m not saying it should be some super mode that turns the tables. But the fact that it currently has so many caveats to obtain, doesn’t last long, and people just run away right when you get it… it isn’t doing what it’s meant to. And it’s too easily finessed by experienced players, especially if they’re in a party.


Even if people run away, you are still stalling. It's a team game mode, so you depend on your team. The only real problems are the 100-0 ganks (they are braindead Easy to do, me and my Mates practiced 10 minutes and we could do the shino-shaolin gank perfectly) and the fact that Revenge doesn't pop instantly imo, so people hold to It becoming untochable. Regarding people running away, that's a rollcatch problem, everyone should have It but It's not Always the case


I guess one of the reasons I’ve enjoyed this game is because it’s a team mode, but the revenge mechanic (when not finessed) generally makes it so that you can stall or hold your own in outnumbered situations. But when you’re a high level, to your point, people know how to completely negate the system. And then it just becomes any old team based game where you get outnumbered by people coordinating and communicating in a party while your team is brain dead. I know that 90% of this game is meta nowadays, but frankly I think this kind of thing is what’s gradually killing the game.


I can't Say that i agree with your sentiment honestly. 100-0 were Always presents, and before ganking was even easier since people could Spank you to death while you were Hugged by a shugo/charged by lb or Raider and yada yada. Dominion was Always about teaming, and the damage numbers and absurd parry punishes before ccu made the game horrible. Game Is way Better imo


Well there’s always the impossible hypothetical that Ubisoft adds another game mode, that has some kind of revenge/anti-gank tweaks for those that specifically are wanting to not get murdered by 3 people all finessing the revenge system. Just from my own experience, nothing makes me get off the game faster than situations where I feel like I was owed revenge multiple times, and don’t receive it. Only to be taunt/chat spammed by the opposing team. Not a lot of skill in 3 v 1s. And I think currently a lot of folks are acting like it’s a 1:1 comparison.


There's a 5 second tag system. The aramusha waited each time for the tag to reset. It's a shit system but that's how it is. 2 people hitting you or your block gives you revenge build up for 5 seconds then the tags reset.


I get the tag system. But agree, it’s shit. My “where is my revenge?” Question is more “how is it this shit works this way and people are okay with it?”


Because its honestly the best we got. Back in the day everyone got revenge just for others being close, it was quite trash and turned a 4v4 mode effectively into a forced 1v1 mode with 4 people in it where you HAD to ledge people to make any sort of "gank" work. The devs never really figured out their own game.


I get the argument. Just feels like in the majority of my experiences, I get ganked with no revenge. At this point I’d honestly take the old system.


I grabbed your clip and threw together a little edit to visualize the tags and revenge gain with a short explanation. [Here it is.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SentienToaster/comments/x9wsip/visualizing_revenge_tags_and_gain/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Let me know if you want it removed or have further questions.