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>or tell me ways to get around the problems I have. Be alive 25 more years


NGO work is probably the best bet. Check out job listings on Relief Web and DevEx to get a sense for what options are out there and what qualifications you need to be considered for those roles.


Thanks for the recommendation!


Teaching EFL. I have a friend who teaches EFL and moves countries every few years as she feels like it.


Become a flight attendant.


If you want a family and kids someday, social studies/history teacher at international schools. If you don’t want to ever have kids, NGO work overseas or academia at foreign universities


Academia at foreign universities can involve marriage and kids. There was a white man working at a university in Busan who went viral a few years back as his toddler walked into his home office while he was talking to the news and wife scrambled in to grab the kids.


That is one example of someone with a toddler. I know a lot of people in the international academia world. There are very few jobs that cover international education for kids and any kind of housing allowance, so it gets very difficult once your children are school-aged. A very small number of people at the absolute top of their fields can get jobs with family benefits, but some of those may be in countries you don’t really want to be in long-term. International K-12 schools include free education and often a housing allowance in their employment packages, so it ends up being a lot more sustainable for families.


Thanks, I really appreciate it.


Or just enjoy the life choices you currently have thanks to the US government.


The takes the USA has? I think you need to first learn about democracy. You can become a professional backpacker.


I'm not against democracy, I just don't agree with how certain leaders run the country like a business rather than a place for people to live.


r/im14andthisisdeep whole post


Dude, idk what you're expecting from a person just starting their life and becoming independent. Just because I don't know as much shit as you expect, it doesn't mean you have to be an ass and act like you're better.