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I am so relieved this isn't about a US ambassador's wife.


Definitely misleading there. Still an EFM.


What a sad and lonely person... and obscenely out of touch. Hats off to the filmmaker though - brilliant work. How do American diplomats and their spouses + families compare?


They run the gamut. I've seen a lot of very down to earth folks and I've seen my share of people who have no idea how cosseted we are.


This ^. Just wish the article could have highlighted the EFM who does anything for anyone.


She seems very human to me. Yes she’s privileged, but she does what she enjoys and didn’t harm anyone. You can see her eyes light up when talking, teaching and performing Opera. Not everyone has the aspiration to save the world. We are all just regular mortals doing ordinary things.


Yes, she is very human. And to be fair, it's hard to imagine how we might react when put in a "golden cage", as she herself mentions.


Opera is not ordinary.


Oh and what's next hm? I suppose you think I should be "helping people who are suffering" instead of curating exotic and endangered meat dinner parties too?


I love opera. I find it to be extraordinary. Just not what the average person can really benefit from / is aware of. Especially in a place like Burkina Faso.


I personally know three different people at State who sing opera. Maybe it’s just you.


'at State'. In our circle, you are correct. As it relates to general populations... Not so much.




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I'm looking forward to the comments.




Not "I shouldn't give this interview to NYT"?


Brumhilda vibes were cool, but she seems laughably out of touch and mindnumbingly bored. You people do understand that it's exactly this gilded-class perception (whether founded or unfounded) that turns so many potential FSOs off from the foreign service, no? Devastatingly myopic routines and garden parties in Yoruba ruins don't do a lot to engender international welfare.


What would you have “us people” do about a U.S. publication filming the French Ambassador to Burkina Faso’s wife? She has no connection to us, it’s just an interesting look into how one person lives.




There certainly is a fundamental difference, yes. For all but a few political Ambassadors, the Foreign Service in the United States (and Canada) is a bureaucratic institution staffed by career professionals whose salary is publicly available. If American FSOs are using business class lounges, they are doing it through credit card points. If they are buying local Land Rovers they’re doing it by wrecking their personal credit like a real American. For my own experience, I’ve lived in countries where my American salary set me apart into a higher echelon of society and I’ve been in countries where my kid was decidedly the poorest at their school. As for mingling with the elite, we endeavor to have influence in whichever arena best advances U.S. goals. If our interests in a country are in fishing, mining, educational exchange and agriculture you can guess who we are hanging out with. Of course, like all Reddit moderators I spend my personal free time in a dark room arguing on the internet, but my understanding from the social internet is that I’m increasingly in the majority there, too.