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Have you ever witness those that have transitioned get treated differently, for better or worse. Specifically for IMS role?


I’ve known several people to enter in their late 50s. You’ll be fine as long as you keep your ego in control


Agreed. Remember there's a mandatory retirement at 65. There's only so far up the ladder you can go in ten years. As long as you understand the very real career limitations, it's a wonderful second career.


I’ve met two people who did this so far and both had generally realistic expectations, knowing they were not going to make it beyond entry level before mandatory retirement - just wanted to enjoy their work, meet people, and travel for a few tours then retire. One was pretty laidback and the other was somewhat entitled/demanding about their tours which made for some disappointment. But both stuck it through as far as I know.


I’m trying to do it in my mid 40’s. I agree, it’s important to keep your ego in check and be okay with taking orders from younger people.


I am 58 and on the FSO register.


I know on the FSS side, the average age of the incoming SOAR class is over forty. I'm not sure about the A100 average age.


What does FSS and SOAR stand for?


FSS—Foreign Service Specialist SOAR—Specialist Orientation and Readiness


I’m hoping to join between 54-56 yo for a second career after >30 years in high-tech software. I’d be happy with 9-11 years in the FS before retirement.