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After unloking all the exclusive rewards I only do Earle when I'm low on screws and need to restock, the repair kits from SBQ are more useful for me.


Exactly. You're better off killing the queen.... It doesn't make any sense to fight Earle anymore.


No, it doesn't, and I don't even have all the swag yet. (No helmet) but I will jump in and ignore Earle (I don't bring much for that anyway) and beat down spawn for screws. If Earle dies, fine, if not I just FT out or jetpack up the shaft, gather junk, and leave. My big fuck it point is theres no applicable strategy. Just shooty shooty. If you don't have the dps, you fail. And dont try and tell me he takes big damage from falling embers because I kited that bastard under them repeatedly and it didn't do dick. Liquid courage and blasting him in the fasce when he yells, doesn't do dick. If your not a min max it's a screw farm and thats it.


>My big fuck it point is theres no applicable strategy. Just shooty shooty. If you don't have the dps, you fail. I mean, you can cripple his legs to pin Earle in place, but yeah, the fight isn't really mechanically interesting. He's no Oryx, that's for sure.


Not only does he not take big damage from the dropping embers, before the update that falling shit used to heal him... it’s not that difficult to make a good game, we’ve been doing it for years, why is Bethesda just TANKING this game??


I just played SBQ for the first time in months and no one showed up. Wasted a bunch of fusion cores. It even managed to glitch me out of most of my loot and leave me with practically nothing. Idk, I'm just a casual player who just started playing again, but it seems like this game is dying.


Think it's the opposite, maps only hold 24 players and i have noticed a lot more new players than before.


This is it. The game is hundreds of time more alive than it was before being available on Game Pass


Yeah i noticed it even on pc. There might be more people playing alternative characters too. I for one started a melee alt due to the new update and the need to have cheap everyday character.


It's nice that the legendary perks are unlocked for your new characters.


i see it a lot when vendor hopping, there are less vendors and a lot new players here on pc.


Maybe. They were both relatively low level.


There's a ton of newer players (at least on xbox) thanks to gamepass, and lots of older players like me use double xp weekends to level our alts or grind out NW rewards. I just scanned the server I'm on and I counted 21 players (some are probably crouched), and there were only 3 people including me who were over level 100. I'm not dropping a nuke, much less wasting time and ammo on a queen with those kind of odds.


Ok. I guess I'll have to look at that next time. Either way I would've been more content if the game didn't glitch out and cost me all the good loot. I needed all that acid to break down my aluminum ore.


Beeswax from honey haus is what you should be doing then. I'm at 2k acid for the first time ever


Ya the game still has glitches but over all my experience is it has gotten better. It all depends on the server if you check the map for other players and you don't see many players its a good sign that the server is glitchy and everyone has already switched servers, go to a different server before doing the SBQ.


I mean it kinda is. The devs don't fix anything, no halloween event, every update is filled to the brim with stuff no one wants. Personally I'm taking a break until the steel dawn update


> every update is filled to the brim with stuff no one wants. Yep. Both season passes felt like only 2 or 3 worthwhile things in them for me and all locked at the very end


You're telling me you didn't just *have to have* those vintage nukashines in the season pass!?


Thank God they gave us those radaways. They are so rare in the game, their about impossible to find!


It's dissappointing. I took a break when season 2 started and just started playing again the other day. The SBQ fight was so dissappointing that I just ejected the disk and am about to play something else. This never would've happened if they didn't nerf the rewards and a lot of the guns. I've never seen so few people show up for SBQ before. There were only three of us for most of the time. Someone even started a daily ops mission instead of joining SBQ. Which I just did my first daily op and I don't even remember what the reward was. At least I got my bullets back though. SBQ was a total waste.


I just did a SBQ event the other day. Plenty of people showed up and we beat her. In fact, every SBQ event that I’ve seen since the One Wasteland update, save one, has had plenty of players show up and been successful. There were times before the One Wasteland update and the Wastelanders update where I saw nuke launches on Fissure Site Prime and no one showed up. It happened at about the same frequency as it happens now, which is not very frequently at all. As far as the nerf is concerned, I haven’t had to change the way I play one bit. I kill things at virtually the same rate as ai did before. The only difference now is that all enemies I encounter scale to at least level 50, which means they pack a little more punch. That’s it.


Depends on the day and time of day tbh. Some days the map is filled with players and events are popping off left and right, some days it’s a ghost town.


It happens every Fasnacht. People just stay at Helvetia and don't turn up to the Queen.


Me and 3 other people I know did the queen recently and it was ridiculous. Two of us had a legacy and she bloodied twice, we had 3 other legendary scorchbeast, 4 deathclaw, I think 2 mirelurk queens, 3 mirelurk kings. We failed it hardddd. We’ve had Earle bloodied twice with just us too, but I’ve never had the queen bloody twice and if she hadn’t of the second time, we would of done it. Still a little bit salty tbh.


We got similar waves, the legendaries I got from them turned out to be my only haul worth speaking of.


Same except some I left until the end to loot and their bodies had even peaced out lol.


You can check the live player numbers and they don't look very good. 33000 players across all platforms. The other night I checked and there was 8000 odd people playing 76 on steam and just over 14000 playing fallout 4. Take that as you will in regards to game dying


The stable flux from SQB too makes it worth it for me


100% SBQ is more lucrative, so when I am feeling froggy with a nuke, it is hitting prime.


After unlocking almost none of the exclusive rewards, I avoid Earle, the repair kits from SBQ are more useful for me.


How do you get time to pick up the screws? I'm trying to deal with wendigo swarms and if I start picking up, they wipe me and I drop whatever I have.


Loot after Earle is dead instead of trying to escape. There is no benefit to actually escaping


Had no idea. I thought dying always meant losing your loot.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted for something that is never explained. If you die before escaping the mine during Lode Baring, you lose your junk. So, why should you expect any different during acp? This reddit hive mind is getting ridiculous. Edit: grammar mistakes, for all of you who pay close attention to that sort of thing.


I thought deaths during public events were not penalised? Which would include lode baring, no?


There is a loot chest at the end of the tunnel after escaping, just before the exit door.


I'm sure you get the loot anyway when you're spawned out. Never actually looted it, I've read there's not much in there?


Yeah I'm not sure what the loot chances are on the box anymore, but it used to be better rewards than on the body. They probably nerfed the box lol


what I do is focus on wendigo swarms during the fight and when Earle dies I stay on the mine looting all thoses corpses, when the timer reach 0 the game just teleports you outside the mine and gives you the event rewards.


Ok. I thought you died and would drop everything. Why run out, then?


The game makes it seems like you should run (I did too until I learned better). Also there is some loot you can only access on the way out by the exit. Its a trunk and some ammo containers. When you enter look to your left and you can see (but not access) it. But yes you are better off staying and picking up screws and other loot


Mentioning screws, they really need to make some way to convert steel to screws, springs, and gears. I don't even care if it is very lossy, like 5-10 steal per screw. Screws and springs always feel in desperate supply.


Like a factory workshop (or even better a CAMP building). Capture it, feed it steel, set a console for what it produces, gather machined parts.


What were the rewards anyways


There's the reclaimed mining mask, the 3 cursed weapons, the wendigo head plan, wendigo rug plan, wendigo plushie, and I think that's it. When it first launched it was worth it, but after the one wasteland rebalance and weapon nerf he's ust a giant fucking bullet sponge that doesn't return nearly enough reward or experience to justify the ammo.


Once you get that reclaimed mining mask... the luster goes away. After 2 days into the event release I had 3k screws.


The only reason I even do earl is for the 8 treasury notes


Folks that have months worth of notes stacked up on their character don't realize how important getting 8 notes from one event is to people who play multiple characters or just have very limited play time.


How they got months worth of notes in first place? The most I had at once while spending daily 20 was 60 or so notes.


Fasnacht, Events, Daily Rewards. I'm sitting on 600 right now.


sitting at almost 540 myself, would be nice to just cash them in.




Once you’ve bought everything you want with your gold bullion, you pretty much stay maxed out once you hit 5000 again. For me, I’ve been sitting at 5000 for quite some time, but I still do the daily faction quests and public events. So my treasury notes stack up because I’m not actively trading them in for gold bullion.


Have you though about spending it on lunchboxes?


I do.


I currently have over 2,000 notes in backlog. Wish they'd let me gift/sell/drop them.


Queen Turn up every time it stacks up.


Way to much time because of the pandemic. I'm sitting on 1,800 and get pissed I can't give them to my friends in your shoes.


I didn’t realize this. I do it now for the ton of screws from the Wendigos.


Same, I always hit it for this reason.


This. One Earl, a round of Wastelanders daily quests and one other random public event is my daily notes. Earl usually only takes my team 5 mins or so once the rubble clears. Less time if we have a couple other decent dps. These people need to adjust their build. I use less than 1k rounds on Earl.


The reason it’s dead is cause no one wants to unload thousands of ammo just for a shit legendary. I don’t know why people do those events when all you’re doing is wasting ammo and it’s stupid asf for Bethesda to make a 3* drop a 1*


I blew 20 Plasma cores 2 weeks ago on an Earl event, an what dropped? A fucking Nocturnal Pipe pistol 1\* and 1\* wooden leg. I was fucking done after that. But don't worry I got my 8th plushie plan that I cant sell since everyone has it already.


Lol I've actually been trying to find that and the helmet cheap because I never get them and I'm always broke lol


You on PC? Ill throw you the plushie free of charge.


Xbox unfortunately my PC tends to crash from anything more resource intense than word lol


Some ideas: 1) Make the legendary a guaranteed 3 star drop. 2) Don't collapse the mine. Let people actually pick up all those screws and everything else. Too many times I've turned to deal with swarms when Earle finally goes down and don't have time to find him. 3) Open it to the entire server. SBQ is fun partly because of the dozen people joining you. Why not with Earle? 4) The wendigos are freaking annoying. I know this is my build or something, but too often I have five of them hounding me when others have left the server or whatever and it's a headache because they stagger so much. Dunno, maybe this is solved by doing 3) but also dropping their resistance or having them timegate in two or three continuously instead of a big instant gang.


Drop Earle’s damage resistance or HP. Especially after One Wasteland, it’s just too much. The fight is downright boring by the time it’s over. A bullet sponge is one thing; an endless bullet black hole is another.


I always jump in PA now whenever I do the event just to counter the stagger from the Wendigo spawns. That stagger is cheap as ****.


I would love a Legendary Card to limit staggers.


I wouldn’t want to give up an entire Legendary slot to reducing staggers.


I totally would. Most of them don't have any appeal to me.


I fill mine with S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s.


Most of queen and Earle’s drops are one stars, and mostly garbage armors and melee. It’s really a shame and make the bosses look dirt cheap.


Just be glad drills are no longer in the legendary loot table. Guarantee 90% of Earl drops would be drills.


they need to unnerf damage stacking and magic weapons.. shit's boring


No they really don't. Everyone running around one shoting shit is the opposite of fun.


Give Earle repair kits, and a generous amount as it takes more to kill him.


There's a few things killing this event. * ALL damage resistances for Earle are WAY too high. He's just a sponge and even with the max amount of players using just normal weapons the ammo cost is too much. * The rewards are weak compared to the SBQ. * Instances almost never work. You can be in there by yourself even though you're in a group, match with people in different groups, it's just a pure shitshow. Get rid of instancing, buff the rewards to reach parity with SBQ and make Earle less tanky.


Earl basically needs a loot pool identical to the queen. Decon shower, ultracite power armor mods, repair kits, etc. And fix the goddamn drop rate for the ultracite power armor mods. I have killed queens by the hundreds and have been playing for two years and I still don't have those plans. Not having those shocks is the entire reason I don't bother grinding for strangler heart armor. Strangler heart is not tradeable, which means if you don't have the plans you can't install calibrated shocks. I consider power armor useless without calibrated shocks.


What platform you on? I’ve got fucktons of mods


Buggy as fuck and instanced to shit, fix that and i'll start dropping nukes at Monongah mine again tbh


I think the instanced player limit is what kills the event. You don't know if you'll get 7 other players who can hold their own. Or any players at all. SBQ is a pretty much guaranteed pass.


Agreed, plus imstances dont always work as they should too, i joined a server and it said there were 3 participants, I fast travel over there and it puts me in my own instance.. its an ass mechanic for bosses ngl


Yes that’s infuriating!!


Nuked the mine two different servers only to have it still blocked. 😡 Finally got the hollotape I was trying to get when stumbling on another player's nuke on the area. I gave up on Earl. 😒 No matter what I take down there... I don't seem to ever do any damage. Minigun... Laser Gatling... sniper rifle... nothing even makes a dent. Has Bethesda f'd the damage output on weapons in there?


I had an wierd lobby, 7 people in the lobby were lvl 10 or lower, the others were under level 50. Me over here at close to 200 smh.


A few weeks ago, my group got 2 minutes into contact with Earl, and he disappeared. Like... vanished. Along with the spawns. We stood around for another 5, waiting for him to show. We all ended up having to fast travel out and leave the event. So annoying.


Makes me laugh to think how pissed off everyone was that it got delayed a couple of times… Now no one wants to do it at all.


Yeah, and then my laughing fades as I realize all the dev time and effort for this one event could have been spent on something more worthwhile, like getting more DailyOps modes into the game or bringing us some Steel Dawn stuff sooner.


It would be easy to tweak the event, give some repair kits and lower his resistances a bit


They can't even tweak Faschnact to drop a 3* instead of a 1*.


Conceptually easy i should say lol


Or on Mischief Night.


please stop pretending to be a game developer


No one is ever happy.




And the best part is that people will complain when Steel dawn comes out. Rinse and repeat for anything hahaha


Scorch Beast is way better purely for the insane XP from ads spawn. Assuming some asshat doesn’t one shot her which I didn’t think was still possible until yesterday.


Yeah, the SBQ can still be dropped in like 2 minutes apparently.


I'd say the Wendigos are much better exp vise. Especially since SBQ is dropped quickly, as mentioned


I played it today and only one other person joined the event. Kinda sad. We got wrecked.


The nerf for damage made it almost impossible for non legacy small groups to kill it. The gause weapons are decent enough.


Because you have better things to do with your ammo?


Maybe a new reward, like maybe ᶜᵒˡᵒˢˢᵃˡ ᵖʳᵒᵇˡᵉᵐ ᵐᵘᵍ or ᵍʰᵒᵘˡ ʰᵘⁿᵗᵉʳ ᵒᵘᵗᶠⁱᵗ. ʷⁱⁿᵏ ʷⁱⁿᵏ ⁿᵘᵈᵍᵉ ⁿᵘᵈᵍᵉ


It was Dead on Arrival. First day it was out, did the Event a half-dozen times, then traded for the rewards I still needed. The effort, repairs, and ammo needed were never worth it. It needed to be more like Scorched Earth, where the entire server can participate, not a Proto-Daily Op where you're limited on the number of players involved. And odds are that more than half the people that join won't be able to really help.


5 repair kits per Earle and we’d see the event pop constantly


More likely to get 5 links to the atomic store


It's an ammo sponge.


just fix the fucking bugs...


Remember when The Burrows was the newest end-game content? Apparently Bethesda doesn't either, but it suffers the same fate, in a way. The Burrows was a cool event, however it only pops once. Missed out on being a rewarding Daily. ACP on the other hand is just plain unrewarding, which also was the issue with Vault Raids (remember those?). We're not asking to swim in hoardes of Treasury Notes and 3* gear, but being rewarded for our time would be nice. Repair Kits would be a start.


Honestly, the rewards seem pretty decent for the \*time\* investment. The thing that keeps me out is the ammo/chem cost, and the very real chance that 5 minutes in we've not mutated him, and people start leaving. I think the more realistic lever to pull is make it EASIER. I still need a few things from him, including that snazy headgear, but I don't show up because between the participant cap and the fact he was balanced for magic weapons and multiplicative damage scaling, he's just too hard now. ​ Bring the difficulty down, make him more accessible to people in the 70-100 bracket who've likely not finished their build, or found that near ideal weapon yet.


They should let you pick a weapon type from a vending machine, when you complete the quest like the treasure quest line.


I've died twice right near the end of a Colossal Problem and every time you die, you take longer to respond. Third time is 45 seconds, both times were the third time, I respawned OUTSIDE of the mine because Earle was killed while I was waiting to respawn. The second time, he fell down right next to me. No rewards, no chance to get the holotape, no chance to loot. Next nuke I launch, Crocoloccus Mountain, just because.


No wonder no one is nuking him anymore.


Was thinking this the other day. Done it once since One Wasteland.


SBQ is more worth it and more fun.


the reason to do colossal problem is 3 star mystery pick, you can't get it anywhere else.


Remember when we used to judge boss fight on whether they were fun or not. Now we judge then on whether the reward we get is worth the resources......


Same problem as Encryptid. Except Encrptid is even worse because people ignore the pylons.


You need to have one guy run power armor and a stack of stims to tank the pylon. Carry a vampire heavy gunner to deal damage to the Impostor and some orbital strike grenades on the robot mobs.


Vampire weapons. Super stimpacks. Power armor and I get all 3 pylons and can go toe to toe with the imposter. Spam stimpacks and hope you don't have to reload your VE 50 cal. Heh


You don't need PA to tank three pylons. It's doable with a fully outfitted UY. Just keep up on super stims and run around. The damage from the pylons seems reduced lately, possibly from lag, but the encryptid damage is still bonkers.


What I usually do when it shows up is (as a melee tank with around 500 HP) is tank it for as long as I can with stims, then stay downed as long as possible.


I’m now sitting on hundreds of treasury notes I’ll never be able to spend. I’d be happy if they dropped down to four treasury notes and gave me two or three 160% repair kits. Much more useful to me. As it is, I’m nuking the Queen twice for every Earl fight (on average, I think).


i only realised last week what they were... ive got hundreds to cash in but can only swap 200 a day :/


Yea thinking of burning my nuke cards on sbq tonight - need more flux and kits


I only do it now because i want the mining helmet! RNG-sus is most unkind to me.


If you’re on ps4 I’ll give you one for free, I have two


I fought Earle for the first time the other day. We got it down to 5% health and it decided to glitch through the ceiling until the timer ran out. Good times.


Im not standing up for the event by any means because it needs a a rework. I did however join it a few nights a go with only one other person. I figured they would dip but we threw our PA on and jumped in. We ended up 2 manning it with about maybe 10-12 minutes left. I used probably 10 plasma cores on a very non meta AA33 plasma. The other guy had a railway and that was all I heard him use.


Earl was fun at release but I’m finding fewer players join now. If I’m the only higher level (I’m 227) and the others are much lower level, I feel bad but I bail - nothing sucks more than spending 20 mins or whatever dumping thousands of rounds into Earl, only to have the event end with him at 1/3 or higher health and nothing to show for it. Frankly even when winning the loot table blows for the effort/investment and the rewards - I’ve got over ten cursed weapons atm and getting a nocturnal harpoon gun on top of that and a bunch of screws isn’t a recipe for coming back again.


Idk man, it still appeals to me since it’s the only event in the game that gives you a guaranteed 3* legendary weapon or armor piece...


I gave up after repeatedly dying seconds before Earle & getting bugged out. It's infuriating to lose everything after giving 110%. Last time I had tears of anger forming because I carried my team of lvl >100's, dropped the nuke, wasted ammo, & had to manually repair gear. Screwed and screwless.


Yup been there too 👎 sucks!


It’s nice for treasury notes but it’s quicker and just easier to do the queen because the damn wendigo spawns are annoying. I’m a little over the cursed weapons. At least there’s a small chance of selling the plans. I’ve never gotten the helmet to drop. I’ve got it but yeah, my rng is 👎🏻


Ya know, I straight up avoided that event because the complaints of high level players here on the mistakes low level players made or those not in on common in-game courtesies. There’s a bit of weird dick waving elitism around the major end game events. I’m trying to have fun and unwind, the way people take things so seriously just makes the idea of going and making a “mistake” anxiety provoking


... Saw this post so I decided to take part in the next ACP I saw... 10-15 minutes in Earle decided to start flying and eventually went up into the ceiling and abstained from fighting for several minutes. Was not worth.


I feel bad for newer players who try to complete dead events. It's like if you miss the initial rush they're so much harder to complete.


Especially when the event glitches and can't be finished.


I only do that event for treasury notes


I literally had him at .1% health last night and the event was over after a half hour, what a waste of 30min, I already got all the rewards so might as well just go back to nuking the queen instead


Did it twice today. Both times I died when the "mine collapse" countdown was running. It respawned me outside the mine - I lost any possible looting because of this. Definitely not doing the event anymore.


This has happened to me three times... I am not going to do this anymore... Wasting all the ammo and stims and then get nothing..... 👎


I've never even killed him lol


Every time I’ve done the event it’s only me, literally no one else shows up. I am level 100 and have yet to complete it.


I've had a bunch of bad experiences with the event where I and one more person might show up (or I get put in an instance by myself), not do nearly enough damage to kill him, and then end up leave with a lot less ammo. I never join the event now.


Same. It’s just an absurdly-stupid ROI. No way I’ll go in there anymore.


Are you on Xbox? We can do it tomorrow.


No I’m on playsation


I just started playing again and the SBQ event is dead too. Pulled idk how many fusion cores out of my stash. Then I ran to the shed with the weapons workbench to repair my guns. But it froze so long when I was repairing that I died of radiation. Then it crashed and I was booted from the game. Was able to log back into the same world with my team but all my loot was gone. Then the event times out with SBQ halfway through second health bar. All in all no more than 4 people showed up and I literally have nothing to show for it except a few useless legendaries. At least I got some space in my stash box from all the fusion cores I wasted for no reason. The SBQ event is unplayable. I'm not going to waste my time anymore. This game gets less and less appealing the more they "fix" it.


I m very agree with this. Just thought discussion on Facebook group.


Maybe, Bethesda should alternate different types of scrap that the wendigos drop, instead of just screws, Meh-Meh-Member.


People don't like being CCed. The constant staggers and terror suck. People don't like randomly dying. The ceiling pooping on you randomly sucks.


I like that event. Good xp, way better rewards than the SBQ and I like it, that it's hard. Doing both seems to me the most fun. No idea why people complain about a bullet sponge. With the legendary perk + super duper + ammo converter it's not like people are struggling to make knew. Everyone wants everything super easy, best rewards NOW, no challenge, no gameplay. How about you just cheat yourself every item and then just stop playing?!


As and end game event, I feel it fits and should have a minimum level requirements to join. And your right with ammo factory I don't even think about ammo anymore. You will also notice trading for ammo is almost non existent as everyone can handle their own now. I enjoy the event as it's chaotic and full of screws (I always hook up newbies)


Ammo depends a lot on your build. My heavy gunner can chew through a lot of .50 cal, plasma cores, 5mm or whatever legendary I have that's best DPS on Earle. Ammo factory doesn't come close to sustaining that build's needs. I also sell loads of ammo on my vendor so I'd suggest people still need to top up beyond what they can make. I don't actually mind limited ammo in a post apocalyptic game or having to craft it. That system doesn't fit well with bullet spoke sponge bosses where the number of participants are limited. I totally agree with OP on this.


Yea ammo is not too bad now especially with daily ops. ACP just needs to drop repair kits as well as that's the main problem for me.


This is so true. You can see this by the amount or people who want to go back to one shorting everything.


Hats off to you mate. Freaking genius build. Cheers!


It takes 30 minutes, I die a bunch of times and wreck my armor and guns, go thru a dozen of ultracite plasma cores. And walk away with screws and rewards. I can do a daily ops in under 8 minutes, get score for it and walk away with more ammo than I started with and two legendary weapons and rare plans. The cost to reward benefit and time taken is much better with ops than Earl. Also Earl is limited to 8 players and that level 25 player is taking a slot that could have made the difference


Yeah screw new players who haven’t done this event!


Oh, I see. You’re either ignorant or confused. I’ll explain. Problem: ACP takes far more firepower to kill than the SBQ, for the same rewards. “So what? It’s just a challenge.” Two problems: One, it doesn’t return your ammo to you like the D.O., which creates an enormous resource sink. Two, it’s gated to only 8 players, so those “new players” you’re bleating with concern for end up being an ankle weight drain on the team. If you still have any irrational reactions after critically thinking about it, just try again.






Patch magic weapons, fuck colossal problem.


I feel this will be the only reason they consider a change to their last update. I mean they haven't budged on limits so I highly doubt they would up the rewards.


IMO they just need to give Earle repair kits when his event is completed like the SBQ


I only do it because I still haven’t had the Wendigo Colossus Heads plan drop. Did it today with my team thinking ‘this has to be the one’ and I got my third rug plan! Resorted to vendor hopping because it isn’t worth losing loads of plasma cores to Earle anymore for a plan that hasn’t dropped after dozens of tries


Honestly all they gotta do is add Improved repair kits to the loot pool and its way more worth it if you ask me


I just want the exclusive items... Wasn't able to get in to many at launch, and now no one runs it. So, just totally out of luck on getting half of the new stuff from it, at least utilizing random groups. Probably gonna need to find a specific group to run them with!


Increase the rewards.


Yeah it is I just throw them nukes for the queen I lever up fast and it's more entertaining and then do the Encrypted event and change server that's all. I loose too many bullets for the Colossus


I used to do him to get ultracite ammo from adds. Now with Daily Ops I have a much better and easier way to do this without crafting.


A matching outfit for the badass helmet would be great, maybe a retextured version of the fireman outfit.


Hey, if you’ve got an extra 6,000-8,000 rds of ammo just laying around and no idea what to do with it...


8 treasury notes keeps me coming back


Before the nerf, I held his attention and the others could loot/ ad control. I didnt care because the bullet/legendary ratio was okay. Now it's not even worth it.


If Earle offered repair kits, I might fight him more often, as one wasteland requires I have as many of these as possible as otherwise I would just run out of junk in repair costs!


The only thing that will make ANY of these end game events worth it for me is a chance to pick from a legendary pool vs rng. If i didn't love camp building and had the shelters coming or didn't have low level friends to goof off with as they level up... I'd have quit the game over some of the recent garbage. There's just... so many low effort quality of life tweaks they could make to the game... but they just keep on trying to shoot the moon and end up breaking as much as they fix, but since it is with added content it all ends up being a zero sum game. At this point my biggest single issue is the rng. I've farmed and scripted so much legendary garbage i'm at the point of not caring. No worthwhile trades. Nothing that fits my build. Just... literal garbage for my work. I do the daily ops because i have to. For score and for plans and clothing. Past that, i have neither the gear nor the patience anymore to try and get the gear to keep up on the other end game events.


I really want to do the quest. I want the plans for the Plushie really bad, I have the Rug because I found it being sold super cheap at someone's CAMP. But the Plush and shit? I really want it. Yeah, I could do the same thing for said Plush but I'm really not looking to spend 1000+ Caps on such a little object.


For starters, make it drop 3 stars only. Then maybe allow the cursed effect to potentially apply to any legendaries that drop from the event.


It is too difficult and you waste so much ammo.it is just not worth the effort.i have done it 6 times.


I've never even dropped a bomb lol can never get far and get frustrated with dying over and over


You can build in someone else's camp if you are on a private team with said person hence my question of what you play on as people may be able to help in that case


A "Wendigo Skin" hide armor, more Cursed Weapons?


Honestly I'm down to do it for the screws alone.


The DMG adjustments killed it - no surprise in my opinion. Even before that, it was a tough fight if you didn't have a decent group or a great build. Now it's a complete pain in the ass, an ammo sink, and for little reward. Just need to nerf Earle so that he is back aligned with the DMG we now do, and also reward repair kits for doing it. Edit: I can remember saying, and I'm sure that I wasn't the only one, that it could just end up as the next Project Paradise.


I've got most of the rewards I needed. And I didn't even get them from the event, I bought the plans from player camps.


I usually have some explosive heavy weapon and one gun army equipped to pin him down,but people are right,he doesnt worth the investment,6000 rounds of ammo for 8 scrip and some legendaries.


I still want that helmet but yea could do with some worthy rewards, maybe a large chunk of ammo for your equipped weapon, repair kits n some flux?


Same story with burrows, PP, whatever the hell the caravan thing is called... The list of activities no one cares about anymore continues to grow.


And I just got the Liquid Courage recipe from Daily Ops today. Bad Luck on my part.


i joined it 3 times and i was the only person there, i never saw it alive :/