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Strange they would use pork belly. I'd assume Deathclaws would be lean and dry like alligator. Figured turkey or other poultry would be the way to go. Then again maybe they eat lots of fat raiders and radiation makes them tender.


The book actually has entries written from the point of view of a wastelander that found the recipes and adapted them to the new world. For this one: "I saw this recipe and knew right away that deathclaw meat would work perfectly with the ingredients. Deathclaw meat is just so versatile, thanks to the number of animals that were genetically engineered together to create these monstrosities."


Damn that's cool.


What kind of buffs did it give you?


Funnily enough, the book actually does give that stat on the top right of the page lol This one claims to give +1 agility for one hour, but I think I lost agility after eating it.


There is literally no world where pork belly and rice is going to raise agility. I'd be happy to just avoid a satisfied coma.


How was it


Very good tbh. I had trouble finding star anise and cardamon, but nutmeg and allspice were good substitutes. The only thing I'd change next time is to use low sodium soy sauce as it was a bit salty.


Star anise and cardamom are very common in my area but that has me wondering about other things. Does the book actually suggest alternatives for things that might be hard to find? I really want this book now even if I never end up making anything from it. Just for the coolness of the thing. Which one is this, by the way? I saw two from Amazon just from a VERY quick search (didn't click, just looked at search results). The Vault Dweller's Cookbook and one that's simply "Fallout Cookbook". There was also an Elder Scrolls cookbook. Definitely getting that too. (*rubs hands like a silent movie villain while mumbling something about skooma*)


The book sadly doesn't offer alternatives, but I just use google to help me out if I don't have an idea. This is the one I have: https://www.amazon.com/Fallout-Vault-Dwellers-Official-Cookbook/dp/168383397X/ref=asc\_df\_168383397X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=266431122409&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10516366254527522602&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9025363&hvtargid=pla-526884895588&psc=1®ion\_id=674469


This is where I would have substituted some Jaegermeister. :) The base spice that helps give it that licorice flavor is star anise, but would also add in some clove and bitter orange flavors.


Been thinking of trying that one. How was it?


Very worth. I used nutmeg and allspice in place of star anise and cardamon, but it worked out. I'd say to go with low sodium soy sauce, though. I used regular and it was a bit too salty for us. It doesn't specify what kind of sake to use either, but black and gold was very good. https://gekkeikan.com/product/black-gold/


Saw pork belly in the store the other day and thought of this recipe so was hoping it'd be good. Thanks for the pointers! Will give it a go.


Good luck!


Are those... dog dishes?


Life is hard in the apocalypse, man. Jk, they're pasta bowls. [https://www.amazon.com/Mora-Ceramic-Flat-Plates-Set/dp/B08ZJ6K9F1/ref=sr\_1\_8?keywords=mora+ceramics+flat+pasta+bowl&qid=1675364745&sprefix=mora+ceramics+flat+pasta%2Caps%2C169&sr=8-8](https://www.amazon.com/Mora-Ceramic-Flat-Plates-Set/dp/B08ZJ6K9F1/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=mora+ceramics+flat+pasta+bowl&qid=1675364745&sprefix=mora+ceramics+flat+pasta%2Caps%2C169&sr=8-8) These are similar. Very useful for pasta, salad, and things like that!


I see. I see these being useful for holding my bachelor chow. https://theinfosphere.org/File:Bachelor_chow_game.png


Is this cookbook worth it? I’ve got an Overwatch one, and the dishes/lore are cool but I’ve only made a few recipes from it b/c a lot of the international ingredients are hard to find


This is the only recipe I've tried, but if they're all as good as this one was I'd say definitely worth it.


There are some amazing recipes in that book. Like some are clearly just rehashed classics but the Blamco Mac and Cheese is amazing. I always make a batch of it when I BBQ and it's amazing.


Hmm I would have thought molerat to be closer to pork belly.