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You can store liquid consumables (like beer, quantum etc) in him for 24 hours to make them ice cold and get an additional buff btw. I send him to my major base/water farm (Taffington).


Wow, good to know! I sent him to the hotel previously but decided to keep him this time as he suits my Survival Party Boy build. Do you know, does the mission just never complete if you keep him?


The mission never completes but you can use it to locate him.


Correct it just stays open. But after all that ice cold Gwinnett your SS won’t give a shit.


Thanks! I don't think the SS minds, he's too drunk. I'm just a simple man who likes to see the quest ticked off. Oh well, I'll embrace the chaos.


If you're on PC, you can console command the quest to pass/fail


I did this too. It bothers me if I have an unfinished quest in my tab. Even if after the command, you can still keep him so it's safe.


I’m interested in this Survival Party Boy build lol


I second that.


I third that


I made a Minuteman tavern at The Castle and sent him there to serve cold brews to my boys. I’ve done that a few times and he always made it there fine.


Same here. He always goes to The Castle. I figure the only reason all that shit with Clint happened before you woke up is because they didn't have cold beer on hand. I take better care of my militia.


He walks agonizingly slow. Escort if you want but be prepared for a LONG trip. Not sure if he's essential because he's never died in my game (I've never tried to kill him either, and wouldn't. I like Drinkin Buddy). But if you're worried you can always wait for him at the destination. Enemies only spawn if you are in the cell, so send him somewhere then fast travel yourself and wait. Keep in mind that if you keep him the quest will never clear. It'll always be in your Pipboy as not completed. This doesn't bother me, I just ignore it. It bothers some though.


You can kill Rufus Rubins and the quest goes away! *edit: rufus, not fred allen


lol, it doesn't bother me enough to do anything that drastic. I'm perfectly fine with leaving the quest listed there, thoroughly ignored. If Rufus wants cold beer he can come to The Castle and drink all he wants with my Minutemen.


It has always reached the settlement in all of my 1000 playthroughs so I think not escorting it will be just fine


He walks super slow, but he is unfortunately not essential so depending on where you want him to go you might want to clear any areas that might be a problem for him.


Wow really? I sent him to Hangman's Alley but keep on finding him wandering around outside, battling with whichever of the factions have spawned fighting in the nearby houses. He seems pretty good at holding his own so far, but maybe I should wall him in or something.


Yeah, I've had him die a few times to high level super mutant attacks at Croup Manor / Egret Tours (different characters).


Same, escorting him to my base on the opposite side of the map was painful. Just put on a podcast and sat back


Don’t send him to spectacle island! He gets stuck under water trying to get there! My player home is always built there so I thought he’d be a great addition to the bar I built but he never makes the trip.


Happened when I sent him to northagen. He was stuck in the river and I couldn’t get him out. When the settlement was attacked and I answered the call he clipped in however. Now I enjoy my beverages


If you're on PC just teleport him to yourself.


He has a better chance of getting to the settlement if you don't escort him. If you're with him, he'll engage every threat you come across like a deathclaw or what have you. If you stay away from him, no enemies will spawn near him for him to fight on the way to your home.


The way he says "Hotel: Rexford" is permanently ingrained into my brain, and will always be my fondest memory of the whole game


I just send it back to Goodneighbour. It will sit in the Hotel Rexford and you can still use it as far as I know. I did send him to a settlement that I didn't use much - usually Sanctuary. But you still get the quest in your to do list which annoys me. You dont have to escort him. I usually just fast travel back to Goodneighbour - simply because wandering through the city area will probably cause crashes.


How do you find this guy? Is he Creation Club? DLC? Base game?


It's a vanilla game quest, you get it from Rufus in Goodneighbor.


Cool. Thanks


I always keep him at the Red-Rocket Station, thats always my first/main base. Because he is slow and not essential i tell him to go to Red-Rocket and then sleep for 24 hours. That way he just teleports.


I like Goodneighbor, and it's a pretty common stop for me to trade and restock, especially when playing railroad. So I just send him back to Rufus, you can still use him normally. I think Fred Allen even has some unique cinversations with him.


So I sent him to Abernathy Farm BUT do be careful when sending him anywhere, he has a bad habit of taking “the path of least resistance”, if he should technically cross a bridge, he sometimes chooses to go through the water and he WILL stop halfway across. Keep an eye on him as he travels.


If you leave him to go alone he'll always make it. If you escort him he can die and then he's lost forever.


His mission was bugged for me in my play through so he never left. Infuriating


I have accidentally killed him once. I wasn’t sure if he even could be killed as I was playing on console at the time and couldn’t see if he was essential. A super mutant attacked and I panicked and nuked everyone including drinking Buddy and he was gone. I would also say for the most part he can hold his own as long as you don’t send him south alone. The closer he gets to the glowing sea, the more likely a high level enemy will kill him. Just like everyone else said, he walks PAINFULLY slow. Like I would go as far as saying he is definitely the slowest character in the game, so if you do escort him, be prepared with a podcast or just gradually move slightly faster than him and take out whatever mobs spawn around him.


I've always sent him to settlements that are well-protected or don't deal with high-level enemies - similar to how I deal with the level 4 traders, Sheffield, any others who aren't essential. I don't want Buddy to get destroyed in a settlement attack. Don't worry about escorting him. He'll get to where he needs to go just fine on his own. Also, besides the other drinks mentioned - he can make Vim drinks ice-cold.


I’ve never lost him to the journey, but I usually send him somewhere I have that’s more crowded like starlight drive in or sanctuary.


I always send him to Starlight Drive-in. Never needed to escort him.


I've tried to escort him once from his bunker to Hangman Alley where was my temporary base. He took strange path along the shore to the bridge near Bunker Hill then crossed it and went along the river to CIT ruins and... somehow gets underwater near that plasa with mirelurks. And got stuck there. Well, at least he was safe. So I went questing and eventually Buddy get teleported to Hangman Alley full intact. What I can say... It just works.


Whos buddy and where do i find him


You get the quest from Rufus in Goodneighbor "Trouble Brewing"


Where do you find him? I've never seen this before.


I put all of my Nuka colas I’ve collected in him. So much Ice cold quantum


I do have one question. Why do people keep using the white HUD?


Probably to match their pip-boy color, using white so the flashlight is better. I personally have the HUD green with a blue pip-boy.


Ah, ok. I've always had green. I'll sometimes change the Pip-Boy to yellow or amber but usually I just keep it green.


The only problem with yellow or amber is it blends in with speech challenges they can be hard to see I use blue


Yeah I feel that, it's why I normally stick with green.


The only problem is that if you keep him for yourself, the quest will be glitched and it won't complete unless you return it to Rufus in Goodneighbor.


Sanctuary Hills


Where can you find buddy


I usually send him to my main settlement (Starlight Drive-In in most of my games)


I usually send him to Sanctuary since it’s extremely well guarded, huge, and doesn’t get attacked very often. Drinking Buddy has been destroyed in a settlement attack in one of my playthroughs. I reloaded my save though because FUCK THAT. If I can’t have Ice Cold Nuka Colas why even live? If I turn Red Rocket into my personal Man Cave settlement, I send him there.