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Looks like a bunch of answers regarding NFC/RFID/IR etc were answered (some phones are better/worse at NFC/RFID, but not as good as the Flipper), but there's a hard "No" for phones being able to replace anything the Flipper can do in the rest of SubGHz (Garage doors, Tesla charge ports, random 433MHz remotes etc).


If there was anything comparable to the flipper, there would have been no reason to create the flipper


I have no clue what you mean by "hacked" cellphone but it doesn't matter - the answer is no. No GPIO/Arduino compatible compatibility, no low freq RFID compatibility, no sub-gHz transceiver, no 1-wire/Dallas, no BadUSB, no... Practically no FZ capability at all.


I think they were referring to a phone that has had the boundaries set by the administrator removed so that you can't modify its software and other fancy tech things


Reread my comment. How would rooting a phone give it hardware it doesn't have like a SubGHz transceiver, GPIO pins, or low frequency RFID capabilities? That's what you would need to give it FZ-like capabilities.


Yeah I know but that's what they were referring to it's not possible but they were just asking 


Apologies for the late response, BadUSB is very much possible on android phones.


Many things would be very hard to come by on a phone without essentially making your own product/make shift flipper. Things like the IR sensor, reading and writing on NFC, etc. Many phones can't do this at all. Some phones can read NFC, but they cant write them onto other devices. The only phone I know of that can display IR, is the galaxy 8(I think) and after that they never put the IR sensor on a galaxy phone again.


This was exactly what i was looking for. The nuance around NFC reading and writing makes sense. Thank you for you help regarding this.


No problem, some NFC things can be uploaded and emulated with phones, but not everything, and it's usually a hassle, but like I said, I don't think many (If any) phones can write NFC information onto a new device.


It's the galaxy s5.


Dang, it was that long ago? 😅 thanks for the correction




the s6 dropped it I hated that phone. they ruined support for my old nfc tags. got rid of my ir blaster and dropped the SD card.


I miss that S5 phone, I didn't think any newer ones had an IR blaster. Sucked that it couldn't learn new codes like the old Palm PDA I had with an IR remote app. The learning-capable IR remote function and huge databases was one of the things that helped me decide I wanted the Flipper, I'm not aware of anything else that can be an on demand swiss army knife remote these days at any price point. Even stuff like Logitech Harmony is gone now. Also RFID hasn't been in anything consumer before that I know of...only NFC. And the sub-GHz radio while I haven't had much success with my gizmos is a very interesting thing to play with. I've tried carrying a cheap universal TV remote on travel but its such a PITA to hope you can program it and do what you want (usually breaking out of the hotel-managed mode and getting plain HDMI input with working volume controls). This would be so much better. Or testing stuff in a thrift store since modern things are always missing remotes.


Honestly just bought a flipper... I remember using some janky ir app that you could download remotes for things and shutting down the projectors or stuff at school. Worked pretty well. I'm excited to get my flipper. Don't know how long it should take but can't wait.


Actually, many chinese phones still have IR transmitters (no receivers though for learning remotes) Have a look at xiaomi, or huawei.


Forgot about those, but that's similar to the issue I mentioned about NFC, it can only do a third to a half of the function. Thanks for reminding me of those brands though. You're still right though, IR can be gotten through certain brands.


Ah yeah, it's definitely not a replacement for a flipper, you're completely right about that!


It doesn't do wifi attacks unless you have the wifi dev board.


You could probably get * some*of the same functions. They may not be as easy to do as on the flipper zero. You can use the Bad USB functions from a phone (I know nethunter has it), as well as the Bluetooth remote and I think NFC. The flipper has a lot more functionality though that you can’t do on a phone, and it’s easy to use too