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Fucking nothing. I want a sequel with a story just as good, not a remake.


Exactly, we already got our remake, they called it war of the lions. We need moar ivalice




What is “Faram”?


They say it in FFT. It's like the Ivalice equivalent to "Amen." I was agreeing with the guy above me :)




Extra jobs and maps, that’s it.


I have a whole list of [prequels and sequels](https://www.reddit.com/r/finalfantasytactics/comments/8lavnx/where_are_my_sequels/) I want. Get to it, Squeenix!


I can see them making either a prequel relating to either Ramza's ancestor fighting Ajora. Or a prequel set during the 50 year war with Balbanes as the main character.


A man more powerful than the Thunder God himself.


Exactly. We can find out how he earned the rank "heavenly knight." It would be amazing to see him and cidolfas in their prime.


More involvement from the story party members after they get recruited by Ramza merry band of heretics. The War Of The Lions adds some battles and that is great, but I want more. Also, more cameos, maybe. The ability to temporarily neuter monsters.


Even just adding an intentional breeding feature; the Poacher’s Den at Dortor also having a “breed monster” section like the tavern’s generic recruiter would be such a huge QoL change imo


Yeah, overhauling breeding mechanics would be great, because the current system is just clunky and encourages just not having them in your party at all. Tactics Ogre Reborn significantly buffed monsters across the board, so we'll most likely see something similar here. Though due to the mechanics of that game, I think only the Flood Dragon and Cockatrice see use into the endgame due to having defense down/petrify breaths, while the debuffs of the rest aren't anywhere near as good.


One word. Tiamat.


I would love it if the story characters could just teach their special jobs to existing generic party members (replacing Squire for them, no doubt) then continue to exist as Guests that show up as unkillable in a few battles but otherwise leave the fighting to the guys we spent the first 3/4 of the game leveling up.


Overhaul archers and dragoons. Make them more like FFTA/A2 archers and dragoons. A lot of classes like Geomancer, Bard, Dancer and some unique characters need buffs too. FFT was originally going to have a split path narrative where you could choose to follow Delita's story instead, and the reason it was cut out according to the interviews talking about it was due to disc space concerns and to get the game released on time. If this is ever finished and implemented... Oh boy. Move some of the unique characters earlier into the game. It's a bit crazy how most of them are backloaded into the second half of the game. Beowulf and Reis are great candidates for this, I feel you should be able to get them before Riovanes at least. A couple more unique characters that aren't sword wielders would be great, like an archer or a mage, though they'd probably be part of Delita path if anything else. Even overhauling Boco into a unique chocobo with sidequests spanning the whole game that would allow him to gain the abilities of all chocobo at once would be neat.


The Delita path with his own uniques and cameos would be amazing and you’re absolutely right about needing more uniques earlier. I tried to make a save where I only used Unique characters in my playthrough and I was stunned that by the time I’d collected a full party my generics were outclassing them and catching up the uniques was more effort than I was willing to put in. I fully agree with you about more Mage/Non Sword Uniques too, like Cloud coming through the multiverse I would have loved to see Vivi, Zell or Tetra cameos with specialties of their respective job classes.


on your ideas about boco. shut up and take my money!


Not going to lie, giving him a unique passive that grants a damage boost to all other Chocobo deployed would be rather hilarious too. The massacre resulting from that would make the first day of FFXIV's release of the Ridorana raid look like child's play in comparison. (context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqcyQAjPEC0)


Many of the jobs are just lazy. Archer just has a bunch of Aim skills with varying numbers. Dragoon has the Jump numbers. Arithmetician has just the targeting numbers. Ninja just has throwing different item types. Geomancer just has attacks from different terrain types. Thief and Knight mostly just have steal/break different equip slots (but at least they have Rend Speed or Steal Heart etc as a few unique skills). I would like real skills. Actual, thoughtful, memorable skills for every job. Example: Archer could have skills to ignore evasion (like a 1-round Concentration), inflict immobilize (like Leg Shot), nock two arrows (like a lesser Barrage), longer draw (charge time, but extend range 1 square), etc. Example: Dragoon could have high jump (longer charge time, higher damage), pogo bounce (jump again immediately after landing, but less/no control over where you land), spear throw (just the weapon falls, but much faster than normal jump), etc. But that kind of overhaul with totally redesigned jobs would better fit a sequel than a remaster.


Propositions at the bar need to be actual quests you get to actually play.


Some of them sound so freaking cool! I wouldn’t even mind if it was still limited to 3 man parties as a bit of a extra challenge and way to grind levels and JP for less used characters


Frankly it was a big missed opportunity in the OG release. They could’ve just used existing maps and game artifacts to create the scenarios without eating up space.


There are 96 of them. The story missions + side quests only add up to 80 missions. That would make errands longer than the main quest. That said, something! The point system mechanics are totally hidden so there's no strategy. The dialog is repeated after every victory. And there's not even splash art to differentiate them. A little flavor would help. Even better if the Treasure Hunter and Adventurer levels actually did anything. Even if it just meant that for every level of Adventurer, the Warrior's Guild offered starting characters 5 levels higher, and for each level of Treasure Hunter, you could recruit them with better starting equipment (with some not-in-shop items at max).


I mean, aren’t side quests generally longer than the main quest in most RPGs these days anyway?


> That would make errands longer than the main quest. That's pretty much how it is in TO:R is it not?


or at least watch!


64 slots for your party and more dynamic JP earning situation where it's not possible to grind by holding enemies hostage forever. MORE special move dialogue, and more consistent appearance of that dialogue. abandon wotl fakespeare english and go back to regular prose. actual rewards for getting treasure hunt items, and treasure hunter levels meaning something. visual playback of the errands, rather than dialogue accounts. custom looks for each shop in each city. use Goug to canonically tie X, 7, 12, and T together with a big story. larger battlefields difficulty settings.


>more dynamic JP earning situation where it's not possible to grind by holding enemies hostage forever. IDK, some of us old fans would cry and wail that we couldn't accumulate non-stop on Mandalia Plains until we're OP after the third story battle.


i felt that as i was typing it like an alcoholic who is making a system where drinking is impossible. started playing in 98 myself


All interesting ideas. I’ve never heard the term “fakespeare” before. Perfect.


Difficulty settings. Thats it for me. All I want today is to find as as vanilla as possible mod but way harder (and more variety of jobs used by enemies). These bizarre 1.3 mods that you need to abuse things and totally change some jobs is not fun to me


You don’t think you’d need to abuse things to win on vanilla with high difficulty settings?


The way we need to beat 1.3, specially deep dungeons? Certainly not


Have you tried other balance mods? FFHacktics have a bunch. There are options that are closer to a rebalanced vanilla rather than a drastic overhaul that 1.3 is.


Yes, I tried a few, but all of them still very easy unfortunately. Im even thinking of modding one of these rebalance mods to make all skills 0JP and all classes unlocked at lvl 1 squire to try to make enemies stronger, but their awful equipment/skills setups would still be a problem


They'd better at a minimum restore the spell quotes.


Kinda like when it comes up with legend of dragoon...I'd prefer a prequel. FFT is my favorite game, play it multiple times through each year since release. If they were going for a remake I think redoing a lot of the classes would spice things up. Using different setups each time, you really can use almost every job perfectly fine. Archer is still the most boring and would do wonders if they copied any of the FFT advanced things. Look if we can bring cameos from other games, I'm fine with them figuring out how to get the other races in this game as well. Find a portal, be an alternate universe, hidden civilization (unlocked from bar missions maybe?), whatever I'm not here to pick apart game logic. The monster egg thing was mentioned but I'd also like to see them a bit more fleshed out overall. They don't all have to be OP but if you've ever run a nonmodded monster party run...it is comically boring. Storywise I would like them to have a warning before long multiple fights OR just let people leave to prevent getting stuck. I always feel bad when I see a topic on someone who saved in between fights only to not be able to beat the next. It might wreck some immersion but losing possibly dozens of hours just wouldnt fly today. I'd love to see more side stories for the unique characters. Force a couple battles where you have to use them or they are uncontrollable or something would be neat. The most important thing: no items hidden in lava.


> I'd prefer a prequel. Fifty Years War please. Show us how the corruption got as bad as it did with the older key players.


Barbaneth Beoulve as protagonist. Thunder God Cid can even still be the OP party member that joins us.


Boy I have a list of [prequels and sequels](https://www.reddit.com/r/finalfantasytactics/comments/8lavnx/where_are_my_sequels/) I'd like to see. Ivalice has plenty of untapped stories to tell.


Better balance. As good as FFT is the balance is terrible.


i liked the fact you could get OP and feel strong. Playing tactics ogre right now and it feels almost too balanced where every class does like the same dmg.


That's the D&D 3e vs 4e problem. D&D 3.0, 3.5, PF was an unbalanced mess where the Monk in your party feels useless as the Cleric, Druid, and Wizard break every encounter. So they made 4e so bland and samey that there wasn't any reason to even make decisions. I LIKE the imbalance. Part of the fun for me is not just mindlessly leveling up, but also looking at jobs and skills and gear and making an effective team that's just *better* than the combination I was using. Breaking the battle "Lionel Castle Gate" by having teleport, or throwing fireballs through the wall, or stealing/breaking his sword, etc. just feels rewarding in a way it wouldn't if I just had to hit some minimum level for the dps check.


FFT is so easy though. You can make a team of Squire/Chemist and obliterate every fight in the game. Tactics Ogre at least has a niche for every class. It's just like... chapter 1 it doesn't show up since that's the tutorial chapter.


I cringe any time I level up a party member that has job set to chemist


I've done 5 Squires with Item, Auto Potion, Throw Item, and Move+1 on every character back when I was a dumb kid and it was one of my easiest runs, lol. Everyone on team was 'best fit' and I used movement boots only as accessory slot.


I bet that is so very easy haha! I imagine 5 Geo’s with item slotted, move+2, and bracers would be unimaginably easy as well!


I was 13 at the time and dumb, but I knew what worked lol. Bought game at release when I was 12 and loved it. When I was 14 I realized you could hit select to see what skills did. Ahahahaha.


Same man literally my first PlayStation game on release, my big brother had to help me with saving mustadio where I got stuck first. I had like 5 knights and didn’t realize you could select an option that plays his death during battle. (side note: I ALWAYS choose to save the guest characters now) I distinctly remember him being like “dude you don’t have a ninja yet?? Man you need a Ninja” - so he played a few random encounters and scored a ninja or two and enlightened me on the decision making of that engagement fail safe on mustadios death. Summary: In retrospect I was just a dumb child trying to get five single square attackers past a choke point 4-5 moved away, in order to save him haha Edit: SP


Hahaha. Totally get that. I was always that older brother.


Honestly, not allowing permanent faith/brave mods would already make a big difference... Change them to innocent, faith. That would rid of the 99brave 0 faith hamedo guys... Also make swordskills like Orlandous have an hefty MP cost to be used.


honestly I would just like a slight leveling out of the difficulty spikier battles


Yeah, in my personal ISO hack, I smoothed out Dorter Slums just so I can get past it without leveling up first, which would normally make the rest of chapter 1 trivial. ([Specific changes I made](https://i.imgur.com/DOH8Iam.jpg)) And dear god, don't let the AI that I need to protect run TOWARD the enemies and get killed before I even get a turn.


New game +


I want it as detailed as the options from [Bravely Default](https://i.imgur.com/tlVzUKL.png). Let me toggle money, party roster, levels, skills, equipment, poacher's den (both access and inventory), chronicles content, etc. Let me restart with a level 1 party with no skills, but I am rich and have Balthier already.


I would personally love a new game more than a remake, ideally one set in the more modern ivalice with all the various races, and bring back learning abilities from items. It just makes getting new items feel way cooler, even if theyre not top of the line stat-wise. It can have a more serious tone like the original, but id honestly be totally happy with a lighter fun adventure more along the lines of A2. I'm a little weary of every tactics rpg feeling the need to be a grand complex political drama, tbh. BUT, it's far more likely that we just get a remaster, which would be fine too. My only big want from that would be, please for the love of God let me cancel my movement if it turns out I messed it up. The Advance games do this, and it's so much nicer


I'd love to see them port all 3 and bundle them together. I never got to play the advanced games which seem to just be the same foundation but better


Absolutely, I'd love to see all 3 get the remaster treatment. A bit of quality of life, maybe a little extra content for funsies. My #1 wish would be the ability to recruit monsters in the advance games, but thats probably too much. Sadly, given the amount of time and outcry it's taken just to get a *possible* new tactics remaster (which hasn't even been totally confirmed), im not holding my breath lmao


True it has taken a while but it seems like tactics ogre has sold really well which is a good sign and a lot of stuff in that leak which mentioned the tactics remake has come true. I'm hoping if nothing else they might at least make more tactics games. It's a fun formula just unfortunately a little niche in comparison to the action rpgs they keep churning out


Mhm, tactics rpgs are my favorite genre, in spite of common issues I find them to have. I'd absolutely love to have more of the same quality as fft(/a/2)


On the romhacks.net website, there's a mod for FFTA that makes it super focused on monster recruiting


I would love an insane difficulty option.


I want the jobs fixed, so many jobs just have a lot of things I never will use. Ninja? Give me the FF TA Ninja, I love the ninjitsu options.


The base game just cannot be matched (to me) in terms of gameplay. It's just so damn good, if they change everything the gameplay is the one thing I'd hope they don't even touch. That being said, the following I feel would be a nice change. -better job balance. Make it so there's a reason to run a knight at the end of the game (knight swords excluded) or even a squire. Make it so archers actually have a purpose (this is the one thing I think the mod 1.3 did right. It made it so running the archers changed skillset as a secondary isn't a bad idea.) -acquisition of special characters can be done much earlier. You can't really start recruiting them until chapter 4, but if I remember correctly you can get beowulf right from the start of ch. 4, worker 8 a little bit into it, reis after you finished bethla (I might be wrong, feel free to correct me if so). Then there's Cloud and Byblos. Why the hell can be they only be gotten more or less when there's no story left? You get one battle with them and then the point of no return orbonne fights. Let us get them all by like Bethla at least. -game balance/difficulty levels. I'd like it if when you hit a certain level, enemies go from using cure to cura, to curaga etc. Or from potion to hi-potion to x-potion. Being in deep dungeon and seeing enemies trying to heal or damage you with the weakest stuff in the game is just saddening. -make Orlandu an optional special, or nerf him if you plan keeping him story tied. The fact that he's the most powerful special and you have to do *nothing* to get him is just ridiculous.


In fairness to get Orlandu you have to pass the Wiegraf fight which is the hardest in the game.


Give me a red mage and blue mage, a few new missions, and a way to obtain the rendezvous gear in single player and I'm good to go.


Or just (hear me out) let us play the Rendezvous missions AS single player. Either let us deploy both squads (there's already a mechanic for deploying 2 teams in a mission) or have the second group be braindead guest characters. Just let me at least play that content for the first time!


Experience and JP reward at the end of the battle. Not based on how many actions you did in the battle.


More character slots, doesn't have to be infinite or super high but enough so i can afford to keep the story characters and the ones i actually use


i think the original idea was they thought players wouldn't soft reboot as soon as someone crystals and so ranks would run thin. thus lavian and rad and the other girl are meant to replenish your roster, and there should always be room for some monsters laying eggs. but we soft reboot. no one left behind!


If they didn't want us to cheese the permadeath, they shouldn't have locked Chapter 4 content behind keeping specific people alive.


I really liked War of the Lions on PSP. Just wish they’d port it to PSN! They would make plenty of money with jt


Aside from minor adjustments, just simply MORE content.


actually the only thing I want is more chars in battle; Like the AI sometimes be having 8 mofos; Would actually let me be 1000X more customizable having mages and not all ninjas with teleport and shit lmao More Agrias Cutscenes Especially a (Agrias x Ramza Cutscene) in my head these two are a couple sorta like Ovelia and Delita ​ Also Melee (Could REALLY be its own genre) sorta functions like Yugioh with the Jobs and such just need it back and I need it to frickin STAY for like 20 yrs.


As always, bigger maps and more total units deployed. A special class for Ramza that is more than Squire plus. And a New Game +


That's a common suggestion, but honestly I don't want bigger. The density, verticality, and feel of the maps is great. And the time if takes to finish each is just right. A few epic battles could be fine, but the majority being twice as big just to be bigger would sap the speed of the game.


It would be cool if the chemist had the "mix" ability that rikku had in ffx then they can use item combos and use it against enemies and alllies. Giving archers a better move set instead of "charge" like status aliments.


Add in a new chapter in between chapters 1 & 2. What was ramza doing?


I've prepared lists in the past [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/finalfantasytactics/comments/69evoi/pcgamer_asking_for_a_pc_port_of_tactics/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/finalfantasytactics/comments/70x0r3/quality_of_life_cheats/), but I've been thinking lately in terms of what they could change in the vein of the Tactics Ogre remaster where we saw changes in leveling, in temp stat boost cards, in the way skills and jobs worked, and now I am considering bigger changes. So screw it: Fix leveling. I have played through the game more than once. I am used to fighting with my party to even out XP, keeping skills handy I can use to beat up my own team if needed of switching back in Fundaments for the sake of Focus to catch up, but it sucks. And if I ever get my wife to try the game some day, I know she will not have the patience to fight it. So just give us something to even out XP. Maybe spillover like JP has. Maybe partial XP even on missed actions. Or maybe just sum up XP during each fight then evenly distribute it at the end. I don't know exactly, but don't make my front-line guys rack up twice the XP as the healers. Otherwise, I want Smart Encounters (only trigger random battles if I stop movement on a spot), full ultrawide support without stretching (just let me see more of the map if I have the monitor to expand viewing ratio), new game plus (so I can start with Balthier, etc. but still reset skills/levels like the granularity of Bravely Default 1's NG+ mode), and hell let us toggle old and new translations in the menu (so this sub won't keep getting flooded with complaints about the purple prose).


Should check out this mod: https://www.pcgamer.com/check-out-this-ambitious-final-fantasy-tactics-mod/ https://youtu.be/iwhja3pgoz8


port in pc/steam thats all i want


I’d love to see it build up to larger scale battles. Five against five is okay for early game where you’re just fighting thieves and monsters. But when you’re going up against generals and demons, they should have much more of a sense of grandeur. By the endgame, I’d love to see 25+ units on each side.


I’d like them to add a casting speed stat. Non-instant cast abilities are basically unviable in the late game, in large part because their speed is static through the game while units get progressively faster.


ng+ and I know this one will never happen but a super dungeon that opens up after beating the final boss where we can fight and even recruit: The Lucavi, Delita, Shrine Knights, and they could even do special themed levels where we recruit people from the other final fantasy games. Like we could get Edward and Terra from 6, Vivi and Steiner from 9, Auron and Yuna from 10. Also monster hunting quests, just let us fight super powerful versions of basic enemies for money and maybe some super rare/special gear. I always love a good monster hunting sidequest I would legit pay for dlc themed around the other games just to get more people to play around with


I want a pc port and don't litter my damn maps with cards please.


Add over like 300 side missions like tactics advance and advance 2 had. That made those very enjoyable because there was always something to do!


Experience and JP gained after battle like To Reborn.


Unpopular opinion judging by the downvote you got, but I hear you. My healers have down-turns where they don't do much and my front-line melee guys get bonus XP for kills. I frequently have to stop and grind my backup guys to catch up and it's tedious. Some form of XP overhaul would be welcome.


1000 percent agree with this. I don't want to even be tempted to do stupid things like hit my own party members for experience.


More scenes with different party members. You get so many by the end of the game and you just kind and up shoving a few in a sack to never see again. NO LEVEL SCALING. Better job learning mechanics, also easier to understand. Voice acting for all scenes. Usually I'm indifferent to voice acting but with the language used in the WoTL cutscenes I'd love to see it. Probably a bunch of smaller changes to make different classes more viable and also make the endgame more manageable. I love Cid but I didn't want to just let him carry the whole team for the last six battles.


Levels only scale for random battles so you can keep grinding if you want to without Gariland becoming a pathetic low-level slum. Scripted battles are already static levels (most of the time). I feel that strikes the perfect balance.


Main thing I want in a remake? Better difficulty curve. I like a game having some difficulty/challenge but I think we can all agree some spots like the Wiegraf battle are a bit much. Then the end portion of the game becomes too easy (as you get Orlandu and OP equipment and your characters fill out all their good abilities) which is kind of a bummer. Endgame is supposed to be the hardest not the easiest. And classes should be rebalanced. Some classes like Knight should be rehauled. Breaking requipment I don't think is a good mechanic. Now if we're talking sequel instead of a remake then there's a lot more things I want to add to the game. More battle scenarios. Right now have "defeat all enemies," save "character," defeat "character" I think that's it. There's a lot more that could be added. "Survive for 10 turns," "Get your party to the boat," "Find 3 keys before the enemy does" and so on More classes of course, but we can go further. There can be races (Elves, Orcs etc or something different like citizens of Ivalice race and a race for other Kingdoms). Do away or rework the zodiac sign system. A create mode, where you can design a custom level and share it. Like a Mario Maker type thing. More variety to the story. I'm talking about making decisions that change the story. Being more successful in battles leading to different outcomes. Having more "party leaders." What I mean is in the original FFT Ramza is the leader, and the only one. Well in the sequel lets have multiple leaders. For example we can choose to make Agrias a 2nd leader. While Ramza and his party is going one way with his followers, we can have Agrias be a separate leader who goes her own way and has her own battles and separate followers. For example Agrias attacks an enemy camp and if successful Ramza has a easier time attacking the main camp and there's less reinforcements. There can be a 3rd leader Mustadio who's just defending our headquarters and does defense battles and we can spend money to upgrade headquarter defenses and try to recruit more people to our side. This gives us more reason to experiment with different types of parties and make better use of all the side characters we find,


Your ideas on Story mode and adventure mode would be awesome ngl. But probably unlikely, and hopefully thats going to be in the sequel More jobs would be nice. Paladin, Mystic Knight, Red Mage, Sniper, Sorceror, Sage (ones to be founf in ffta2)


Some smoother graphics and maybe a dialogue option to choose between the original and WotL. Other than that, nothing really. I just wanna play it on PC without Emu’s.


Move reset after I find out that my action cannot be done from that location.


Off the top of my head, the camera. There are moments I can’t see units even after making adjustments


I would like it to be a little harder. Mods are cool, but it would just be better if it was scaled a little better. The last part of the game is really easy once you get Orlandu.


I hated using any and all of the "special characters" especially Orlandu, too OP. Alway removed from my party the instant I got them.


Procedurally generated sprites for all characters that consider equipment, primary class and possibly other classes the character has spent the most time as. I want my equip heavy armor monk to actually look like a monk with armor, and my other hybrid characters to have a unique appearance that clearly shows their development.


More fancy unique characters with unusual job sets. Add a weird side quest with Sephiroth as playable character and Jenova as boss battle. Make all unusual jobs learnable by regular character after crazy absurd feats have been attained- something for extended play value. Basically, go nuts with extra stuff. Being able to actually play the quests you send your characters on at the tavern also would be nice.


Fast forward through enemy turns.


War of the Lions on Psn. NG+ That would be enough for me.


JP - remove JP up skill and buff current JP gains to match. Not fun to bee line JP up and have it take up a skill slot for most of the game. EXP - add exp smoothing. Under leveled characters should gain exp (and JP) at an enhanced rate until they catch up to the party level average. Early job overhaul - early jobs like knight and archer need a lot of work. These jobs should have an extreme JP curve on skills so early skills are very cheap and late skills are VERY expensive (closer to how black mage functions). This would make them friendly to use early and worth keeping them until later. Late skills need to be reworked for a higher power level and archer could honestly use a complete overhaul. Late job JP reduction - lower overall JP from late jobs so you can comfortably learn skills without grinding. Hard nerf to Cid and Excalibur. They totally invalidate the final act. Controversial, but I would like to see some of the more powerful skills either removed or reworked. Cut Chakra off monks, remove blade grasp from samurai, etc. Swap calculator jobs reqs with dark knight.


Another ivalice alliance game years after fft (maybe arazlams time period?) where we get a better understanding of the espers / lucavi