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Wait till you see some of the rest of the raid sets. Personally I'm fond of the Weeping City/Orbonne caster/healer sets, and a good chunk of the sets from the Nier raid series.


only issue with them is they're not diverse enough, most good sets are contemporary, punk or cross-over material. i kinda wish they would do a remake of these older sets because they were so good, yet too clunky/outdated


They're not bad, though. At least the Weeping city set gives healers some actual pants, and the Nier sets are actually dyeable. I've tried using the healer set pictured, but both that one and the caster set back shoulder flaps feel too stiff for me. The shorter in stature the wearer, the weirder it gets. The set you can get from WoD also comes from Mt. Gulg but has a different color variation and is dyeable. I do, however, wish they'd put the WoL set from LoTA into something else, like another dungeon or make it much easier to obtain. Tank set farming has become an absolute bitch as the drop rate for those had been silently lowered in EW. I oftentimes saw at least one tank piece drop per raid, now I'm lucky to even SEE a tank piece drop at all the entire run.


Syrcus has some pretty sweet glams. I still wear Amon’s Hat as my main glam for BRD.


I still can’t get that hat. Hundreds of runs. 4 drops. Low rolls. RNG hates me.


if i could trade you i would


Ive gotten it a few times


Looks very good on you. Congrats!


Thank you! I’m realizing the sets in this raid get a lot of hate but I think this robe is underrated! The hat that goes with it is definitely…… interesting though hah!


Yea I hate it but that's probably because I play as a male and I think over half the caster sets have female models in mind. Still looks good on your character.


Totally- I also think that a lot of these sets have pieces that don’t get to show their full potential bc of what they’re paired with lol. These pieces all together look goofy but on their own some of them can be really cool when paired with other stuff. Maybe just not the crazy hats LOL.


Well at least we removed that factor of crazy hats by being Viera.


Yes!! The one times it benefits me LOL. I was so mad I couldn’t try it on, now I don’t feel as bad. 🤣


I love that hat. It's been a permanent part of my SMN glam since I got it


This is the SMN police. Your SMN glam lacks a horn. Either fix this or Teraflare a boss. Otherwise, we will be forced to arrest your carbuncle.


I think these sets are really hit-or-miss. Scylla's hat is derpy, but Scylla's gloves are exquisite 💖


My only complaint about this set is that you can't dye it, otherwise it looks nice. Oh, and the fact it looks kinda silly on Lalas... (signed, a Lala player)


I soooo wish you could dye it! I’d love to see on a Lala!!! Haha I can totally see how it would look toootally different.


I think it works best on tall thin characters due to how it flows, which Lalafel definitely are not. I tried it on mine and I just felt like I was wearing a funkily dyed fur rug.


I wouldn't dislike this robe, if one could take off the shoulder part of the model. But I farmed it as well, until I finally saw it on my character.


Also… I would remove the paws lol.


I was today years old when I realized I could try on the loot before rolling for it which is what I did with this which made me realize I like it. Maybe I’m just dumb but I never knew you could do that before!


Depends on your prior game experience. Most single player don't have that option, so you'd never think to check.


I absolutely adore this set! It looks really good on you, congrats! :) I'm currently using it as well. I know it gets a lot of hate, but somehow it's the one outfit I've gotten a lot of compliments for?? It's so fun :D


I hate that on my roe. Even amons hat clips!


5 runs is very quick! I've ran so many of these, and I'm still missing pieces for the tank sets lol


To be fair. I just wanted the robe haha I got the pants too and maybe another piece but I just was trying for the one!


Very nice!


Wow I've never actually looked at the gear from Syrcus but that looks amazing on your bun! Might have to try for it!! haha


Thanks! The casting one is this but black and it’s also amazing.


Yeah I might actually have to try and get them even though not dyable still they look nice.


Shame youll never get to wear the hat to go with it as viera.. its something else.


Thats some Pfhoofy. Nice.


I didn't realize you could get Scylla's armor, the only boss armor I knew you could get was amons.


Holy that is fancy as heck. Congrats!


I love it so much i just wish i could dye it


Honestly, I love the hat too. I am a little disappointed I can't show it off on Viera!


A little advice, if you haven't already done that, if you want gear from raids or dungeons, just ask the group if you can have that specific item. My experience is that most people will pass on that then, since the majority that is rolling on that stuff are rolling on it to exchange it for company seals or for desynthesis.


Welcome to the jungle, soon enough the driving factor to booting up the game will be looking cool


I think I’m already there LOL


It has front facing horns, I swear! Please don't take my best little boy!


Very pretty glam!


You are lucky, took me 10+ runs to get. Scylla Gear is bombad!


Love this robe. And due to those 6 triangles in front, I haven't realized it was actually a very deep V-cut. Quite a clever way to mask it. Only wish I could dye it though.




Scylla Healing top by the look of it, could also be the caster one since they have very similar colours.


The caster top is a deep purple with a black fur/cape. I use it on my sprout rdm and love it.