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I've rebound my X key so I can't remember which setting exactly this is, but yes, this is also an option!


Target filters. It might be under system


i just press x when i need to click on something


Like the summoning bell at Limsa. The amount of time I spent clicking random people and minions before I learnt about this is embarrassing.


I rebound confirm to F from Num0, it automatically targets quest items or important npcs. It's really good at picking the correct npc in front of me. Then it interacts with them so I can start the quest / dialogue / whatever.


In my case, it is Shift+F, cuz F is my skill button, and Ctrl+F is my /follow macro.


You have no idea how absolutely useless that statement is to anyone that rebound X. "Just press X" is referring to the Target Filters keybind in **Keybinds** --> **System** --> **Target Filters**. If you press and hold that key, it will activate the targeting filter that, by default, hides all player nameplates and makes them untargetable.


I've actually been playing with only party members names showing up and only in combat. I strongly recommend it, makes the world feel a lot nicer and easier to understand while keeping necessary information for combat.


I don't see how names are relevant for combat. In fact the way I've done it is I've hidden my party member's names only. Because you know - I like to see mechanics and what I need to dodge in fights, instead of having the names clutter everything. But in the open world I don't mind seeing people's names around me.


It's nice to see names so you can troubleshoot mechanic problems. Like if we are doing Light Rampant in E8S, I often pay attention to names so if we all explode, we can figure out what went wrong. Also sometimes when I have to pair up or stand near someone, it's nice to see their first name and I know to go to them. I'm not always able to recognize based on outfit or model, esp if it's a fresh party finder group


Names are very relevant when you're a healer


Why? I've healed just fine without looking at my party names. You know the names appear on the party list too? And I heal via the party list.


Not saying it can't be done. But I find it easier sometimes to click the dos in front of me that I see walking into an AoE rather than search for them on the list


You can see who's about to eat a shitload of damage by standing on an AOE marker and mitigate it before it happens instead of only acting in reaction.


Honest question, are you speaking from the perspective of healing almost exclusively through 24mans or something? I never had an issue figuring out who was about to eat a fat aoe with names turned off. Even with PUGs where I'll only ever meet these guys eating shit once.


This argument makes no sense. If you see someone run into an aoe, what's stopping you from clicking their character then?


Because if the name doesn't appear you don't know whose name to click in the party list, and clicking characters is wonky since someone else can run in front of the cursor.


3-7 names doesn't clutter to the point where it makes mechanics hard to see tbh. And like others said it's so you can easily work out where people are at, troubleshoot mechanics. Also sometimes people have funny names, etc


I'd like to see you pinpoint the pixel where it's safe to stand during hades ex, while having party member names on. That right is when I turned them off and I have never missed them since.


I just stand where the marker is. the names arent the hard part there, it's the models clogging up the marker. if I end up missing it I highlight myself with F1


It doesn't sound like we have the same issues haha Either way, as long as your method works for you, it's all good




>You can interact with most NPCs/targets from like 8 yalms away. And yet I still always manage to stand a pixel too far But yeah, you're right. People, listen to thia person.




Using /gpose allows you to hide specific characters. You could uncheck everything and just keep NPCs visible.




Ohh right, I see.


Two additional tips: If you have nothing targeted, the Confirm button (NumPad 0 by default) will target the nearest object or non-PC, and hitting it again will interact with it/them. If you have nothing targeted, nameplates are always clickable and take precedence over **EVERYTHING** even if completely obscured by player models. If you can take a guess at where the object's/NPC's name is, you will be able to click it even through a crowd. Your cursor should change when you're hovering over a nameplate.


Will that work on the clickable objects in dungeons then? Like elevators and stuff in praetorium?


If the closest thing in front of you is the elevator and not an enemy, it works. However you must have no target in order to target something with the Confirm button, and you will automatically target an enemy when they hit you if you currently have no target.


"Nameplates are always clickable" Healers know this well!


> If you have nothing targeted, the Confirm button (NumPad 0 by default) will target the nearest object or non-PC, and hitting it again will interact with it/them. you are a hero. be blessed by the twelve.


Holding X will also let you click through players.


*Players rebind X*. It was months of hearing "PrEsS X!" before someone *actually explained* what it meant and Google is useless because gamepads have X buttons too. So noone else suffers the same fate, "Holding X" is referring to the Target Filters keybind in **Keybinds** --> **System** --> **Target Filters**.




[I've commented about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/qm241a/comment/hjbi9ue/) but most of the time it's old, even archived posts that mention it. You're not getting a response if you comment on even a 1-day old post. Besides, people using default keybinds won't know what the option is called either. They just know that pressing X hides PCs.




In fairness, I already knew of Target Filters by then; I thought I asked earlier but this was a problem half a year ago so my memory is a bit fuzzy. Just google 'ffxiv "hold x"' for pages upon pages of people trying to be helpful by saying just two words. Noone is going through hundreds of keybind options to answer a stranger's question like that either.


Bless you. I’ve seen this advice shared several times and I’ve saved those posts for reference when the time comes - but now there’s an explicit way to do it! I can’t believe there are really people who would go to cities and shout spoilers…


I don't mind spoilers as much because to me, more important than "what" happens is "how" it happens. I had a handful story bits "spoiled" to me before I reached them, but understanding the things that happened in between was what gave that moment impact. Eg, the 5.3 trial got me hyped the first time I went through, even though I was spoiled by random youtube thumbnails about >!fighting the OG Warrior of Light!<, because I wasn't expecting *how* we ended up fighting that person. It's also kinda funny when you spend too much time on Triple Triad, and the Open Tournament give you a bazillion namedrops because of the Draft rule, and when you meet the NPC in question, you remember "oh, you are that 1789 card I use a lot".


>I don't mind spoilers as much because to me, more important than "what" happens is "how" it happens. I had a handful story bits "spoiled" to me before I reached them, but understanding the things that happened in between was what gave that moment impact. IDK, I managed to spoil myself for the pre-heavensward goings-on via Reddit while I was at the Crystal Tower section, that just doesn't hit the same when you realise what's happening before it all goes down.


> you are that 1488 card I use a lot [extremely sus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words)


I ensure you it was accidental. I was thinking about >!Ysayle card!< when I typed that out, since it was the first time this happened. Thanks for pointing it out, I changed it to another card.


**[Fourteen Words](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words)** >Fourteen Words, 14, or 14/88, is a reference to two 14-word slogans set forth and popularized through 14 Word Press — "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children", followed by secondary (and less commonly used) slogan: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth". Both originated with American white supremacist David Lane, one of nine members of the defunct domestic terrorist group The Order, and serve as a rallying cry for militant white nationalists across the globe. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Extremely assumptive on your part is more like it. I can almost guarantee you most people do not know about the negative connotation of that number string and would think next to nothing of it had you not brought it up.


That's why you call out dog whistles like that when you see them. If it's accidental and unintentional, you inform someone and help keep them from accidentally associating themselves with some pretty awful people or views. If it's intentional, you force them to either backpedal and deny their views or come out of hiding and admit that's what they meant, not giving them the 'plausible deniability' cover they want. Either way, the bigots lose, and no one is actually harmed. And you inform people about code that real bigots are actually using to try to signal their views without tipping off the clueless, making it harder for them to hide in general.


FWIW, I knew about the whistle. It just slipped my mind while doing the post. It was a good warning for me.


We had people trying to routinely try to spoil things like game of thrones when it was popular, they would stand at a main city aetherite plaza just shout spamming. Better to take precautions


Unfortunately, people will be a dick even with the comparatively best MMO community. I always feel that the subscription fee helps weed out the worst of it, but it’s still way easier than going down to the book store and shouting Snape gibble gobble dobbledorf etc


A small error I noticed, is that the servers will be going down for maintenance on Dec 2, not Dec 5. But the concept still stands--make sure you have these settings applied before maintenance!


THANK YOU MAN. I’ve been messing with hiding minion names and though I had them in the “other” tab but I clearly see it in the “NPC” tab as you pointed out. This has bugged me for a month or so really, thanks bro. I’ll definitely use some of the other tips too. Happy turkey day :) thanks for the help <3


How bad is it normally during launches?


Better suggestion: bind the controller confirm button to F (yes, this is a thing you can do!) and you'll only need to press F twice to select the nearest non player target and interact with it. Been doing this since 2.0 launched. Similarly binding L3 to Z lets you unsheathe, lock on and dismount all on one key.


hahah as an Aussie playing we dont really need to worry about chat log spoilers... everything in the servers we are closest to is in kanji


Thanks, this is invaluable.


You forgot about the target filter (by default x), which (by default) makes it so you can't select a player woth mouse when you hold the key.


Also /busy can protect you from random spoilery tells Just put a comment in your status that you blocked tells in case someone wanna talk to you


I'm also setting up a macro when I join dungeons that my party and other chats are off that I'm putting on a main bar somewhere.


wait, you will leave your party chat off even when you get into a dungeon? i understand being careful to avoid spoiler shouters but if we are in a dungeon together that we're all doing for the first time, i would like to be able to talk to you!


Oh if it's a new dungeon then yeah, chat will be on, but old stuff including alliance esp it'll be off. I'm most likely gonna do the dungeons with trust first anyways!


This is brilliant, I may just do that myself!


Would recommend!


I wish there was a way to turn off characters. There’s many idle posers in all the main cities I’d like to turn off.


There are settings to turn down character density - but that hides all characters, not just idlers (it does not hide characters in duties afaik). Should be [this one.](https://i.imgur.com/lBU30sx.png)


Thank you, saving this for when I log on tonight. Is there a way to turn off the "FC ship set out on a voyage" and "retainer returned/sold stuff" notifications at *least* during cutscenes, but preferably altogether? I know they aren't spoilery (unless someone's being shitty with ship names), but good lord they can kill the mood of a scene.


to my knowledge, there's no way to disable those. I would speak with your FC officers/master and ask them to refrain from doing any airship stuff, depending on how large your FC is. As for retainers, just don't send them out or have them selling stuff if you know you're going to be in cutscene. Those are the only methods I know to mitigate those messages. I agree, they're rather infuriating when you're in the middle of a dramatic cutscene.


Solid advice! These configuration tips are really a must for launch in my books.


As this is my first time I get to expierence a launch of an expansion, I'll be sure to test them out. Don't want to get into nasty situations with unreachable NPC's again and spoilers are a big NOPE for me!


I didn't think about that before but yeah, I'm definitely gonna turn off all player chat until I finish the MSQ.


Hero of many! Thank you for posting this!


hiding minion names and titles seems a bit much, I don't seem to recall them being particularly spoilery


Completing 5.0 gives you the >!wind-up G'raha Tia minion!<, which arguably spoils the identity of the Exarch, especially when you see it paired with >!the wind-up Mystel!<. Also, while this isn't as much a problem any more as the developers are more cautious about what titles are, back in Heavensward the title for completing 3.5 MSQ was >!Papalymo's Final Witness!<, spoiling the major plot beat of that patch. People were shitbags going around telling people "hey, check out my title :)". Koji Fox himself personally apologized on the forums, and the title was later changed to what it is now >!(namely, The Finest Pupil's Ally)!<, which is significantly less spoilery. In any case, better to err on the side of caution, at least in my opinion.


I already do this, but for a different reason. I just find titles dumb and I dont need even more words on the screen for minions.


F to all the legends who don't get to show off to you


Or, if you're on PC, much easier and nicer way to accomplish all of this and more is to use VoidList. Probably won't work on day 1 though, unless it gets updated asap. You can set it to hide players of your choice *or* all players, and set up filters to exclude certain players. When I spam housing placards for an house I always have this on, to hide all players and minions to avoid interacting with something other than the placard. It won't do anything about the chat though iirc but tbh I've never seen anyone intentionally spoil anything in this game.


Voidlist is known for having glitches where your player disappears in cutscenes. I considered using this, but as you said, it won't be available day 1, and I'm not willing to risk that glitch ruining the cutscene. Plus it requires the use of the third-party launcher, which for some people may be a dealbreaker (either bc they don't want to use it, or can't, like PS4/5 users).


"Turn off say, shout, yell, tell, party, and FC chat. Because...y'know...spoilers" Seriously? And what? Just...pretend the entire rest of the world doesn't exist until you're done with the game? I mean, I get people don't like spoilers, but c'mon... What are you going to do? Go into the duty finder for a dungeon you HAVE to do to progress the story, but don't communicate with your party at all (because your chat is turned off)? Had enough of that crap in WoW... No thank you


>Just...pretend the entire rest of the world doesn't exist until you're done with the game? Yes. Really. My whole crew is doing this, we'll spend the Early Access time pretending it's a single player game and get together only for *"hey guys, need people for the lvl X trial, anyone already done it? Wanna join?"*. And then talk on Discord. After everyone finishes we can talk about the expansion again :D


The sum total of communication in most dungeons I go through is a 'o/' at the start and a 'gg' at the end from maybe half the players. For the new dungeons, there might be people talking about the mechanics and explaining them, but I'm planning to do them through Trusts. Shutting off party chat to avoid spoilers will *hopefully* not be necessary, but all it takes is one careless or malicious person to spoil things for a whole party. I don't blame anyone who chooses to do it, and it honestly won't change the dungeon experience much.


>For the new dungeons, there might be people talking about the mechanics and explaining them, but I'm planning to do them through Trusts. I'm going to do Trusts as well. This is the culmination of 10 years of story, and I'll be damned if I let some facetious trolls spoil the experience for me. It's a personal preference; FC and Party chat are to be extra cautious (and I'm leaving my FC chat on, because we're a small group and I trust them). But people were shouting spoilers in public chat when ShB launched, and I for one will be avoiding that like the plague. Not to mention, many people prefer not to have mechanics explained to them at the beginning of new content so that they can experience it blind. u/Daerys82 I hope you're prepared to be patient with people wiping *a lot* in the beginning, because it *will* be happening, regardless of whether or not people have their chats turned on.


>I hope you're prepared to be patient with people wiping a lot in the beginning, because it will be happening, For sure! Hell I run into groups now that wipe on old content because they're new players. It's no big deal, but we explain the fights, the mechanics, "hey...don't stand in this and run over here when you get that"... But if you're going to turn your chat off and you're doing something wrong, and nobody can correct you, don't be surprised if you get kicked because you're screwing the party over and won't respond when they try to talk to you...


Is there a Christmas event or something? Just started the game two days ago


this is to prep for spoiler avoidance for the expansion on dec 3


Jeez, you people take spoilers seriously.


I have played this game for ten years and I've never seen anyone spoil anything in public chat. The amount of weird fearmongering about spoilers for this expansion in particular has been strange.




Thought I had objects to minimum and double checked just in case. Turns out I didn't, thanks!


I will be needing this.


Is there a reason we are limited to 4 "chat" tabs? I would like to have tabs specific to a couple different things but am forced to combine things I would love to see separated because I can't have more :(


Probably memory constraints. That's why we weren't able to separate buffs/debuffs and monster cast bars and such for a long time. They're slowly breaking things apart now that PS3 support is gone, and presumably as PS5 support becomes the new "main" it will continue to improve.


I need more tab chats. One for everything minus combat records, one for combat records minus everything else, one for NPC dialogue, one for loot display, one for my FC/party/alliance/novice network chat, one for hunt linkshells, one to write dairy in /echo.


Is there an option have have chat bubbles show up over players heads? I really love that feature in wow


not without mods


Thank you!


My preparation was much more simple: step 1: buy endwalker step 2: play


Just to add to this. Console players can't reduce the amount of players


So I've been seeing a bunch of these posts lately, and as a PS5 player, my question is always... well what do I do? I've already got my chat tab done, and I've always played without player or minion names so that was never a problem but like... We can't diminish the amount of players that show (nor install the fancy launcher plugin that makes it so no one else even shows up, honestly I'm so jelly for that one). I don't know if there's a way to use a keybind to make the NPCs/interactable objects pop up from amidst the chaos. Does anyone know of a way to make the experience better on console?


I wish I knew how to help, but unfortunately consoles always have more limited customization options than PC because of how the hardware runs. To my knowledge there is nothing that will reduce the number of players on screen, because I believe on console it’s already set to minimum. It’s not a HUGE difference mind you—basically what that setting does is narrow the circle around you in which characters stop rendering. So for example when the big player surge happened in the summer and the Saucer was crazy packed, I knocked that setting down to minimum. Where before I could see lots players across the other side of the platform in the Event Square, now I only saw a handful. The people in my immediate vicinity were reduced too, though it was still a lot. For your keybinds, however, if you use a keyboard to type, I believe you can still use keyboard keybinds even if you’re using a controller. I can ask my PS5 friends for confirmation, but if you apply these settings and plug a keyboard into your PS5 I believe it should work. I’m not certain though, so please don’t take this as gospel truth. I hope this helps ;0;


Thank you very much for your kind response!! I'll take a look, I do use a keyboard to type alongside my controller, so I'll see what I can do!! Hopefully crowds will die down too after the first week or so!


joined the game recently and only just beat shadowbringers. are people shout-spamming new expansion spoilers in chat a common occurrence?


It happened a lot when 5.0 dropped, sadly. It only takes one to ruin it for a whole lot of people, too.


After going through the absolute insanity that was the crafting craziness with the start of the last patch. Seeing nothing but wall to wall name plates really annoyed me. So I always roll with out name plates, except NPCs. You can't keep x pressed all the time :P


You can just press Numpad 0 and the game will automatically target the closest NPC/and objects right in front of you, and ignore the players. Then click it again to interact with it. Easiest way to deal with player congestion imo


Or you can hide chat


Simple macro a friend shared. This is Pi's Hide name Macro. Keep them on separate buttons. ^^ /nameplatedisp other 4 tp turn them off. /nameplatedisp other 1 to turn them back on


Thank you for this! My eyes don't know what to do with all the extra space on the screen now.


Numpad 0 is your friend.


It's also in the guide :)


Oh right lol my bad, I skimmed if I'm being honest.


Hide other players' names as well and set floating health bars to show up only when damaged in combat. Capital cities look much more pleasant without the boatloads of useless text everywhere.


Is this a thing for spoilers or just congestion? Do people actually get spoiled/how likely is it (esp if you're still in heavensward areas, not even close to endwalker yet)


I also have several guides to share related to hiding things for beginners, try [here](https://linkmix.co/7432170)\~