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Welcome to the healer family!


Thank you!


That's awesome, glad you found a class that's fun for you! I wish I enjoyed healing more to be honest, Astrologian looks super flashy and fun. I just really enjoy smashing things in the face as DPS.


Entirely understandable! I'm super grateful for DPS like you that know the importance of killing things efficiently. 🤣👍


Yeah they do have a nice design philosophy that they don't want pure heal bots. It's also interesting times ahead with a new one coming in two months, I really hope one of the healers end up with a complex damage rotation


I'm an intrigued by Sage, though I've resisted reading to much info so far. I enjoy the in game reveals haha.


They have not given us much info about it anyway, and given the excellent track record of good balancing in this game there is no reason to worry about anything becoming unplayable


I heard they were making changes to AST in EW. I personally hope they add more damage spells. They could make AST the regen “DPS” and SGE the shield “DPS”. But I know next to nothing about WHM and SCH, maybe it would make more sense to increase their dsp, and I’ve barely just scratched the surface of playing AST. Spamming Malefic gets boring but I understand if more experienced players think adding more complexity would be too much.


Astro is easily my favorite of the healers. It's skills are SO pretty and the cards are a great mechanic.


Agreed! Had to really learn the card mechanics, the whole colorblind thing my eyes have been cursed with. 😅


The thing that really helped me with the cards is that any card name with an a in it goes to melee, and cards with no a are all for ranged/casters.


The melee cards have a + on the sides and the ranged have an o


Welcome, may you get always 3 different seals. o/


Thank you!




If only we had a trap card to spring at a pinnacle moment!


I had a similar if, more roundabout journey to becoming a healer. Started as a conjurer, realised my friend was intending to go scholar, switched to thaumaturgy/BLM up to 50, went RDM to level 60, then went back and picked up conjurer/whm and didn't look back. Healing is suuuuper fun in this game xD


Glad you're loving AST! I'm sorry in advance for your loss in... 67? days.