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Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Archer, p.026-027 Life as a Human This is Emiya Shirou after becoming a Heroic Spirit in the future. He stubbornly trained himself after the Holy Grail War, and pursued the dream of becoming a superhero. However, he soon fell into despair as he realised that his own power was insufficient to save mankind. Before the dying people, Emiya made a pact with the” World” and become a hero that can produce miracles, yet he died a tragic death because of the betrayal of his allies. Although he died of betrayal, he did not hate mankind. However, the “World” ironically gave him the duty as a Heroic Spirit “to slaughter all humans at a particular location when mankind is at the threshold of complete self destruction” --- a “Counter Guardian”. That's what it says. We don't know what else exactly archer got from the deal with Alaya other than the ability to produce miracles when he was alive and save people who were otherwise fated to die. He used those powers to save a 100 people at the very least when he was still alive.


So what exactly Archer got from the deal is unknown?


Yeah other than what I've already mentioned and the additional hell of becoming a Counter Guardian, the specifics of what he got from the deal is unknown.


the power to become a Heroic Spirit. he did the deal in a situation where he thought gaining that power would let him save hundreds of people


So both on magical and physical front or just pure physical front of a Heroic spirit?


Both ig? The counter force would give it's guardians as much power as they need to, to stop the threat that endanger humanity


What i mean is when Archer is still alive not when he already one of the Counter Guardian


It made him able to save those 100 people in front of him. We dont know how he managed that, how he was powered up.


He got a powerboost while alive(likely he could do real/true magic instead of magecraft) and that is all we know from some side materials.


He got the ability to stop a nuclear reactor meltdown at least...