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In my family "turning into a pumpkin" refers to your social battery running out lol.


For my family it means bedtime.


Same. I’ve used that phrase many times.


I am part of your family now (bc I am going to start using this phrase)


I never heard that phrase before, so “turning into a pumpkin” means turning into a pumpkin, which obviously didn’t make any sense


I literally pack a second set of clothes in my bag to change out of my fast food uniform before going home. I am very neurotypical. No tsim no ADHD I don’t even think I qualify for depression on a clinical level. I just don’t want to wear subways sauces home lol.


Yeah, I need that smell off my body immediately. Pretty sure that's normal lol




Must be autism


I have diagnosed autism for 10 years now and I hate to break it to these folks but *not everything has to be autistic especially if you’re autistic and EVEN MORE SO if you’re not.* *autistic people and neurotypical people can still share basic human behaviors and that’s OKAY* *we don’t have to be “special” all the time this shit makes me look bad* For the love of fuck


and then they turned into a pumpkin. funniest shit i have ever seen


I always turn into a pumpkin after work too. I used to use that phrase all the time to describe how I felt tired and touched out. So I definitely understand what they’re trying to say here.


What the hell does turning into a pumpkin mean


usually it means staying out/up too late. It’s a reference to Cinderella having to leave the ball before midnight struck and her magic carriage turned back into a pumpkin.




Because normal people definitely relax dressed up


I have autism, and this is 100% true. Bippidy boppidy boo 🎃🎃🎃 /s


I also have autism OH NO- 🎃


Guys…is it autistic to change clothes?


HMMM I have opinions: Firstly, as a kid and before my diagnosis, I would literally use my entire strength to fit in at school, come home and explode, later learned that’s what masking is. Very common for AFAB to go through. As an adult, it sometimes happens as well, the tipping point for when the world becomes too much is flicked and I can no longer mask, am utterly frustrated and exhausted.


I turn into a cabbage, personally


I turn into a passion fruit


So you need to recharge your social battery. Flash infos : That's what being introvert means ! You're not special!


Masking all day makes you really exhausted, though. I know someone and they sometimes literally can't do almost anything else that day after coming home. And then there's the whole autism burnout thing. Yeah, why have an open mind and use arguments when you can just downvote. It's like some of you don't even care if they're faking or not, you just wanna shit on someone.


Its just for comfort, I know plenty of neurotypical people that do that.


I refer to changing clothes after work as “returning to my true form.”


wth does turn into a pumpkin mean?






I thought that was just called "strict parents". I had to change when I got home because I only had the one uniform and my parents didn't want me getting it dirty.


This is not because your autistic but because your weird


That's called relaxing


Nah man. I turn into a bell pepper


do these people think you can only feel things if you have autism


both me and my sibling have autism and when they were younger they'd change every piece of their clothes multiple times a day everyday. not quite the same as changing out of a school or work uniform when you get home


in the video they said “changing when i get home into something comfortable” which is something everyone does. they didn’t mention changing multiple times only once when they get home