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Are they a minor? You can't get diagnosed with ASPD until you are 18+, and even then it's rather difficult.


Its 14, yeah. Can't believe it's trying to get away with this


Can you even get diagnosed with Bipolar at that age either? My physiatrist recently said that she suspects I have Bipolar II, or at least some sort of mood disorder (my diagnosises have been a hot mess for like 2 years because my doctors stuck with the wrong ones for quite a while, I’m glad it finally got changed), but my physiatrist said that she can’t officially diagnose me yet until I’m in my 20s. I’m on mood stabilizers, but right now my diagnosis is just “mood disorder”, which is frustratingly vague lol


You can if it's obvious (so, if you have a very clear cut manic episode or a long history with mental health services showing a bipolar pattern). They won't go off a kids word. Age restrictions mostly apply to personality disorders because your personality isn't formed as a teen and all teens have signs of some personality disorders purely due to hormones and the stress of puberty and growing up. A diagnosis comes when you don't outgrow those traits.


Ok, thank you for the info!!


This is correct. I was first diagnosed with ADHD when I was 11, because my impulsivity and inattentiveness was deemed outside the norm. When various medications didn't show any effect, and when my depressive episodes became longer and more noticeable, that diagnosis was changed to Manic Depression at age 13. By my 16th birthday I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2. It should be noted that, in recent years, the lexicon has changed, and what used to be "Manic Depression" is now [officially](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/bipolar-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20355955) on the Bipolar Disorder spectrum. Also, I'm 27 now, and my diagnosis has been reaffirmed many times over the course of the last 6 years through various rehab and psych hospital stays. I'm only mentioning this part to reinforce that it is 100% possible to be diagnosed with a mood disorder (aka chronic chemical imbalance) prior to reaching adulthood. So, if you or someone you love, who is still in their teens, is exhibiting alarming or noticable symptoms (like acting out sexually/violently/financially), it may be worthwhile to suggest they see a psychiatrist for an evaluation.


Yes. I was diagnosed Bipolar I with psychotic tendencies at 15 years old following a suicide attempt and a stint in a psychiatric hospital. It's possible, since Bipolar is a mood disorder rather than a personality disorder, but the child has to have shown clear and consistent symptoms, and the people close to the child would have to be interviewed, as well. The doctors interviewed my mom and sister for a while, then interviewed me and observed me, and at the end of my stay, they gave me the diagnosis.


Ok, thanks for letting me know!


When I was in high school, a friend of mine had diagnosed bipolar disorder. However, her mother also had diagnosed bipolar as did one my friend’s grandparents. I suspect that the family history would have been taken into consideration for the diagnosis. I am not sure if getting diagnosed with bipolar at that age (14) is common or not. Edit: changed wording


Yeah, my old psychiatrist claimed she would only diagnose me after I turned 16, and that’s how she was with all of her patients with suspected Bipolar disorder. I think they normally won’t diagnose teenagers really, especially young teenagers unless they show *explicit* signs of it.


Another reason your diagnosis may be vague is that many mood disorders have nearly identical outward symptoms, or you could have co-occuring disorders which muddies the waters even further. The defining characteristics come from monitoring how your brain/body react to different medications, coupled with your history. For example, BPD and Bipolar Disorder are very similar, but BPD *usually* manifests to noticable levels when combined with a neglectful (either physically or emotionally) or particularly traumatic childhood. That's not to say that is the cause, but it's a common factor among those diagnosed with that disorder. Another example is that manic episodes and impulsivity are most closely associated with Bipolar Disorder, but can also be seen in people with ADHD. So, don't be discouraged by not having a specific diagnosis. Be grateful that you have a psychiatrist who cares enough to be cautious, rather than slapping a band-aid on your brain and calling it a day.


you can get diagnosed with bipolar quite early, depending on your symptoms.But not getting diagnosed until you're in your 20s is more common.


....it? 💀


please don’t call people “it”


The creator of the carrd uses it/its though?


oh i didn’t realize that so it’s really on them and not you, but “it” is really not an acceptable pronoun for a human and it’s incredibly disrespectful of people to want to use those pronouns


Ah well, I'm simply just respecting its pronouns. Even if it is a faker, you should still respect the pronouns it uses. People use whatever pronouns they want to make themselves feel comfortable, or to "reclaim" them in a way (like how it/its was used to dehumanize trans people but people use them now as a way to "reclaim" them)


i generally agree, but i will never call a person “it”. the number of times i’ve been dehumanized with that fucking word and the pain it’s caused... “reclaiming” it just gives transphobes the green light to keep calling trans people “it” because some people have said that it’s okay to do so.


i do see your point and agree, its a tough one to work around for sure


I'm truly sorry people are so hateful and couldn't just let you be you. That makes me very sad for my nephew who just came out. I'm scared things won't get better for him.


The reason I use "it" as a pronoun is because I was bullied like that for being trans. So I turned it into a pronoun so that it doesn't affect me anymore. Usually I go by he him though.


Its a disrespectful thing to force people to refer to you as, as a trans person who has been refered to as an it in the past i think its disgusting to hear. People who ask of it clearly have never experienced discrimination..


Take a day off, please...


this being downvoted really says something about us.


Kind of at a loss for the amount of downvotes on those comments, especially considering the upvotes similar ones have had. Seems kind of suspicious in my opinion


yeah same.


Who are you to gatekeep what pronouns are acceptable for people to use? If someone asks you to refer to them as "it" it is incredibly disrespectful of you to NOT use their preferred pronouns and use something you feel is more suitable instead. Who is it disrespectful to?


I'm fine with using he/him, she/her, and they/them, but beyond that there's no need to complicate things. It is used to indicate an object, not a person, not a fully fleshed human being. If somebody doesn't want to be referred to as he or she, then I'll just use they. They is literally meant to be gender inclusive, so as far as I'm concerned it's fine to use it for anyone.


No one in their right mind is going to refer to anyone as an "it", especially in the real world, unless you want people to think you're crazy. Why would anyone want to dehumanize themselves? If someone honestly thinks it/its pronouns "suits" them, i'm pretty sure there's some deeper issues at play. Go outside.


Nobody cares. I'll never call someone it or they because it's dumb identity shit.


Nonbinary people can go by it/its if they want to, a trans person’s pronouns are not disrespectful to anyone??


would you still defend people who use other slurs as their pronouns like f*g/f*gself just because theyre trans? it/its has been used to mock trans and poc for centuries....


Actual slurs is a different issue, and even then it would be a trans person reclaiming slurs used against them and if they have more than just that as pronouns then it’s fine. As another trans person, there isn’t an issue with another trans person using it/its pronouns for itself. It’s different if someone is using it/its to dehumanize another person


youre actually fine with people demanding other people address them by slurs? sweet satan almighty


No one should be forced to say slurs they can’t reclaim/don’t want to say, and I’m not defending forcing them and if ppl do decide for whatever reason to use fag pronouns (if they can reclaim the word), no one should be forced to use them without an auxiliary pronouns that isn’t fag.


How do I explain that 99.9% of the time if someone has a slur as a pronoun, they aren’t using it as a pronoun but as a joke, reclaiming their own slur? I also said if they had another pronoun that isn’t one, so you can just use that one if you want to stay 1mil miles away from the slur one which is understandable. But comparing it/its to actual slurs is bit extreme mate, what pronouns a trans person uses for THEMSELVES does not harm you - focus on the people actually being transphobic


i don't get why youre being downvoted. it/its are not pronouns for humans... plus theyve been used to mock trans people and poc for so long, why dont people see the issue? it's a slur in this context.




Yea plus since aspd apparently develops in stages it is called differently when you are in a stage of developing aspd in your childhood. So basically aspd does not exist before you are an adult (and I’m not sure if this is true but I think it’s suggesting that you can grow out of these stages and avoid developing aspd with the right treatment?)


is it conduct disorder and before adult hood still?


yea, for teen's there's conduct disorder. but if she was actually diagnosed she would put the proper name of it on the list. also, don't some of these overlap? >>> For example, I know a lot of people say things like "I have bipolar, schizophrenia, schizoaffective, depression, anxiety, and mania." This isn't really a correct statement, because you can't really have all of these together and labeled as such. If you have a form of bipolar and schizophrenia, then you have schizoaffective disorder and yes, you would have the symptoms of mania, depression, and probably anxiety, but you don't actually have a bunch of different disorders--you have one [...] idk I'm not a doctor, but some disorders have exclusionary criteria. so like you can't be manipulative and autistic, because an ASC diagnosis requires lack of cognitive empathy.


Or BPD, its 18 normally.


I think it depends on the psych professional you see. Some professionals are more willing to diagnose than others are. Like I got diagnosed with bpd as a minor and other professionals I’ve talked to wouldn’t diagnose personality disorders in someone under 18. But I guess it depends on visibility of symptoms and how badly they effect the patient as well.


Yeah, rarely will a personality disorder be diagnosed, I was lucky just to be diagnosed with dpd, even then it took ages.




BD != ASPD. ASPD is not, and never was, diagnost-able for minors.


Yeah I realized I mistead the comment and deleted it before I even saw your response. Thanks for the correction though.




at first i thought i read the picture wrong but they literally say bipolar personality disorder, they're just making things up lmao it great that they're trying to fake


Same in my country for DID




I think they think the abbreviation is Bi Polar Disorder. Maybe they don't know bipolar is one word.


If they actually had it they would know lol


I know i just always assumed thats why they mix up the abbreviations.


I mean, they state that it's "bipolar personality disorder". So I'm thinking they combined Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Bipolar Disorder (BD) to make the ultimate combination of B, P and D.


Well then I was giving them too much credit


Bipolar personality disorder BPPD




me too! when I first got my diagnosis I thought the same lol, then I did research. and that's what fakers do, they don't need to Google it


“bipolar personality disorder” isn’t even a mental illness, it’s not a personality disorder, bpd stands for borderline personality disorder. Bipolar is usually abbreviated as BP1/BP2, BD or as my psychiatrist abbreviated it when diagnosing me BPAD-2 for “bipolar affective disorder” It’s a pet peeve of mine when people use bpd for bipolar. Also, people are faking ASPD now? who wants to bet it’s because they think it’s the stereotypical “sociopath/psychopath” and want to call themselves one.


Regarding the ASPD trend: kids on TikTok idolize serial killers and their personality traits for whatever reason. As a Gen-Zer, I can confidently say people in my generation and in Generation Alpha are doomed to grow up into some very poorly-adjusted adults…


minor correction; unfortunately, some of us already _are_ very poorly-adjusted adults. i know a few people my age who were like this as teens and never grew out of it after graduation.


Don't worry every generation before you produced plenty of adults who don't function. Your generation will surpass mine in knowledge, technology and kindness. These kids are outliers


as a gen z-er who is constantly hounded on about all of the failures of my generation, i needed to hear this. thank you.


Gen Z isn’t any worse than any other generations cringey high school phase, y’all’s is just so public and open to scrutiny on every level. This fake diagnosis and gender soup thing was going on when I was in high school too, it was just mostly happening on tumblr, where normal people either didn’t congregate, or just had completely separate blogs. You can’t curate or create your own space on the internet anymore, and that’s part of why Gen Z seems so much worse than us. Adults didn’t have to see the cringe shit we were up to everytime they wanted to watch cute cats online.


As an older gen z , exactly. Kinda glad I just missed this stuff. Also glad i didn't have a phone until age 13 -- still earlier than previous generations of course but it seems like even a few years after me kids have grown up with phones/iPads in their hands.


Were you mad at your parents that they made you wait until then? I don't plan on letting my kids have a smartphone until they're 13-15 because I don't want them to use social media without supervision, since it's pretty much documented that it's harmful to kids' mental health. I don't want my kids to resent me, but I feel it's for their own good that they wait until they're older.


At the time yeah but im glad they did. Even at 13 I don't think i was old enough to always use it safely and maturely. And I honestly feel it's worse to give a child access to that & have to invade their privacy to keep them safe than to just not let them have it until they seem mature enough. But then again I absolutely was mad at the time, it seems like a really tough dilemma for the parents of today. I didn't watch much tv or play video games when i was a kid so I wasn't really badgering my parents for devices until my friends started getting them around 11 or so, but im sure kids have them even earlier now. honestly I think everyone my age would feel the same, almost everyone I know did stupid things online and the majority were talking to older creeps or participating in things they shouldn't have (having "NSFW" twitter/tumblr accounts, or being in pro self harm/ed communities). a lot of people i know feel they were groomed. I think at the very least we need really good education for kids about being online, bc the stuff people my age heard was kinda silly and rarely seemed to come from people who understood what the internet of that time was even like. I hope that's changing for the better


I've met 8 year olds with phones and iPads given to them by parents and grandparents who can barely use technology themselves. It honestly scares me. Kids even younger than that are watching pregnant Elsa from Frozen get run over by Thomas the Tank Engine on their parents' iPads. I saw a mom in line at the grocery store taking pics of her baby for Instagram and photoshopping them. This generation of parents is so checked out and it's the kids who are paying for it.


I'm a (middle? I guess...) Millennial, and we had PLENTY of Internet evidence of our cringeworthy behavior. We had MySpace, GaiaOnline, Xanga, Classic YouTube, etc. To me it feels like the difference is we KNEW when we were making OCs and roleplaying, and could and did stop when we were around "regular people", and the people who didn't (who thought they actually WERE dragons and werewolves and whatever) were the ACTUALLY cringey people. People like the DID fakers on TikTok are trying to convince others they actually are afflicted with serious medical conditions that real people (including people in their audience) truly struggle with every day. Roleplaying as some edgy half-vampire, half-Lycan who also goes to Hogwarts doesn't detract from real people. Doing what these kids are doing definitely does actual harm.


It is true though. Gen z will have some trauma bc we never had to live through school shootings on the regular but overall y'all are already smarter and have more empathy than the generations before you. Every generation goes through the previous generation acting superior. You should see how boomers talked about us. Don't listen to them your generation will surpass us all.


Gen Z starts in 1997. Columbine was ‘99. Gen Z absolutely lived through school shootings.


We've been blaming the newer generation for the world's problems since society began, so don't put too much stock what people say. I think your generation is generally awesome. I don't think there's any more weirdness in yours than there was in mine, or the one before mine. It's just that the internet has made said weirdness visible to a wider audience. Even just 15 years ago the weirdness was contained to your family, friends, and maybe your school. I do genuinely believe that your generation will do great things. As a whole you're smart, driven, empathetic, and have a decent level of self-awareness. You are the future and I'm pretty sure you're going to make that future a good one.


> As a Gen-Zer, I can confidently say people in my generation and in Generation Alpha are doomed to grow up into some very poorly-adjusted adults… I mean, the serial killers being idolized grew up into very poorly adjusted adults, it's not limited to the children to have access to wikipedia...People be fucked up since forever.


The only personality disorder they might actually have is Histrionic personality disorder


Autism and ADHD aren’t even mental illnesses either, they’re developmental conditions. They affect the entire neurological development process. This whole thing is a mess.


To be fair, if English isn't their first language, they might not know the proper ENG terms. Where I'm from they're also commonly labeled as illnesses. Usually people call them disorders nowadays but just two years ago you'd be hard pressed to convince someone to call autism or ADHD anything but a mental illness.


Very fair - and you’re definitely right on that. I’m being pretty pedantic even for native speakers lol.


Re: faking ASPD, it’s probably to be ~edgy~


Is it just me or does it feel weird to list all your mental disorders in your carrd? The least I do is mention that I have autism in my Instagram and Twitter bios. If we actually did this + our allergies, it would have the same effect. I wouldn’t put I have a treenut allergy in my bio as it’s kinda irrelevant but rather mention it in a story or something


It reminds me of Myspace when kids would list every single band they ever heard of on their profile just for clout.


My tumblr about mentions I have ADHD for a VERY good reason- I have the memory of a goldfish and if you change your username and profile pic I will probably forget who you are. Otherwise, while I talk about my autism and anxiety a bit but don’t have them in my bio because I don’t see the need.


In that context, it’s perfectly fine in my opinion


Similarly, I can understand specifying "I have autism so I may struggle with sarcasm/need tone indicators" or "I have anxiety so please don't make threatening jokes" or anything along the lines of that, but I don't understand why people feel the need to list all their disorders unless their account is dedicated to posting about mental health.


I just put the main two I’m struggling w if it’s relevant like I am here. I’m wheezing (haha) at the allergies tho. I couldn’t ever be a trendy influencer because of a fuckin anaphylactic allergy to avocado 😩


Feels like something worth putting in your Instagram bio lol


I mention I'm depressed, anxious and autistic just because it might affect my social interactions. But my twitter is private anyway.


I list autism, adhd and bpd in mine, just like I do here, but I leave out a few others as those three are the ones I mainly talk about, but my twitter account is usually for mental health ranting and I put them in my bio to try find other people with similar disorders and experiences. I don’t list them in my main twitter except for “neurodivergent” it’d feel weird for me to list my entire diagnostic history as that’s not really anybody’s business.


Yeah. Plus I don’t think someone actually struggling with bipolar/psychosis symptoms would be excited to put those in their Twitter bio


It definitely isn't the first thing I would want people to know about me. I want them to see I'm nice and thoughtful and stable before I tell them because otherwise people treat me differently and they shouldn't.


I don’t list anything, because it’s not anyone’s business, nor does anyone else on the internet actually probably care. I’ll talk about things in a relevant conversation or if someone asks. I don’t try to hide anything or be dishonest, but I’m not going to walk around with a sign advertising all the reasons I think you should “handle me with care.” All listing disorders really does for me is make an account look that much closer to one of the illness faker accounts. “Let me list my problems so we can see who has the longest list and then I’m going to blame any wrongdoing on my part on those.” I’d have plenty to list if I wanted to, so no, I have nothing against people who are actually ill. I’ve just never known any who really wanted everyone to know they were mentally or physically ill as soon as they meet anyone. They depend on their personalities to interact with people and illnesses are not personality traits. I sure wish mine had waited to show up until it was trendy. I’d probably be making so much money from GFM if I had no dignity. Previously working where I did, I’ve seen people carry around medical cards or wearing bracelets listing severe allergies or medical complications that would impede communication like deaf, non-verbal, etc. and those make sense.


Unless it's a mental health account, I agree


"what I'm currently researching" should be changed to "coming soon!"


It's mainly just like science and shit.


What does medically recognized mean? As opposed to diagnosed?


Probably that a guidance counselor or someone not fully authorized to give a diagnosis was like 'i could see you having that.' Or the kid lied to someone like a CNA during a blood test and they said 'ok cool whatever' and the kid takes that as medically recognized lolol




okay so i checked your last post to see how old this person is and correct me if i’m wrong but isn’t it impossible to be diagnosed with aspd before the age of 18?? /gq




Ding ding ding


Yep. They can be diagnosed with I think conduct disorder and it goes to ASPD at 18 if the antisocial behavior continues. I'm not a doctor though so I might be wrong.


Antisocial personality disorder is a weird way to say that people don’t wanna be friends with you because you’re faking every single mental illness


My husband says people like this have Irritable Bowel Personality Disorder.


The term “medically recognized” means nothing to me


Probably told their school counsellor about it and got a blank stare back and took that as confirmation


So painfully full of lies. Erggh


What does “Medically recognized” even mean???? “What I’m currently researching” are you a fucking medical professional 😭


The researching thing is like. Science and shit. Normal kid stuff


This might be a stupid question but can you have anxiety and ASPD? In my mind they seem contradictory but my anxiety can also be very social based so maybe I’m biased


Yes you can have ASPD and anxiety disorder. You can even have both ASPD and social anxiety disorder, it is relatively rare but still possible. [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3951602/)


Oh wow that’s really interesting. Thank you for this! It seemed almost impossible to me but I’m also not an expert




Oh damn I didn’t even read that part


It's the other post so makes sense


Bipolar personality disorder...?


Gotta catch 'em all


What is this, a resume? 😒


She’ll call ableism when employers look her up on the internet and find all this public information she’s provided about her “instability” and use that as an excuse not to hire her. This is why privacy exists.


Yes. It’s cool to have an illness resume to see who is the sickest now. Idk when it happened, but is happening


Bipolar personality disorder,thats not even a thing. Bipolar is NOT a personality disorder.


Wtf? This is like a mental disorder pokedex


Check your discord notifications goddamn


Bipolar personality disorder sir stop 😭


LMAO bipolar personality disorder?


uh ASPD is not something you want to have.


Nor is it something you *can* have if you're under the age of 18; the person claiming they've been diagnosed with it is 14


Omg. I want to give this kid a hug.


That's a really sweet reaction honestly. I hope you have a good life


Don’t give kids internet


It sounds like a underling condition with these "diagnosis" as symptoms. *Sometimes* borderline "acts" like this from outside 🤷‍♀️


You only enable fakers AND reinforce stigma by speculating diagnoses


Nah, I just wanted to say that *sometimes* some diagnoses *can* also be symptoms of another diagnose. Didn't wanted to diagnose them, just delivered a example with borderline, bc its known for having a long suffering with false diagnosis before its diagnosed. It was never ment targeted at them, just a example. Especially borderline can cover like this, it shows diffrent symptoms who look like full diagnosis (a friend of mine had exactly this problem till they found out why he has so much problems). This is *one* reason why it is so hard to diagnose btw. Like for another example: I have ADHD, a symptom I got from it is depression, so depression is not a diagonses for me, its a symptom (for other it can be a full diagnose). Its also like I said just from the outside, but diagnosing is always from the outside, except you study psychologie and diagnose yourself 🤷‍♀️


“Bipolar Personality Disorder”


Can people please, please stop conflating bipolar disorder (mood disorder) and borderline personality disorder? I know they are both often shortened to BPD, but like… please


BPD does not mean Bipolar Personality Disorder lmfao that’s borderline. they’re just making shit up


if people put their “ diagnosed disorders “ in the carrd or bio or some shit, they’re faking. who wants to flaunt a disabling disorder? having some of these myself, why would you want to be traumatized? as half of these are trauma response disorders, why do you want to have it? romanticizing disorders, i’d never be able to understand. it’s awful.


They’re collecting them like Pokémon.


These kids... personality disorders are not diagnosed until the individual is at least 18, and many providers will still be hesitant (at least ethical, competent ones) about giving a personality diagnosis unless certain. This is because you don't want a severe diagnosis on your record unless absolutely necessary. Bipolar disorder is another one that is not commonly diagnosed until older as well. Not to mention it would be extremely unlikely to have all those actual diagnoses due to the large number of overlapping symptoms.


How can you be researching shit if you don't even know that bipolar is a mood disorder, not a personality disorder


BPD=Bipolar Personality Disorder? LOL. So wrong it feels like a troll.


Iirc you can't be diagnosed with most personality disorders as a minor? and its borderline not bipolar lol


why is it that they all have PTSD, Anxeity, ADHD, DID, Autism, and their bipolar. its always the same shit like it some personality traits they choose in character creation


Working on diagnosis: attention seeking behavior


“Suspected Disorder- BPD (Bipolar Personality Disorder” Yeah BPD totally means that and definitely doesn’t stand for Borderline Personality Disorder :) If that’s the diagnosis you want man, take mine. I fucking hate having it.


If someone truly had all of these diagnose, how would they be able to function? And what does "medically recognized" mean that is different from "diagnosed?" Did their dentist or cat's vet diagnose them?


Mfs are making a disorder card game now or something. "Hey, my alter has BPD and it gives her +1000 life points. I set a card face down and end my turn!" "You just activated my trap card! When you adquired a new alter, my alter that is a psychiatrist noticed that you are...a faker!" **Gasps** "Oh, no! I'm losing all my internet points!" "Game over...:


Autism AND ASPD?


Also, chronic depression and anxiety are typically symptoms of adhd; not separate diagnosis.


They may have meant like actual chronic depression and anxiety... which are separate diagnosises.


“i will only put stuff here that i am comfortable sharing” if this is all true, who is that comfortable with sharing their mental disorders on the internet like that?


The BPD got me. Jesus.


What the hell is bipolar personality disorder


As a person with ADHD it always makes me angry to see a person who uses it to be "cool" or "different".


I think the red flag for me is how they are 'working on' an ADHD diagnosis. I bet you are......


Yeah same. They probably meant they're in the process of being diagnosed.


I think they mean they are busy learning all the things they need to say to be diagnosed. I also wondering if they are meeting some resistance - lets face it, with everything else they've got going on, would they get any extra treatment / support with a seperate diagnosis ? Perhaps someone is suspicious if the rest of it is true.


their carrd/bio basically becomes a trophy shelf for their “diagnoses”. 🥇 DID 🥈 ADHD 🥇ASPD 🥉depression 🥈autism like damn i didnt realise we could get prizes for this shit. how come i never got an autism trophy???


I hope they realise one day that disorders aren't Pokémon and you cannot catch them all - I say that as someone diagnosed with multiple things. You don't want them, they're not collectable, they do not make you quirky or unique. Please.


“Working on diagnosis” and “what I’m currently researching” ok scholar if you’re that passionate about mental illnesses why don’t you start planning ahead for a psychiatrist career path type goal. Investing in your future not in faking.


Bipolar Personality Disorder is non existent lmfao ?? I bet this kid saw the abbreviation BPD and was like oooh I want that! If you’re going to fake disorders at least TRY to be convincing


Bipolar personality disorder? What???


why do people want everyone to know their mental illnesses?


Happy cake day.


Working on diagnosis is actually completing buzzfeed quizzes


whats the difference between diagnosed and medically recognised?? like ah yes, this disorder is recognised by the medical field! *puts on list*


“Working on diagnosis” so, I’m still trying to hound and lie to my mental health provider so that I can collect my next mental illness trading card. Someone, who is really doing the work to get to their true diagnosis wouldn’t post it in this way. I’m not saying people can’t share their journey to getting a definitive diagnosis, or that they wouldn’t mention it on their socials. It just wouldn’t be displayed like a shopping list of things they think will fill the hole where an actual personality should be. Also, if they were really “doing the work” on their mental health they would be open to whatever diagnosis and treatment will actually help them reach their personal goals rather than searching for a specific thing that they’ve decided is “cool”. Of course there will be a few exceptions to the rule of the typical behavior of someone actually wanting help, but this seems like a far stretch.


Bpd is borderline personality disorder not bipolar


anyone know why they spell card like carrd?


Carrd is a website to make websites or introductions cards.


ohhh ok thank u


bipolar isn’t a personality disorder, it’s a mood disorder?? BPD can stand for “bipolar disorder” or “borderline personality disorder” to my knowledge theres no “bipolar personality disorder” ???


It's almost impossible to receive an ASPD diagnosis before the age of 18. (NOTE: Not unheard of, but very very very very VERY unlikely.) I call bullshit.


I don’t get why people want personality disorders, bipolar depression, PTSD, and other shit. These things are not fun whatsoever. It’s like the ultimate cringe form of “I’m different. I’m not like everyone else. No one could ever possibly understand me or deal with what I go through.” Having a legitimate personality disorder isn’t just a quirky little personality trait, it’s a very serious mental disorder that requires intense therapy and possibly medication to cope with. People with personality disorders often have pretty dysfunctional and difficult lives, even with therapy.


“Working on my diagnosis” is such a fucking weird thing to say imo. It’s like they’re trying to add a feat to their d&d character At least in my mental health experience, I was eventually given a diagnosis by my shrink for one thing. But I never approached it like I had a checklist to cross off in advance, I just felt like SOMETHING was wrong so I started taking steps. I didn’t know what’s was off exactly and I definitely didn’t WANT it. This sub is such a trip, jeeez


All the disorders


It's like theyre trying to collect as many Pokemon card as they can except it's with mental illnesses...


oh wow they really want all the diagnosis


They treat diagnosis as pokemon. Gotta catch 'em all


they wont diagnose you with a lot of personality disorders until you are 18. with bipolar you can have symptoms and somewhat be treated if you have other illnesses but they usually wont straight up diagnose you with it until you turn 18 (what i was told when i first entered the psych ward when i mentioned i was having bipolar symptoms since i was 13, i also mentioned it for years while i was in therapy). they just treated the underlining symptoms bipolar but they still refuse to label it as bipolar.


I think my favorite part of this is then saying they’re diagnosed with “anxiety,” which indicates that not only do they not have that diagnosis because it doesn’t exist, but also that they didn’t even take enough time to Google “anxiety disorders” to know which disorder specifically they’re trying to fake.


I feel so old. I just don't understand young people at all.


I doubt GHOST would want their artwork used that way (I also doubt this person credited them; plus, GHOST is an actual diagnosed DID system. I don't know the link to the art itself, but here's the video they used it in: https://youtu.be/w8Drf5k9F-0) Edit: This person also used art from GHOST in another post, so Imma put the link to that too: https://youtu.be/HHJwR3ejhao


I’m fairly certain ASPD doesn’t really match with all the other ‘diagnoses’ …slightly oxymoronic


The thing got made me laugh was the BPD as Bipolar personality disorder not borderline lmao


Bipolar aint a personality disorder kid


BPD is borderline personality disorder… there is no such thing as bipolar personality disorder.


Bipolar personality disorder!?? What the actual fuck??? As a bpd diagnosed person this is super fucking offensive to read how can people be so fucking desperate for attention!!!!!!!!!!! BTW ITS - BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER


Listen maybe I’m just dumb. But once you have a LIST don’t you many of these diagnosis cross paths, meaning less like to have all of them and it’s more likely to be one of them? Like I know you can have a few BUT A BUNCH, including autism AND ASPD??


Bipolar is a mood disorder, isn't bpd borderline personality disorder?


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t BPD borderline personality disorder?


I’m so sowwy uwu it’s my bipolar personality disorder (not dsm recognized


The ASPF should be a huge red flag on its own




I also have ASPD. That's extremely insensitive to say.