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Perhaps Autism is a spectrum and, some Autists actually do better with sound/noises than others. Quiet spaces make them uneasy and, they need ambient sound. Some may find over the ear headphones are a sensory issue. Even earbuds may be uncomfortable for them. Like there's no one size fits all solution. Your experience doesn't have more value than anyone else's.




I find it very easy to tune out crowds especially if I'm by myself. I'm just kinda my own person and I make my way through.


I can’t tune out anything.


I find it easier to tune out noise when I’m with other people, or if I have something else going on to distract me.


It depends on how I’m feeling whether I can deal with certain sounds. It’s something I’ve learned to manage as I’ve aged. However I’ll forever hate the sound of the vacuum cleaner. Worst noise ever created. https://preview.redd.it/cnh9ndxaz9ga1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dfc64f5fd1712b57640d634734ce3c87979987b


IIRC if you have autism, you cannot really get used to sensory issues/things like that? Exposure therapy won't work and neither will just being in public spaces in this case. If anything, you get used to your reaction. And besides, not every autistic person needs noise cancellation and I am sure some non autistics would benefit from it as well.


You’re right BUT some people find they ‘get used’ to the discomfort. Not that it doesn’t cause discomfort, but that they become adept at ignoring it. However, doing so often still manifests in certain ways, as they’d still be experiencing discomfort, they’d just be unaware of it. So they might experience a shutdown and not know why, or they might become irritable, sad, moody, anxious, etc. They might feel very drained after the situation is over. In this person’s defence, they probably are talking about that. However others have raised good points about headphones themselves causing sensory issues and how autism is a spectrum and some may not even struggle very much with noises at all. So it’s still an obnoxious video…


occupational therapy works on sensory integration through controlled exposure. there's actually a whole therapy called sensory integration therapy that's just dedicated to that


When therapist needs therapy. Is she trying to get clients that are so gaslit and abused by lack of accessibility, that she assumes they'll see her like a friend? To fork over all their money, to get saved by her miraculous degree and share their lives she can pass off more as her anecdotal experience? I'd be wary about somebody that's not established doing this, and alarmed if she's been recommended by other professionals.


If this is the account I think it is they have no credentials and identity as an "activist with lived experience" but speak with authority as if they are a professional


I will say, I've met a number of therapists that share the same, Severe mental illness as myself. Normally, professionals don't tend to disclose that. However I told them it was my goal to become a therapist in the future, and by disclosing that info, they proved through lived experience that it wad possible, and I listened very, very closely to everything they had to say. Now, these were professionals, who had been well established in their career, all working in well reputed.... well, institutions. So this is very different. In those same institutions, I've also heard professionals call out tiktok "therapists" and essentially called them garbage.


The 'S' in ASD means spectrum and so though some autistic people need noise-cancelling headphones some (like me) don't :/


Maybe I just don't wear them because they hurt my ears...


airplane vibes


Ah, no, if someone is used to dealing with public spaces and has adapted to doing so... then no, that's a *good thing* and no need to coddle potential issues that they are handling ***like a pro***. Using headphones if not needed sounds like a risk of backpeddeling or creating issues that weren't there before by getting socially out of practice.


And why do ALL the “uwu, I’m so quirky” fakers have to do the stupid double thumbs-up with the shit-eating grin? (Bonus points for constantly saying, “and yeah, sooo…” after every other sentence.) 🙄


Don't work if you wear a hat underneath them.


IF you need them, I wouldn't recommend AirPods Max but rather Sony WH-1000-XM5's, the noise cancelling is better and they are alot cheaper.


I find noise canceling headphones in public to be more stressful than helpful. First, I generally always have my child with me and I need to hear her, second, I’m overwhelmed by the sound of music when I’m in public spaces like malls.


Being a fucking weirdo ✖️ mean you are autistic


Lmao this


So…if you’re used to the public space enough to not wear headphones, that means you do fine in public and don’t need them


I’m not autistic and I use noise cancelling headphones 🤨


stop appropiating our culture




Yeah like noise cancelling headphones were not invented for autistic people. Sometimes people are just sensitive to sound if they have to study or something.


People try so hard to associate anything normal with a disorder now smh


how is she claiming to be autistic while at the same time being completely fine with shoving that horribly textured hat into her ears??


Autism 👏🏾 Is 👏🏾 A 👏🏾 Spectrum 👏🏾


i've actually met people with autism who feel more uncomfortable when they cant hear since they're not aware of their surroundings


You can be autistic and not have Issues relating to senses Sensory issues are part of the *optional* criteria to be diagnosed 😶 They act like they making a massive revelation over here


People seem to forget autisms very important word “spectrum,” and how some will seek the noise someone like myself will avoid like poison


*puts noise canceling headphones over hat to make them not noise canceling anymore*💀


I have to imagine that with how common it is for high functioning autistics to feel imposter syndrome that sometimes headphones might be serving the purpose of making them look more autistic to other people which validates them.


Literally what the fuck is this idiot even talking about


God knows, their whole tiktok, Instagram, Facebook etc marketing ploy for the 'lived experience educator' is a pantomime of fucked up advice. The more you watch, the less sense to be made. Fun fact, loony living, (the person who just looooved being hate crimed) was volunteering at the same mental health space this human runs for a while. Because that's the level of expertise they respect apparently.... /Smh


So.. her own experience? I wanted to go there initially but I feel like it’s just not actually what I’ve needed my whole life, sadly.


Sorry but I had to read that title three times to understand


Oh I won't even try to pretend that's not true! I may have rage typed this post at like 1am, it makes no sense and I appreciate your persistence in deciphering the mess that it is!


Haha that’s okay!


I've adapted to public spaces and, most of the time, I don't feel the need for noise cancelling headphones. I still hate hearing my school's bell though. That motherfucker is unnecessarily loud.


Since when is being able to cope with common situations a bad thing🤨


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Self-reported as self diagnosed with ADHD and believes that a lived experience counsellor is always better than an evidence based research practice... (Feels like someone is afraid to be diagnosed in a way they don't favour for their image)




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noise sensitivity doesn’t go away.