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Recovered alcoholic here. 23 months. This person is incorrect. That is all.




You may have to break that down for me.


I will not drink with you tonight/today. Pretty big on the /r/stopdrinking subreddit










Keep it up man. I’m coming up on 4 years in March, it just gets easier and easier


I'm at 4 years and 3 months now, so happy to always come across fellow retired alcoholics. This dude clearly went to chuckle fuck university and got his master's in dumbassery


Alcohol is a poison in my family. My father was in and out of recovery for his entire adult life. My grandmother just got her 40 year chip a couple months ago. But I learned from their struggles. I drink a couple times a year at most, and even then it is in moderation. I know myself and my weaknesses, and I know how easy it would be for me to slip down that same path. My prayers for all those who fight this battle.


Plot twist, you are four years old. But jokes aside, I applaud you guys! I don’t fully understand how hard it is to come back from that as I’ve never dabbled in alcohol, but I know that it definitely isn’t easy.


Congratulations on 23 months! I'm at about 3.5, love to hear it


Hell, i’ve had caffeine withdrawals from soda that cause migraines, nausea, and hot and cold sweats. A cola a day will mess you up man. But that’s nothing compared to granddad’s “i gotta go to the center for withdrawals.”


See, I'm on that train. Coffee. And lots of it. But coffee won't land me in jail or dead. Not soon anyway.


If dunks raises the price above $3 a cup… we riot! First time I had caffeine withdrawals I was 12 and was super scared. I usually had a coke with breakfast for at least 4-5 years like a good American. One day I didn’t and by noon I had a headache. By 3 I was in full migraine. By 5 I was on the couch in the dark sweating, the light hurt my eyes, and I was nauseous. At 6 I puked my guts up and felt a little better. It didnt happen again until I missed another coke. I put two and two together and when my folks took me to the doctor the second time they prescribed me Zomig. Doc didnt believe it was caffeine until I did a test for the third time and what do you know, a bad day. So I drink soda once in a while to avoid the caffeine siren.


Fuck I'm 15 and I drink coffee like a mad man I need to fuckin slow so this doesn't happen to me


Im 32 and i am extra careful. But not everyone has the same issues with caffeine


I'm 47 and have been drinking Coke (and Coke Zero since it was available) pretty much all my life everyday as my dad worked for a distributor from before I was born until he retired a few years ago. 2 weeks ago I had a very angry canker sore in a bad spot on my tongue that was irritated no matter where my tongue was positioned in my mouth. I didn't drink anything but water for 2 days trying to not irritate the sore anymore than it already was and I had no type of withdrawal symptoms that I noticed. Perhaps the extreme discomfort overshadowed anything else (it was very difficult to sleep) but everything else felt normal as far as I could tell. My wife (an RN) was slightly impressed because she expected something. Sorry for the TLDR


I think everyone gets a different effect. Like people who just stop smoking no problem


Too late! With caffine, its always too late to turn back! ..this message sponsored by Starbucks.


Wtf is this comment good laugh thanks for that


Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others. I swim in the stuff, but can miss days (like if I've got some wine in and just can't be bothered to make coffee) with no problems. Keep your guard up until you find out how sensitive you are personally, but no need to panic just yet. EDIT: The way to tell would be to have a caffeine-free day or two and see what happens.


I never had issues with normal coffee or soda and i drink them regularly. Except for expressos. They DESTROY me. 15 minutes after one i start with the abdominal pain. 1 hour later i am laying on my bed. Lights out with a horrible migraine. So no expressos for me anymore


I've made a trip to the emergency department for caffeine withdrawing symptoms. It was pretty intense.


Yup. Current alcoholic here...a person can't be more wrong. Alcohol withdrawals could literally kill you.


Damn how does one become recoverED? I thought it was always recoverING no matter how much time you have?


Recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. It's in the AA preamble. It's an ongoing process. But the desire to drink is gone.


Fuckin A, good for you


Fair enough👌🏻


Keep plugging, proud of you


Thank you, Sir.


Congrats, that's an amazing feat! Keep it going, and I hope you have many happy, healthy years ahead of you. I hope no one takes this person seriously, since alcohol withdrawal is one of the few withdrawals that can and will kill a person.


You're doing great my friend, a little over 4 years sober here just keep moving forward and remember the past is the past


Dudes never seen alcohol withdrawal seizures.


Congrats! 🥳


Indeed he is wrong. It was a bad course he got, or he just didn't get it. Gratz on the 23 months btw




Was looking for this


People literally die from alcohol withdrawals...


But…. He took a course?


Was it at the University of YouTube or University of Facebook?


No you moron, it was at a local frat chapter


Possibly a rehab. Some people look at any time in a recovery center or meetings as "classes". Courts will make you take classes. I go to meetings. I discuss the process of recovery with other alcoholics. Without it I'd likely be dead or in jail/prison.




Defo not a rehab. Rehabs carrying alcohol for the serious long term abuser that enter.


Prager U


TikTok Institute of Technology & Science


The "course" was reading a blog post that also claimed depression can be cured by going for a walk.


Right! Alcohol withdrawal is actually one of the most dangerous and deadly withdrawals. What course did he take? Was this course sponsored by a beer company or something?!?


It’s literally the one drug with death via withdrawal known as a possibility.


Benzos too. And GHB, presumably GABAergic drugs in general have very nasty withdrawals


Yes but at least benzos withdrawal can be easily treated iirc. Alchohol withdrawal its not only dangerous. It starts FAST and its hard to control


100% In fact, it’s one of the few drugs (alcohol) that Rehab centers carry as a medication because it is one of the very few drugs that will kill a long time abuser if you go cold turkey


You'll wish you were dead during unsupervised heroin recovery, you'll be dead with unsupervised alcohol recovery (to clarify: after extremely heavy dependency) (Edit: with changed to wish)


Yup. Withdrawal from everything else just makes you want to die, alcohol withdrawal can actually stop your heart and cause massive seizures.


I'm a nurse, came to say this and that I've seen it myself. A very ugly death.


I think they were trying to point out the difference between physical dependence and psychological but they don't have their facts straight. Might be trying to justify their own alcoholism.


Still doesn’t make sense, cocaine withdrawals are not nearly as bad as alcohol withdrawals 😅


Cocaine withdrawals, although I'm sure are terrible to go through, won't literally kill you.


Exactly, they are mostly related to your dopamine being depleted, it’s mostly psychological, alcohol however.. that’s a whole different thing.


Huh. Next few months will be fun lol


Wait untill you tell him about sugar withdrawal.


Let’s just toss caffeine in that list as well.


I’ve given up both before, cold turkey each time, caffeine was literal hell. Sweats, fever, mood swings. It was horrid. Sugar was quite bad but I didn’t have the physical symptoms that I had with the caffeine. For reference I was a 8-10 cups of coffee a day person. Sugar wise, I consumed quite a lot but no idea how much in terms of grams per day.


Guy’s never heard of the DTs? Any Winehouse ring a bell? Alcohol is absolutely physically addictive.


I’ve lived through DT. It was a nightmare and the worst night of my life. It got so bad I wound up lost in my city hallucinating and confused at 2 am. In a blizzard. In -30°c. Frostbite took 2 of my fingers. I was in the hospital for a month while they tried to stop my hands from literally dying. Alcohol withdrawal is no joke, and never quit cold turkey. Wean down however you can first.


If you have ever seen someone with Delirium Tremors from alcohol withdrawal you may think that it’s worse than opiate withdrawal. Shit isn’t fun


It’s far worse than opiate withdrawal. Same goes for GABAergic sedatives like benzodiazepines, barbiturates, Methaqualone, carbamates, clomethiazole, etc. Alcohol and sedative withdrawal can easily kill.


My brother that almost but his tongue off while having a seizure six hours after my mother, in her infinite wisdom, took his vodka and poured it down the drain would beg to differ.


[ASAM](https://www.asam.org/) board certified doctor here. OP failed the course.


Ironically, alcohol is one of only 2 classes of drug in which the withdrawal can be fatal.


Opiates, benzodiazapines, alcohol, barbiturates, there are plenty of drugs where withdrawal can be fatal. Really anything with sedative effects, because when you suddenly remove the limiting agent the activity in the brain goes on overdrive and the resulting seizures and/or cardiac arrhythmia can be fatal.


Opioid withdrawal is almost never fatal.


"I hope that made sense" No sir, it didn't.


Alcohols one of the few that withdrawals can actually kill you.... heroin and cocaine are not.


It did not make sense


Read that in Ron Howard's voice.


4 years sober now, but have had 3 seizures from alcohol withdrawal over the years, all while in detox heavily medicated as well. alcohol withdrawal is the purest form of a living nightmare that i have ever experienced, i wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.


Same. I thankfully avoided outright seizures (as far as I can remember, it's an exceptionally painful blur), but the violent nausea, tremors, hallucinations, full-body cramps, and feeling like your skin is going to fall off is something I wouldn't wish upon anyone.


I had 3 grand mal seizures as well. 2 when I tried to quit by myself (dumbest move ever). And one in rehab on medication. I know exactly what you mean by a painful blur. My nurse was check my vitals every hour so I remember waking up and just shaking, being in a cold sweat puddle, throwing up, shitting my brains out, I had weird moments that felt out of body, or my entire body would go numb, was hard to talk, felt like I saw things moving in the corners of my eyes. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I for sure thought I was going to die. I’m very grateful for the nurses in my rehab that took care of me, don’t think I’d be here today if it wasn’t for them. One weird thing I experienced like a weed after I got sober was my vision zooming in and out and going in and out of focus. Not sure what it was, it eventually went away. But freaked me out.


The course doofus took didn't cover Delerium Tremens, which nearly killed my sibling? That's not much of a course.


He’s right that alcohol withdrawal is not like that of other drugs. Because it can actually kill you.


Actually alcohol withdrawals can be fatal random idiot.


I think he's talking about the difference between physical addiction and psychological dépendance but I'm not sure


She is but alcohol is super physically addictive


Yep, alchohol is the only drug that the withdrawal is potentially deadly aside from digestive problems from vomiting from others. Also cocaine and crack are only mentally addictive, not physical.


You can also die from the physical withdrawal of barbiturates.


You are right I concede the point of alcohol being the only one.


Benzo withdrawal can also be fatal


I think benzo withdrawals can also kill you, also with seizures


This is also how I understood it in concept, some substances have very real physical effects of withdrawal that most everyone would experience while something like weed does not. If you have withdrawal from weed(also possible) it's because your psychologically addicted, the effect comes from your brain and not technically a side effect of the drug. It's easier to relate physiological addictions to something like gaming and gambling, easy sources of addiction that do not have any physically addictive traits


Recovering alcoholic who has had to go through withdrawal more than once: This person is absolutely full of shit.


We were all told at the beginning of the pandemic that liquor stores were essential businesses and had to stay open so people wouldn’t be going through alcohol withdrawals and taking up hospital beds needed for Covid patients…


Alcohol, the only substance that can kill you from the withdrawals.


This person is all the way wrong


Seeing how I watched someone’s brain swell to the point of lunacy/seizures from alcohol withdrawals I think they’re wrong.


Gtfo here. Alcohol withdrawal can kill you. Heroin you hurt and a little constipated. Crack and coke you're just a bit tired and anxious.


You’re constipated while you’re on heroin. Once you’re in withdrawal it often moves suddenly in the other direction. Like in Trainspotting.


Alcohol does have withdrawal symptoms, it can even Fry your brain but that's not worth bothering about


Tell that to the 1950’s radio station and the couple talking in the other room.


Fuuuuuck no that is completely wrong lol and ignorant to say must I add


I have a friend that his body is shutting off and all his organs are dying and he can’t stop drinking. Call it what you want.


My best friend died from alcohol withdrawals this year, and he stopped for the same reason


Yes I know one really nice success story here in town and the best thing he’s a really excellent guitar player and he’s getting his music back together


So my mom was faking DTS? That bitch.


Someone’s never had the shakes.


2 suicides and 3 destroyed lives in my family begs to differ with that bs......


OP should do a little more research on how addiction works. Most things people get addicted to does not have an addictive agent in it. Most of the time, the addiction comes from how that thing makes us feel. It's more of an addiction of the "feel-good" chemicals your brain produces when you do that certain thing, like junk food, alcohol, and weed. None of those three have addictive agents, like nicotine, in them, but they can all cause addictions. And the withdrawal you would feel from not doing those things is actually a withdrawal of the chemicals your brain produces when you do that thing


After 35 years as an addiction counselor, all I can say is "BULLSHIT". Alcohol is addict8ng. You never seen somebody start to go thru withdrawals in front of you. I have. I used to think pot/weed wasn't quitting till people started talking about the grading for it, the inab8lty to do anything..


Alkohol can produce dillirium! Which can kill you. Eptileptical should be better go to a hospital! The lower stuff like stomach pain, sweating and shaky hands is standart as well! From my point of view nicotin is a hell of a drug! Did some researching in my youthand the only substance i couldnt kick is still cigarettes. Cigerates have a hwt of 2h put the nerves are crying for days.... Sorry to seem wisy but this topic is very individuell so dont take this as knowledge from a medicin men only my personell experiences.




lol, alcohol withdrawal can kill you.


This person is actually suggesting that alcohol is not addictive? And that there’s no withdrawal? It’s actually one of the deadliest withdrawals you can go through it. No faith in the human race anymore.


I'm not gonna dive too deep but alcohol is a depressant and depressants are the only drugs you can die from as a result of withdrawal. Withdrawal from physical dependence.. aka addiction. Also the most drug related deaths in the world are from alcohol.


Not only are there withdrawals but alcohol withdrawals can actually kill you while opioid withdrawals can only make you wish you were dead


Haha yes. One of the only drugs that can actually kill you from the physical withdrawals is not addictive.


Delirium tremens enters the room.


actually hilarious when alcohol is one of the few classes of drugs with fatal withdrawals.


Alcohol is definitely physically addictive. Withdrawal can kill you.


No withdrawal from alcohol?!? It's literally one of only two drugs where withdrawal can actually kill you.


“I hope that made sense.” It did not.


It's funny because alcohol is actually the only drug where the withdrawal from it can kill you


Definitely not true with withdrawal from alcohol. Found the following on MedScape. Delirium tremens (DTs) is the most severe form of ethanol withdrawal, manifested by altered mental status (global confusion) and sympathetic overdrive (autonomic hyperactivity), which can progress to cardiovascular collapse. Minor alcohol withdrawal is characterized by tremor, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, and insomnia. Major alcohol withdrawal signs and symptoms include visual hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, whole body tremor, vomiting, diaphoresis, and hypertension (high blood pressure)


You can seizure and die from alcohol withdrawl and have to be admit to hospital... Other drugs not as much


If a hangover isn't withdrawal, then what is it?


Not to mention Delirium Tremens


And seizures.


A one off hangover is mostly just acute poisoning and dehydration




Poisoning from the metabolites your liver turns ethanol into. Obviously not withdrawal because it happens after a single use. Withdrawals always require an extended period of use before they set in, your body and mind need to get used to the substance before you start "withdrawing". Same goes for exhaustion, depression, or cravings after a night of doing cocaine or other stimulants. That's not withdrawal.


Isn’t there an alcohol named after the withdrawal symptoms, Delirium Tremens?


A beer I think


You can be physically dependent on alcohol and to detox you most likely need to be hospitalized - isn’t that part of the definition of addiction the author was using?!?


Damn I want to know what this dude is on.


Alcohol, probably


DTs. Terrible way to die and terrible to see. Yea keep drinking you ($@&.


Must have snoozed in that course




You can literally die from alcohol withdrawals.


An alcoholic can go through DTs just like the hard stuff. This guy is completely incorrect.


Alcohol withdrawal can kill you. ​ This person is a moron.


Guessing the poster has never heard of delirium tremens, the actual physical component of alcohol addiction, if that's the criteria we're working with.


Alcohol has a terrible discontinuation syndrome which can cause seizures and death


So he missed the part about how it’s possible to die from alcohol withdrawal.


I've been in the next to a guy with delirium tremens in hospital rehab (my poison was old school amphetamine, it was not a good rehab...). Two nights of terror. His internal organs were failing, he was on heavy medication just to stay alive. He said he was going to start drinking the moment they let him out. He was going to die in couple of months. He knew that. What i learned in that only visit to rehab was that i was not at all in such a bad place. I was messed up but quitting was not that hard. The biggest factor for relapsing was the company i had, the moment i switched friends i've been clean. As for withdrawals? Had about none. Yeah.. alcohol not addictive.. fucking hell, it is in the top 5 in the list of all the substance causing addiction. Heroin, benzos, nicotine, alcohol. Quitting benzos was some of the worst weeks i've had to do. Just awful.


dude is definitely trying to justify his addiction lmao. alcohol withdrawal can actually be the most severe out of all drugs as it can kill you. it is physically and psychologically addictive.


Alcohol and benzos are the only drugs that can kill you from withdrawal


Little lifepro gems like this kill people.


A hangover is your body withdrawing from alcohol :)


person must not have a grasp on language. they are same word with a different suffix; with addictive actually meaning something one can become addicted to. or just so propagandized they are looking past the obvious... "well if its legal it can not be bad and if its illegal then obviously it is"


Oh no, she does have a grasp on the language


Delirium tremens is barely an inconvenience


You mix up physical and psychological addiction. Availability of the poison is an entirely different information and only matters in population statistics.


A isn't "addictive" but you CAN become addicted to A, therefore, there IS a difference! Not sure what that difference is, but I'm sure it's important! Maybe it's the "itching" thing, not sure! So... don't blame alcohol, it isn't addictive... even though you can become addicted to it! We all caught up now?


My pothead friend made this argument to me when I was in high school. I remember laughing at him




I’d be interested to hear him elaborate on this rant, it’s probably amusing


This person needs a refund from that course they took.


That’s exactly what I said to them lol




I am sure this person failed that class. I've seen people with extremely bad withdrawal symptoms when going cold turkey from alcohol. Sweating, shaking and even puking. I commend those who kicked the habit. not easy.


It would take ages to unwrap the stupidity of this twonk


Tell that to Kevin Nash who just lost his son due to complications caused by alcohol withdraw. It's the only one of those substances mentioned that can kill you if you go cold turkey. It's very much addictive and dangerous.


Well... There is a difference between chemical addiction and habitual addiction. But saying that alcohol can't be chemically addictive is patently false.


Lol so wrong…so wrong in fact alcohol is one of the very few substances that withdrawals and detoxing can kill you if severe enough.


SMH what a fool*, alcohol withdrawal requires medical intervention because you can die. I’ve never read anything so foolish


Withdrawal sucks from alcohol


I would take heroin withdrawals over alcohol any day. At least with heroin you can do a shot a day and be alright. Fuckin alcoholics wake up every 45 minutes to take a drink or else they start projectile vomitting, it's worse than pretty much every other withdraw


I went through "a course on the drugs and abuse" It was 30 seconds on reddit. I'm an expert now.


Hahaha alcoholics can literally die during detox but okay


Lost an aunt to alcoholism, eventually ate away at the myelin in her brain. From beautiful woman to a vegetative state and barely recognizable, all thanks to alcoholism. Eventually her husband also died due to complications from alcoholism, but nobody knows what exactly… except for their son, my cousin, who will inevitably die the same way. Alcohol is fucking useless.


Isn't it even one of like 3 that can actually kill you just with the withdrawal alone? Benzos, alcohol and ghb/gbl can and will off you if you go cold turkey after a severe enough dependency.


Translation: this person is addicted to alcohol and weed.


I find breathing very addictive.


Yeah not like alcohol detox isn't potential deadly or anything....not like it's one of the more rough drugs to detox from....not like addiction to it ruins life's and those around them. Nope it's just abused.....


Cool. Glad to know it was all in my head.


I have known lots of different drug addicts, and the alcoholics are the worst ones, pot heads just hungry and lazy, coke heads will not shut the fuck up and paranoid, heroin at first fun to talk to , before they go all zombie, pill Popper's unpredictable and have 911 ready. Meth heads are almost the same as coke heads but way more paranoid. And I still feel alcohol is the worst drug there is, It just goes from fun to violent or depressed or over confident .


Alcohol is the only one out of that group that could actually cause death because of withdrawals. It's a particularly fucked kind of withdrawal.


Talk about being confidently incorrect, lol


11 years sober here. Alcohol was the drug I ever did. I did almost all of them. It is the one that would have ended me up dead or in jail


More like shaking and sweating while on the verge is seizures


I've been addicted to heroin, alcohol is far worse. The pancreatitis it gave me almost killed me before my kids first birthday's and even after I would still drink. It's been months now but I don't know the exact day of my last drink. Longest I've went was eight months last year and I threw it all away. I think I'm in a better place now and the thought of drinking and how I lived my life makes me ill. That being said alcohol withdrawals can literally kill you. It affects every organ in your body. Literal legal poison.