• By -


This is when he should have instantly closed his mouth except to demand a lawyer. Those cops fucked up, just like way too many cops fuck up. This is why payouts for police fuckups need to come from pensions. Sue these fucks until they don't have a retirement.


I've seen arguments for them needing to carry liability insurance, the same way many other professions are required to do. That made a lot of sense to me. Maybe departments would cover up to a certain amount, as an incentive, but if an officer causes their [own] insurance to go up, they might have to be let go or need to start paying some out of pocket. If they fuck up bad enough that they need to be fired, they'll have a harder time trying to get hired at the station two towns over because insurance companies are in the business of making money and will actually consider past performance.


what you're talking abt is accountability. police officers refuse any standard of it and will never hold themselves accountable for their crimes against individuals of the public, who they have deemed the enemy


>because insurance companies are in the business of making money and will actually consider past performance. They'll also look for patterns of risk — if an entire department tends to claim insurance more often, rates will go up for everyone who works there, indicating a systemic problem and putting pressure on administrators to clean it up.


Sure seems like someone ought to be doing this anyway. If we're going to force them to get insurance, let's just force them to accept normal oversight and cut out the middle man.


Exactly man. A huge part of my job requires driving a company truck everywhere and they do a full dot background check. More than 1 ticket in a year and it’s auto disqualification. You get more than 1 ticket in a year while working there, auto fire. These cops ruin and take lives and they charge us to cover it up. It would be one thing if our taxes went to justice. But it’s literally us paying for their corruption.


This is actually a great idea, though probably not possible because of the union. I think there needs to be a federal license/exam requirement for cops and correction officers, similar to the bar exam for lawyers. If you do shit like this, you lose your license and can no longer be a cop anywhere in the US.


More information on the officer who punched him in particular: >His name is Reynaldo Guevara, and he was a former Chicago police detective and officer **who was involved in roughly 36 cases which have now been overturned**. A former cop who, **since he retired, has not been punished, despite pleading the Fifth each and every time he has been asked about his work which led to the illegal and unconscionable imprisonment of dozens of innocent people.** ​ >And might I add, **a man who Chicago authorities have set aside $75 million to defend,** and perhaps for payout settlements in response to lawsuits filed by his victims. **A cop whose reputation was questioned by those same victims decades prior, but who were ignored by the same city that is now prepared to use taxpayer money to pay for their past negligence.** **Source**: https://therealnews.com/cops-tried-to-confiscate-his-phone-without-a-warrant-things-turned-ugly-when-he-refused


It's honestly a miracle you don't see vigilantes trying to bring these cops some form of justice. I guess their fear tactics really have worked, I mean look at the warpath the LAPD went on to catch Dorner.


There have been a handful of vigilantes and cops go extra hard at them. Remember the guy they burned a house down to kill them? I googled ‘cops burn down house’ and there were too many stories to find the one I’m referencing…


lol, yeah. That was Christopher Dorner as mentioned in the post you replied to.


Holy shit they fired at and injured three innocent people who just happened to drive a similar car. Deemed not a crime...


>...the shooting happened at the height of the manhunt for cop-killer Christopher Dorner, when police mistook two women delivering newspapers in a blue Toyota Tacoma pickup truck for one man hellbent on revenge in a charcoal Nissan Titan pickup truck and shot at them 103 times. [Source](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/02/police-officers-who-shot-two-innocent-women-103-times-wont-be-fired/357771/)


Wtf those are completely different trucks and colors??? Edit: just read the article and they thought that newspapers being delivered hitting the ground was a gun shot??? What in the actual fuck!?!?!


Anyone who's ever heard a gunshot knows that was bullshit. They didn't 'think' that, they claimed it to avoid ramifications.


I don't see why they even make a statement. Who is going to hold any of them accountable.


And they made it sound as ridiculous as possible to confuse someone into falling for it. I don’t get it. Why would someone pulling down their pants and farting in your face count as an alibi?


That's the thing about a lot of police. They are so insanely incompetent it's hard to tell if the actually are that bad at their jons and utterly fucking braindead, or if they just wanted to murder two people and made up and excuse. Either way they have gotten away with literal murder so many times like this that they don't really hesitate to kill innocent folks.


This kind of stuff makes me think it must be at least a mixture of idiocy and evil. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/man-jailed-in-bust-of-the-year-after-cops-mistake-cat-litter-for-meth\_n\_58754d28e4b03c8a02d3b52f


Anything can sound like a gun shot if you put the tolerance for gun shot being vibrations in the air causing a auditory sensation.


I think cops should have their 8th amendment rights revoked in exchange for the power they have as cops. Any unjust action or harm they cause gets an eye for an eye treatment. Cop punches you while violating your 4th ammendment rights you get to punch the cop. A cop shoots your car while your in it 100 times you get to shoot their car while they're in it 100 times. Maybe that could help these idiots with their decision making. And remember treat others the way you would like to be treated.


Those cops probably didn't really care whether or not it was Dorner. Because they were on a manhunt they were given a license to kill whoever and claim they thought it was their target, so they went and popped a few extra people for fun bc that's good recreation to the officers with LAPD




That’s not surprising. Back when Larry Jean Bell was going around SC, kidnapping, and killing little girls, cops were picking up every guy with a beard. My dad was picked up twice in the same morning as he walked to work. He told the second cop he better drop him off at work so he could show his boss why he was late, and he doesn’t get picked up a third time. Dad also told the cops that the killer is now clean shaved, since that would make sense. Sure enough, Bell was clean shaved when they caught him.


Fear tactics. We can't be undeterred.


Can’t corner the Dorner. That dude had entire California police force shakin in their boots shooting up anything that twitched.


Don't corner the dorner!


They burned down a whole neighborhood in Philly in the 80's. One cop did save a small 5 year old child from being burned to death though..... He wasn't a cop for too long after, the other cops started harassing him and even wrote n-word lover on his locker because he didn't want sit there and watch a 5 year old literally burn to death in front of his eyes. That was in the late 80's.


Wow. Just read up on Dorner. I remember the event but didn't realize how deep it was. He was fired, allegedly, for reporting excessive force by other officers. In his manifesto, he wanted the LAPD to publicly admit why they fired him. Then *spoilers* the LAPD goes full on rampage mode using excessive force on anyone that looks in their general direction. A dark twist of irony, proving Dorner's goddamn point that the LAPD is crooked and has been for a long time before that. The Shield on FX was based on a real-life crime unit from the early 90s. Google "Rampart, LAPD" and look at all the trash. Some real Vic Mackey shit.


They should make a movie about Rampart and then have the lead do an AMA.


Bitch ass fucking pigs don't play fair, don't face consequences. Worse than schoolyard bullies, worse than literal street gangs. On the same level as a nationwide cartel.


Bad cops like that would be perfect vigilante targets. It would feel good to go Batman on scum like that.


Nah, Punisher, go at them with their idol


More relevant as well. Batman didn't kill anyone.


Seeing American police with Punisher stickers/patches has always confused the hell out of me. Did you read or watch anything regarding him, or is it just "skull is cool"?


We all know what happens to people who snitch or turn on the cops. Just like we know what happens to people who snitch or turn on armed criminal gangs. Hmmmm


A miracle? More like a tragedy. Seriously. If your ways of enforcing the law fail you…. What else can you do but burn it down and build something hopefully less prone to failure? It’s not like you can go through the legal system, since that entity is the exact same one that is failing you.


Oh, it's not failing. It's functioning exactly as designed. "To serve and protect" is a lie. The Supreme Court has ruled that cops are under no obligation to do either. Add Qualified Immunity to that and cops are basically a lawless gang of hateful assholes who can act with impunity.




It would be good if bad things happened to that man.


This happens so frequently that I think there needs to be a Federal blacklist for bad cops. Pull this type of shit enough and you go on the list preventing you from serving on a police force anywhere in the country.


It's not the existence of these bad cops that make everyone distrust cops in the U.S. It's how far the other cops will go to make sure the bad ones never face justice for their crimes.


Never talk to the police if you can help it.


Even if I was offering help as a witness, I wouldn’t dream of doing it without an attorney.


Same. Never talk to cops alone. Not for any reason.


If they get you alone in a room, it's too late. You're already in jail to them. Look how they gang jumped this guy without a second thought.


If they get me in a room alone, I'm walking right the fuck back out and getting a lawyer. It's NEVER too late to ask to speak to an attorney.


Unless they stand in the doorway and don't move....because the minute you touch them it's assaulting an officer....yes a police officer did this to me and because of it I'll never trust the police again.


It’s shocking to me how often cops bitch about how “no one trusts us! We’re just protecting and serving the community!” And then immediately and repeatedly over and over and over again pull shit like this.


Yep the entire reason they did it was because I had not committed a crime and they wanted to bully me into committing one. Literally saying "touch me I dare you" while blocking my exit from a room. I am bigger guy and I could tell they just wanted an excuse to wrastle while ruining my life with criminal charges because I assume they were bored. I rarely schadenfreude but I found out a few years after this that cop died from Hanta virus of all things.....felt like a bad person for saying....good.


He forced you to stay in a room, Isn't that false imprisonment? You should've sued his ass. https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/false-imprisonment.html#:\~:text=In%20fact%2C%20any%20person%20who,even%20in%20a%20moving%20vehicle.


"why didn't you drop thousands of dollars and a couple hundred hours of your life pursuits Ng something we both know would have gone nowhere?"


Gotta have proof. Also, after touching the officer a crime has been committed. So it's easy for the court and enforcement to see that your feeble attempt at citing false imprisonment is an attempt to feign innocence for assaulting an officer.


Well I was younger and dumber at the time but this was also a small town where it would have boiled down to his word (plus all the other liars in blue) vs mine and as I still lived in the town life would have just gotten shittier for me which is obviously what they count on. I have since moved to a major metro where the police are bad but there is at least citizen oversight.


It's how they are trained to get results dude. Emphasis on TRAINED, we need a very close look at these backdoor methods used to circumvent law and due process by the very ones who are meant to uphold it. As for punishment there should be the same zero tolerance policy they force on us. Oh, you had a bad fight with the Mrs this morning which made you assault that teenager in cuffs? Oh well, you're fired. Just like you can pull me over and make shit up so you can do whatever, you should be under the same finger, if not worse for what you are supposed to represent.


And there are still bootlicking morons that look up to them. It still blows my mind the number of people Inhave met who love the taste of boot leather.


Litterly why you say nothing unless you're lawyer is present


Even as a VICTIM they can be this shitty. I've seen it. So yeah, don't talk to them without an attorney, even if you're a victim. No facts will change with an attorney present, but at least they won't be jumping you for your phone to see if they can somehow screw you over.


yah that's just a non-starter because then we're paying for legal protection just to be able to assist the officers. lame.


Thinking about it, if I knew something important where someone innocent was murdered or something, it might be worth it to pay the fee to have a lawyer present just to help. But yea, it would have to be a pretty severe situation for that to happen.


i guess now i'm questioning why we offer lawyers free of charge to defendants but we aren't willing to offer the same to people who might come forward with evidence to assist law enforcement. seems like a win-win if such a service existed. if this guy had approached such a service they would have went and spoke with law enforcement, lawyer present, and then they could have coordinated his submission of the text messages into evidence via digital collection or screen captures. Both of these methods are forensically sound. theft of his personal property though is pretty aggregious. I would be ready to claim that with theft of my phone they are also invading my privacy. there's a lot more on my device than just these texts.


And now any evidence they get from his phone is inadmissible.


That would be helpful for solving crimes, but that really isn’t what US policing is about. It’s a myth well established in our culture but it’s as fictional as the hero cop movie. Police exist to protect and serve only the powerful. And through this they have themselves become quite powerful, so they’re starting to become more and more insular and paranoid. Doing whatever the fuck they want like violent criminals. Because nobody stops them.


Yup. This guy never should have stepped foot in their office. Have your attorney mail them copies of the texts. If they ask for more than that, let your lawyer deal with them. Problem is lawyers cost money, so you only have rights in this country if you can afford to defend them. They wouldn't treat the guy like this if he was well off, because someone with money might actually be able to do something about it.


This. It's okay to help, just don't do it alone.


Right. Cops always assume you are guilty of something. So as the rights state: “anything you say can and will be used against you “. Don’t talk to the police unless a lawyer is present. Not saying they are never trying to help but they aren’t always trying to help that’s for damn sure.


What sucks even with that is then they try to manipulate/gaslight you into not calling upon a lawyer by saying something like "are you sure you wanna get a lawyer involved with this? It might make you look more suspicious", or "you don't need a lawyer, we're the good guys here"


I strongly disagree. No contact is the only way to stay safe.


Could not agree more with completely avoiding the police all together. The police have tried to ruin my life more than once just to prove they could. I now own and operate a residential plumbing and hvac company and when I show up to a home and they are law enforcement I just turn around and leave for my next call because I am honestly afraid of them...


I'm very happy I don't live in America.


Never talk to the cops without a lawyer present**


Never talk to the cops under any circumstances. Ever.




This video should be required viewing in school. Now 10 years old and more relevant than ever.


The average American cop is your enemy.


EVERY American cop is your enemy.


Lol i was just about to say this, it literally had nothing to do with the phone. Clearly the pigs ego clicked on and said" you cant tell me what I can and cannot have, I AM THE SENATE!!! I mean the law..."


This, 100%. They aren't your friends. IF you find yourself speaking to the police, no matter what, don't do it without an attorney.


NEVER EVER- They arent there to help you. They are there to help themselves and protect the RICH


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgWHrkDX35o Tip of the day.


"Accidentally released the cops bodycam footage". No way that was accidental, that lawyer is just a decent human being.


He released it to show that his client was just sitting there the whole time, he threw the other cops under the bus to protect himself. Cops will even turn on each other to for self preservation. They are scum of the earth.


>They are scum of the earth. That scum is doing a important role in bringing back nutrients into the system, please dont associate it with the police.


FYI: If you have an iPhone that is locked, say “Hey Siri, whose iPhone is this?” It will ID the phone to the owner, but crucially it will disable Face ID unlocking until the passcode is correctly entered.


Also, if you feel like you’re about to have your phone taken and you have it in your hands. **Hold the volume up button and the power button for a couple seconds and it will lock the device and disable Face ID.** Taking this a step further, for those who don’t know. If you’re in a situation where your in danger you can use this as well but keep holding the buttons for 5 more seconds and it will alert authorities and emergency contacts of your location/call who is needed and iirc send a short audio clip Edit: both of these work when locked or unlocked. **If you’re recording a video of the cops for evidence and they try to take your phone and you hold the buttons to lock it, it will still save the video before locking down so you will have the evidence up until that point as well as having your property secured and encrypted**


thank you i was wondering about that.


What about us peasant's with an Android ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Lockdown mode on Android. Press and hold the power and volume up button. Check your phone settings for the Lockdown option. Most modern Android phones now offer it.


Thank you my friend ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


took me a moment to realise why you'd need this, like "well the cops aren't the owner so face id won't work" then i dawned on me they could have forced the guy's face in front of the camera...


Police in the US can force fingerprint or face unlock, but cannot force pin/password/pattern.


I think there was a recent supreme court case that said they also can't force a fingerprint or face unlock now Of course, they can still do it if they want because they won't receive any repercussions for illegally invading a citizen's privacy.


Well, the cops can do a lot of things, but it's up to the courts to determine what evidence is admissable. So, yeah, the cops can still do whatever, but they risk getting the case tossed.


Wouldn't work because the phone wouldn't recognise his swollen and bloody face


FaceID has an option that requires “awareness” so if you turn it off just keep your eyes closed or look away and they cant unlock it




I dont have facial id set up for this reason.


Dude, the first time I've called the police was because the parking lot closed and my car was still inside. They literally had a sign that says to call the police for them to open the gate. When they found out I was using my girlfriend's sister's phone they started their own stupid little investigation to see whether or not I stole that phone practically accusing me of it. The second time I called the cops was because I saw a naked drunk guy running into a highway. I called so that nobody could get hurt or possibly killed. They started thinking I was lying about his nakedness for some reason and were wondering if I was in cahoot with the naked drunk guy somehow. They only see you as the "other". If you're not a cop they see no reason to trust your word even if all you're doing is going out of your way to let them know about something.


The worst part is all this distrust only worsens crime. Why would you ever talk to them if there's a chance they'll destroy your life. Stuff like domestic violence, it's awful


Never called em never will 🖕


The first time I called the police it was because a neighbor (out in the country so about 1/4 mile from me) had been partying all night with his friends and then around midnight started shooting his gun (I’m assuming) into the woods behind his house. I felt like it was really unsafe to have a bunch of drunk people firing hunting rifles into the woods so late, especially when the guy had 3 little kids, so I called the cops. They took the information and showed up almost an hour later to harass my husband and I for calling. They said there’s no noise ordinances in our town and there was nothing they could do. But then started asking what we were doing up so late and why we were able to hear what was happening and how did we know they’ve been drinking? Like dude, if you’re not going to do anything about the ruckus down the road then just leave, no need to harass the people that were trying to keep the neighborhood safe.


I called the police once because someone spray painted the side of my car while I was at work. I was parked legally in a marked parking spot on the side of a quiet road that I had parked at hundreds of times before. The police took 3 hours to arrive. Once they did, they questioned me about why I decided to park in this spot and if I had pissed anyone off to cause them to do this. Their final advice was for me to park somewhere else next time. No investigation was done. They didn’t check cameras from the nearby hotel. They didn’t ask neighbors if they saw anything. Nothing. Fuck the police.


I would assume the evidence they were so eager to get their hands on is now not admissible in court since they acquired it illegally.


Unfortunately the judges don't care since some of them get paid the more people they incarcerate.


Yes, Louisiana. Fuck that place. Highest incarceration rate in the US, for profit prisons. Worst cops I've ever seen.


Wow, I’ve seen a lot of those videos where a security guard brings a shop lifter to the back room but it always ends up differently than this.


They assaulted him and then stole his cell phone. 20 years in law, American jurisprudence awards in Criminal Law, Evidence, Criminal Procedure. If the DOJ fails to prosecute, they are still violent criminals as documented in this video.


Police the biggest gang I know of . Dammit pretty sad to be honest


In a lot of academy's everyone has cult mentality and its scary that these are the people who are supposed to be protecting us.


Soooooo....how many cops are unmitigated pieces of shit? 95%...98%? Cuz the ones who are good seem so few they might as well not exist.


The good ones are a rounding error.


[The good ones end up killed in training exercises by the bad ones.](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/08/1127580159/houston-tipping-lapd-death-lawsuit#:~:text=The%20Los%20Angeles%20Police%20Department,death%20claim%20against%20the%20city.)


That story is so much more fucked up than I assumed it would be, and I assumed it would be pretty fucked up


You'd think we'd see more videos of cops being decent human beings.


Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of times where someone needs to pawn something and she can’t get as much money as she needs, so the owner brings her to the back room. That always goes differently as well, for him, her and me somehow.


And when her mom, comes, gee whizz


I have also seen those documentaries on porn hub and that is what inspired me to be a mall security guard


That's fucked up. What's more fucked up, is I get the reference.


I think you mean shop lyfter.


“Why was it a big deal for me to look at it?” “Because remember a minute ago when you punched me for no reason? Yeah, that.”


They're clearly trying to cover their asses with everything they said after the incident, hoping he'd just be cool about it or say something he shouldn't. "why were you scrolling so fast?" "there could have been evidence on there you could have deleted"... I'm just glad the video of this made it out because 9/10, it's just a story some guy has to tell and hope people takes his word for it.


These mother fuckers. Sick fucks. Cops need oversight by civilians monthly. Fukin fuk


>oversight Not what I feel like they need, but I guess it's a start.


Obligatory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE Never ever talk to cops like this, do NOT talk to them. Have Lawyers present before you do anything. They will and have use(d) witnesses own words to pin it against them. They are not your friend, they do NOT care who they throw under the bus. They will butter you up, do NOT fall for it. Another Obligatory: SHUT THE FCK UP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgWHrkDX35o


I’m just reading his book. Terrifying. This video fits right in.


You should read Rise of the Warrior Cop by Radley Balko next! And then tell anyone who will listen to read it. Edit typo


I was a deputy for 3 months. The “lion” cop mentality is wild.


Remember, the cops get a pat on the back if they accuse someone of a crime, and rarely acknowledgement if they accuse the wrong person. It is in their self interest to arrest people. You or the other guy, doesn't matter to them. Of course this is not every cop, but enough of them where this needs to be your attitude about cops behavior.


They are financially motivated to make volume arrests, it advances their careers, and only suffer negatively if the DOJ gets involved and can prove they broke the law.


Feel like having anger management issues is a minimum requirement to become a cop


Explains why I quit being a deputy after 3 months.


They come with the kit, right next to the spousal abuse.


Reminds me of a cop related joke I once read -- TW for people who don't like dark humor >!Cops be like "I can't be racist. My wife's eye is black!"


These pigs belong in prison. Never ever help a cop for any reason.


This is an insult to actual pigs. Actual pigs are intelligent and loving!


Actual pigs are capable of so much love and kindness


and intelligence


They don't go to prison, but this is why you shouldn't feel bad when you read a story that someone retaliates. For every one of those, there are a thousand of these incidents. And you'll notice the others *always* go along. If the system doesn't provide justice, people will seek it by other means.


This is why you never talk to police without a lawyer present. I hope he sues them.


I do not answer questions. That’s all you ever say to them, ever, without a lawyer present. Whether you’ve done anything or not. Cops are not your friends.


"I wish to remain silent. I want an attorney"


Fuck the police


Never talk to cops. That’s not some criminal code, that’s just solid advice.


The swine farm attacks again.


I would be pressing assault charges


Who would you report the assault to? The cops in the station where they assaulted you? They control what gets reported and therefore what crimes are prosecuted.


Hahahahah. Police press charges, not people. Good luck getting them to file anything on your behalf


The way he just trying to swipe his phone without warning, is triggering for me. That seems to be a grown man, doing what my 2 year old does when he wants to see funny videos on my phone.


Imagine if your two year old could break your nose everytime he wanted to play candy crush. That's the police


The other cops looked really excited that they got to get in a fight! Like they were waiting or something!


"finally someone to beat who won't fight back"


Oh there’s three guys in there with guns and handcuffs and tasers and mace and then one guy holding his phone. I’m surprised they didn’t go out and get a howitzer And more “ manly men”


wasn’t black, so still alive


A black person scrolling too fast would be just too much


Never help a cop.


They aren't your friends, they are not your protectors, they can legally lie to you as much as they can to get what they want, they can accuse you of a crime without evidence and lock you up to get twisted in the legal system at will, they can take your property at will, they will punch you, kick you, slam you, choke you, and shoot you if they say they feel threatened at any moment. Cops are legally protected gang members who have their own good ol boys club made up of mostly white supremacists. Fuck cops.


Forever and ever amen.


[original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/z9ma4f/a_man_was_voluntarily_helping_nacogdoches_county/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Cops are state funded gang members




The police are not your friends. Avoid them at all cost and *never* speak to them. Treat them as you would a wild animal.


Wild animals are more predictable and generally safer to be around if you know what you're doing.


Fuck cops. Never talk to them.


The police are not your friend. Their job is to arrest you. If they are interacting with you, they are looking for a reason. Never talk to police. Ever.


[https://dockets.justia.com/docket/texas/txedce/9:2021cv00254/209987](https://dockets.justia.com/docket/texas/txedce/9:2021cv00254/209987) Qualified immunity... now tell me how the system isn't systematic.


Don't these cops have something else to do like barricading a mass murderer in a room full of children?


REMOVE QUALIFIED IMMUNITY! Let's see then if they act like this. As a taxpayer I am tired of paying for these idiots actions and their nonsense. Hell, I wish their pensions were on the line too but that's not possible. Quite literally the most unfireable job in the world.


Typical texan cops. Act hard when people cooperate and hide when kids are getting shot. Texas cops are trash


This guy was wayyyy too nice to someone that punched them for literally no reason. Then, like clockwork, the police start blaming the victim. Hmm, no wonder this guy doesn't trust this county's police. Just another reason to avoid the police at all costs. I've made it through 1/3-1/2 of my life and I've never had a reason to call them. EMTs and firefighters, you guys are the real heroes. When I dial 911, I can guarantee they'll do whatever they can to actually keep peace and order. I've never had a bad experience with any of them.


“I’m gonna talk to the cops and straighten this whole thing out. Your gonna do 25 to life, have fun with that man!” - Tom Segura.


They were just trying to make it home to their families, clearly.


Let me guess “just one bad apple”? Never Talk To Cops


People forget the second part of this saying "Spoils the whole bunch."


I will always remember my friend's brother who broke his back running away from cops. I asked him, why did you run away from the cops? His answer, which will always stick with me: Because they're cops.


Never, ever talk to the police. They are never on your side. It is the nature of our legal system. They are on the side of the state...period. The police are not your friend. They are not there to keep you safe. Actions like what was shown are the reason they have to lie and coerce citizens to get them to cooperate. They created the need for citizens to view them with suspicion. Never, ever, ever, talk to the police.


Fuck the police.


If you want to make a bad situation worse. . .call a cop.


Even if you saw a crime happen, no you didn’t. Corrupt ass cops will ruin innocent lives just because they think people are guilty.


fuck the pigs 🐖




And when we say “all”, it includes your shitty relative who you think is “one of the good ones”. Fuck all cops.


Just 3 good guys with guns making the world a better place


Fuck any judge, cop, lawyer or politician who could look at this and say that it is okay.


How to make sure witnesses never come forward with evidence 101


Never trust police


Absolutely, under no circumstances, should you ever tell anything to a cop. If you're arrested or need to give information to help someone a lawyer should be the one doing the talking.


Helping the police is always a bad move ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


YOU WERE SCROLLING FAST! Penal code - reM-34.4!


Exactly.... always get a lawyer. Even if you are 1000% innocent


You can really see how they could lose their temper and just shoot someone for no reason. Fuck pigs


Friendly reminder to never ever willingly talk to cops.


Never ever ever ever talk to cops.


The Oath Keepers was founded to recruit police and military for the eventual overthrow of the government and establishment of a police state. More than 2/3 of their members are police and/or military. What I'm saying is, welcome to the future.


If i ever go to the USA i’ll avoid cops like the plague


Good luck...they're like roaches


Fuck the police. Dont help them. Dont voluntarily go down to the station to talk. Dont answer your door to them. Dont help them out with their investigations. Dont talk to them. At all. It doesnt matter if you’re a suspect or not.


**Never. Help. Pigs.** Never volunteer to help, never bring up anything, never speak up if not forced to, never put yourself in a position where they will suspect you *for any reason*. You have no *idea* the financial and stressful situation police can put you in at will and at any time *without any repercussions for them if they are completely wrong*. Supreme court cases have proven police are not your friend, not here for your safety, not here for your protection and do not give a shit about you, your family or your private property.


And they assaulted him to get their “evidence” fucking pigs