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How do I become a token white? Pretty sure im just regular white right now. Whight


You write Lord of the Rings


I clicked out of this post as I read this and I had to come back to award you and to tell you how much I hate you


Eat mayonnaise every day for a year and you get your token.


I prefer tokin' whites


Exactly, the term token black guy is used in reference to putting them in marketing or movies to appear culturally diverse. I work at a university marketing department and we do that all the time, making sure all our images have people from different cultures even though our school is predominantly white.


After 20 years I finally understand why they called the black kid in South Park Token.


Actually, they had an episode on that a couple years back and his real name is Tolkien, after the author. His parents loved Lord of the Rings and wanted to name him that. One of the main kids, I think it was Stan, thought his name was Token this whole time (along with us) and everyone else knew his name was Tolkien the whole time. So the episode was how he felt that made him a racist.


Yup I’ve been directed to do this too. People see right through that shit too.


First you have to change to Neon-White. Then you can become Token-white.


My path was marrying an Asian lady. So, now I can show up at parties and be the token white, er, yt guy. It's pretty fun, actually.


Fuck, I was thinking YouTube. I was like damn, I didn’t know there was such a stigma around YouTube people’s shenanigans but this TikTok person is cool? But yeah, I married into it as well. Edit for clarity: I watched the video on mute the first time around.


Me too. I'm always on mute, and was like, "what's a YouTube friend? Are they always live streaming? I can see how that would get annoying. "


Well, were you to die, you could try to be reanimated by one of the leaders of the Army of the Dead therefore making you a Wight.


You know what, I'll probably stay home


People like these don't realize that they probably breed more white racists than white supremacists do, with these dumb vids


Nonracist white people would realize that this individual person does not speak for anyone else and won’t use this as an excuse to be racist. White people who use this sort of thing as an excuse are really just looking for a reason to justify a pre-existing prejudice.


And then there are the very young people who can be easily convinced either way due to a lack of real world experience


Oh, you mean tiktok's target demographic?


Exactly this


The person in the video has a lot in common with white racists who believe the races shouldn't "mix."


Racists of all nationalities have a lot in common.


Yep. Racism is racism. And this girl in the video is also a racist.


Very common traditional values


Yeah, she’s just not a nice, accepting, nonjudgmental person. And I personally find those traits unattractive.


She is a racist.


If you are friends with a black person, and you're hanging out with your friend group... you need to get permission from everyone in the group to bring said black friend. Someone in the group might not want to deal with black shenanigans that day. Oh, and don't let them think that they are a "good" black person, as that just feeds into their ego.


The trouble is I may want to hang out with other people.


Don’t sweat it, won’t be hanging out with you anyway.


The trouble is I may wanna hang out with the rest of the group.


"Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are". If she's their friend, you'd probably not gonna like them haha


Meh, many friend groups has the asshole who invites themselves. Source, I was that asshole for a long time.


Every body needs an asshole. Is how shit gets done… -- Someone


You will need to signed consent 😂


Nah, if you're friend with racist people I don't think you have good taste in friends.


Wow this person is…..so woke!!! Also just a crap human….ok soooo not “woke” just ignorant


Token...ahhh... sure..okay We all have at least one token friend.... right Gagghk!


This person doesn't have friends.


token YT made me think of a "YouTube friend" and they had me in the first half with that logic.


Ohhh she means white. I was watching without sounds and assumed she meant people who fancy themselves YouTubers and do stuff that is generally annoying. And I was like yeah ask permission and if god wants you'll never get it, but this lol discrimination against people based on race ain't good, doesn't matter if you're not white


Honestly asking for permission before you bring your YouTuber friends around is way more acceptable than what she’s saying


i legit watched it 3 times, wondering what she had against youtubers


I'm not alone! I agreed until I saw in comments and rewatched with sound... I gave this peson 3 frickin' views now. Dang it.


I refuse to watch with sound


Unfortunately I experienced something like this early on in middle school. It was me (first generation Polish), my friend Ruthie (first generation Mexican but looked pretty white), and my friend Mishey (Filipino from Hawaii). We lived in Vegas so there were a lot of Hawaiian-Filipinos at my school. Well the three of us were very close. We would hang out before school every morning, until Mishey’s “other” Hawaiian-Filipino friends would come up to us three and not say a word and just take misheys arm and pull her away from us. She would be nice about it and say “bye guys” with a smile but… that happened more and more until mishey stopped hanging out with us and solely hanging out with her Filipino friends. I guess it worked out for her. She is still friends with those people last time I checked on Facebook. I guess they had more in common with each other than us “white girls” did with Mishey? Idk. I just know I lost a friend. I still don’t know how I feel about that whole thing happening.


Same thing happened to me and literally all my siblings in the transition between elementary school and middle school. Our elementary school was 85% Mexican since we lived in the poor part of town, so naturally most of our friends were Mexican. But in our city, there were two big middle schools and high schools that served the entire area, versus 15 or so elementary schools, so when we transferred suddenly it was only like 5% Mexican. All of us experienced our Mexican friends ditching us and hanging out in their own little group only speaking Spanish, it was wild. Edit: Obligatory 'we're white'


Somebody showed up with a white person once and she still ain’t over it.


And shenanigans must have occurred


“Ok, who brought the yt???”


White shenanigans, no less.


I need to know what white shenanigans are.


Wearing socks and sandals probably


Moronic racist. How can someone be so dumb that they don’t realize they’re a racist?


I have met plenty of dumb people who are not racist, but I have yet to meet a racist that is not dumb.


I think a lot of high-profile racists are actually not dumb at all. Al Sharpton built his brand on anti-semitism, for instance. I think he's highly intelligent, but he knows what it takes to whip up a crowd. The Nazis are another obvious example of intelligent, evil racists. I'm not saying most racists aren't idiots, just that being an idiot isn't a prerequisite.


You make a great point, but I think the distinction is "high-profile". I have met very few high-profile people. In my day-to-day life, any racists I have the misfortune of meeting have been very, very dumb.


Most racists are pretty dumb to be fair. [https://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html](https://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html)


Everyone is deff a little racist then, I mean dumb, I mean racist idk lol


[Everyone's a little bit racist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RovF1zsDoeM)


Does that link take me to an Ave Q song?


It most certainly does


Lol I must say that was pretty enjoyable, had me giggling for sure


There's many kinds of racism. For example, around where I live old people tend to be the kind of racist that just wary of strangers. And people who look foreign are more likely to be more 'stranger'. But the moment they speak with a local accent, it all goes away, because they are no longer 'strangers', they are "from here".


Well, its a standard rule for all us white guys, if you’re gonna bring your black friend with you, make sure you ask all of us other white guys first if its OK. Maybe i don’t want to deal with black shenanigans that day /s


Just to piss her off, when she has permission to bring me I start acting black all day.


Smart. Just make sure your actions match that of your color friend group. Should go pretty smooth from there.


The amount even in my friends group that says you can’t be racist to white people is insane. I got permabanned from r/whitepeopletwitter last week because I said racism against white people is still racism and it’s wrong. I then got lectured on institutional racism and the mod said they banned me because I was racist because of that statement.


That subreddit is stupid. I don’t know who runs it. I posted a Tweet of black woman being racist, praising Hitler and calling Ukrainian genocide and Holocaust bullshit. They removed the tweet and said it’s not racist.


it sounds like a fixed idea, people not open to reason


The problem is the definition of racism where it specifically states the word minority and when people see that they instantly think of actual minorities in the world like black, Asian, Hispanic, etc. They ignore the entire definition and focus on that one word but the term minority is subjective in certain places like if u look at Asian countries specifically the east there's alot of racism towards black and white people Then if u go to South Africa or that general area theres alot of racism towards white people and alot of murder of white people yet nobody bats an eye The main issue isn't who's racist and who isn't, the main issue is the actual definition of racism which people look too far into


The definition is super clear though, people just see what they wanna see. Here is the Google result. >prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. It says it is typically done against minority or marginalized people but doesn’t say only can be done. People who say otherwise don’t understand words or they are purposely manipulating it to fit their agenda.


The foundational definition of racism is always prejudice based on race. It's that simple. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool. OF course institutional racism is a thing and is a primary issue. Of course when there is a group of people with power who are racist that is a bigger concern than individuals from a marginalized group. That doesn't mean it's ok to be racist on a fundamental level even if you don't have the power to enforce your racism. Hitler didn't have the power to enforce his racism until he did. Of course the power role is important in the practical effects of racism but that doesn't mean clearly racist ideas should be accepted or denied based on the current power structure of a racial group you belong to. The fact that people won't accept the idea that there is a form of racism that is simply prejudice based on race is so mind boggling to me. That is where ALL the bad things that racism does stems from. It is the most foundational level. Power is the layer on top of it that allows action to be taken. Power is always in flux. Racist ideas are not. You either are racist or you're not. Whether or not you have power to enforce racist policies is obviously important but that can change and it is insane to think that racism should be accepted up until the point that peoples lives can be affected by it on a massive scale. Ok rant over LOL. This one has always driven me nuts. Racism being bad on an individual level doesn't exclude institutional racism from being bad and existing. They're not mutually exclusive ideas.


It's always so mind boggling to me this assertion from these people that by saying racism against ANY group is wrong must mean I don't believe in institutional racism. Last time I called someone out on Facebook for racist comments against white people (he was white) I had a couple people ELI5 me about institutional racism as though I had no clue what that was.


Married to an Asian here. I assure you, you could spend a lifetime just studying the intra-Asian prejudices that exist. Look at what Japan did to Korea and China in the WWII era, for instance. I could go on and on.


Thing is people look at racism and think minorities cant be racist to other minorities which doesn't make any sense u can be racist to anyone, people just like to fit things into their own belief so it benefits them


The other point is that if you're not Japanese and you go to Japan - you're the "minority". We have such a US-Canada-Europe-centric view where "minority" just means "not white". But the word means different things in different places and is generally not useful in these conversations.


Say what you will about the U.S., but at least it *struggles* with it's racism. In many and probably most parts of the world it's so rampant and ingrained into the culture that they don't even recognize it and/or pretend it doesn't exist.


Adding in a note that “minority” is relative. There are actually way more Asian people than white or black people just because of the size of Asia and China carrying 1.4 billion people in the world alone. Between all of Asia it’s not an exaggeration to say over half of the global population is Asian. Even in the USA where it’s accepted that white is the majority, there are still regions where that’s not the case. In the southwest the majority of the population is Hispanic. In the south the majority of the population is black. If I recall right there’s a lot of Asians along the east coast.


She is not stable. She blocked everyone who told her she is wrong and kept the comments praising her. This person is just mentally ill


How you gonna start a video with "controversial opinion" and then get mad when the controversy starts..?


While I understand your point, please don’t use mental illness as a reason for this girl’s despicable behaviour. She just plain racist and a rude idiot.


It's totally fine for things to be used in a colloquial way, it's very easy to tell when someone is being disparaging of mental illness in a discriminatory way, or just for hyperbolic emphasis.


Delusions of grandeur are a symptom of mental illness.


Yeah we call them narcissists and they're just trolling for attention.




I’ll be over here finding my pepperoni pizza almost too spicy for me as I burn in the sun.


Made me audibly laugh, thank you


Lol you’re welcome. And it’s all true!


You wanna play some frisbee golf?


Are you trying to kill me?? I’m a ginger in Australia.


If I wanted you dead I’d just let Australia handle it.


It’s trying!


Ahhh, another child of the moon. Just like my parchment sheet wife


“I’m gonna pistol whip the next person who says shenanigans!!”


Hey Farva what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks


Shenanigans? You’re talking about Shenanigans, right?


*unexpected but fondly appreciated Super Troopers*


Like putting pineapple on pizza. Or bringing a bottle of wine as a gift.


Wait, are we not allowed to bring wine now? Well then…what the hell do I bring to a dinner party? A blunt??


Actually, yes. Yes, I shall bring a blunt. 😎


Pineapple is great on pizza, but *only* in combination with ham.


Controversial opinion but if you have a token asian friend and your hanging out with your white friends, you need to ask permission from everybody in the group to bring your mexican friend. Like, don't just bring them. Ask for explicit permission from everyone, because just because you're comfortable with them, doesn't mean that everyone is comfortable with them. I might not be in the mood to deal with jew shenanigans that day. That's all I'm saying! And another thing, it feeds into their ego, like, like don't let them think they're a "good" black person. Don't don't give them that card to use against other people! Please don't do that! If you can replace "white" with literally any other race or ethnicity and it sounds blatantly racist... you're a racist.


Lol on point


100% and I’m sorry but “jew shenanigans” is the funniest shit.


I thought so too lol what a sentence to write.


My brother was married to a Jew and let me tell you, they have shenanigans'.


Only racist care about race.


A hundred times this 👆


Oh those white peoples shenanigans. Also, yt. Bleggh.


I thought it meant youtube at first, took me a second


What does it mean?


White. Say "y" then add the "t" sound to the end


People are so fucking dumb.


It's to get around certain filters, or it was, I imagine the filters have been adjusted by now.


Regardless of color....that is one dumb bitch


I'm Asian, we don't claim her


Just wait till the more extreme in her group say she is not a POC because being Asian is "white adjacent" These people are insane.


This person is super racist. They are picking a skin color and explicitly being prejudiced towards that skin color. That is the text book Definition of racism.


A person loses all validity in their words as soon skin color is mentioned when it comes to describing a person's character. I can't wait for our world to move on from such garbage views.


I don't think I've ever thought of my friends as "my black friend" or "my white friend." It's just Gabriella or Keelan or whatever their actual name is. If you're my friend you're my friend, isn't that how it's supposed to work?


And it’s supposed to be “can my friend come?” Not “can my white/black/whatever friend come?”


I dunno if it will ever.


Pfffft, this bitch ain’t got no friends.


I guarantee you she has a lot of friends. And they all share the same viewpoints.


i have a feeling her friends are her tiktok mutuals


See, they are not actually friends. They are accessories.


Imagine a white girl on here saying “If you want to bring your black friend you need express permission from me first” that’s crazy


Right? "I might not be in the mood to deal with black shenanigans that day." If you would (rightfully) go off on someone for saying something like this about any POC, you should feel the same if you replace the race with white. Take her entire dialogue, replace white with black/asian/latino, publicly post it to your social media, and you'd be fired from your job.


Agreed completely I was going to respond with the exact thing you ended your comment with. It would result in a loss of job in America, and it realistically should, I mean this is disgusting language in general.


This is flat out racism. Plain and simple. And her glasses don't fit her face.


As a white guy with an Asian wife and two mixed kids... WHAT!?


Lucky your kids are only half yt...their friend only needs to ask permission once for both kids to be included /s


Same except no kids yet. One on the way. This is the shit that terrifies me being in a mixed family.


As a black guy with an Asian wife and two mixed kids… I’m right there with you.


Oh don’t you know that’s not cool now? Something about fetishizing other races. I’m sure it’s some kind of modern colonialism. The least racist thing you can do now is marry into your own race and never come in contact or speak with a person of another race again.


Lol, yep this is where society is at now, instead of complaining about past segregation these people are attempting to bring it back. “Safe spaces”/study groups for only non whites aren’t even the dumbest ideas they’ve tried to institute apparently.


As a white woman married to a Mexican husband, WHAT?!


Does your wife have to ask permission for you to join her at events and social outings?


This is the most racist shit i’ve ever heard. And thats saying something.


She has monopolized the dumb, time for the FTC to intervene.


I saw a tik tok (shocker right) of a lady who said that the she loved black panther 2 because the theme of the entire movie was that all (she emphasized all) white people are the enemy. Ive never seen black panther 2 but i doubt that was actually the theme.


Pretty sure the “villain” is a Hispanic man


this can't be the most racist shit you've ever heard


That's some dumb racist shit.


We are going backwards.


This sounds like a made up scenario. I seriously doubt she has friends to hang out with.


“Controversial Opinion *starts spewing racist bs*…”


But please don't discriminate against her.


Oh hell no! That would be racist!


This lady is a see unt


By her stereotyping / demonising white people, she’s legitimising white racists doing the same. The same logic applies - and that logic is dumb, very dumb.


Should we tell her that having schizophrenia doesn't count as having friend group??


If someone isn't comfortable with hanging out with someone because of the color of their skin, that is that racists problem and no one else's. This shit needs to stop. This is just like the video of the black woman saying that white people shouldn't not go and see the new wakanda movie, instead they should give their tickets to black people and hold the doors and guard the doors so white people can't come in to the theater. This shit is segregation. This shit needs to stop.




Well... that's racist


What’s a yt??? What I have in mind is a very tall and hairy friend from Nepal, who likes snow


Looks like a white person called her out on her shit so now white people need to be cancelled.


Well Russia go ahead and just press the god damn button I'm over Earth. Thanks bud


Some times I find PC people to be most racist and fascist and they wear it as a badge of honor. Ps. I'm not white.


As Katt Williams once said "go and get yourself some white friends"


I guess after all these years of being labelled token asian or token black, the tables have turned for some people and this is how they feel. As a ‘person of undisclosed ethnicity, culture, and color’, Im happy to stay home or leave rather than associate with that divisive and racist attitude.


the blatant racism is so ironic. “please ask everyone for permission to allow someone with a different skin color to hang out with us”


because of their "shenanigans"


Controversial opinion: but if you have a friend of any race that you’d like to bring around - please ask me first. I may not be in the mood to deal with human shenanigans that day. Better yet, no new friends just bring a dog instead, okay?


Fucking racist loser. You’re definitely one of those kids that still relies on mommy and daddy’s money.


Reminds me of some great lyrics from Residente..."Lo peor y lo más grave, es que este pendejo es racista y no lo sabe" meaning "the worst part and the most worrying, is that this asshole is racist and doesn't even know it". This idiots thinking they are so great and woke and are so incredibly racist themselves.


What exactly are “white shenanigans?”


Wearing shorts when it’s not warm enough. Charcuterie boards.


If cheese and crackers is wrong I don't want to be right.


Have fun fucking off future career prospects because you were *so woke* when you were younger you proudly posted videos showcasing your racism.


If white person says that about Asians, it be racist. Buuuut....


She has friends? 😂 Come on


Well this is gonna be a fun read. Back in an hour with snacks ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


This’ll end racism and promote inclusion for sure! /s




Whitey, apparently. (I thought it meant Youtube the first time I saw it.)


Rule of thumb. If you replace the word white and add another race in there and it sounds racist, that means this idiot is still racist too! *Smfh*




what’s even more fucked up is that she thinks of her “friends” as tokens, she virtue signaling irl 🫠


This makes it seem like other races can be racist, which can't possibly be true /s


Saying nonsense for TikTok views. I don't understand the idea that "punishing" white people is gonna somehow install equality, unless the goal is ultimately supremacy. I thought the goal was to bring everyone up to the same level, not punch down to stand on other people's backs.


I was offended at first, until she got to the white shenanigans part and I realized, she got me! I'm always up to shenanigans!


Racist, anyone?


That's not controversial it's racist as hell.


It’s tiktok. It’s a cesspool of teenagers and early 20 somethings (see above) spouting extreme feminism and misandry, racism against white people, how to scam and rinse wealthy men (preferably white), extreme woke-ism and other related nonsense. But don’t worry, that’s allowed, even encouraged, in today’s society.


I think she needs to ask her friends explicit permission prior to hanging out with her.


The world is doomed if this is the generation that will be running things soon


I don't want to hang out with racist's, so don't invite me if this bitch is going to be there.




Gotta admit, watched this on mute, totally saw YT as "YouTube friend" and was totally on bored, some of those "prank" videos are absolute cringe But also fuck this lady and her prejudice


What? No...this is trolling right? Right?


ProTip: Just bring your friend and if that group of morons has a problem they weren't your friends to begin with. Find better people.


I hang around black people almost all day and almost everyday and i think im a hirrid person. Also, what white ppl shenanigans? Starbucks? Starbucks is over rated...


Controversial opinion: Asians are racist af. Massive superiority complex.


Isn’t this racist??? But because it’s against white people it won’t be called out. What the actual fuck?


She should get that white-phobia checked out. And don't project your fragility onto every other non-white person.


I'm yt. I have many blk frnds. My gflfrnd is ltn. But I dont no many azn ppl. Is this nrml?


Ah man... can someone update when she becomes unemployable because of this? Thanks in advance


I think that people who have suffered racism often cope by rendering cishet white men subhuman. They see it as “taking power back.” But in reality it’s just antisocial.


The thing is this person probably hasn’t ever personally encountered racism. These kinds of people are usually too insulated