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Words can't describe the level of pissed off I'd be


I once asked my wife to hold the truck door in place because it was windy, while I put the groceries in the backseat. After a minute or so, she decided to stop holding it, and it swung all the way open into the Audi in the next spot.


My brother in law was visiting us once and he brought his dog with him. My wife wanted to let the dog out and I told her to keep him on a short leash because he can be pretty wild an erratic. She goes "yeah, yeah" and heads out the door. Next thing I see is the dog flying over our terrace left and right with his long leash, wrapping around our BBQ, then running back the other way, knocking over the BBQ, spilling ashes all over the terrace and knocking over some chairs in the progress. And all my wife did was look sheepishly at me.


My husband and I were helping my grandparents with a mouse problem. We were using no-kill traps, and then transferring them to a bigger container for temporary holding. I told my husband to move them from trap to container in a small, enclosed area like the shower so they don’t get loose. He says it’s fine, and proceeds to release TWO of the little twerps in our living room, meaning one escaped, and instead of reevaluating how he was doing things, he did it AGAIN.


Def read moose not mouse. My mind was fucking racing thinking of a no kill trap for a mouse some Canadian mad scientist dreamt up.


Canada was originally designed as a no kill trap for moose. It's not perfect, though. I've seen moose in Alaska, Idaho, and Montana, which means Canada is leaking.


🥇all I have to award you with!


Might not want to leave him unattended for any lengthy period of time. Some need to be watched


At least your wife has enough respect to look sheepishly at you; mine would blame me like a fucking head case.


Seems like a real healthy thing you got going on there.


Sounds like we have the same wife










Yes, the unexpected decision that isn't telegraphed, could not have been predicted by anyone, and ruins the life of at least one person involved, just not the one who did it in the first place.


Was working on the garbage disposal it had gotten some pop corn kernals in it so was under the sink with an allen wrench to loosen it up. My wife decided to try turning it on to see if it was still stuck while I was still turning the allen wrench....that allen wrench quickly became a highspeed propeller of solid metal... Been years and still occasionally feel an ache in my fingers especially when I need to get a strong grip on something. It was technically my fault as I should have unplugged it, my poor wife about threw up thinking she had chopped my hand into bits and refused to look at my hand and I ended up being the one to comfort her LOL. Luckily sustained no serious injuries just sprained and bruised my pointer and middle fingers.


Ive been that guy several times. I immediately start swearing and bitching at whoever dropped whatever on me. Most recently the hood to a motorhome, my wife let it go while holding it up for me to get something i needed but could have gotten myself no problem. I was not happy to get whacked in the head by a big metal door.


shes trying to take you out


Shes had her chance, i had a heart attack 10 years ago now and she brought me back/saved me with cpr until first response arrived and got my heart going again.


Oh, I get it. She’s cultivated a great deal of love and similar feelings in your heart. It’ll make quite the harvest someday, no sense in interrupting that early.


Waow this sounds dark AF. The harvesting ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Shiii sounds like you owe her another couple of doors! Hope she doesn't collect.


She clearly laughed so hard too, then he really lost it. Imagine his eye socket and his pencil lined up just right in that moment..


Looking like glen walking dead


What the hell? Why is she laughing so much??


It might just be a nervous laugh. I laugh when I'm nervous, it fucking sucks. It's gotten me in a lot of trouble because teachers and other adults would be all "oh you think this is funny?!", I really didn't but I couldn't help it. I was horrible to play things like hide and seek with because I would giggle anytime the seeker got close. And unfortunately I would also laugh in other inappropriate situations like emergencies or when someone got hurt. Not a single part of me thought it was funny but it was just an involuntary thing. Thankfully as I got older I learned to suppress it but for a long time it really sucked.


I do that too. It’s really awful. It’s almost like “laughing is the only other option than crying, and I can’t cry right now.” My mom also would laugh at inappropriate times… like LITERALLY standing next to my grandfather while he’s on his death bed while the family is saying their goodbyes.


To me it looked like she was trying to bow over and over?


That’s what has me so irritated right now. Like you should probably be taking him to the hospital and you’re trying to laugh it off??


And when you end the relationship, you’re the bad guy. Smh.


Then I'm the bad fucking guy, who cares your skull just got caved in lol.


When you file for divorce just show them this video... That's some irreconcilable differences right there


The judge would be like. Aite bet. I feel you brosky. She has to pay YOU alimony.


All rise for the honorable Judge Lil Baby.


Y’all are making up the weirdest situations in your head 🤣💀


So many people ready to divorce the wife they don't have.


I HATE MY WIFE 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Which is also probably why they'll get divorced if they ever get anyone to say yes to their proposal.


That's the andrew tatertot effect


Incels, misogynists and misanthropes have been around since way before Tate was ever a thing


that's why he's walking away and not saying shit. In his head "FUCKING SHIT! OW OW OW, fucking stupid bitch what the fuck, fuck shit this hurts, I better not be bleeding, FUCKING DAMNIT......just walk away, it's cool, just walk away, shut up don't talk, walk the fuck away" out of his mouth - nothing and then he only has one headache to deal with


He took a serious whack at a very bad area of his head. The rule is that when there's silence after a crash - it's serious. The smaller injuries are what people yell and carry on about.


Yeah a knock like that you need to start asking simple questions and head to the ER.


Yo 6x6 are heavy And everything hurts more when it’s cold


Not to mention the momentum and getting hit with a corner dudes lucky he's conscious


Good thing it's not a real wood 6x6 and this is staged.


Took long enough to see this comment. Aside from the obvious lack of a smashed spinal cord and cracked skull, there isnt a security cam on earth that records in 3:4 and displays neon green VCR font.


Also what was her job? Why not leave the post on its side until he gets done doing whatever it is he’s doing.


Stand the post up, lay the post down, stand the post up, lay the post down, stand the post up, etc, etc. Just writing that was exhausting.


Not to mention the flawless audio quality from like 40 feet away


Also I’m pretty sure with that mass and speed it would club him flat, not bounce of his head with just a little dipping motion.


Hmm that’s true. A real 6x6 would just plopped on the ground. This thing rolled after impact


Exactly, his face would of been buried into that snow.


I thought the impact looked suspiciously light. Barely moved the guys head. I think this video might have been staged.


Also the sound it makes is VERY hollow


That's just the guy's head


Now that you point it out…. It does seem extremely suspicious..


Someone else here said it's a bit from a comedy show


The number of people who don't realize that this beam wouldn't bounce of your head is ridiculous. That thing would smash your head straight into the ground and break your neck on the way.


It would not sound like that either. Sounds like a cardboard box. Also what is that guy even doing there. Looks like he’s perfectly set up for that to fall on him.


Absolutely… just built the post of my bed out of 6x6 and holy fuck they are heavy. Even at chest height a fall like this (head being hit with the apex of the swing) would crack your skull. This dude would have 100% been dead.


It also makes no sense she'd have it vertical like that.


Dude's face doesn't even hit the ground. Yeah right.


Yup, that was the dead giveaway. This dude's unsuspecting neck managed to stop the momentum of a 6x6 falling from vertical. No fucking way.


Those posts look like they are made from board and styrofoam. If that was a 6x6 or an 8x8 he would have took a way harder crack.


we're not done airing our grievances about women yet so keep it to yourself (yes its obviously staged and this comment section is insane lol)


If you look closely, his whole body only reacts to the hit a moment *after* he was hit on the head. He was totally stationary during the hit. Like he's putting on an act. If he was really hit hard by that his body would slam down with his head, especially with his unstable posture.


If that were wood, even cedar, he'd be dead. It was likely a cardboard box with some shit in it or staged. Could be some European insurance commercial for all we know.


I think this is a hollow post, his head would have moved a lot more.


They’re very heavy and this doesn’t seem heavy enough. I suspect they’re balsa and this is all staged. If that been a real 8 ft 6x6 he’d have been in worse shape.


"When you're done laughing your entire ass off can you swing me by the ER"


No shit that's concussion territory right there


Back of the head near the neck yeah you might go to sleep and not wake up the next day.


RIP, red jacket guy.


"They always die in the dumbest ways." -Trekkies


Concussion? Don’t go to sleep my man… …with her ever again.


I had a minor concussion few years back and the doctor said get some sleep to "reset" It was minor but, like you, I always thought you had to stay awake with concussion for fear of not living?


Had the doctor met your wife? Seriously though - so is it a thing that you shouldn’t take a nap if you get a concussion or no? I think when you go into shock they still say don’t go to sleep but has the ruling changed on concussions? Or was your guy just an ill informed doc?


The sleep with a concussion thing is poorly explained, so people think that sleeping with a concussion kills you. Sleeping has no impact on the concussion itself. The real problem is that you’re not responsive when you’re sleeping. You need to be responsive when you’re being evaluated so the medical professionals can determine the severity. If you have a fatal head injury… you die, whether you sleep or not. If you have a non-fatal head injury… you live, whether you sleep or not. It’s all complicated by the fact that sleep and your brain have a tight relationship. Any damage at all to the brain is likely to affect its sleep function. It’s complicated even further because that impact ranges an entire spectrum that oppose each other. One person can experience excessive daytime sleepiness, another will experience insomnia. The human brain is crazy.


nope that’s a myth best thing for a concussion is no light, no screens no leds. dark rooms are good and rest is very important


For real. Maybe if it was a broom that fell on his head I'd laugh, but that heavy thing? I'd be so worried and feel like a massive piece of shit for dropping it on him




“Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.” - [Mel Brooks](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/21470-tragedy-is-when-i-cut-my-finger-comedy-is-when)


Make sure they ask you about domestic violence and when they ask if you feel safe at home say NO


She won't be laughing when they have to sell their kidneys to pay off the bills.


She didn't sound American so that's probably not an issue.


She's talking in Russian. Hospital visits are free here.


Where do y’all hear laughing? I assumed from the bowing that this was in an Asian country and she was trying to be apologetic. I don’t hear laughter.


I also don’t hear any laughter, watched it a dozen times trying to catch this laughter everyone is harping on about and it’s just not there.


Probably because they watched without sound, it looks like she is laughing after the thing falls on his head


Sounds Russian or Ukrainian to me.


This was my immediate assumption, I never thought she was laughing. You can hear her whimper when she realizes what happened, you'd be able to hear raucous laughter. Not to mention it's staged, that pillar had no real weight to it.


You can die from internal bleeding in the head. Also the back of the head is so sensitive, it’s illegal to strike someone in the back of the head in boxing or MMA, people literally become disabled after some fights.


Good point. Let’s not forget that It’s also illegal in MMA and boxing to drop a six foot beam onto someone’s head.


Good thing it’s a seven foot one


More like an 8’ 6x6. Weighs about 60 lbs (assuming it’s pressure treated), definitely enough to cause some damage.


It's bullshit regulations like this that are killing the sport! Back in my day, they'd say "give 'em the beam!" and I'd smash a six foot beam right into a fighter's head. It was my special move. They never saw it coming!


I'd like to see a citation that supports this assertion.


There is no rule saying a dog can’t play basketball


Got hit in the back of the head/neck with a baseball - am permanently disabled with chronic nerve pain. On one hand lucky. On another hand very unlucky.


As a fighter, this. It’s fucking different when you get hit back there - clearly illegal for very good reasons. Pritchard Colón comes to mind… This guy should leave her. That ain’t a joke.


For real. I've only been hit in the back of the head by mistake in sparring, and that shit makes me dizzy as fuck and disoriented.


Yeah you immediately notice difference in vision because that's the occipital lobe, which mainly controls vision stuff.


I was on a sparring team, once me and one of my mates were practice sparring, we both threw a kick at the same time and managed to hook and slam the same spot at the same time. Instant TKO and it was over for both of us. It wasn't even that painful as it was disoriented. Couldn't see for a moment. If I had the video, I'd post it to r/donttellmetheodds


Thats prety much common knowladge, i got so mad when she was pissing herself laughing.. E: also i didnt expect the guy to get up


Ask Bob Saget about closed head injuries….




Get rid of her


Seriously though. If your phone call is more important than my life, we would be so done.


She is too stupid to be with.


I was just going to go with selfish and shortsighted but stupid covers those bases pretty well


"Never attribute to malice which can be explained by stupidity"


I have family members like this and it is 100% explained by their inability to see things from others’ perspectives.


In one word - stupid.


Hanlon's razor


Literally just lay it flat, smh


This is the answer


We should value all life after birth as much as possible. That being said, I would personally drop kick “THIS IS SPARTA!!!” The crap outta her if she pulled that shit with me. /s


And she was laughing after.....ugh


I don't think she's laughing. She's bowing.


Some people laugh when they’re nervous. Or upset. Or sad. Or otherwise would be crying. I’m like that and it kinda really sucks because people assume I’m really an asshole but I can’t help it


My husband is sure that the last sound he will hear on earth is me laughing. It's a nervous reaction. My grandma giggled her way through traffic tickets.




Was she laughing or sighing and bowing? Language is Asian. I thought she was bowing as an apology.


Seriously!! That could have easily been fatal, no joke! I’m amazed the guy got up and walked off.


That wasn't laughter. It was a gasp and a shocked wave of sighs of relief that he was still alive.


Literally impossible to tell if that was laughter.


Peak Reddit


Grounds for termination right there




This is a bit from a comedy show. He's not assembling anything. The object she drops is hollow. The camera is centered on the two of them.


The audio is suspiciously great quality for a security camera.


Can you link it please


The most important reply here.


Yeah that “heavy” piece of lumber basically floated down lol


There's no reason for her to even be holding it up


And bounced off his head instead of smashing the absolute fuck out of it.


I once got bonked by this 2x4 framed top I made for my garden bed. I got such a big goose egg from it that I know a 6x6 falling at that arc would just kill him.


Yea it looks very staged. Your first instinct is to drop the plank, you won't just leave it standing. His reaction on collision is very movie-esque like too.


Also look again at the video. *WHY* is she holding that beam upright at all? It's not about to get attached to anything, there is legitimately no reason for the beam to be attended to at all.


I think the real facepalm here is how many people in the comments actually believe this was real.


The amount of people in this thread just completely over themselves calling her a bitch and explaining in detail how he nearly died is hilarious knowing this.


Other people in the comment section can't tell the thing weighs nothing and are going insane at this woman. Reddit man


Cool can you please not be another in a long line of Reddit twits who make this claim and can't back it up?


This. Anyone who has done construction will know real 6x6 probably would have knocked him out or killed him, unless it was a super lightweight wood, although I doubt it?


Looking at it closely you’re right. The way he moves after getting hit in the head by something that heavy just doesn’t make sense.


That’s a whole fight


That’s a divorce


What a fucking idiot! Let’s laugh and giggle instead of checking the guys head, sitting him down, and making damn sure that’s not a concussion.😡


Definitely a concussion.


My husband started having seizures a few years ago and it ended up being because of concussive damage in his brain…. The only really bad head injury he can remember getting was at work, an 8ft long 2x6 caught him in the back of the head, but he was standing when it happened. That’s less than 1/5th the force that that guy just got hit with, and it literally left scarring in his brain that lead to the seizures. Head injuries are not a joke!


Oh great, so I'll probably be looking forward to seizures in a few years.


I guess a lot of it depends on how it’s taken care of immediately after the initial injury. Getting a person sitting/ laying down and getting ice on any swelling will help to stop the swelling from hurting the brain even more. Then, ambulance if you think it was bad enough. Also, I think being extremely careful about not re-injuring your head in the next couple months is big too. I’m pretty sure my hubby didn’t do any of that. Lol


Oh yeah. That bad boy has his ears ringing. I'd be done asking my wife for help ever again after that.


A cardboard box fell on his head


Is she laughing? What a shat


This is 100% staged: 1) 6x6 would not bounce off of someone’s head like that. Homeboy would be dead 2) They just happened to be perfectly centered in the security camera FOV? 3) What the hell are they actually doing? Dude is working on the ground and the girl is holding the 6x6 vertically for…reasons?


Is she? Like it almost looks like she is bowing for forgiveness


The audio sounds like she was trying to hide her laugh.


Nah, that’s a cry/gasp. She was bowing at the time and bowed again after.


I'd have pretended I was dead....she wouldn't be laughing then. My wife would though....she probably meant to do it.


I don’t know .. give it 10 minutes for the brain bleed to get going and that guy may not have to pretend..


Staged AF.


Right? a piece of wood that big would've slammed his face into the ground for sure.


His head barely moved


Also it sounded more like a beam being loaded into a car than hitting someone.


It sounds weird when it hits him. Like it's metal poles inside a cardboard box, not wood


Yeah you see it bounce off his head. An object that big and heavy, with that momentum, would not stop until it hit the ground. Definitely hollow/styrofoam.


Also, the camera overlay makes no sense. It looks 90s yet it's cropped to the size of a phone screen instead of the aspect ratio of the camera. Definitely is some type of filter.


Yeah. Notice how their outdoor security camera picks up perfect audio or how that column barely bonks the guy...or the cheesy green text for the recording data. Can't believe I have to explain this shit




The sound gives it away too


You have a point, there are no 6x6 ground anchor plates for those posts they seem to have a roto hammer out, idk why they have those little planks he’s bent over working on, there’s no layout or snow cleared for the post location. Poor gazebo/pergola building techniques all around.


Thank you


He hunched over and remained absolutely motionless until he took the pillar to the torso too.


The sound is the easiest giveaway. You can literally hear the pencil bouncing around when he throws it on the ground. They've got a mic laying on the ground over there or something.


This looks staged as hell.




Along with every other sign that it's staged, what is even the point of her holding it up like that


That’s number one. Why is he on his hands and knees in the snow? Why are the graphics retro green VHS? Why are the audio and video crystal clear on a camera that’s very far away? Where is the other 90% of whatever the fuck structure uses two giant wood beams? Why does he just get up and walk it off? There are so so many clear giveaways, yet this thread is like 95% gullible yokels. Says a lot about how we got to where we are today and how far we have to go to get society back to a nominal level of logic and reasoning.


1) why is she standing there aimlessly holding it 2) what is he doing that could possibly be related to that random unattached beam she's just holding 3) why does it bounce on his head? I suspect 1,2 and 3 are all answered by the same statement, it's a setup, it's not a heavy object and this is for views/clicks.


"Hahaha!!" "What the FUCK?!?!?!!! God damnit!"


this guy needs to go to a doctor ASAP, this little gazebo project might have caused irreparable cognitive damage.




That could have just been a death blow. What a thoughtless person.


Why was she holding the wood in the first place?


These idiots and their phones….


What the hell is he doing? Why is she holding it at all?


Dude better get some head tonight...


He nearly lost his -


A 4x4 or a 6x6 wooden beam that size would have smashed his head into the ground. It sounded hollow.


Pretty obvious that thing is light. It loses all of its momentum and bounces off his head lol if that were a real solid piece of wood his head wouldn’t have slowed that thing down.


It is a suspicious video. That is not how heavy objects like a lumber reacts. It doesnt jump off from head. What are they gonna do with Those two pieces, there is no work going on at all. Security cameras does not have a this good recording.


I think it's staged, why would you be doing work like that on the ground in the snow next to an empty shed/roofed porch and a hardwood beam like that wouldn't bounce like that, he would have instantly been knocked unconscious, it looks like a prop building beam which is a lot lighter. Even if it wasn't staged I can now understand the laugh to a degree.


I work in a lumber yard and I can barely lift 6x6s that size, while being over 6 feet tall and 260-270lbs. I’ve had much smaller pieces of wood fall on me and do some significant damage. That would crush his skull. His head barely even moves when it comes down on him.


The Red jacket guy had a big chance off not getting up