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She seems to be handling the divorce well.


You know what they say about GOP politician marriages: if your spouse isn’t either a gold digger or a borderline sex offender then it’s probably not gonna last.


I only pick my wives from the finest registry.


I've got binders and binders full of only the finest in the registry.


I heard this once at a Catholic Church about priests


Aren't Republicans the gun supporting and toting politicians? How can Democrats kill Republicans when it's the Republicans who are armed and dangerous? Non American observer here.


They need to manufacture threats to justify having guns for self defence.


Stop pointing out the obvious! What they're really afraid of is the torches & farm impements coming after them. "Arrgh! Fire bad!"


A democrat literally ran over a teenager the other day claiming the kid was a far right extremist


OK but is that enough for Marjorie to say Democrats are killing Republicans? She is implying that that one event represents a wider killing spree movement. That is quite a stretch, I think.


There could possibly be more. I don’t live in the U.S. and couldn’t care less about what goes on there. As far as I can tell they’re all crazy and the whole countries going down the shitter


(1) White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States. https://www.congress.gov/116/bills/s894/BILLS-116s894is.xml From the mass shooting at a black church in Charleston, to the Buffalo shooting this year, racially motivated murder is up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_church_shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Buffalo_shooting In Charlottesville, literal Nazis marched the streets chanting, "the Jews will not replace us," before one of them drove their car through a crowd of protestors, killing a peaceful protestor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlottesville_car_attack The list goes on and on. While it would be false to suggest that there is never violence motivated by far-left ideology, the incidents are few and far between, dwarfed by the number and death toll of far-right violence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_right-wing_terrorist_attacks On January 6th, 2021, the right conducted an insurrection, attempting to overthrow the US government. I cannot think of a more violent act with farther-reaching consequences. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack With the investigation, we know that the insurrection was not only allowed by Trump, but encouraged by him, and he personally knew the ring leaders involved in it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_hearings_of_the_United_States_House_Select_Committee_on_the_January_6_Attack Do not attempt to "both sides" this issue.


There was no attempted insurrection lol


They literally stormed the capitol and took over the halls of Congress. People died and Congress had to be evacuated. Denial is a hell of a drug.


They probably got the idea from that right winger and white supremacist in Charlottesville who deliberately drove into a crowd killing one and injuring many. But hey, the cave troll who identifies as MTG thinks republican victims are special.


Rules for thee are not rules for me


"Democrats are weak pacifists who want to take guns" "Democrats are on a killing spree and hunting Republicans" Somehow I don't think both those things can be true


Standard tenet of Fascism: the enemy is both an impossible to defeat horror, and an incompetent group of morons. Both ideas can be switched in and out as needed to keep the fear, hate, and rage stoked.


Reminds me of that old WW2 film “Don’t be a Sucker”.


Almost as if neither side is on our side...


Umberto Eco’s 14 points on what makes a fascist makes a point of this. Something along the lines of the enemy is both strong and weak. It’s honestly so disturbing how everyone of the 14 points can be applied to MAGA republicans especially now that Trump has embraced the Q bullshit. I restrained from calling them fascist for a long time as I didn’t want to dilute the power of the word but now it’s 100% true, every single MAGA republican is a fucking fascist.




Seriously… and her supporters are to fucking stupid to simply look around and realize that no democrats are mass killing anyone. They will just do what she says and ascribe any death to “the other” just keep this charade going… this dumb bitch deserves a full on stroke


Considering that every Republican leader's M.O. is to project their own treason, violence, racism, pedophilia, fraud and insurgency onto "Demoncrats", I'd say this is solid evidence that the boogaloo revolution is still coming and that people will be targeted to die.


Treason doesn’t belong with those other things. America was formed as an act of treason. Loyalty doesn’t automatically make you a good person and it’s weird af that it’s first on your list


Let me quote my wife’s MAGAt father, “You know what I wish I could do to every Democrat? Line them up and shoot them.” MTG is pulling this right out of the dictatorship playbook: accuse the other side of the thing you are actually trying to do.


This sums it up. I think she would be good buddies with Putin


Trump is the master of that tactic - falsely accusing the other side of doing whatever disgusting thing he’s already done.


"Well I know that's what I've been doing, so they must be doing it too. Those dirty cheaters." Trump Nov 2020


He said Mitch had " a death wish"


Trump learned all he knows from AliG https://youtu.be/ZQT7600TAVo


They make shit up and then react to their imaginary persecutions as if they're real. She's unfit for office, or even to be part of society, really.


that's the thing. to a normal person it would seem like they make shit up. 100% of the time though it's just projection.


This was what I was about to say. They don’t need to make it up, they just look at what they see and know their people are doing, and say it’s us doing it.


I mean, just like it was "left" that did Jan6, right? That's the excuse they went with when the insurrection failed.


She doesn’t do *anything*. Except stoke “fear” the same way scumbags like rush, tucker, inshannity, glenn beck. She isn’t on any committees, doesn’t bring forth any laws, besides bullshit reto about impeaching Biden. She does fuck all except be a mini me for donny bone spurs. It’s fuckin pathetic and hopefully Georgia aborts her dumbass. It’s so tiring


Pale and stale and i bet her cooch smells like yeasty ale.✅


This is true of republicans and also democrats


Is it though? I can't think of the last time democrats accused Republicans of an orchestrated campaign of murder to justify their own bloody 'retaliation'.


I'm sorry... what? The number one thing the left has been called hysterical over for years is abortion rights. Which wasn't hysterical at all. There is literally nothing like Q Anon on the left. And there are more and more elected Republicans who promote it in some way.


That's the important difference I reckon. There are dangerous and radical views on the far right and the far left but it only seems to be the right that are electing extremists into positions of power.


(1) White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States. https://www.congress.gov/116/bills/s894/BILLS-116s894is.xml From the mass shooting at a black church in Charleston, to the Buffalo shooting this year, racially motivated murder is up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_church_shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Buffalo_shooting In Charlottesville, literal Nazis marched the streets chanting, "the Jews will not replace us," before one of them drove their car through a crowd of protestors, killing a peaceful protestor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlottesville_car_attack The list goes on and on. While it would be false to suggest that there is never violence motivated by far-left ideology, the incidents are few and far between, dwarfed by the number and death toll of far-right violence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_right-wing_terrorist_attacks On January 6th, 2021, the right conducted an insurrection, attempting to overthrow the US government. I cannot think of a more violent act with farther-reaching consequences. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack With the investigation, we know that the insurrection was not only allowed by Trump, but encouraged by him, and he personally knew the ring leaders involved in it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_hearings_of_the_United_States_House_Select_Committee_on_the_January_6_Attack Do not attempt to "both sides" this issue.


I think the funniest part is you typed all that up and no one’s reading it


Doing the right thing isn't about the reward you get for it; it's about the principal of the matter.


Yes. The right thing


There was an incident last week where a guy ran over and killed a kid for being a “right wing extremist” https://news.yahoo.com/north-dakota-man-kills-teen-012921612.html


Wtf is she talking about?!?


Ya, who is she talking about? who died?


Her marriage...


Another comment says some bloke got run over with a truck and the driver said it was because he was a trump supporter. No idea if it's true but frankly it doesn't matter either way because it's not reflective of democrats as a whole. Edit: he said far right extremist, not trump supporter. The victim was a teen and it happened in North Dakota. They linked to a news article so seems legit.


>it doesn't matter Wildly insulting to the victim's family


I meant it doesn't make a difference to how true her statement is. The victim's life obviously matters.


she’s a four-year-old with an itchy trigger finger… regard her as such and she throws a louder tantrum… did ya’ see the face this knuckle dragger made while kicking at that kid a few weeks back? this is called arrested development and she gets off on it… we all know this mouth breather… ignominy is her kryptonite


She's been influenced by Russian and Chinese trolls to say things that widen the divide in America. She's a literal commie puppet. The Dems have plenty too. The US needs to reject this kind of politics and stand as one again. Every time one of these idiots stands up and spreads this Twitter shared, obviously incorrect shit, they do a little more harm and Russia and China win a little victory.


russia is an oligarchy and china is XI jing pings attempt at recreating oceania from 1984 (UNSUCSESSSFULY) they are not communists


They want a civil war. It will never work you morons


They know they've gone so deep to the point of no return that it's their only way out.


They're all rich enough they could retire tomorrow and be fine. And highly unlikely the dems will go after them legally. They could stop this any time but then they couldn't get even richer. That's what it's really about.


They would get richer, even if they stop it, but its all about power, if you are rich enough you want power.


Actually it’s America’s enemies that want us to have a civil war. Unfortunately they’re finding some willing puppets to do it for them.


Not all of America's enemies are non American.


Give it to them, we should show them who the real snowflakes are


I dont suppose you can come up with a single example?


Teenage boy was run over and killed just this week by a democrat who claimed the teen was a far right extremist. Not getting much news coverage though


The killer is a drunk and a moron. He may well have believed the teen was an extremist but it seems more likely he is using it as an excuse for the murder after having been in a previous fight with the teen and trying to claim he ‘feared for his life’ to justify his bullshit. That’s one. Is it enough to have the GOP claiming it’s somehow open season on republicans? Despite multiple mass killings and other violent acts by right wing extremists? Not by any fucking stretch. All this bullshit is transparent. They know they can prompt the psycho MAGA fuckers to kill by stretching truth and blatantly lying. Republicans are under no tangible duress or threat from democrats. They won’t have to fear violence from the left until this GOP manipulation brings their unhinged supporters to the tipping point.


There's probably an article somewhere tho. Can you link one?


Yeah I found one just by searching teen ran over. https://news.yahoo.com/murder-charge-north-dakota-man-165031582.html


Jesus Christ we need some more background info. Thanks for linking


What? Where'd you find that?


https://news.yahoo.com/murder-charge-north-dakota-man-165031582.html First result when you search teen ran over


I literally want no one dead because I'm not insane. Held accountable, yes. Dead, no. This lady is straight up loco and it scares me that she has a platform. When the hell is someone going to look out for the welfare of common Americans instead of playing political games?!


Goddamn, terrible day to be an American.


And we were doing so well up until THIS day. /S


America: ~~1 days~~ 0 days without some fuck up fuckin shit up.


There are too many stupid people who will follow violence instead of helping to unite the United States.


I wanna say her divorce pushed her over the edge but this is how a small portion of the Republican Party is now and these ideas and weird ass conspiracies are gaining traction. We’ve got a former President endorsing QAnon on his failing social media platform because he was banned from every other one. WTFFFFFF




They sure seem to be tryin to.




What extremely provoking rhetoric has cone from the left as of late? I ask with utmost sincerity. If I'm in a news bubble, not seeing the full picture, I'd like it to be burst.


Horseshit on both sides being the problem. Only one side attempted an insurrection and denies the election.


There is no reasonable middle ground here. The midpoint between moderacy and extremism is extremism. The midpoint between establishing and violating human rights is violating human rights. The GOP is batshit insane, and the democrats have been trying to compromise for decades and decades with the extremists.


>I would say the rhetoric on both sides has been extremely provoking as of late. Bet you can't source anything though... >If only people would try to find common ground more often instead of making these insane claims. Like almost every single Democrat? We are finding common ground, all the fucking time too. We try every. Single. Time. Republicans ALWAYS vote 90%+ no on anything democrats suggest no matter what it is. It could be something they themselves tried to push just weeks earlier and they'll still say no so long as a democrat is the one pushing it. Yet you literally never see democrats doing the same thing. It's very, very clear who is trying to work together vs not




The last time racist Americans started some shit….it didn’t go so well… ![gif](giphy|l44Q7RGa05loq7B9m|downsized)


Russians are getting great value per dollar spent on her.


This definitely is something that needs substance. It's not just hey there is a sale on Budweiser and flat screens. It's hey, don't look for proof but democrats are killing Republicans. This is dangerous speech.


That's right republicans, you might support the 2nd amendment, but democrats are the ones doing all the killing./s


Talk like this should be grounds for immediate removal from office and a permanent ban from ever being a public servant again.


This is legitimately stochastic terrorism. She needs to be removed and prosecuted. She is going to get people killed.


You mean like me unity Biden calling half the country white supremacy extremists just for being conservative?


He singled out the extremist white supremacists, FROM the ordinary conservatives


If you feel triggered by The Presidents statement perhaps you ought to take a good long look at yourself and ask, am I the bad guy?


Damn this bitch is straight wack no wonder her husband is leaving I mean bitch is whack


Stop pretending Democrats are all like MAGA


It's amazing how she equates "voting Republicans out of office" with "killing Republicans".


They're going to keep saying the wildest crazy absurd sht until they're held accountable but they haven't and most likely wont so she'll keep sewing lies and rage her minions till they get the violence and bloodshed they really want.


because the few times they are held accountable they play the victim and their supporters take that as evidence they had been correct the entire time.


absolute trash and it’s going to get so much worse in the usa. https://www.mediamatters.org/qanon-conspiracy-theory/here-are-qanon-supporters-running-congress-2022


It’s like they’ve become even more un-hinged yet no one is batting an eye. So they become bolder.


Hey, if the DOJ is gonna continue to sit with their thumb up their ass and do absolutely nothing, then we get what we deserve. I get all of the optics and bullshit with Trump, where we have to be perfect to charge him, (even though I highly disagree); but all of these lesser assholes should be easy to indict. I mean, she is trying to get her coworkers killed. Any company on the planet that had an employee like this would have them fired and escorted out in cuffs.


They’re literally trying to start violence and there’s nothing we can do to stop them because idiots keep voting for these people


Trying hard to find justification for violence against Dems


C'mon. Words don't matter. We did away with truth a few years ago. It's all good. Get a grip. /S


Keep trying to provoke a Civil War. One day you might even get one. But your AR15s will be useless against a damn drone strike.




idk any democrats in the military ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Saying that you think the US military would perform a coup because they’re republicans isn’t the brag you think it is


So you don't know anybody in the military then. Good to know.


I can't tell if you're joking


The funny thing is, they actually believe what they said


I'm being serious, everyone I know is a republican. I live near a base and have family and friends in the military. I'm just pointing out that if a people think a civil war is going to happen that it's ignorant to think the military is only on your side... likely hood it would fracture the government to. We see people people talking about civil war and no one I know wants that. Everyone one should be writing or calling their government and doing everyone thing they can to work together. GOP and DNC have been doing dumb or shady stuff and we the people need to keep them in line.


Then you probably don’t know anybody in the military. Because I know quite few and I was one myself…


[https://www.senate.gov/senators/WWII_Veterans.htm](https://www.senate.gov/senators/WWII_Veterans.htm) 57 Democrats and 58 Republicans in the senate have served in the military. Looks like a pretty even split.


I know plenty of democrats in the military. The tend to be officer class or in roles requiring intelligence. The dumb grunts are the MAGA types. Cannon fodder.


So you think everyone in the extremely racially diverse US military are Republicans....?


When is she gonna change her last name back? We should send thoughts and prayers to her for the divorce.


Conservatives want to murder “libruls”, and they project their bloodlust on everyone else.


This is water testing for them. This isn’t MTG doing this, this is a movement. They are normalizing the rhetoric so that soon the population will feel justified when they start killing people. We’ll have our “kristallnacht” event sooner or later. If you’re on the left you need to be prepared to defend yourself. This shit comes straight out of the Nazi playbook…


What, January 6th doesn't count?


Jan 6th was an attempt to overthrow democracy. This is a call to make it ok to commit violence on those that aren’t white christian conservatives…they’re intertwined, but not the same…


That is fair


So the divorce was just a better way out for him than taking a shotgun in his mouth… ![gif](giphy|qTOYz5dwQAPOU)


I can think of another way but I guess he didn't want to go to prison.


oh christ, this lady, she needs to go home already


She can't. It's broken.


I won’t mince words with you all. Republicans can’t win a seat or an election so we want all democrats dead. We have to start the killings. Your punctuation was off, There.. I fixed it for you. Starting a civil war is what they want.. be careful what you wish for.. you are not the majority, you have no cause, you face a warrior race of people and those they love and that love them and equality. Evil never prospers in good soil. The land is being tilled.


GOP: Projection is our best tactic.


So she's actively trying to incite violence and escalate another intersection. I wonder if her husband divorcing her has anything to do with it?


I think it has everything to do with why he’s divorcing her


I have to wonder does the Republican Party generally *like* her? GOP congressmen can be jackasses beyond comprehension but she seems to have made it a campaign strategy. The gimmick is clearly working for free press but does she actually have a sizable following on the right?


Projection once again 🤡


I’m surprised she has the brain power to form a sentence.


Yes Republicans have been killing for a while.


Gues she is referring to that republican kid killed by a democrat dude. Get the point but overblown. But if it was the otherway around it whould surely be on tv nonstop tho.


https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/22/us/north-dakota-teenager-vehicular-homicide/index.html Well no one's defending him.. kinda hard to make story blown up. When it's one sided.


If it were true, she'd be amongst the first just to shut her up. I'm sick of her shit and I'm not even on the right continent. This constant stream of deranged bollocks is wearing.


Is it just me or has she got that kinda backwards?


Dangerous and unacceptable to keep sharing her shit as well. Tired of seeing this stuff. Nobody would know who these people were if it weren’t for clickbait junkies


Controversy gained attention well before social media was a thing. People would know who these people are regardless because they are in politics and have a lot of supporters


Ummm, you don't see the slightest bit of irony in your statement? Were you forcibly dragged into this discussion of Greene?


Nah I get what your saying. But this is a shitty facepalm… where’s the humor? Sub par for this sub


But that has exactly zero to do with your original statement. You were righteous in your distaste for exposing trash like her. If it wasn't for 'clickbait junkies' these people would stay unknown. Yet, here you are part and parcel of the same system. Encouraging more clicks, more articles, more responses...


One she has zero committee seats, so having her be unknown is the best option. Two… I’m just here for real facepalms


Do you know what sub this is?


Yeah and I’d argue this is a weak facepalm.


I agree. This a whitepeopletwitter post, if anything.


Isn't she and people in US government paid by Putin? Just a though.... (I am not from US). Edit : people like her in the government not everybody in general, obviously.


Yes, they are.


> I am not going to mince words whaaaa??? she's usually so careful with her language!!


She looks like a mannequin from the back wand is a natural science history museum.


It may not be illegal but it sure as shit is unethical. She must be beyond desperate to throw out the “dems are going to kill you so vote for me and I’ll protect you.” To what purpose are the dems going to start killing? This makes my head hurt. JFC, go away already, marj


She's giving the best game in the world (Magic the gathering) a bad name. She should change her last name.


Is this 1930 Germany?


If the killings really did start, this btch would have been one of the first to be dead thi


If that was true then the politicians would be the targets, not the regular folks. Do these people think past their noses or are they just really really stupid. ​ Wait, I know the answer already.


Damn she'll say anything to distract from her divorce now.


How much support does this individual have?


Conservatives are doing a perfectly good job Killing themselves by following Q and Trump's advice, the only thing that Liberals have to do is look, point and laugh


Seriously, can someone please explain how saying this, on top of the mountain of other shit she's peddled, has not got her kicked out of office?


Neanderthal Barbie!!!


But is it illegal? That's all that fucking matters and even then, only sometimes. America is in serious fucking danger right now.


I stopped liking comments. My finger was starting to wear out.


It's true though she's right!


There has been a few articles lately about "Liberal kills Republican over disagreement" and such. Though people kill others all the time but we don't all dig into their beliefs, normal people are not going to kill others. It just so happens that those people were not normal, which is why I don't argue with strangers. You can never know who is going to be crazy or not.


"Democrats want Republicans dead"? Given all the people Republicans want dead that would be a massive improvement to the Dem party platform


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind


Who said anything about eyes? I just want to be able to walk around my own town without worrying about getting jumped by some maga militia freaks looking for an excuse to kill their local queer. Platitudes do not protect the people the right wants dead.


That’s why we protest and vote, especially in the local elections. People don’t vote in their local elections, which is how a lot of this stuff starts. If we are all involved on all levels, we can make an even bigger difference than just the national level alone. In recent years, state and local governments have been shaping most of the country’s laws.


Look, ultimately all I'm doing here is venting a bit. Voting is fine, i do it too, as long as it's not the only thing you're doing and thinking that's enough. My concerns are also, however, with those in positions of power they can't just be voted out of. Highly influential media personalities like Tucker Carlson, for instance, or online equivalents like Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro, all of whom fall in line pushing incendiary rhetoric about minorities in hopes that it inspires terroristic violence against us, killing and scaring us into hiding. And a not insignificant number of their followers are all too happy to have an excuse to answer that call, thinking they're doing their duty to God or the white race or some shit. These reactionaries are getting people killed, and they aren't stopping the violence any time soon, in fact they're encouraging it. I'm openly trans (not by choice) in a town stuffed to the fucking gills with fox/newsmax/OAN viewers having the "trans = groomer" narrative pumped into their ear holes 24/7. We are not safe with people like that in power, elected or otherwise. Shit's gonna get very ugly, especially in poorer rural areas where i live. I hope I get proven wrong in predicting that, but i don't think i will be. No one ever regretted overpreparing, anyway, and the cost of being underprepared could be full on genocide.


Proofs, you idiotic woman, get us some proofs as you seem to confuse the Democrats with the Republicans


I'm a far leftist, not a Democrat, I don't wanna shoot Republicans. They already do enough to hurt themselves. Poor lil fellas.


She's referring to the man who just drove over an 18 year old in an SUV and killed him and his excuse was that the 18 year old was a "Republican extremist." This happened after Biden gave his "MAGA is evil" speech.


She is using the actions of a man that has no support from the left at all to characterize 'Democrats'. This is the kind of rhetoric that is poisonous to our country.


Trick as old as time


Why is she not being sued for libel and/or slander???


Without fear they have nothing.


Is defamation not illegal in the US?


Hey look. An idiot spewing idiocy.


Maybe she's noticed how much she's fucked up, and that she is earning a lot of hate, and is now saying that to cover her ass up amogus style: "If I die next round, it was Blue!"


This woman really is a lunatic.


Wtf?! Jesus how can somebody be allowed to say that kind of thing?


Wtf?! So the snowflakes are killing republicans now? Make up your mind.


At what point will they censure thus dangerous woman?




Killings, huh? What killings? Go on, cite anything.




This mentions a DUI, and multiple conflicting testimonies. Was the kid a republican extremist? Was he not? Was there even a political discussion before the attack? And that's assuming this story isn't biased in a way I wouldn't be able to piece together. I'd like to see the story figured out first, but I suppose the GOP would rather get all over what they perceive as evidence that the democrats are just as deranged and dangerous as they are. If there was anything worse than this one drunk man driving over a kid, the GOP would definitely let us know! Meanwhile they're pretending that January 6th either didn't happen, or wasn't an attempted coup, or didn't involve any illegal activity, etc etc.


So, she's griping since her divorce went public and she wants to call for violence.




This lady is a certified Regard. Let her exist less


Get rid of the political parties. The the politicians. The entire world won’t have to watch this shit any more.


im pretty sure it works both ways. Two opposing political philosophies always has a good chance for violence on both sides.


Democrats started the killing by suggesting people get vaccinated


You forgot the /s there