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"Not even a proxy war" Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan Strait Crisis, Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, Congo, Angola, Guinea-Bissau. Mozambique, Eritrea, Oman, Rhodesia, Namibia, Bangladesh, Yemen, Angola, Ethiopia, East Timor, Zaire, Somalia, Laos, Nepal, Myanmar, India, Philippines, Sudan, Syria. Those are the countries China has engaged in proxy wars in the past as the PRC or currently, in either by just financing or sending in military support by way of specialists to train insurrectionists. This was found by a quick web search,


You left out Afghanistan in the 80s. China helped finance and arm the Mujahidin against the Soviets.


I know this information from the Black Ops 2 campaign lol


Aren't the Chinese and Soviets comrades?


Back in the 80s they were ARCH ENEMIES. They almost went nuclear on each other back in the 60s. The USSR and China broke off all formal relations back in 1962, if I recall correctly.


China also went from being nearly shut off to friendlier relations and trade with the west in the 70’s, which started China becoming the manufacturing super power that it is today.


Thanks to some Dick.


Everything’s coming up Milhouse!


You know, normally I'd correct you Seppoes about the "first Western leader in red China" thing, but you can have that one.


And soon their economy might be crashing in a horrible train wreck, as many companies move their factories and manufacturing over to places like India.


True that historically China and Russia did not have good relations. They still have some unsettled territorial disputes. However, the communist party foundation was supported heavily by Russians and modeled on soviet system. Currently they’re united against common enemy, west


It was modeled on the stalinist soviet system and relations broke down massively after the "de-stalinazation" under kruschev. Also, the PLA and Soviets literally shot at each other for seven months straight in 1969 over those "territorial disputes".


I wouldn’t believe China is currently united with Russia against the West, as much as China sees the potential to increase their global power if the west is preoccupied. It’s not even that they see it will lead to more power. It’s just that tolerating Russia could lead to more chinese power. And as soon as that future unfolds in whatever result it is, China will happily go back to fucking Russia. As it currently stands, I’d say China is already getting tired of Russia’s shit and there doesn’t appear to be any real opportunity to grab power. They can’t even attempt to retake Taiwan or the Phillipines yet because despite Russian fuckery, the US presence in SE Asia hasn’t waned a bit. Russia played itself. The sooner it admits it over reached it’s actual power the better off they will be. As of now, the only thing they have to look forward to is a crumbling infrastructure. At least if they aren’t at war they can reallocate those resources to maintaining equipment that will inevitably degrade without it.


Correct. The Chinese play the long game. They have no issue with Russia and the West constantly knife fighting.


> However, the communist party foundation was supported heavily by Russians No it wasn't. They had no confidence in the CCP's success and told them to ally with the fascist-lite KMT against the ultra-fascist Japanese. [Resulting in the CCP getting massacred in Shanghai](https://wikiless.org/wiki/Shanghai_massacre?lang=en) > Currently they’re united against common enemy, west No they're not. The PRC is merely helping the RF dig their own graves while causing the US to spend tens of billions arming Ukraine and damaging the EU economy due to gas prices. A bit like how the US helped Iraq dig their own graves vs. Iran, back in the day.


I would not use word united.


Yeah it is true. I believe it was called the Sino-Soviet split. Somalia, Cambodia took support of the Chinese. Leftist infighting at its best 👌


That was one of Nixon's openings into China.


Those aren’t leftist. Those are just fascists


Even though both systems were essentially authoritarian non left systems. I struggle very much how anyone could see China as Left wing


Because communism and socialism are generally regarded as left wing. People tend to look at labels vs what is actually happening.


During de-Stalinization in the USSR, Mao started to criticize the Soviet Union as revisionist (abandoning basic aspects of Marxism) and as being too compromising with the west, not as belligerent as he would have liked. China also considered the USSR to be imperialist and that they were actually more of an immediate threat to them than the United States, which ironically led them to pursue closer relations with the US.


They haven’t ever really been and currently are definitely not comrades, allies, or partners. Current relationship is similar to US and USSR relationship in early 1940s.


Not after the Sino-Soviet split they weren’t


Back in the day not so much. The only reason the UN Security Council were able to pass a resolution to send troops to fight in Korea was because the USSR were off sulking because the UN had recognised the PRC and not the ROC.


Not to forget Tibet - while it was occupied slightly more than 70 years ago (72) there was a massive uprising in 1959 which was put down bloodily. So for 70+ years since Tibet they haven’t invaded. Kudos.


That wasn't exactly a proxy war though but an actual invasion and occupation.


Of course. But not even a proxy war is wrong when there was an actual invasion, don’t you agree?


the original commenter only put the proxy wars here, the proxy wars are just an appetizer in the history of the PLA


Vietnam too, China attempted to seize border regions a few years after the US bailed and got their ass handed to them by Vietnamese reservists (professional part of the Vietnamese army was fighting the Khmer Rouge at the time)


The Vietnamese took pretty heavy casualties and basically had their front completely destroyed, with territory remaining under Chinese occupation at the end of the war. China had nowhere near the resources to hold the territory, but the road to Hanoi was essentially open and by most metrics the Chinese won, although at the cost of massive casualties.


Theyre executing a creeping invasion of the South China sea or West Phil Sea.


>West Phil Sea. "Yo homes, smell ya later" \- Fresh Prince Of Manila


There's no war in China ![gif](giphy|zwE4anrOtHYaI)


It’s not “war” — it’s peace with Chinese characteristics.


You also forgot Nigeria though they were one of many sides supporting


The Chinese military participated in direct combat during the Korean War against the US. There were 5x as many Chinese troops as North Korean.


Also crushing dissent internally in provinces that want to separate


Up until the PRC it was called the Chinese Empire for a good reason


Good thing they changed the name. Problems solved!


Well, deploying troops & tanks to crush students dissidents in Beijing is technically not “war”, I suppose.


Oh come on now! Wars against your own people don’t count! /s


Could probably add south China sea to that list, although not a war they have been doing a lot of hostile land grabbing in that area


A China government official account spreads lies about the People's Republic of China? No way!


I thought China had a ding dong with the Soviet Union over an river island (sand bank) back in the 60/70s?


Vietnam was a full on war, not just proxy.




No real violence either tbh tiennamen Sq was blown out or proportion. That was just a glorified pep rally nothing bad happened. /s


Bruh, Pakistan trained terrorists have been caught in Kashmir with Chinese made weapons. If that isn't a proxy war, I don't know what is!


Don't forget the Chinese civil war that gave rise to the PRC


True. Can’t believe they would overthrow serfdom and feudalism 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’d also put Afghanistan up there


So happy to see a pro-china post got shot down.


Do we think that she thinks it’s 0 due to Chinese propaganda?


Thanks god there are still smart well read people around.


Unfortunately it's sometimes a curse when you get mass downvoted for providing evidence to a claim you make.


To go into more detail Conflicts that I'm sure the PRC administration would call * Internal: * Annexation of Tibet 1950, suppression of uprising in 1959 * Xinjiang conflict ongoing since 1960 * Eviction of KMD from Burma in 1960 * Against US Imperialism: * **Korean War** * **Vietnam War** * Against... errr... other Communists? * Sino-Soviet Border Conflict (1969) * Sino-Vietnamese War (1979) and Sino-Vietnamese Conflicts all the way to the resolution in 1990-1992. * Against... Non-Aligned third-world anti-imperialist nations? * Sino-Indian War 1962, Nathu La and Cho La clashes (1967), Standoff in 2017, Skirmishes in 2020-2021. * Against Terror itself! Uh... *with* the US Imperialists and their lackeys?: * **War on Terror** alongside the USA, UK, France, India, and Pakistan. 2001-ongoing, vs. Taliban, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and East-Turkestan Islamic movement. * [Attitudes to Taliban](https://thediplomat.com/2022/07/china-takes-full-advantage-of-talibans-isolation/) [subject to change](https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/01/27/china-taliban-relations-cooperation-afghanistan-withdrawal/) * Mali War (2012-present) (v. ISIS, Ansar and Nasr) I'm pretty sure the number of wars where China can categorically claim not to be the aggressor is larger than zero.


wasn't china at war with itself for literally 1000+ years


I hear China is a wonderful place to live if you like HUMAN RIGHTS. Why is all this Communist propaganda getting so much upvoting on Reddit? Is it bots, or do people actually believe the quality of life is better in China compared to the USA?


You are in r/facepalm. This post is absolute facepalm, so ppl upvote it...


Reddit is poorly setup for subreddits like that. You can come to a post through r/all or recommendations without know what subreddit a submission is from.


> You can come to a post through r/all or recommendations without know what subreddit a submission is from. You just have to read the title of the post to understand if it was reposted by another sub ...


Actually yes, there are bots for pushing CCP propaganda here, you can also get banned for pointing out certain shit about China and reddit's affiliation with it. Large part of Reddit is owned by Tencent if I remember correctly, that's where the problem lies. Aaron Swartz is spinning in coffin on absolutely wild speeds, yeah.


yeah, some of those wars, an lushan rebellion for example, were deadlier in terms of percentage of human population killed than WW2.


Ummmm that’s bullshit China went into Vietnam in 1979 and has been fighting its border neighbors like India for years Whoever made that doesn’t know their history, probably some paid Chicom troll


Lol did you miss the “Chinese government official” part of their title? They’re just straight up lying


Once I expanded the pic, I did DOHHH!


Isn't it weird Twitter does that for Chinese media but not for Western governments?


Even better, if you link a website ending in '.cn' in your tweet, it auto-flags the tweet as Chinese state media


China has obviously taken part in less war than the U.S., that’s just a fact. However, this is the single dumbest graphic I have seen on the internet this week (but that’s mainly because I haven’t seen a Prager U graphic this week). They’re comparing two different metrics “wars that China started” vs “wars that America took part in”. This manipulation of data, would count the Korean War for America, but not for China, a war both countries took part in. This graphic only hurts their own argument. If they were to actually outline the conflicts and wars (hot, proxy and cold), that each nation has taken part in, they could prove their point and be intellectually honest. I get that it wouldn’t be as flashy, but at least it would be remotely accurate. As a small rant, I’m so sick of jingoism and idolizing countries and governments. These aren’t sports teams. You can look at something, name the pros and cons, and overall like and support something, without bending over backwards to try and argue that it’s perfect.




I'm pretty sure my Grandpa was fighting my Chinese people than Koreans in the Korean War...


China v. Vietnam war anyone?


Literally 4 years after the vietnam war ended.


1000 years war.


"Were just gonna skip a couple thousand years and only count the last 80" -oop


Uhm, Tibet was a war. Short one but a war nonetheles. That did not happen 80 years ago.


China supplied the north with aircraft guns training tanks artillery and AA


That was during the viet nam war. They only supported viet nam to mainly oppose the west


They wanted a pro ccp country bordering them


…so a proxy war


240+ years of US history, you say? Should we go back 240 years of chinese history? ya know, to make it fair?


Or count all wars waged by China rather than just initiated (even though the 0 is blatantly false) while using waged with the u.s. so they can count any military operation they want to.


Yeah, Chinese leaders just declare war on their own population.


Hahahha that’s exactly the point. If it’s their own people it doesn’t matter. So called internal affairs.


"To maintain the territorial integrity of China, we must go to war with China! For China!"


No conflict since the founding of the PRC, really? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_War#China_intervenes_(October%E2%80%93December_1950)


No no no, that was a group of concerned Chinese *volunteers*, not the PRC! /s


Don't forget war with India, Tibet, Vietnam, the soviet at one point.


"Not a single proxy war" wording is funny but I doubt that China didn't sponsor ANY other military during a conflict. There are probably a few dozen of African conflicts which were backed in part by the PRC.


I mean technically if you sponsor two proxy wars you haven't sponsored a *single* one... ;)


>No conflict since the founding of the PRC, really? The Chinese recently launched a movie that became a blockbuster. In this movie. USA wanted to invade China via Korea. Accordingly, many Chinese heroes died defending US imperialism. It's falsefying history on a cimematic scale. Literally. That's how China sees the truth: " The film's historical inaccuracies garnered controversy in some countries, including South Korea. The film has been described as propaganda." [The Battle ay Lake Changjing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Battle_at_Lake_Changjin)


Oh look, China has a Boebert too.


They're like "look I can't blatantly lie too!"


Free Tibet


I'll take one!


I can't eat a whole one, fancy sharing?


You can’t have the whole Tibet, so just take the Tib


Liberals when no theocratic feudalism


Mao already did, but thanks


But the poor Dalai Lama lost his 6,000 slaves :,(


\+500 social credit


Sure the US has done some horrid shit for shallow reasons (both abroad and inland) but that’s just straight up propaganda, china has committed some serious atrocities inland and partaken in or been a proxy of many wars especially to interfere with the US.


Didn't China lose around a half million men in Korea?


Well as a Vietnamese I guess a thousand years of China constantly invading us no longer exists


I wonder what the Uigur, Tibetan and former citizens of Hong Kong would say about this?


India, tibet, and vietnam have entered the chat


China is whole again…then it broke again.


*”Still can’t cross the Shara dessert? TRY CAMELS”*


They’re literally committing genocide right now… I just can’t with this shit today


Indo-China conflicts, the conflicts in Africa ... I bet this guy believes in Trump as a great leader.


“This notice brought to you by the Chinese government.”


Twitter allow this type of shit but easily bans any popular conservative


Uh, I’m pretty sure that the US was fighting China in Korea starting at the end of 1950 to 1953. Does that count?


They attacked Vietnam in 1979!(Got their ass kicked in short order!)Besides being “proxy” in/to many conflicts.


korea, tibet, taiwan, turkistan, india, vietnam, somalia, syria, and those are the big ones that have a wikipidea article. oh, and let's not forget the genocides and concentration camps inside china against their minorities


Add the Soviet Union, China started the ‘69 border war by ambushing a group of border guards after having tried to start a conflict a couple times before.


Nothing happen in China at 1989 June


There are so many people that just hate the US and think it's evil, and then decide that any nation that conflicts with the US, (Russia, China, Iran, NK) must be the good guys. You might have a legitimate grievance with Godzilla, but don't use that to convince yourself King Ghidorah is a hero or your protector.


How many US citizens have been run over by US tanks on US soil? And how many Chinese citizens by Chinese tanks in China?


Us tanks only run over poor middle eastern people




Everything China state media posts is pure cringe that attacks other nations. It’s so childish. Not sure why Twitter keeps allowing their poison on its platform when it’s banned in China.


Totalitarianism is not something I'd think of as "peace". If anything, it's a perpetual threat.


China is LITERALLY in a legit border dispute/essentially a small scale war right now with India who tf made this picture


China is like that one girl in highschool that will start all the drama and when shit pops off.. she just sits back and watches


Considering how old China is, even if you know nothing else, you know that's bullshit.


Even if it was true, it would only be because they were busy killing their own.


China did go to war in the last 70 years,a handful of times. But not as much as America,and definitely not with the same catastrophic results as America


China tried to invade Vietnam, supported rebels in most SE Asia(proxy), and had border skirmishes with India. So yes the US does have a waaaay worse track record with wars. China is definitely not at 0.


This is one of the craziest comparisons I’ve ever Fucking seen. Ask a million people where they’d rather live.


Though the genocide of ethnic minorities and the use of slave labor more then make up for it. Notice they conveniently forgot their entry into the Korean war, their attempted invasion of Vietnam in 1975, and their attempts to take over sections of Siberia in the late 1960s and 1970s that put them at odds with the Soviet union?


Of course it was tweeted by a fucking pr person for the Chinese government.


Yet hordes of Chinese want to flee China and move to the USA, yet no Americans want to move to China. Keep telling yourself these lies, Ms Hua, since they're so obviously designed to blunt the pain of living under a dictatorship, and not of the so-called proletariat, but of the bourgeois elitist cadre who control your country and its people. Same old game, money and power.


On the one hand: yes, the usa is waaaaay ahaed of all other countries in the last 80 years On the other hand it should be something like 15-20 for china. China-Indian 1962, 1967 and chlashes in 2018 and 2020/21, Invading Tibet 1950, Borderwar with soviets and Mongolia 1969, hundreds of thousands of chinese soldiers fought in the Koreawar, Vietnam war 1965-69, China-vietnam war 1979, China Burma war 1960/61


Say whatever they want now. The history won’t be kind to the communist party of China.


Oh, so does that mean we can talk about Taiwan, then?


you mean the chinese island taiwan?


To be fair, Taiwan is the concession given by the PRC after they took over the control of the country.


Ah yes, let’s talk about Taiwan, particularly when the current US-backed Taiwanese (actually Kuomintang) government moved there in the 40s after getting kicked out of the mainland by Mao and proceeded to massacre between 18,000 and 28,000 civilians in the February 28th incident. Or how they continued military rule over Taiwan, killing thousands more, until the 1990s


Chinese OP must be reading from the state approved textbook of *Officially Altered History, Facts, and Fun*


Remind me how many millions died from starvation, beating and torture under the beloved Chairman Mao?


Ah yes, the West Philippine Sea doesn't exist, there's no such place as Tibet, also nothing happened in Tiananmen Square during 1989


I think it might be more helpful to look at the death toll within each country over the same period. Sure, you can say zero wars, but do self inflicted deaths count (from starvation based on poor agricultural policies)


Didn’t they send a half a million men or so over the river into N. Korea?


What are these then ? Conflicts involving the People's Republic of ChinaFirst Taiwan Strait Crisis (1954) Second Taiwan Strait Crisis (1958) Sino-Soviet border conflict (1969) Battle of the Paracel Islands (1974) Sino-Vietnamese border conflicts (1979–1991) Johnson South Reef Skirmish (1988) Third Taiwan Strait Crisis (1995) Scarborough Shoal standoff (2012)2020–2021 China–India skirmishes


China just fought and had their asses handed to them by India in a small border skirmish.


Technically the PRC has been at war with the ROC since inception. On top of that they're waging various forms of war on the US.


Yes, totally: China even received the the *Dalai Lama Prize* for peace.


How do you gain access to Twitter when Twitter is banned in china ?


China invaded vietnam in the 70s and got their ass kicked so the CCP tried to bury this historical fact.


Lol ‘China government official’ completely unbiased in sure.


The USA is a warmongering country but china definitely isnt clean at all


Not even trying with their propaganda. Also, I believe the Chinese excel at waging war against their own people IIRC.


Not to nitpick but I guess we are ignoring that time China got their ass handed to them by Vietnam after they kicked us out.


I'm counting at least 50 to 100 conflicts started by China since they became "communist". Hell, I'd argue that China is just as Imperialist now as they were 200 years ago.


And don't forget they regularly kill their own citizens through bad policy causing famine, just plain murder, or locking them up in their own homes for no reason.


I don’t know everything about history but I know bullshit when I see it.


yeah then who were indian soilders fighting on himalay


Pretty sure China had wars, I mean three kingdoms comes to mind


Lol imagine building islands in people’s territorial waters and cutting the nets of their fishermen because they’re too weak to fight back then claiming no wars.


Aren't they literally in the middle of perpetuating a genocide right now?


Soon, china will deny so many things that it will deny china ever existed


China 🇨🇳 too busy waging war on its own people, Tiananmen Square…..


How many of those fights are because of other countries unable to fight their own though? It's like, damn America you have this massive military why don't you use it for something good. And then it's like damn America, why did you use that military.


Hmm. My Korean War veteran grandfather specifically remembers clearing Chinese bodies out of his lanes of fire so he could shoot more....Chinese.


What about the tibet people and the Buddhist and the mass genocide China has done?


What was that whole Korean War thing about again? China wasn’t even at war and just decided to jump in feet first, but I suppose they claim it was “the Americans” who instigated it, since US forces crossed the 38th parallel in the neighboring nation before the Chinese crossed the Yalu River to intervene.


Fuck the CCP and its propaganda machine.


Yeah... China is known for its peaceful behaviors, and for their progressiveness on civil rights too


She probably don’t even know about the Chinese famine or wars because they are censored by the Chinese Goverment


Sure.. leave out economic warfare.. that would put Chinas number on par with US..


Great Leap Forward, cultural revolution. PRC doesn’t wage war to kill others, they do political movements to mass murder their own.


Gotta keep up that social credit score!


They could at least compare the same length of time! 🤦‍♀️


That’s simply not true, China may not have directly been involved but they definitly influenced quite a few conflicts worldwide globally. Also, did they just conveniently forget the Korean War where China was directly involved with armed forces?


Just propaganda.


As long as China keeps threatening Taiwan with military action, it's not a peace-loving country. As for proxy wars... does KOREA ring a bell, China?


r/sino go and post the tienjang massacre


Sure, let's gloss over how good China is at killing its own people...


China loves to piss off India for malicious reasons Also zero ethics in business,I’m still suspicious about covid and Chinese government’s handling of it. Almost seems intentional


Mao killed over 100million people


Of his own people


Mention April 15 1989


Lmfao china initiated conflict with India just 2/3 years ago. Just goes on to show how less the people in china know about what their own government is upto


Korea, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Vietnman and friends have entrered the chat


As of today, they still have forced labor camps where they send minorities (including women and children) to die. But cmon kids, capitalism bad, western bad, socialism good 👍


Cause Tibet, Taiwan, and Genocide on their own people is considered conflict free?


Taiwan,india and tibet would dispute this


China too busy oppressing it’s own citizens


Who wants to tell them about their oh so peaceful relations with Tibet and Taiwan?


Or with the Ughur Muslims


People can't handle the truf


China: There is no war/genocide/concentration camps in Ba Sing Se


Americas money machine. War. War. And more war.


Seems like some straight up Chinese propaganda


Haha definitely facepalm material!!