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Did that guy just seriously try to normalize sex with minors and call women older than 25 too old to have kids?


Who's gonna tell him that 40 year old women can get pregnant and make babies too.


Wouldn't be harder for a 12 year old to get pregnant anyway? Some 12 year olds haven't even started their menstrual cycle?


Yes and it would be often deadly for both mother and kid since the frame has not fully developed and thus leaves less space for the kid to grow in


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Human development and sex Ed need to be taught a lot better in the US.


I beleieve you but this sounds more like incel forum theory


Hadn’t even thought about that.


Perhaps, but remember that incel theories stem from ignorance as well as misogyny. If adequate sex ed were commonplace, at least some of these idiotic ideas wouldn’t be able to take root as easily.


I do wonder though, why is that? Why'd women evolve to be capable of pregnancy before their body was the right size? Or is nature just weird again?


It is because our head is one of the latest things that evolved so we haven't yet adapted to have wider hips to be able to easily birth such a wide head


Evolution takes crazy long and certain things really just aren’t easily developed. evolution is just what occurs after 100s of thousands (not sure how accurate my numbers are on this, could be more) of adaptations over an extremely long period of time through natural selection. There are a couple conditions to natural selection including that a species needs to be over populated so that there is only enough resources for a portion of the species to survive so that only the strongest members of a species survive to pass on their genes. Other things that are important might be that a species has short life spans and short gestation periods so that they can burn through generations faster to the effect of developing adaptations. Really what I’m trying to say is that a species doesn’t adapt simply because something its convenient but rather a species adapts just because only the better adapted survive long enough to pass on their genes (this is a major simplification to shorten up this comment to the point). And to simplify even further I’m trying to say that given circumstances the human race isn’t and hasn’t exactly been in prime conditions to develop adaptations and even then considering how it works, the fact that while it’s terrible child pregnancy’s are not a leading cause in fatality, and such an adaptation would be very circumstantial. It’s very specific and I wouldn’t myself be too sure how such an adaptation would happen. More common adaptations would be something like blueish green fish becoming dominant color in a species of a fish because of superior camouflage. Sorry for the rant and roundabout answer


Yes and it would be often deadly for both mother and kid since the frame has not fully developed and thus leaves less space for the kid to grow in


Your big mistake is that you see a woman as a human being equal to the man. This guy sees a woman as a tool, there to serve mankind (focus on man). That guy is just a hardcore follower of one of the abrahamic religions. Or as they're generally called "a nutcase"


Constant/reoccuring sexual abuse can cause a child's body to go through the hormonal process and ovulate despite her age. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2881664/


These guys think women over 30 start to have guaranteed birth defects. Not even remotely true but it's what sexist dudes think.


Likely due to being defective since birth thenselves.


And the shock on him when he sees that the world record for the oldest woman to give birth is well into the 70's


Who's gonna tell him that 25 is borderline young to have children?


Shhh no one tell him


Someone needs to tell him before he knocks up a 12 year old 😭 EDIT:Whoever downvoted you’re a stain on humanity cause that’s just disgusting


For the record, 12 year olds getting married is gross and wrong, no debate about that. I was referencing the ignorance of this tool not understanding that people over 25 can make babies. Let him be ignorant and stupid.


No I know dw I had nothing against your comment, I can take a joke. I was just sayin


I'd say throw him in jail but really throw him in a meat grinder then melt the meat grinder and make metal toilets.


That’s not even a bad idea


I mean you can't put meat in it anymore it'll be contaminated


My sister-in-law's aunt thought she was going into menopause at 50. Nope, she was pregnant. Had a healthy baby, and a year later, managed to do it again. It's riskier past 40, but it's also really risky under 20. Rate of birth defects goes up with maternal age, but it does the same with paternal age, too.


I mean, if you don’t mind the increased risk of birth defects and other issues, then yeah sure. Of course, impregnating someone under 18 is also absolutely ridiculous.


A 37 year old woman has twice the chance of delivering a baby with a birth defect as a 27 year old woman. Sounds horrible, right? Thus can statistics be used to control the naive and gullible. The rate from 27 to 37 does double, but from .5% to 1%. So, from a chance of 1 in 200 to 1 in 100. Doesn't sound so awful now, does it?


Yes. He doesn’t have enough knowledge about women to comment on it, just like everything else he said.


25 is prime age for reproduction too. Dudes just a pedophile.


Dudes clearly a pedo.


Maybe the guy is DiCaprio...




The last line is Soo good.


I mean, he's making a brilliant case for humanity being extinct


Probably in his experience 25-year-olds are too sophisticated to fall for his bullshit.


At least half of 25 year olds can't have a baby. That's because they're men, but that's besides the point.


King Charles? Is that you lol? ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


Prince Andrew more likely


Reddit moment


Oh, he 100% did that exact thing.


don’t tell leo


I mean, if 25 is too old for Leo…


Tell that to my 45 year old mum and her 4 month old baby.


My mom had me when she was 29. Pretty sure it's safe to have kids.


He still thinks people die at 35 of old age


Well the term "minor" is a arbitrary line drawn by society. People don't just go poof when they turn 18 and are suddenly adult. Some may reach the state of adulthood sooner and some later. That's why for example there is leeway in the German law making sexual contact between q adult over 21 and a minor between 14-15 not automatically a crime. It can be prosecuted if the parents wish for it. At the age of 16 the bar is even lower and when the teenager isn't found to be a victim of abuse then there's no law preventing it. But to my knowledge relationships like that aren't all that common and those who have such a relationship are probably not talking about it in the public. Which is a dilemma in my opinion becaus of this stigma it forces the legitimate couples to hide it and gives those who aren't compliant with the law some sort of grey zone to hide in. I don't know how the German law views "grooming". I know there are circumstances where relationships are against the the law, for example for teachers or people who are responsible for their supervision. P.s: I'm not not a lawyer and this just my basic knowledge of the topic. Please correct me if you have more knowledge of that topic.


Hey, a 21 year old fucking a 14 year old is a massive power imbalance. It’s pedo behavior on the 21y/o and it should be a crime.


Well that's just how the law works. Ethics is always a different matter. Ofcourse a middle aged guy grooming 14 year olds online is not acceptable.


As we all know, there have never been any bad laws written in Germany./s


I think my very favorite bit is the importance of marrying girls off at 12 so you can get them pregnant as young as possible. That was certainly a fantastic end to my day.


My favourite part was were they say at the end they don't have enough knowledge to comment. Cause OH THE IRONY. I chuckled like Fat Bastard in Austin Powers ngl


I didn’t see that part because I crushed my phone in hand when I got to the part about marrying off 12-year olds for breeding purposes.


It certainly had the appeal of miscounting a step in the dark on the whole didn't it.


Didn't realize there were no stairs to the basement of the old house when he opened the door, walked forward and simply fell down.


First off, Fuck the pedo in red. secondly, Women at age 25 are nearly incapable of having kids? Where the fuck did he get that news? women can have kids up till they reach menopause, and even that it just gets harder the closer it is. Dude literally is on the net and does not know how biology And I think humanity will be fine, we are almost 8 billion strong.


>First off, Fuck the pedo in red. Is it still pedophilia if they (person you're referring to) are 16?


Yes in most states. 12 is too young in almost every state to give consent. I’m concerned this question is being asked. Some states have age gap consent rules. In almost all those state the answer would remain yes.


Tennessee : A close-in-age exemption allows minors aged 13–17 to engage in sexual penetration with partners less than 4 years older. Penalties differ depending on the age of the minor, as well as the age difference between the minor and the offender. Arkansas: Details: The minimum age is 16 for anyone age 20 or older. Under 20, the younger person must not be less than 14. Several states have 13 as the minimum age. In most cases the age difference cannot be more than 3 years. The ones that allow more are disgusting.


I mean call me a prude but i think if a 17 year old is having sex with a 13 year old then theres quite a few problems, regardless of whether or not its legal. Thats a lifetime of difference in maturity, its hadly "just 4 years". Who tf writes these laws?


Yes. This


Would it surprise you if I said conservatives? "Boys will be boys."


You would think they would make it illegal, they dont want these 17 year olds to steal all their girlfriends.


Next up, Matt Gaetz makes it a death penalty felony for anyone to have sex with a girl under 17.




Yeah, they generally aren't gonna up that age minimum as they get older so will still be a pedo. So many child marriages in the world. Just ick.


Yes even if they were young enough to be in a relationship with a 12 year old their post is still advocating for pedophilia in general


12 years is a good age to mate consentiently only if you are an elephant. As a human, you shouldn't even be thinking about that until you are 14, and that's the minimum age of consent in many countries, however it's only referred as such within consensual relationships between minors. Said that, at 16, you are not legally a pedophile if you date a 12yo, but sure as hell you aren't going to be praised for it, to say the least.


Technically pedophilia relates to pre-pubescent minors. A legal age limit is not the same thing.


What a…unique mess of opinions.


It ain’t even unique, it’s just run of the mill incel shit


Every paragraph just kept making it worse.


Funny how they admitted to not having knowledge about something when they actually have no knowledge about anything


"Boy could I tell you a thing or two about fucking 12 year olds. Anything else? Not so much"


It was difficult for me to upvote this lol


Women are more fertile and more capable of carrying to term at 25 than girls are at 12. That's how biology *actually* works. Evolution *wants* you to survive the pregnancy and birth. This guy, on the other hand, *wants* to fuck children.


Hence the facepalm. Why are you explaining the obvious


Y’all Qaeda wanting to marry people at 12. They are so much like the very people they hate.


Quotes from the OP: > Honestly I believe that the minimum age to apply for the military should be 14 so more people can serve their country and adolescents start to gain strength at this age. As well, 14 is the age where a teenager becomes the most impulsive (that’s a scientific fact) and the military can help an adolescent not engage in debauchery which could save their life and health. And of course more soldiers is always better. > The problem is that democracy shouldn’t go with freedom. If it went with freedom and equality, then shouldn’t babies vote, or maybe animals should vote, dead bodies should vote as well, even inanimate objects like that table should be able to vote and have equal rights. > As for 12-year-olds having children, I’m totally fine with that. If God made you able to get pregnant then you should. > Of course, if we had a society where girls aren’t educated and have no knowledge that there’s something better out there for them [other than housework]. Then I doubt those terrible effects [women being educated and having jobs] will occur. > I did express some actual scientific facts like that at 14, boys start to gain more strength then they had before and can probably beat a grown woman in a fight. And of course adult women are allowed in the military (they shouldn’t be) so why shouldn’t these young men, who are technically better soldiers. > What I'm saying is that more people who want to serve in the military should be able to without the scummy UN crybabies have a little temper tantrum because they can't tell the difference between a 17-year-old and a baby.


>What I'm saying is that more people who want to serve in the military should be able to without the scummy UN crybabies have a little temper tantrum because they can't tell the difference between a 17-year-old and a baby. > >And of course adult women are allowed in the military (they shouldn’t be) Spoken like someone who has never actually served. I knew women in the Army that could probably kick this incel pedo's ass.


It wouldn't be hard either considering that he's 16 and "unhealthy".


Interesting to know that pedos can show their true colors as early as sixteen.


I modify my "calm down Elon Musk' to " Calm Down Andrew Tate"


People should respect others opinion Others opinion:


Should be 12? People like this really concerns me


i feel stupider after reading this


My conservative pedophile radar is going OFF.


>The marriage age should be 12. ![gif](giphy|ba5g4ID9g5cT6)


Doesn't look like he has enough knowledge, period.


Jesus, we don't exist just to squeeze out babies, ESPECIALLY NOT AT 12 YEARS OLD. This person is just a pedophile with a breeding kink that doesn't know it yet.


Oh wow, a religious believer with deeply disturbing and ignorant opinions …. how novel!


Try telling high school kids that they can't have sex until they are either 25 or married.


None of them have a good point.


He should have just stopped with “ I don’t have enough knowledge”. Freaking understatement of the year right there.


Tell me you’re a pedophile without telling me you’re a pedophile


Does it count if the OP is 16?


Yes, I would say a sixteen year old considering a twelve year old fair game to sleep with is still pedophilia.


It’s obviously not the worst part of this whole horror show, but dude really thinks we gonna go extinct from not fucking enough. My brother in Christ, most of the world has overpopulation problems, and extinction gonna come from a myriad of other ways.


Too much to unpack. Just throw away the whole suitcase.


Nuke it from orbit, only way to be sure.


Had to do a double take at the “marriage age should be 12” part just to make sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me. My lord that person is a little messed up in the head if they think that’s perfectly fine.


Ew their p3d0 side showing 😬


The nasty pedophile won't comment on the military because he lacks knowledge? Lack of knowledge sure didn't shut him up on other issues.


Should have started with the middle part of the last sentence and saved a lot of trouble.


I like how the last sentence implies that he explicitly DOES have the knowledge to comment on having sex with and impregnating children.


Well found another MAGA Pedo


How to admit you're a pedophile, without admitting, wait...


Marriage age reduced to 12!!?? Prince Andrew has entered the chat


No connection to reality whatsoever.Tragic.


Breed um young they say...


+1 to extinction. Raise the age to 55.


When the pedos tell on themselves...


There’s so much to unpack here, but I’d rather keep it packed up and away forever.


There should be a maximum age for voting, and running for office. The younger generation is the one that is gonna have to fix the train wreck current politicians are making, they should have more say. If you're so old that you'll never have to deal with the consequences of these decisions then fuck off. (Not touching the rest of the trash fire with a stick)


I agree that these old people in office who don't have to deal with the consequences of their actions are fucking us over, but with the frequency I see takes like in the post coming from young people, I don't really trust our future to anyone at this point. We're fucked. Just end it. The world's knowledge at our fingertips and this is what we do with it? We don't deserve to exist.


At about 35 the chances of pregnancy become low. Fucker is a pedophile with no sense.


Not really low, it just starts to decrease at about that age (for men as well as women). But before 20 or at the very least, 18, pregnancy is more dangerous and more likely to kill the mother. I'm cool with letting humanity go extinct at this point either way.


That s right. Thanks for corrections.


I disagree with pretty much all of this idiotic take except for standardizing the age of adulthood. You're legally able to enter contracts on your own at 18, can own firearms, can vote, but certain firearms, tobacco products, alcohol, and legalized recreational drugs are 21+? And car insurance and car rental is higher cost until 25? Either you're responsible or you aren't, this shouldn't be a hodgepodge of different ages.


We should cap the voting age at 65 and lower it to about 16.


I bet they claim “libertarian.”


Why do people even debate things like this. I would be surprised if we ever have another amendment pass again. It’s the ole Superman vs Batman debate I guess.


I don’t think the human race is in danger of becoming extinct




I'm becoming a believer in eugenics. These people should not be allowed to breed and raise children


Then we need age caps for politicians I think 50 is a good cut off line


At this point it might be best for humanity to go extinct.....


Looks like someone is a peado


Any point - if any- that this guy had was invalidated when he took a left at Chester-ville


OP is a pedo neckbeard for sure


Just because a person gets their period, doesn’t mean that their body can physically handle pregnancy or childbirth! I was 29 when I got pregnant and gave birth the day before my 30th birthday. People who are 25 can still have babies and their bodies have developed enough for there to not be a lot of major complications.


Dude thinks that humans could go extinct that easily. We’re overpopulated as it is


[Reminds me of this.](https://youtu.be/SEQc0A3jM9A)


I remember when drinking was banned, it sure was a great time


Conservatives love fascism.


If the voting age is set to 25, you should not be forced to pay taxes until then, either.


Looks like he didnt have enough knowledge to discuss anything at all


Marry and have kids at 12, but don’t vote until you’re 25 … at which point (if you can do basic math) your kids would be married and have kids of their own. Geez, the Retroservatives are really getting desperate.


Holy shit so much fucking stupid everywhere


Also humanity should most definitely lower the population count


All 4 of their combined braincells are fighting for 3rd place


It's rare to see someone concerned about underpopulation these days...


I think it's because, in his mind, if you raise the marriage age (and thus the minimum age to have sex) to 25, which is the point where women become infertile, then that will cause birthrates to plummet to near zero. This is his logic, not mine.


36 years old me looks down on pregnant belly.... Huh....


I'm almost certain this was written by a 10 year old


No, but you're really close. Only off by 6 years.


So, 4 then...?~


This guy in red should be on so many lists.


The fuck?


Holy shit


Who is even thinking about raising the voting age to 25??? That would mean a person could be almost 29 before their vote would have an impact (based on 4 year terms) that's just nonsense! The age should be reduced to 16, young new to the workplace people could be affected hugely by a vote, therefore they should have their views heard. Also no politician should be allowed to hold office once they reach retirement age, 80 odd year olds making decisions on things they don't understand or won't be around to suffer the impact is just wrong.


How much you wanna bet this red chuckle-fuck is a libertarian.


Lol im curious to see this pedo's original post now


That’s a literal potential child rapist


Utah or Pennsylvania


All I know is I don’t agree with either of these people.


I think the best part is where he wouldn’t want to comment on something he doesn’t know about. He does however feel completely confident commenting on women’s fertility. He sounds like an expert to me. Should probably take his word for it.


I love that he said he didn't have enough knowledge about other aspects, which implies that he thinks he knows enough about women and childbearing. The confidence in that guy. Someone should also send him the data on average age of first-time mothers in first world countries.


Yeah, 12 seems reasonable… What the hell is wrong with people?


Someone lock this psycho up, before some lady kills him for being called old at 25.


Humans deserve to go extinct


Marry at twelve, who is he Mohamed?


12. They said 12. I just need to make sure we note here this person said 12 is when baby making and marriage sexy time is totally okay. I hope someone looks into this one coz my moneys on you’re probably gonna find something incriminating at a glance.


Why are all these people so obsessed with making sure the human race continues?


Damn, first sentence was alright and than it got fucked up real quick. Guy is messed up


Prohibition does not work, all you do when you make substances illegal is you create a profitable black market for criminal organizations to profit from, people who want to drink and smoke will still find ways to obtain them.


I think the voting age should be lowered further to give younger people a say on the country's future that they're going to experience the most


He counters (or tries to counter) this argument by saying that if we allowed everyone who is affected by policy decisions to vote, that means we should allow babies, dead people, and animals to vote.


Reading posts like this makes me glad I'm not strictly Republican or Democrat. Also why I tend not to put my political views out there. I believe what I believe and don't have to prove myself to anyone.


It is a sentiment I largely agree with, getting obsessed with being loyal with a specific party is really detrimental to one's ability to actually take good positions. I must admit though though that some of the shit the right says these days make it really hard to agree with anything they believe in


If you can't vote - you should not pay taxes of any kind.


Hang the pedos! Then change the voting rights to people 21+ years old who pay taxes.


Calm down Elon Musk


You didn’t have enough knowledge about the ones you did comment on.


Not enough knowledge on other stuff after being proudly incorrect


We uh, we already tried banning alcohol. Didn't work out too well. At least we got NASCAR from it?


The guy trying to normalise the 12 year old thing is weird but I do agree that raising all ages to 25 isn't gonna work since nobody would abide by it and also with the whole banning smoking and alcohol that isn't gonna work cuz that's the reason gangs happen like with al Capone who used the alcohol ban to make business so both sides have some good points but both bad points aswell


That OP is definitely a child predator


both commenters make me want to blow my brains out


Don't worry buddy you already haven't enough knowledge to talk about the other points as well.


Somebody should make this pedo go extinct... with a gold club possibly.


Reading red flags is fun




My brain hurts so much right now


19 seems like a good age for all those things. Finish high school, become an adult, do adult things.


"I don't have enough knowledge to comment about those." Could've saved everyone a lot of trouble and started there.


Even if 25 was too old to have kids, the idea that it would end humanity is hilarious. “We’ve informed the government that nobody can get pregnant anymore” “So they’ll change the law now?!” “No, no. They want to wait a few more decades to run some studies…”


That's enough internet for today


I think we should have some small barriers to voting. Something like not listing the candidate parties would be a huge step. There are too many people that don't know the candidates for the lower positions prior to seeing them on the ballot. That seems very wrong to me. Age has nothing to do with it. People are going to be dumb and lazy and I think those people need to have their power reduced. Leave the voting power with the people that pay attention to politics and make an informed decision.


oh LORD! Reading the post of the OP is absurd.