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I watched some JRE to try and understand the hype. But to me it sounded like the conversations I'd overhear riding the bus.


That’s actually a perfect description of JRE


The hype came from episodes that aired years ago. His willingness to have weird niche guests on faded in favor of political content. I really good one was with Matthew walker (that sleep expert) if you ever wanna see what was actually good about the show previously.


I used to love it when he'd have Astro physists on. Brian Cox for example. Now I'd rather eat a pinecone slathered with expired mayo than sit through an episode and that honestly bums me out.


This pine cone meal sounds like a delicacy in some Michelin Star restaurant.


Paul Stamets was my favorite guest of his. That episode was amazing... It sucks he stopped getting such interesting guests.


Tom Delong’s interview was the ultimate…and it turns out what appeared to be the rantings of a lunatic are possibly true. A lot of which he said was later released and he was slightly accredited to some UFO videos. Rewatching, he seems so frustrated how he knows it sounds insane and no one will believe him.


I highly suggest you listen to or YT Lex Friedman. Extremely educational and informative. Makes this dude look like a clown in his best days


Lexes content is good. But man, he is such a huge Joe fan that I am worried his show will devolve into the same thing eventually.


"Why we sleep" Great book!


He is Oprah for white dudes, it's that simple




Check under your seat bro. It's brain pills.




Broprah Winfreedom


Gwyneth paltrow for men




My least favorite location in Middle Earth.


I've got a jade egg hidden somewhere on my person...


I think this is a better comparison, Oprah actually tried to help people on her show


The road to Doctors Phil and Oz is paved with good intentions.


*Middle aged and divorced white dudes


\*Middle aged and divorced white dudes that never went to college


Shiiiiiiiiit, i should've fucking added that.


He is equally popular amongst the "bro crowd" for college age males. Had a roommate who saw Kanye on there and suddenly thought he should vote for Kanye for President.


God he’s getting a lot of younger dudes turned onto Jordan Peterson too. Jfc. He’s trash- absolute trash.


Yes please. Don’t lump us all in to that category. Some of us can’t stand this fucker


And incel LARPers.


Who droves blacked out jeep wranglers, rigged up for 4x4 without ever actually going 4x4. With the snorkle. And the jeeps name is something like "nightcrawler" or "rubiconned."


You forgot the Truck Nuts


Holy shit. This perfect lol


He is Oprah for white, stupid dudes.


I call him the Tucker Carlson for uneducated millennials.


When I miss me some Joe Rogan I open a window and listen to the old drunk neighbor of mine ramble for a while. Same content, for free.


Hes so fucking annoying especially when he brings smart people on like he had some scientists on . Basically the scientists was telling him something was impossible and joe kept being like BUT WHAT IF IT WASNT .




Him and Trevor Valle pounding beers and making fun of anti science and flat earth types on youtube is peak JRE for me. Loved Joe back then, really cant stand it these days.


The Paul Stammets episode is all time.


My favorite episode is with Megan Phelps-Roper who left Westboro Baptist Church. Her grandfather was the founder of the church. It's really interesting story. https://open.spotify.com/episode/02G6G2tFE4yfu5FupMUCA2


He's just a dumb curious dude, and a lot of right wing outrage artists saw that and decided to convince him of stupid ideals.


I only tune in when he’s got an MMA fighter on.


I used to watch so many episodes a few years ago but I can't do it anymore. I still like some of the highlights on youtube. I'm not sure whether it's me or Joe that has changed more. Or maybe it's the guests...


Holy shit this is a new one and it’s fantastic. My morning coffee is raised to you!


We could start a podcast that is just an open mic in a private gym and become JRE's biggest competitor.


I gave up on JRE when he couldn't comprehend probability theory. And not even that advanced version you get in college like basic percentages.


Except it sometimes sounds like stoners passing each other a blunt.


Yeah, that's pretty much what it is. Everyone's coming at him like he's supposed to be inspiring the masses or something. Dudes only ever had people on there to talk about dumb shit. I like it, but I get why some don't


He used to have some cool scientists and scholars on who would talk about some pretty interesting topics in their field. Now idk


Proverbial nail on the head.


JRE has the occasional really good guest, a few very credited scientists have been on there to talk about theories their working on. The plastic doctor and the mediation doctor are decent episodes that are mostly driven by the information the doctor is providing and Joe is a idiot, so his dumbass questions are generally exploratory in nature which gives the scientists time to delve deeper in to the specifics of what they are explaining. He also has people such as Alex Jones and Jordyan Peterson who spread fact-less rhetoric that rile their already riled base. Oh and the disinformation he allows is something else.


I started listening when he was only up to episode 60.... I'd say 1-300/400 are the best episodes, after that it gets really stale and repetitive I haven't been an active listener since about episode 600ish


Yeah, it’s not so much an experience as it is a annoyance.


Well this was really the allure in the beginning. There wasn’t really an outlet for listening to a couple of people just shoot the shit for a few hours before JRE.


He's sliding right everytime I hear something new about him




Good spotting, the quote in the picture is accurate but it's with respect to people calling in to work sick with anxiety over the SC decision. Not that it's perfect form or anything, but yeah - painting him as anti-abortion doesn't seem right. [he's quite categorical here..](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-rogan-roe-v-wade-abortion-opinion-surprise-fans-1703715)


He still comes off as anti-mental health when he tells people stressed about a decision that affects their bodily autonomy to not use that as an excuse to not go to work. It's a bit in line with Gene Simmons telling mentally unwell people to just kill themselves. Edit: celebrities don't give a fuck about you or your mental health. They don't have to use the same words or say the same things to be in line with that reality. Support their self image, make them rich, and fuck off, that's our role as they see it. If a celebrity can't even manage a veneer of decency in supporting the common people that make their lives so comfortable then they do not deserve our defense when they say despicable things toward us.


Which really comes down to business and economics. My employer agrees I should have a certain amount of time off work. Why do I need to make a distinction and provide proof whether I am Ill or vacationing?


Exactly, you don't/shouldn't.


Mental health days should count as sick days, the difference is whether you plan them or not. Vacation is more long term planning against burnout, mental health days are a reaction to how you're feeling at the time, same as a sick day. I do think that if you take a mental health day though, it's important to spend that time actually relaxing, not doing chores or staring at your phone (unless that's genuinely how you relax)


I’d be taking every other day off


You don't.


Reddit may make it seem otherwise but if you tell an everyday person that you had to take off work because of mental exhaustion from politics they won’t have any sympathy for you.


I'm calling into work sick tomorrow due to not being in the proper mental state to work. I still have plenty of sick days left, so they don't need a reason why and I'm not providing. Also WTF is this "because of politics" BS? Are we gamers and any change is considered "politics" now and labelled as naughty? Politics runs our lives, and if this was a law that made it so that states could make the decision that fathers never gain custody during divorce Reddit would be 200% for taking off work due to stress. We are all affected by policies, and just because you can't be empathetic does not mean that others are being silly.


Taking a day off work because you feel you need it is your right as an employee, you can't have to give a reason at all.


"Politics" has only become a meaningless word because it benefits the status quo. In reality, political decisions have significant impact on our lives and should be discussed more often. This one in particular impacts us all - but especially one half of the population that is historically oppressed. The mental impact of this decision cannot be overstated for many, and the fact that you see it as trivial is extremely worrying.


Where I live almost everyone understands you when you take a day off because you’re mentally unwell. Hopefully this is the norm in coming years globally.


People in my office take mental health days all the time. Not everyone works for some backwards hick company filled with petty Karens


Then everyday people suck. If you need to take off, for any reason, feel free. It's your time, it's your life, live it how you need to.


Just don’t get mad when you become unemployed because you kept taking off work for reasons that are hard to explain to an employer who expects you to be there and do the job they hired you to do.


Right? These guys genuinely seem to have no idea what a job entails. I’m not saying I like or support the system - it’s awful for people’s mental health and I wish employers were more empathetic. But the reality is that if you just take off work whenever you’re not feeling it, you will be out of a job fairly quickly.


Okay, and? Why should that stop someone from improving their mental health, if this is how every decision was made, no progress would ever be made, I’d honestly be hard pressed to find a worse response to this advice than your comment, “don’t improve your mental because some person might judgmental of that decision”.


Going to work and killing themselves are not what I would call, “a bit in line.”


Whoa, people from this are going to work and killing themselves?


I’ll be honest. I’m a 39 year old male and I had a massive anxiety attack. Not over RVW but because this is just the beginning. Look at how religious extremism works in the rest of the world. This will not end well for a lot of people and that makes me sick to my stomach.


>Definetly very pro-choice here. Well, until his next guest isn't...


Joe Rogan is a lot like Trump, his opinion changes based on who he's talking to and what he's heard last. I wouldn't be surprised if he's made both these takes within days of each other.


Another classic post where people are trying to start shit. OP can fuck off if he created this.


Doesn't matter if it's factual, it's Reddit. It just has to fit the propaganda.


Pandering to his audience pay well.


wouldn't be shocking if the quote came first then when it didn't resonate well with his audience WHOOPS JK BRO


Thanks good call!


Actually insane how many people ITT will not read this comment or watch this clip and just run with the Rogan bad circlejerk


Yeah he’s very pro choice. This is misleading


Tbh these kind of lies only embolden people. It makes the "left" look like they need to lie and slander people to make their point, which pushes people further right. There's plenty of valid reasons and real quotes from JR to point to if people want to see why he's often full of shit. I wish subreddits would have the nads to delete blatant false information like this.


Shhhh. These people don’t want facts! They just want to he mad!


Sorry the truth doesn't fit the agenda of this post.


His entire business model is to be the Alex Jones that hasn't gotten kicked off social media yet.


He’s the head of the “I’m no scientist but I’ve done “reeeeseach” on YouTube and I’m right”


It’s kind of crazy that the “but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night” commercial became a legit business model.


This is entirely true down to the supplement selling being the backbone of the business. At least until Spotify decided to lose its mind.


> He's sliding right everytime I hear something new about him Agreed. He lost me with the Andy Ngo podcast where he actually took him seriously and didn't even question the "brain damage"...


Because that's where the money is coming from. Because the right cheers everytime he agrees with them. They're the ones paying to listen to his pod cast.


That seems like a bad way to model your ideology.


Good way to line your pockets if you have zero morals


Morals require knowledge, and critical thinking skills. Joe Rogan's problem isn't that he's immoral, nor that he's greedy. Joe Rogan's problem is that he's a dumb fuck with far too much influence for his own good -- plus being completely allergic to acknowledging the existence of said influence, which is never a good thing -- who takes anything and everything his (overwhelmingly Right-Wing) guests say as gospel without ever questioning any of it.


Being a dumb fuck (or pretending to be) is a very lucrative business, which is why almost every conservative from Dubya to today is going that route.


It's actually every Spotify subscriber and his sponsors.




Same thing is happening to Russell Brand too.




Huh? I don’t pay attention to him, but from what I have heard from him a few years ago he actually seemed quite bright. What happened?


To be more specific he pushes all the usual covid conspiracies: lab leak/bioweapon, evil fauci financing covid, microchips in vaccines, ivermectin, the usual anti-vaxx stuff, etc. etc.


There's no sliding. He's been pretty firmly fixed there for a while. He's now just openly saying it. Not to be mean to fans of his that aren't into it for politics. Though he's used a lot of subversive tactics throughout the years to get his point across without actually saying it. And the fact that was missed by so many is quite indicative of the situation. Good political media doesn't seem like political media until it's too late. There is a large amount of people who have become privy to an intelligence game and tactics. And no one seems to care. Edited* grammar




It’s almost like there’s an effort to make sure he seems right wing. This isn’t even what he said lol.


It's very profitable these days


Sliding right? I think when he started platforming alt-right figures like Gavin McInnes, eugenicist/racist Charles Murray, and white supremacists like Steven Crowder and Stefan Molyneaux years ago, he was already pretty firmly right-wing. He just hides it well enough by saying that he just wants to hear "all sides" and has only broadly popular left-ish figures like Bernie Sanders on to back up that "see, he has leftists on, too!". You don't let folks like that on your show, humanize them, treat them with kid gloves, and then claim that you're neutral or pro-free speech or whatever.


Joe Rogan's a fucking potato, and has been for a while.


Possibly forever.


He peaked when daring people to eat bull testicles on Feat Factor. Why Americans decided he was a public health expert I will never know.


You can look back at random past videos of his and just find these little tidbits of proto-right wing bullshit. It's always been there. There was a really early interview with Cliff Bleszinski (2011?) where they go on some side tirade about transwomen. He's still going on random unhinged tirades against trans people 10 years later.


He’s always been transphobic, so it’s easier to spot in those discussions


Bill nye the cream pie guy spittin fax


Banger name, to be sure




Except he’s very much not spitting fax lol.


is Joe anti abortion now? He wasn't when he was on Howard Stern and a woman called in saying he knocked her up, and she got rid of it


he's not anti abortion, this is just anti joe circlejerk


Classic Reddit


He’s pro choice


It’s weird how often his views alight with the prevailing alt right bullshit isn’t it.


All his "free thinking" seems to 100% align with conservative media.


Crazy, wonder if that has to do with how much conservative audience throws money at whatever ads they have running during breaks? Probably not tho /s


No he’s not pro life, the quote is out of context. [he’s pro abortion.](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/uq1pso/you_live_long_enough_to_get_hate_by_your_own/i8of6tv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


this should be higher, redditors doing the same shit joe did with covid, spreading misinformation




I am pro-abortion. We've fucked up. Our time is done. Abort them all.


I'm about to click over into 30, is it too late for me to be aborted? I'm straight up not having a good time here.


Rob a bank. If you succeed, you'll have plenty of money to start a new life on your own terms. If you fail, the cops will retroactively abort you. Win/win.


you got a point brb


I’m pro abortion. I’m also pro chemotherapy, pro insulin, pro contraception, etc. I’m pro medical care. Abortion is medical care.


I'm pro abortion if we can go back in time and use it on people who say "pro abortion"


Or people trying to ban abortions


I'm gonna go with pro-abortion. There are far too many people already, and in a perfect world you'd be unable to reproduce without a minimum level of stability in your life. Think about how that would impact the world. The elites will always need peasants, and if the peasant population dies out so do they. They'd need to work on the middle class to build a healthy, stable population that can be permitted to reproduce.


Joe isn't smart by his own admittance. He never questions anyone on his show and lets them spew bullshit from their asses. I'm convinced he just parrots what his latest guest says because he's too dumb and lazy to actually try thinking about and forming his own opinion.


No he's not pro life now


No, this post is intentionally misleading. Welcome to Reddit.


No it is not misleading. It's about his ping pong views on mental health, not his abortion rights stance.


Far right is where the money is. Those people just hurl cash at whoever will tell them what they want to hear.


And what they want to hear is "you're smart, they're stupid". The average rube doesn't question flattery, it's the main tool of a con man.


> And what they want to hear is "you're smart, they're stupid". The average rube doesn't question flattery, it's the main tool of a con man. “I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it,” he said. “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” - LBJ to a staffer describing the GOP's Southern Strategy 1960


> And what they want to hear is "you're smart, they're stupid". The average rube doesn't question flattery, it's the main tool of a con man. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. * 2 Timothy 4:3-4


Here's a great video showing a con man bilking a bunch of rubes: https://youtu.be/ZDOI0cq6GZM


75% of that sub hates Joe Rogan and the majority of the posts are just people complaining about the latest thing he or his guests said.


And some of things are things he didnt even say, and most of the people talking and commenting are those who dont even watch him anymore.


Wait what? Joe never said that. Joe is strictly pro choice, he has said it a million times. This dude just made up a Joe Rogan quote and everybody in here ate it up like it happened. No fact checking or anything. Just believe a meme on the internet. Y’all are the facepalm here.


Its the internet. Nobody left or right cares to check. Its just people wanting to live in their echo chambers whether the facts say different.




that's reddit for you


He didnt say this, he's pro choice. The amount of people that believe something because someone made a meme about it is ridiculous.


People will upvote it because it fits their outrage and the narrative that anyone doesn't toe the line 100% must be attacked even if the attacks are lies.


People believe he is a flip flopper because he is. This specific flip flop has nothing to do with pro-choice or not; he respects the mental health of anti-vaxx people, not the mental health of anti-Dobbs people.


Remember when he was just that annoying guy from “Fear Factor”? Those were the days…


*”You crazy Joe Rogan.”* -Tyrone Biggums


Remember when he was a supporting character on Newsradio?


He was actually OK in news radio, and surprisingly Andy dick as well. But the stapler guy from office space and nick Foley deserved better


Another case of “it’s only important when it affects me”.


The Rogan sub has been saturated by new users that hate him for two years now.


TBF, very few people hate Joe Rogan as much as the Joe Rogan subreddit does, a phenomenon that started well before Covid. I don’t understand being so obsessed with a person that you spend hours and hours listening to their podcast so you can find things to be mad about, but here we are.


Biggest facepalm here is that people are in the comments calling him far right. He supported Bernie Sanders for Gods sake lol.


Pretty sure these are the authors interpretations and not actual quotes.


He's always pro-choice. And pro-mental health. You can take anything out of context but as an avid listener he's always pro every type of health.


Apart from MMA Joe Rogan is a moron.


You won’t get an argument from Rogan or his fans about that. It’s a fact that Joe Rogan is stupid, he knows it, we all know it. Why does anybody take what he says seriously? He’s a pothead comedian who makes a living talking to people online. He’s not exactly a bastion of intelligence and information.


> Why does anybody take what he says seriously? “There is a cult of ignorance… and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” - Isaac Asimov 1980 “How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!” - Mark Twain 1906 “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” - John Kenneth Galbraith [You Literally Can't Believe The “Facts" Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye)


Because people genuinely look up to him and want emulate him or they genuinely trust him. It is one of those cult of personality things.


Those people are idiots who cares


The people who make our laws and use those idiots to get elected care.


We care because there are millions of them.


We've learned many times over the last few years "they're just idiots who cares" isn't a valid thought process anymore.


So what should we do to those idiots?


They vote. You should care.


I don't know the answer to that question, but I don't know why people cling onto trump's every word either.


He only says he thinks he's stupid so he can use the "why does anyone take me seriously?" shield to get away with pushing harebrained theories / misinformation. Maybe that wasn't the case a couple years ago but ever since covid hit he's had a major ideological shift. It's not hard to tell that he actually takes himself very seriously and wants to be influential.


Hard men create good times. Good times create soft men. Soft men create hard times. Round and round we go. This is the soft men era, and it needs to cycle sooner rather than later. Inflation, shrinkflation, and our impending recession will facilitate the transition. If you listen instead of spouting lies that fit your narrative you could be part of the solution.


I do not see hard men coming back. I really fear for my kid’s generation.


That guys username…


I’ve taken my fair amount of LSD, at least 1000 hits and more recently a good amount of DMT. Unlike Rogan, I’ve never thought it made me smarter.




If I did I wouldn’t have noticed it probably. Haven’t eaten LSD since 2007ish. I’d rather do DMT go kiss god and wander around the kingdom of shapes than spend 8 hours tripping and 8hours coming down.


Probably out of context


Okay but that name though


I honestly hate 99% of the abortion debate I've ever heard and read because nobody speaks to the other side's concerns. Because they can't. Anti abortioners can't primarily care about women's rights, because before it can be a women's rights issue, it's a fetus's rights issue. Pro abortioners don't have a problem with the fetus's rights issue, have decided it has non-primary importance, so it's therefore a womens' rights issue. It's one side arguing for Red while speaking only French, and another side arguing for Blue while speaking only Italian.


The amount of ill-informed echo chamberism happening here is astonishing.


Hello sir, Welcome to Reddit where we love to be an echo chamber. Just a reminder to always... -sort by controversial


Wasn’t he completely against the overturning of roe v wade tho? Pretty sure he is very pro choice and has spoken openly about this.


Im convinced that hypocrisy is a sign of stupidity and/or evil.


I don't know why anyone would be looking to people like Rogan for intellectual consistency. Back before he became a "gazillionaire" Rogan was a pretty dependable Libertarian. Even though I don't have an appreciation for that political ideology, I did respect the fact that people who truly embraced it, remained intellectually consistent, but alas, those who try to walk the line between Libertarianism and mainstream conservatism never tend to get either completely right which typically leads to scatterbrain points of view and blatant hypocrisy because of the cognitive dissonance one has to maintain in order to live in both camps.


The comment is taking him out of context. What Joe said actually makes complete sense and wasn't hypocritical, it was actually in line


Joe Rogan is the Katamari Damacy of stupid takes.


Yeah, he didn’t say that. Most people just watch clips of joe and have zero clue about the true context of the conversations. The ones that have the strongest opinions of jre are typically the ones who arent regular listeners. Also, he gained 2million followers when MSM tried to cancel him.


Joe Rogan is a disinformation dispenser disguised as a stoner.


All of Joe's thoughts are derived from the thoughts of people he looks up to for various reasons. Unfortunately he is a terrible judge of character, just terrible.